Chapter 6: Never trust an asshole

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3rd P.O.V.


"mmmmhh, God, you so hot." some dude said while grunting.

"You really need to stop talking Alex." Peter said while moaning. Peter is currently bouncing on a guy named Alex's cock in the men bathroom at a restaurant. "Cause it really, a turn off hearing you talk while we do this."

"Sorry Pete, you really do have a nice ass." Alex kissing Peter's neck making him moan some more. "oh god."

"Yeah, Yeah, I get it I have a nice bubble ass. That you love to see it bounce." Peter said as he kept riding. Peter and Alex are what you call friends with benefits. But really are good friends, Alex helps Peter whenever he is teased in School.

"Aaaahhh pete I'm close." Alex said. Peter sped up feeling it coming. "Peter I'm Cumming." Both Peter and Alex went faster than Alex came inside Peter. Peter feels the warmed semen in his stomach feeling completely relaxed

End of lemon

"Wooo, goddamn, Thank Alex I needed this." Peter said as he got up then pulled his pants up as well.


"Yeah, For two months I haven't heard from that smug asshole." Peter snarked.

"maybe he has shit to do."

"Like what, if so wouldn't it better if he told me." Peter has messaged him for two months and still nothing.

"Wow waiting for the next mission?" Alex asked.

"Fuck no, I'm waiting to the custody for my mom." Peter said. "He said give him a month and guess what it's been two months since I last heard of him."

"Damn, well if Stark can't help there are more ways to help your mom get custody." Alex said, trying to cheer him up.

"Thank man, well I got to head to class." Peter picked up his backpack.

"Wait, we did this during school today?" Alex asked disbelief.

"Yeah and?"

"Are you worrying about being late."

"Nah, the teacher got sick and class ended early, And I have a free period." Peter said carelessly. "Tell you what if you stop bitching now, you can eat my ass out next time."

"You make it sound like I have an ass fetish." Alex said in mock outrage. Peter gave him a look and smacked his ass Teasley at him. "fuck you Parker."

"We already did, maybe next time." Peter said as he left.

Time skip.

Peter Sat in chemistry class bored, He wasn't really focusing on the Teacher he more focused on finding his mom.

"Hey Parker, quit your daydreaming, and help me out." Michelle Jones known as MJ said.

"Yeah sure Jones." Peter helped her mixed in some chemicals.

"So, what up with you?" MJ asked.

"Trusted a bastard on helping him, and felt like I got shit in return." Peter answered while carefully pouring the second batch of chemicals.

"Does it rhyme with Rony park?"

"Yep, help him with his break up with Cap."

"So you're an Avenger?" she smirked.

"Hell no, do you see me wearing spandex?" he asked in disgust.

"Yeah you wore your mom's Jewel costume once." She said smiling at the memory when Peter put on his Mom's old superhero costume.

"Yeah you just had to bring that up." Peter blushed red in embarrassment.

"Why you were adorable." MJ teased.

"Here I am thinking that we're Friends." Peter said playfully. MJ bumped him playfully, class was over and the two went to their locker. Peter was going to ask her to come over to his house to study.

"Penis you heard from Mr. Stark yet?" Flash asked with Ned there, looking unconformable.

"No I haven't heard from your boyfriend." Peter Snarked.

"Aw man, I've been calling him for like two months non stop." Flash whines ignoring Peter's comment.

"Wait what, you been calling them non stop for two whole months?" Peter asked disbelief. MJ looked disbelief as well. "No wonder they didn't answer me."

"Hey, my shot at the Avengers is more important than whatever your planning." Flash said uncaring.

"Listen asshole, you're gonna get your keys and drive me to Stark tower." Peter demanded.

"Or what?" Flash asked cockily.

"Or pull a Hancock."

"And what's that?" he asked, sneering. Peter walks closely then gives him a very dark look.

"It where I take your head and shove up Stark's ass then take his head and shove up happy's ass for pissing me off. ''Peter threatened. Flash pale then agrees immediately.

At Stark tower

Peter and Flash enter the building, both anxious and pissed. Flash is anxious about being in the building for the first time. Peter pissed that he was ignored for two whole months because Flash was being a spoiled little shit.

"Hey, what are you two doing here?" Happy asked to see the two boys.

"Hey happ, how is it going?" Flash asked casually

"Flash if you to keep that head where it is right now, you better shut the fuck up." Peter snarled. Flash paled then shut up.

"What is going on here?" Pepper Potts The CEO of S.I. walked in.

"Nothing wrong, Ms. Potts, These boys were just leaving." Happy said to them with a stern glance. flash grab peter's arm and tried to get him out but peter yanked his arm away.

"I ain't leaving until I get answers." Peter said, determined. "Where Stark?"

"Mr. Stark is busy, he has no time to give you guys any missions. "Happy said.

"Who the fuck says I want a mission, I want information for my Mom's case." Peter said angrily

"Mr. Stark working on it okay." Happy said. Peter was going to leave satisfied until he noticed Pepper looking confused, Happy looking nervous. That when Peter knew the real story.

"That is not true is it?" Peter asked emotionless

"That's classified."

"Don't bullshit me Hogan, was Stark even working on the case?" Peter sneered.

"I can't answer that, Plus I don't answer to you." Happy replied.

"But you answer me now and answer the question." Pepper Said crossing her arms. Happy looked around for an escape but he knew the consequences if he leave.

"No, he was never going to." Happy signing, finally telling the truth.

"Then what were all the shits he spoke the last two months?" he snarled.

"It was a lie to get you to agree, Tony wanted an edge and he found it with your Mom." Happy confess.

"I knew it was too good to be truth." Peter chuckled humorlessly. "I hope and hope and hope and hope, and I got nothing but Bullshit sprouted at my face." Tears came out his eyes. "I thought that this was the moment I finally got to be with my Mom. That we finally get to be a family and the dark, grueling past behind us. But deep down inside I knew it was too good to be FUCKING TRUTH, SO SCREW YOU AND HIM. DON'T LET THAT BASTARD COME NEAR ME, MY APARTMENT OR MY FAMILY EVER AGAIN. I'M DONE WITH THIS SHIT." Peter stormed out of the tower pissed off that he was lied to. Flash followed by feeling completely bad for peter.

"Hey parker." Flash started.

"No, you know what I don't want to hear shit from you, you are the very last person I want to hear from you. Why do you keep ruining shit from me huh. Why can't you leave me alone." Peter said as he walked away from a very guilty Flash.

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