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So small changes from canon folks. None of the rulers are crap rulers and want the best for their people. So Kaido's men aren't killing the common folk of Wano, but the shogun is still a bastard that holds some reign in the Beast Pirates due to his position. Enjoy.

Izuku POV:

Seven months had passed in a blink of an eye with today being the day that the meeting for the arranged marriages were to happen. The people of the kingdom as well as the guards were informed of what was to happen to avoid any unease to sprout. With this, both me and Shyarly were asked to work as diplomats for our kingdom since all of this is about our involvement with the political works. Before this though, I wanted to speak with my sister and forewarn her about what was to come.

"WAAA! I'M SORRY I CAN'T HELP YOU, BROTHER!" Shirahoshi began to cry with me trying to console her.

"It's ok, sis. It's not your fault you can't help. Besides, these people can be scary, so I'd rather you not get involved if you don't have to." She tried to prevent herself from crying with her eyes opening up still watering from what's happening. "I just wanted to explain to you what's happening so you don't get scared of any other people to come here. Some are scary pirates that I'd rather keep you from having to deal with."

"*sniffle* But, don't you already have Shyarly?"

"I made sure with her that this was ok. I have to as someone that loves her." Regularly with our talks amongst one another, Shirahoshi would talk about Shyarly and ask how things are with us for me to explain some pleasant stories to her. It still broke my heart knowing I had to leave my (not so)little sister in a tower, but it was the best thing that we could do, especially since five years ago Vander Decken started throwing weapons instead of just love letters. Right now, the safest spot for her is unfortunately her room with the doors shut. "I promise when all of this is done, I'll come back here and let you meet your new in laws. I'll even bring Shyarly along. She's genuinely curious how you're doing."


"Have I ever let go of a promise I make to you?" I smiled at her and held out my pinky to have Shirahoshi hold hers out. "Cross my heart. Hope to die. Stick a needle in my eye."

Saying this phrase made Shirahoshi start to cry again. "Y-you don't have to go that far, brother."

"It's a phrase. Don't worry. I won't stick a needle in my eye or anything like that." I glanced down at my watch to notice it was about time. "I gotta go. I'll be back when it's all over." I left the room and began shutting the door. While I did, I felt the presence of an axe coming to jump up and punch it, shattering it to pieces. I finished shutting the door to shout out to the direction it was coming from. "YOU WANNA MESS WITH MY SISTER, YOU MESS WITH ME VANDER DECKEN! WHY DON'T YOU FACE ME LIKE A MAN INSTEAD OF A COWARD!"

"You're in high spirits today." I turned to see Jinbei smile at me while I presented my feats.

"Is Arlong and Aladdin in the meeting hall?"

"Yes. They're waiting with Shyarly." I smiled while walking towards the meeting area. "Also, our guest from UA is here."

"Who's sent?"

"The principal. His name is Nezu. A small rodent that is able to talk from a high IQ quirk from what I am told." I was mildly surprised by this as the principal of the school wanted to meet me. "You never told me what your plan is. Any idea what you'll do?"

"I've went over it with Arlong and Shyarly since she's involved in this and Arlong wouldn't cooperate otherwise. I will say what I have you and the Sun Pirates involved in isn't dangerous. I promise you that." We continued to walk down to the hall where getting to the meeting hall with the principal coming up in front of me.

"Hello. My name is Nezu. Am I a dog. Am I a bear. Who cares, all that does matter is I'm the principle of UA university!" The small rodent started laughing at his joke to make me smile a bit. "Mr. Ryugu if I presume?"

"Yes. It is nice of you to come all the way out here to meet with us. I hope you are not uneasy having a discussion with criminals like the Vinsmoke family or two of the Pirate Emperors."

"Not at all. As long as I can assist in the positive growth of people, it is my duty as a teacher to help where I am needed." I pulled a chair out for him near the end beside Jinbei with the small rodent appreciating it. I also took note to put a few books on the seat to accommodate his size. This earned a small snicker from Shyarly as her and the rest of our guests dressed rather nicely for the occasion.

"Prince Izuku. The guests have arrived at the front gate." A guard spoke on a transponder snail for me to speak into it.

"Send them into the grand hall. Both my father and I are waiting respectively for them." The soldier did as I asked for there to be a silence for the next two minutes before the sound of footsteps were heard. Once the figures came into view, we noticed several beings that looked very abnormal walking in.

"Presenting, captain of the Beast Pirates, Kaido. Accompanied by the first daugher Yamato and Lady Ulti."

Presenting, captain of the Big Mom Pirates. Charlotte Linlin AKA, Big Mom. Accompanied by the 21st daughter, Praline Charlotte.

"Presenting the king of Germa. King Judge Vinsmoke. Accompanied by the first daughter, Reiju Vinsmoke."

"Presenting, both kings of Zou. Duke Dogstorm and Lord Cat Viper. Accompanied by Lady Carrot and Lady Wanda.

I immediately stood up at seeing the guests to bow along with everyone else but Arlong. "Honored guests. Allow me to be the first to welcome you to our island. It is an honor to have you all visit us." Father spoke with all of our guests sitting down. Most weren't exactly fond of having be in the same room as some, but let their anger be subdued for now. "Starting now, I shall allow my fourth son to speak on our kingdom's behalf as this pertains more to him than myself."

I stood up and cleared my throat to begin talking. "Thank you father. Now as I had explained on transponder snails to all of you, I have this conversation being recorded and expressed to both the people of this kingdom as well as the hero board above ground. This is to make sure there is no misinformation of what our dealings are to hold. I hope you all can understand." Each ruler nodded for me to continue. "Very well. Now to begin, I would like you all to be introduced to the man sitting closest to my father. His name is Nezu and is the principal of a university I am planning to attend this March. In this time, I will try and establish a way for my people to go above ground legally and learn amongst humans as a broadening of their horizon. Due to that, this may require some of our deals to change if at all to which I would need you all to be aware of."

"Enough with this, I just want to make a deal so I can have this island's candy for my Tea Parties! I don't want to be here any longer with this man!" Big Mom began pointing at Kaido for him to glare at her.

"You're lucky I'm even restraining myself from killing you. Last we met, I made it a personal goal that I'd end your life if I ever saw you again." The two began arguing with Duke Dogstorm and Lord Cat Viper starting things up as well.

"Can we at least do something with all this water? The smell of wet dog is disgusting."

"Says the stupid cat." Both glared at one another with the arguments making it impossible for me to get through to anyone. Things were about to get heated with some pulling weapons for me to stand up and use Conqueror's Haki on everyone.

"Enough! Sit down, NOW!" Everyone felt my presence to stop and sit down somewhat amazed I had this power. "Now. Allow us to go over what we have in deals. Is there any changes in the agreements that you have given us?" Nobody raised their hands for this to make things easier. "Alright. Then allow me to go over them one at a time so we are all on the same page. Kaido. You wish to offer both your daughter Yamato and one of your crewmembers Ulti as well as the use of your flag in exchange for giving you 3 tons of our sake each month. Unfortunately, we would need to increase the size of the factory we currently have to make that supply without unease of not meeting the criteria. This would require at least 3-4 months to expand the factory on the island due to the manpower needed as well as the shipping of supplies."

"To sweeten the deal, I could assist in the supply of product from my country. One of our major exports is steel and we have a few builders that can help."

"That could assist greatly." I turned to Big Mom next to go over what she is offering. "Big Mom. In exchange for marrying your daughter Praline, you are offering us the ability to use your flag as well in exchange for producing 3 tons of candy we make here every month. The issue is the same as Kaido's request where we would have to wait at least 3-4 months to do so."

"Ma ma ma ma! Leave laying foundation to me. I may not have many trade areas with steel, but I have far more men that can make structures ten times what you need. MA MA MA MA MA!"

"Interesting. Now, Judge Vinsmoke. In exchange for marrying your daughter Reiju, you wish to have a base made here. Unfortunately, the best we can do is give you an area that is filled with vacant houses that have been empty for quite some time. That though will require 2 months to level and another 8 at least to have it up to speed."

"My men will assist in this with my first son Ichijin overlook the work. All you'd have to do is supply the land and funds and we'll handle the rest."

"That won't be how things go. You are free to make the fortress to how you wish it, but we must know for the safety of our people what is in the fortress. There is no negotiating against this so we understand the dangers we impose on the Fishmen and Merfolk. As long as you keep in touch with us and avoid dangerous bioweapons or weapons of mass warfare on the island, I don't have much of a problem with this as well as the people of this island having a buffer for when I am not here on the island for defense." I turned to Duke Dogstorm and Lord Cat Viper. "In exchange for making the agreement with Zou, you are to offer us two of your most respected soldiers Carrot and Wanda in a marriage. In exchange, you wish to establish a trade route and a second home for the Mink tribe. Now this one I want to do personally due to the fact it would bring unique goods into this kingdom, but the lack of stability makes me question if it can be done. Zou is a ghost island, so gaining products from you is never easy. We would easily be able to follow using a Vivor Card and an Eternal Log Post, but that doesn't mean the demand and the supply will be even. Not only that, but if we were to determine food that is perishable, we would have to amount to how much we'd obtain that is fresh and/or safe to consume."

"We can establish routes with what we have determined of our islands traveling patterns. We also have been given supply ships recently from some out of region allies. We can store products without them dying in quality."

"Not only that Gara, but we have the ability to protect ourselves even as children from invaders. Taking supplies from us is next to impossible. Nya nya nya!" I started to think of the best way to manage the dealings to get an idea.

"If I were to hypothetically accept all these offers, would any of you have trouble with this?" All looked at each other without a response for me to continue. "Alright. So this is what I have come up with that I think everyone benefits from. Since Zou has the ships, we shall establish them as a center trade route. This will allow them to be a post between Wano and here as well as a resupply harbor. In ideal hopes, this will also allow trade between Wano and Zou to increase your offers. If at some point Big Mom would be able to establish trade with us, that would only make the you being the center trade port more useful and plentiful. This overseeing will be watched over by the Ministers of the Right and Left for our kingdom. I would strongly urge you all to do the same with one of your trusted officials. Meanwhile, Kaido's steel will assist in the expansion of the candy factory and the sake factory using Big Mom's men as assisting workers. With hope, the number of months goes down with this due to the metals needed as well as the manpower. Assisting in negotiations will be for the Beast Pirates will be the captain of the Arlong Pirates, Arlong himself and negotiations for the Big Mom Pirates will be held with the captain of the Sun Pirates, Jinbei. Furthermore, handling of the fortress will be spoken through Aladdin who is the first mate of the Sun Pirates. Nothing will be accepted without his approval and he will require a monthly evaluation of what you have on hand as well as exports so our kingdom doesn't fall into any mistrust with the government. You have free range of the base, but will also have your men work with our guards as a protection to the island. Not only that, but please avoid using this base as a silo for weapons in any war you are currently active in. This goes for all of you and not just Germa 66. Any objections?" Nobody argued with this somewhat helping. "Very well. then I suppose we have no other matters to address. I thank you all for coming and I hope you have a journey home that is both safe and pleasant. We shall finalize the last bits and the finite details on another day."

Everyone began getting up with only the women that were part of my marriage offers being left. As we sat in awkward silence, the Mink women were the first to speak. "So you're this kingdom's defender and prince?"

"Yes. Carrot, right?" Carrot nodded before I continued. "I'll show you all to your rooms momentarily. You can use that as a place to live for now until-"

"I shall sleep in your room." The woman with blue hair that I knew of as Ulti spoke up with her feet being put on the table. "We're husband and we should share a bed together. That is a wife's job, is it not?" Ulti glared at me with aggression as I glared at her back. To be honest, I hated the fact of sharing a room with her or Yamato, much less a bed. Her attitude quickly changed to that of a crying woman when I started glaring at her. "WAAAAHHH! Do you hate me? Do you hate the fact I'm your wife now!? HAAAAAH! I want Pay Pay here!"

'Is this girl insane? Also, who the hell is 'Pay Pay'?'

"Hey." The girl named Yamato slammed her hands on the table with extreme anger. "Are you gonna keep these bombs on me, or take them off?"

Everyone panicked as Yamato said that there were bombs on her. "YOU BROUGHT A BOMB TO THIS MEETING!?"

"No. My asshole father put them on me because I was being rebellious and acting more like Oden. They only go off if I disobey him or act outside of his control." I felt my rage for Yamato diverge from her and be replaced with pity knowing she's a prisoner in a way.

I got up and began walking around the table to her and glanced at the binds on her wrists. Using Armament Haki, I crushed the binds and tossed them out a window for an explosion to happen. Fortunately, nobody got hurt by it, but it did give a little shock to everyone. "You just broke the cuffs with just your bare hands? MY NEW HUSBAND IS SO STRONG!" So quickly Ulti went from a crying baby to a doting wife for it to give me a headache.

"Shyarly, can you see about moving into the Ryugu palace? If they're living in my room, I want you in it as well to make things fair."

"I figured this might be the case, so I had some important things of mine set up prior to leaving. I can get the things I need to wait to take later."

"Perfect. Any chance you'd be willing to come and see Shirahoshi? She wants to see you again." Shyarly understood and followed me out. We started walking away to try and see my sister with Reiju following. "What are you doing?"

"Trying to determine what your daily life consists of. It's only reasonable."

"*sigh* Fine. But try not to harm my sister's feelings. She's a gentle soul."

"Fair enough."

And that finishes this chapter. See what happens next time with Izuku having his fiancés live in the same room as him. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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