Chapter 7: A friend like you

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3rd P.O.V.

MJ never felt worried like this before, for almost half a week she hadn't seen Peter in school. After school MJ practically ran out the door, right she was on her way to see Peter. She went up to his apartment and saw him watching tv depressed.

"do you know how worried I am." MJ said, turning off the tv.

"I was watching that." Peter said dryly.

"What a romantic comedy, Peter, you hate watching those. You said there nothing but cheesy crap about people doing dumb shit for love." MJ said, MJ looked at Peter seeing him like this is making her face soften. "Peter what happened at the tower?" she asked.

"..." Peter was silent

"Please, Peter, tell me."


"Please Peter I want to help you, but I can't unless you tell me." MJ said desperately.

"..Lie" Peter mumbled

"What?" she asked, confused.

"It was a FUCKING LIE." Peter suddenly shouted, Making MJ jump. " EVERYTHING STARK SAID WAS A LIE!!!"

"what was?"

"The fucking case MJ, He lied about the case."

"What but he promised." MJ said.

"It was a goddamn lie, he only said that to make me help him. Bring his boytoy and his whole fucking gang in. He use my desperate need to have my mother back into my life for his own fucking needs."

"Fucking asshole, did flash knew about this?" MJ asked not to believe that Stark would go this far.

"I don't give a fuck, if he did. MJ why is it when I trust someone it always comes back and bite me in the ass.'' Peter was on the verge of crying.

"Peter not true." MJ said, trying to cheer him up.

"MJ, I trusted Ned and he told the entire class that I'm transgender, I trusted Spiderman and he got my uncle shot, then my mother lose custody of me. I trusted Stark to help my mother rejoin my life but that turned out to be a mistake." Peter ranted. "What is my life is a big joke to people. Hey let all tells Peter's secret to the whole and see how he reaction, Hey let all make fun of him for losing his uncle, Hey everyone let keep pushing Peter hard enough to for him to put a bullet in his fucking head." Peter punched a huge hole in the wall.

"You done." Peter nodded. "Good"


MJ slaps Peter across the face. "Don't ever let me hear you say that again Parker." then give him a hug. "don't ever let me hear you that." MJ cried a little. they broke off their hug and sat down in the crouch. "Ok so Stark pulled a dick move on you, to make you agree to help but why."

"Your car guess is as good as mine, Because in honestly I don't think he actually needs me." Peter said.

"Maybe he wants you in the team." MJ suggest

"To Put me in check." Peter added.

"Great so he's control freak." MJ commented.

"Kind of, I don't give a shit no more."

"So what are you going to do now?" MJ asked.

"I don't know MJ. I really don't."

"What about when to see Stark again?"

"Give him the ass kicking he deserves, then take his metal boot and kick him in the balls." Peter threatened.

"Jeez, Parker even felt that." MJ wince. they both laugh at that.

Timeskip after the ferry incident.

Flash felt like a failure once again, his head was not in the game it was mostly about Tony and Peter.

"Previously on Flash Screws the Pooch: I tell you to stay away from this. Instead, you hacked a multimillion-dollar suit so you could sneak around behind my back doing the one thing I told you not to do." Tony said behind. Flash felt a little annoyed with him.

"Is everyone okay?" Flash asked.

"No thanks to you." Tony stated.

"No thanks to me? Bullshit, Those weapons were out there, and I tried to tell you about it. But you didn't listen. None of this would've happened if you had just listened to me. Hell Parker even listens and he wants nothing to do with me after what happens at the tower. do you even care, If so you'd actually be here." Flash ranted.

"I did listen, kid. Who do you think called the FBI, huh? Do you know that I was the only one who believed in you? Everyone else said I was crazy to recruit a 14-year-old kid." Tony said as he came out of the suit.

"Oh now you show and I'm fifteen you asshole." Flash snarled.

"No, this is where you zip it, all right? The adult is talking. What if somebody had died tonight? Different story, right? 'Cause that's on you. And if you died, I feel like that's on me. I don't need that on my conscience." Tony said.

"Then you should have never Recruited two fifteen years old kids." Flash said, No wonder Parker hates the Avengers so much.

" Okay, it's not working out. I'm gonna need the suit back." Tony said, trying to end this. Flash gave him a look then walked over behind the stairwell to get his backpack. "What are you doing?" he asked in an annoyed tone.

"To get my backpack it has my clothes in it, what do you want me to run away in the street in my underwear shouting 'I work for tony stark' huh is that what you want." Flash replied in the same tone.

"Ok, ok, ok I get it, jeez kid what your problem?"

"My problem is that you're a liar, Happy told us you were doing shit for Parker's mom. You trick a Kid desperate just to see his mom again, just to be your soldier to fight Cap. what the hell is matter with you, do you want to take Cap down so bad that you stoop this low." Flash said. "To prove to the world that he is not all they hope to be, he is a liar and a fake who has a big ego and a selfish need. Well guess what you prove them right but he is not the only one." Flash sneered as he shoved the suit back to tony then left.

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