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12 years later, age 19 Izuku POV:

It's been over a decade since my mother's passing and my taking up arms as a defender of this country her and I love. "Somebody stop him! He has my son!"

As such, I would help with the guards in defending the kingdom from human invaders. "Selling a mermaid kid to the black market should be a piece of cake now." In that time, Jinbei has taught me both Fishman Karate and Haki use to act the role more than anything. "What the? GET THE HELL OUT OF THE WAY, KID!"

Jinbei was also able to teach me swordsmanship in which I made a little skill of mine that mixes both the Fishmen's combat skills with it. "I'm going to say this one time and only once. Put the child down, leave this kingdom and never return. This is your first and last warning from me."

"You think I'm gonna listen to you!? I've escaped heroes with my abilities. YOU'RE NO DIFFERENT! SMOG SPLIT!" As I stood in front of the villain I was facing, he turned into smog with the child and went around me. At least, that's what he expected to before I grabbed his physical body with Armament Haki. "WHAT THE!?"

"Humans. So quick to think they're superior if they have a quirk." I took the kid from the villain's arms and placed him on the safely beside me before grabbing the villain with my free hand and slamming him on the ground. "But when you're faced with a power that isn't quirk based, you're now thrown for a loop."

"Ngh! YOU BASTARD!" The villain tried to attack me with a gun for me to grab and crush it in my hand. "AH!"

"Bad move." I used my Fishman Karate to punch the guy in the face and knock him out.

"Prince Izuku!" The guards came immediately after the villain was subdued for me to stand up and walk away from them.

"Use quirk canceling cuffs on him and get into contact with the pros above ground. I need to go and speak with my father before my shift at the Mermaid Café. I leave the rest in your reliable hands."

"Yes sir!" The guards saluted me and allowed me to be on my way. About a year ago, things got a little more dicey for the Ryugu kingdom. Even though we are protected by the government, their reach almost never is extended down here. The Marines that help protect us normally just wait at the entrance or the exit up above for people to come in or out with a lot flowing in. Thanks to a deal a while back, our kingdom though was protected by one man's flag. Whitebeard. Now there was a human you could respect. From what my father said, him and Whitebeard had a history together where he agreed to let our kingdom use his flag as a protection with no added strings. Something about a sharing of sake cups with one another or something. I'm not sure on the details completely, but our sake is really good. Dad gave me a little when I turned 19 since I was responsible enough to drink a bit.

I entered into the palace and created a small air bubble for me to walk to the throne room. Seeing my father and both ministers beside him, I bowed and showed my respect. "Father. You had summoned me?"

"Yes. I'd like to have a talk again about your future my son." I gritted my teeth in agitation hearing this as this is probably going to lead to me going up above for learning at a human college. "I know you're dead set against going above ground, but please hear me out. Unlike your siblings and the rest of our kingdom, you are not shunned to stand among humans being one yourself. As such, keeping you down here will narrow your mind and not allow you to see the world as a whole."

"But your majesty, this kingdom would be in harms way of invaders if that was the case."

"That is why I have an offer for you." The Minister of the Left gave me a few papers with names and pictures of women. Some were human, while others were...let's just say they weren't like a human if anything. "What our Minister has given you is four factions that wish to offer a treaty with our kingdom in exchange for a political marriage. They are also not prone to the idea of sharing you with Shyarly since I know you two have had a relationship for some time." I glanced down the factions wanting to offer arranged marriages.

"Germa 66, Zou, Beast Pirates and Big Mom Pirates. Seems like quite a set."

"Yes, my son. They had heard of the powerful human protector of the Fishman and insisted to have you become their son in law. I tried to reason with them and suggest one of your brothers, but they said it would only work if you accept it."

I let out a sigh before asking a serious question to my father. "What are the other conditions to this?"

"If you accept Big Mom's offer, she wishes to have a factory built here and us to have a monthly supply of three tons of candy given to her in agreement. Kaido's offer would be the similar but with sake. We would have to increase volume of both factories we have currently if that were the case for either. Germa 66 would like to create a base here near the edge of the mainland to the island. Out of the way, but we would be responsible for funding it. If it were to be though, the number of armed forces on the island would increase. From what I am told, Duke Dogstorm and Lord Cat Viper are at ends with what they want. Dogstorm wishes to establish a trade route for products we produce in exchange for their fruits grown on the island. If anything, we can give them clams that are on the bottom sea floor or salt or the kale we produce. Meanwhile, Lord Cat Viper wishes to establish a second home for the Minx people as well as a possible fish trade route. Either or would be fantastic for our people."

I pinched the bridge of my nose before folding up the papers and pictures to put them in my pocket. "I can't think of accepting this right off the bat, your majesty."

"Give it some time. There will be a meeting for this in seven months. Take that as time to determine what you wish to do. However, I would greatly appreciate it if you would take both paths you could take into deep consideration as both the king and your father."

"I...I'll think about it." I walked out of the palace and immediately went down towards Mermaid Cove to avoid being late for my shift. 'If I'm late because of this, Shyar is gonna kill me.'

Ten minutes later

Walking in a matter of seconds before the clock hit when my shift started, I punched in and began work in the kitchen right away. However, Shyarly was right in the kitchen waiting.

"You're cutting it close. What kept you?"

"My dad wanted another talk about my future. This time it was about also arranged marriages that involve you. To be honest, I'm happy I'm here instead of talking about these things. Too frustrating." I started putting on an apron and started any prep I could while continuing the conversation I was having.

"So are you going to agree to them?"

"I...I don't want to make you feel second best. You know you're the only woman that I want." A few years back, I gave Shyarly a love confession with it somewhat shocking her. We had a nice friendship going forward, but somewhere along that line, my feelings went from liking her to loving her and I was afraid I was going to screw something up if I said anything. So I tried waiting and eventually got the courage to say what I wanted to and she accepted it. We try and keep our relationship professional in front of everyone, but they all know we're dating to make the fact we don't make it a big deal somewhat surprising to them.

"Look, Izuku. I know you want to keep me and this island in your heart, but you need to see the world soon."

"Shyar. I don't want to leave you all. What would happen to the people if I leave? Crime will increase because I'm not trying to help stop it. You and I know that." I started placing an order out in the window for one of the girls working the cafe to grab and send it out.

"I know you don't and arguably this arranged marriage is a way to help you, but I think you should at least go up above the surface."

"Shyarly. You can't be serious."

"I am. To be honest, I think learning of the outside world will help benefit you. The people of this island can't do that because of one difference you have compared to them. You're human. That means the law that forbids Fishmen from going above ground doesn't apply to you. So if you could, I highly recommend you consider the thought of going above very seriously. To me, I want honestly what is better for you above all else for a decision like this." Shyarly went out of the kitchen and into the common area for me to start plating another order to avoid having to think about this.

'I hate it when Shyarly is right about these things.' I placed an order in the window and called out got it. "I've got a clam special on table 23!"

Later that evening

After completing my shift at the Mermaid Cafe, I began to sit out in the dining area for my time alone with Shyarly to come. She was finishing up some last minute closing things before coming over and sitting in a half circle booth with me and relaxing. "we're free to relax together?"

"Yes. We are." I smiled before hugging Shyarly and kissing her lips. She genuinely accepted this with her tail fin beginning to wag.

After I pulled away from the kiss, I smirked at her. "I see you're happy to do that."

"S-shut up. Today was harder than normal because a certain someone cut it so close. Not only that, but one of my girls called out sick today and I couldn't get another girl in today, so we were short staffed." I started to laugh at this before Shyarly karate chopped my head. "Stop laughing at me, jerk."

"Sorry, hehehe. I'll stop." We sat in satisfying silence as I held Shyarly in my arms.

"So, the arranged marriages. Who are they with?"

"From the Big Mom Pirates, the 21st daughter Praline Charlotte. The Beast Pirates, first daughter Yamato and a member of the Tobiroppo, Ulti. The kingdom of Zou, a dog Mink Wanda and a rabbit Mink Carrot. Both are ruler's aids from what the papers said so they are not connected to one of their kings."

"Zou has more than one king?"

"From what I've read of Zou, they have two different kings protecting it depending on what time of day it is. One handles 6AM-6PM, while the other handles 6PM-6AM."

"Hmmm. Sounds more like shifts at a job than anything.

"That's the type of feeling I got from it as well, but the people also are altered by this and immediately go to sleep with roughly half the total population active at a single moment. Anyway, the final offer is from Germa 66 Vinsmoke family. Reiju Vinsmoke." I pulled out the papers along with something I wrote down for what they want as an offer for our kingdom alongside them during my spare time.

"So in exchange for the marriage, would the Ryugu kingdom be involved with the family in ways that would require us to sacrifice for it?"

"Possibly. For Big Mom and Kaido, they want either the sweets factory to produce 3 tons of candy or 3 tons of sake per month with us having their flag in exchange. So if we were to accept this deal, we'd be having an Emperor's flag to protect us again which could hypothetically reduce crime in fear of angering them, but we would without a doubt have to increase the size of either factory for this to even be possible. If we create a deal with the Vinsmoke family, we'd have members of their army here to increase our guards. However, this could bring in more problems since it could give problems with the World Government. If we go with Zou's offer, we'd establish a trade route with the kingdom. Unfortunately, Zou constantly moves since it's on an elephant's back, so distance for product from them is always varying.

Shyarly pulled out her pipe to light it and breathe in some of the smoke while contemplating what the offers were. "So you have an offer between protecting the island like before but with a mandatory supply needed within a time frame, a questionable increase of security or a trade route that is not reliable completely. That is quite the difficult decision." I kept contemplating this before a knock at the door came. Shyarly was about to get up before I stopped her and got up myself. Going to the door, I opened the shutters to apologize to the  person.

"Sorry. We're closed."

"Actually, I'm not here as a customer. I'm here to look for you, fourth prince of the Ryugu Kingdom." I took a closer look at the person who held a physical feature that made him look like a seal while also having human features and wearing what looked like a wetsuit.

"You mind if I come in, kid?" I shrugged my shoulders before allowing him in. We walked to the table Shyarly was at to sit down across from one another. "I'm guessing you're that Shyarly woman that runs this place?"

"Indeed. Would you mind telling me what this is about, sir?"

"I'll get right to the point then. I'm a pro that works with the kingdom-"

"Selkie the sea rescue hero. You've done business with our kingdom before capturing villains that hide here that I take down because pro heroes let them slip by. Normally you or one of your men from the Oki Mariner comes to pick them up. Having a seal mutation quirk allows you to use your voice to act as a sonar to determine opponents. Your work speaks for itself and you give respect where respect is due. An admirable person in my opinion."

"...So you know me. That makes this a little easier on me to explain." He cleared his throat to get to why he came here. "So I had actually been on the island trying to apprehend Smog. The villain you took down today and I noticed you handled someone with a hostage rather well. Tell me something, have you ever considered going into the pro hero business. You could do a great deal if you do."

"Not interested."

"Why? With a quirk like yours, you'd be an amazing-"

"What I used wasn't a quirk and it without a doubt would be wasted up there being a hero to humans who will only stab you in the back when push comes to shove." I was pissed off that Selkie brought up quirks to make it perfectly clear I had no desire for anything regarding humanity. "Now I have some important matters to discuss, so just-" I was immediately hit over the head with Shyarly's pipe for her to stop me.

"Izuku! Listen to what he has to say completely and do not let your personal grudge cloud your judgement right now!" She turned to Selkie and tried to apologize. "I hope he didn't hit a sore spot. Izuku has had a personal struggle with humanity as a whole from what interaction he's had to leave a rather bitter personal image of humans as a whole on him. I apologize on his behalf."

The pro seemed a little confused with this before continuing. "Anyway, I had spoken with your father as well as a school that I have connections with. They'd be more than willing to bring along the Iron Fist of Fishman Island next year if you were to go on recommendation by me." He passed a small brochure to me that held the school he was talking about. "It's a college called UA. It's one of the most esteemed hero schools out there. If you were to go, we'd also be able to to bring more attention to possibly having Fishmen and Merfolk able to come above water through a cultural exchange program with the school. Having you for the three years would begin this and in return, could allow for a chance of this being a great thing for the people of this island."

I glanced through the information given with it being a boarding college and thought about it for a moment. 'If I were to accept this, then that means I could open up a chance for the future generations to go above ground. However...' My mind went to Shirahoshi and the people of this island if they were not accepted above ground. I let out a sigh while trying to determine what to do. "For now, I need to hold my decision. In the next seven months, I am to have a marriage offer among the Big Mom Pirates, the Beast Pirates, Germa 66 and the island of Zou."

"Then perhaps we could make an offer with them present as well. I will explain this to the principal of UA and possibly have someone from the school present to help with it. I'm sure if they know of a possible route you are going, it could make a difference with how their offers come." Selkie got up after this to bow at me. "Thank you for listening. I shall be off, but be in touch." He walked away with what he said lingering in my mind.

'UA, huh? Perhaps being a hero will help in more ways for us than one. But what about the marriages?' I kept this in thought and how I should progress with this.

And that finishes this chapter. See what happens next time with Izuku meeting the members of the groups trying to marry him. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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