Entrance Exams

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Izuku POV:

The time of the entrance exams of UA finally came with mine being primarily one of taking a test to make sure I'm on par with human schools for knowledge. Thanks to Jinbei's help with getting the information growing up and giving it to the Minister of the Left, I am currently about average for my age and can stand up to those that are given the tools at an early age. "Welp, here's UA. One of the largest schools in the country" I stood outside the entrance with Yamato and Reiju joining me today since Reiju wanted to learn about the school and Yamato thought I'd need backup for some reason.

"Alright. Now where do we go?" I continued to search for what I was trying to find in the information Nezu gave for some weirdo with glasses and blue hair to immediately shout at me.


"WILL YOU SHUT UP! I'M TRYING TO FIND OUT WHERE I NEED TO GO FOR MY EXAM!" I finally snapped at the guy who still seemed to be irritated. "If I wanted to be chewed out by some pompus asshole with a stick so far up his own ass that he tastes it, I'd have went to the Fishman District to talk with Arlong! Now shut up robocop!" Yamato started laughing her ass off at this comment as I finally found out where we needed to go to start walking. On the way, I noticed some girl with brown hair in a bobcut about to fall to grab her midway and place her up without even looking at her. "Watch where you step next time. These cracks can be difficult."

I walked off with Yamato pulling my head into her cleavage. "So should I expect you to be cheating on me with some human babes here?"

"Oh please, I'd rather just stay as far away from most of these people as possible. Reiju. We're heading out." Reiju joined us and we began walking into the school. "The directions say when you enter to go down the left hall and up the staircase on the right to the fourth floor. Once there, go to the classroom that is labeled '413' where the other applicants who are taking the written part of the-oof!" I bumped into someone to look up and see an ash blond guy that seemed to resemble someone familiar to me.

"GET THE FUCK OUTTA MY WAY, USELESS EXTRA!" The guy seemed to have a lot of anger issues to glare at him and prevent his path from being clear. "DIDN'T YOU HEAR ME, MOVE SHITRAG!"

"Why don't you try asking nicely before saying that. Maybe it'll help you more!" The guy was pissed for me to wait and see if he would pull the first punch. Sure enough, his hands began exploding as a way to tell me what kind of quirk he had. 'Where have I seen that type of quirk before?'

"YOU KNOW WHAT, YOU DESERVE THIS!" He was about to hit me before a girl with green hair came in front of him and diverted the blast upwards.

"Now now, Kaachan. We mustn't make such brash actions."

"You know we both worked quite hard to get to where we are today to waste it on someone that's probably never going to pass the exam."

I saw the woman in front of me to immediately go pale knowing her face. 'Oh shit.'

"Tch. Whatever. Get outta my way now, dumbass." I put my hand down for the guy to leave and the girl to follow behind. Before she left however, she whispered in my ear something that shook me to my core.

"Good luck whoever you are, you're gonna need it." She skipped away like nothing happened for me to go even paler and feel like I wanted to vomit.

"Izuku. You ok?" I glanced over to see Yamato confused with Reiju in a similar fashion. "You look like you wanna throw up."

"I-I I'm fine. Let's just go and pretend this never happened."

"That girl, she looked like you-"

"Just pretend it never happened, Reiju. Ignore it and walk away. That's all I'm asking." I was scared and wanted nothing more to pretend that didn't happen mainly because now I remembered who they were back from before I was a slave. 'To think I'd find them here of all places and run into them.' The girls noticed my shock to make me force myself to try and calm down to avoid any unwanted questions. 'Just follow your advice and pretend you never saw them. You didn't see those two and they don't know who you are. Just ignore it and leave it for another day.'

Two hours later

After finishing the exam that I was given, several of the people given recommendations had began leaving with me being one of the last people out. I was stopped however by the proctor Midnight who seemed to wait for me. "Izuku Ryugu if I am correct?"


"Nezu wished for you to come see the physical exam for the normal examinees. If you and your wives outside would kindly follow me." Midnight opened the door to show Reiju sitting patiently while reading a book with Yamato taking a nap beside her snoring kinda loudly.

I tapped on Yamato's shoulder for her to panic and wake up seeing me motion to follow Midnight. While we did, I decided to ask the elephant in the room. "So why does Nezu want me to watch the exams?"

"He wanted to have your general opinion on them since having a new face look at the criteria is always a helpful thing. Also, he'd wish to show you who will be your teacher since he said your enrollment here was almost guaranteed."

'So he wants to show me the ropes of what to expect from the normal entrance exams as well as pick my brain in the form of meeting my teacher. Sounds simple enough.' We followed the pro hero up to an observation room that was atop a fake city that had parts sectioned off. They didn't look natural in design, so I believed they were sectioned for today specifically.

"Sir. I brought Ryugu." Midnight opened the door to show Nezu and a bunch of teachers sitting in front of a bunch of monitors.

"Mr. Ryugu. It's a pleasure to see you again. I see you have also brought two of your wives."

"They wanted to see the school and they agreed to not hinder anyone during the exams. That isn't a problem, is it?"

"Of course not. Also, the man over there with the scruff on his face will be your homeroom teacher for the first year of UA. His name is Shota Aizawa." The man named Aizawa stared at me for a moment before I sat down nearby. To the side of me, a guy with bulk and a notable amount of scars stared at me for a moment somewhat irritated.

"This is a school for heroes, not for rich kids that are given a free ride. What is Nezu thinking?"

"You honestly think that I'm given a free ride?" I didn't bother looking at the man as he glared down at me.

"You didn't have to handle the entrance exams in a combat based scenario. In normal terms, we would've never allowed you to even get into the Hero Course in that aspect. Just what type of quirk do you have that allows that?"

"None." I spoke up for this to surprise everyone. "I was born quirkless and all my power is given to me because of my dedication and training."

"Now I'm curious how you got in here." A blond skeleton man spoke with the scar man still irritating me.

"Why do we have a quirkless person taking up a slot as a student in this course?"

"I don't know, why do we have a stuck up asshole taking up a slot as a teacher in this course?" Yamato started to snicker at this for the man to not take this kindly. Things were about to escalate if a guy with prostetic legs tried to calm us down.

"Vlad King. That's enough. I'm sure that Nezu has a perfectly logical explanation for this."

"This violates all normal means of enrolling. If we throw out our normal means of putting students into the school, then what is the point of having the entrance exams?"

I was getting tired of hearing this guys mouth to get an idea. "How about this. If I can knock you out without touching you, you'll back off. If I can't, then I'll deny my enrollment in the school. Seem fair?" Vlad King stared at me a moment before nodding.

"So what are you going to do, scare me or somethin-" He stopped when I glared at him and activated Conquerors Haki to have him go pale before passing out where he sat.

"HOLY CRAP! WHAT DID I JUST WALK INTO!?" I glanced over to see some guy with blond hair that made him look like a stupid getto biker walk in.

"Vlad was trying to mess with Ryugu here and he showed off some of his power. Simply put, it was kinda interesting to watch." Aizawa started to smile at this before our attention went to the exams that had started mere seconds ago. I was informed as it went on what was happening with the examines needing to take out a specific amount of robots in the allotted timespan with each being worth some form of point value between 1-3. It didn't matter how you defeated or deactivated the robots, all you had to do was make them unable to fight and the points are yours. To be honest, it seemed kinda too power biased if you asked me. Not everyone has physical strength, but I can see why they needed to do this since heroism is very physical.

"So quick question, is destroying robots the only way that they can collect points here?" Reiju asked for an older woman to shake her head no.

"There's hero points as well. Depending on the way you act, you have an additional set of points given by us if you do things that are heroic in nature. This is a school for heroes, so it's only fair we give points to those that act on those heroic aspects." I started to glance at what some of the contestants were doing to see the glasses guy from earlier with engines popping out of his calves attack and destroy some robots.

'He might be rude and uptight, but he knows how to fight.' I glanced at another to see Izumi and Bakugou fighting in a similar method of attracting the robots and destroying them all at once by explosion or melting the metal by extreme heat.

"That one girl has a powerful fire quirk for sure."

"There's also something graceful about how she uses it. Almost as if she was born with the talent to fight like that."

"The ash blond is also good. He's smart in how he's fighting and controls the explosions. It's somewhat amazing how he doesn't cause as much damage as you'd expect." I felt sick to my stomach watching them to look and see the girl with brown hair from before floating robots up putting her finger tips together to drop and destroy them. Though I didn't care for people, I did find the quirk somewhat useful.

'You know, that quirk is pretty handy for a lot of things. I wonder what the limit she has on it is?' I glanced over to see Nezu push a button to feel a bit of a shake and turn to Aizawa. "What does that button do?"

"It releases a Zero Pointer. To make it simple, it's a monstrous robot that gives you zero points for taking out since it's useless to try." The monitors showed a giant robot that was as large as a sea king to surprise me.

'Not bad. No wonder they say it's pointless to try.'

"HELP!" I noticed the girl from before with her leg trapped by some debris and beginning to panic.

All around her, people began leaving as quickly as possible with nobody stopping to help. 'This is unfortunately the truth about the world. When faced with overwhelming odds, humans will ignore others and save themselves. This is sickening.' I watched as the robot continued to move with it not stopping. 'Someone's gonna stop it and save her, right?' I glanced around the room for nobody to do anything and some looked rather sad for Aizawa to speak up.

"Not another one." Now realizing that she was going to die, I couldn't sit down and watch this anymore to immediately storm out of the window and break it open. "What the!?"

"REIJU!" Reiju activated her equipment to allow me to go flying towards the robot to land right near the rubble the girl was stuck under. "Stay still!" I coated my hand with Haki to turn it pitch black and destroyed the debris to free her.

"LOOK OUT!" The girl shouted for me to look above to pull a dagger I had on hand out.

"Fishman Swordsmanship!" I cut upwards with the moisture in the air slicing the foot of the mechanical monster off. "RISING CURRENT SLASH!" Parts of the robot fell off beside us with the robot falling to the side. I placed my dagger back in it's holster before looking down at the girl.

"Umm...Thank you for saving me."

I walked away not wanting to answer before seeing the guy that had glasses dumbfounded. He began talking to himself as he saw what happened. "This was a test of course. If it was real, I would've-"

"This was a way to show real heroism. You didn't react when someone needed help, so don't give me the crap it wasn't real. If you can't produce the same effects in a controlled situation like this, how are you going to do that in a situation where you need to?" I walked away not wanting to hear anymore before returning to the observation room and picking up Reiju and Yamato to make the trip back to Fishman Island.

And that finishes this chapter. See what happens next time with Izuku after the situation with the entrance exams. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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