Chapter nine

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Mary was dead the next morning, but Peter didn't understand what that meant until he was much older. To him, it looked like she was just sleeping, however after Richard realized she was dead, he knew he had to something. He wanted to mourn for her, even though she didn't love him like he loved her. But he couldn't do that if he had to look after her little brat, and now way was he going to let Tony have the kid.

This entire thing was his fault anyway, so he would take his stepson to his brother. He packed all of Peter's belongings into a suitcase, and told Peter to get inside the car.
"I don't want to, " he protested.
"Get in the car boy! And don't ask any questions!" Richard yelled. Peter obeyed and stayed silent the entire car ride. When they reached the apartment, Peter asked why they were here.
"Why are we here?"
"I told you not to ask questions!" Richard scolded.

"You're a meanie, " Peter responded. "I don't want you Daddy, I want Mommy, " he continued.
"Shut up you runt!" Richard yelled as he got out of the car. He opened the trunk and pulled out the suitcase, as well as a bag full of Peter's toys. He got the three year old out of his booster seat, and stay close until they got inside. Peter obeyed but wasn't happy about this at all, why was he here? Where was his mommy? She never slept this long. He didn't get the chance to ask because Richard took him inside and down a hallway with a bunch of doors.

He stopped at one and knocked on the door, footsteps were heard a woman with long brown hair and eyes opened the door.
"Richard what are you doing here?" She asked surprised he was here, since he never came to see them.
"May, my wife is dead, and I need to ask something of you, " he responded. She wasn't going to answer him but then she spotted the young Peter. She had only seen pictures of her nephew, and he looked just like his mother. Save for his eyes, but she had a feeling Richard already knew who Peter's real father was.

"Give me a moment alone with my nephew," May said taking Peter inside and closing the door in Richard's face. "Peter its okay you don't have to be scared, I'm your Aunt May, " she said to him.
"I know you, mommy talked about you, she said you're nice, " Peter responded. He didn't know what was going on, but he liked his Auntie May. She was so much nicer to him, than his daddy was. "Why was mommy sleeping?" Peter asked. May didn't know how to explain it, so she just told him that his mother went to heaven. "Why did she have to go there?" Peter asked getting upset.
"Oh sweetie I am so sorry but I don't know why," May answered. Peter cried into her shoulder until he feel asleep.

May placed him in the guest room so he could nap, then went back to the door. Her brother in law had left, May was furious. How could he just leave a child? She noticed a note when she picked up the suitcase and bag Richard had left.
I won't take care of a child that is not mine, so I'm leaving him with you.
"Selfish bastard, " May said crumbling up the note and throwing it out. She brought everything inside and called her husband Ben, to explain the situation. He was just as pissed as she was, if not more. She also called to schedule an appointment with a lawyer, so she could legal custody of Peter.

She thought about telling Tony, but she wasn't sure how he would react. So she made the choice not to tell him, she had never been too found of the man anyway. He was a self centered, rich play boy. Maybe in the future if he showed her that he cared about anyone besides himself, she would allow Tony to see Peter. But for now Peter was her responsibility.

The second Tony had found out what happened, not only to Mary but to his son, he was pissed. No actually pissed was an understatement, he was beyond that and ready to strangle that son of a bitch until he told him where Peter was. Unfortunately he didn't that chance because when he found Richard Parker, he had drank himself to death. Tony felt no sorrow for him, the guy had gotten what he deserved. However he was the only who knew where Peter was, so how was he supposed to find him?

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