Shyarly's Affection

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Shyarly POV:

A month had passed since Izuku's visit up to the surface for the entrance exams with him seeming strange since he came back. I had asked Yamato and Reiju what had happened, but they said they only know it's about someone that looked like him. Not knowing much else, I had went for some advice from unfortunately one of the only people that I could at this time. "Why should I care what your stupid human boyfriend has in his past? People like him should just drop dead."

"*sigh* Arlong. Please help me. I want to help make sure Izuku isn't in a bad state of mind his last month here. I understand you don't like him, but at least help me think of why he might-"

"Like I give a damn if some human is in a bad mood. As far as I'm concerned, he deserves to be in a rotten mood for thinking he can live among us Fishmen. We are the superior race and he's nothing but a lowly-"

"Arlong." I glared at my brother with malic to stop him. "If you insult Izuku one last time, I will personally make sure you suffer the consequences."

Growing up, Arlong learned two things that he should never do. One is try and pick a fight with the Ryugu family and two, never anger me. "Now now. We don't need to get violent here."

"Yeah. Arlong was just playing. He would never try and anger the woman that strikes fear in everyone in his crew." His crewmates tried to calm us down before Arlong began walking away.

"The human's probably uneasy about something and scared. If you show him you're supportive, than maybe he'll be less depressing."

"That was....strangely helpful. So how do I do that?"



"Good. I'd rather you not sully our family's blood with that cretin human soiling you!" I couldn't handle this anymore to leave the Fishman District knowing he had given me next to nothing as help. Swimming back to the kingdom, I had ran into Praline who seemed to be grabbing some things from the sea floor.

"Shyarly. What a pleasant surprise."

"Praline. What are you doing out here?"

"I thought that I could help make Izuku a little happier by giving him a nice meal. You know, something that'll give him a smile on his face. He's been so down lately that I wanted to find the best way to his heart. You know what they say about men and their stomachs."

'Best way to a man's heart is to his stomach. Something tells me that this isn't going to be the best way to do this.'

"So what are you doing here? It's strange to see you come out to the Fishman District."

"I was talking to my brother hopefully to find a way to help Izuku. Didn't exactly go so well." I motioned towards the palace for Praline to follow me as we spoke and swam.

"So any idea what's going on with Izuku?"

"Not really. I've seen Izuku at his worst and well...I'm scared he may return to that. It's not a pretty site."

"What's his worst like?"

I avoided staring at her to answer. "You don't want to know. It's not pretty and you'd wish you would've never seen it nor ever want to see it again."

"I see." Praline stopped for a moment to make me turn and face her. "Shyarly. Have you ever...done it with Izuku yet?"


"Not saying that. I'm just asking to see how far you've gone with him."

I turned away while putting my finger tips together somewhat ashamed of overreacting. "Well we've...fooled around. But nothing...penetrative."

"Ohh. So you know what he's packing down there, huh?" Praline began nudging my shoulder for it to irritate me now. "Tell me, are we dealing with a minnow or a large bass down there. C'mon. I know you'd have at least felt the outline to know where he stands." I couldn't stand hearing this to pull away and ask what she meant by this.

"Just where is this going!?"

"Well...Izuku is leaving the island and we won't get an answer on if we're going to be able to go above with him yet, so I was thinking maybe show him you're still passionate about him. Think about it, a night of love and warm embrace with the woman you love. Deflowering her and marking her in a way no man can ever again. Leaving on that sweet notion knowing that the person you love most in the world forever is committed to you. That might help out far more than anything. You know, making sure he understands people are on his side and everything."

I thought about it for a moment and what Arlong said about supporting Izuku. If he knows I'm still willing to stand by him then...."I guess I can see about that. We both close tomorrow and there's a back room where I'd sleep on occasions if I closed and opened."

"There you go. How about you and him have a little fun and I'll make sure Ulti doesn't try and kill you for trying to have a night to yourselves."

"Uhh...Thanks. I guess." She gave me a thumbs up somewhat thinking I'm going to regret this when all is said and done.

The next evening, Izuku POV:

The end of the day finally came for me and Shyarly with things being somewhat off for a while with me. Honestly, half of it was most likely because I found 'her' at UA and unable to get over it. "Izuku. Is anything troubling you?" Shyarly looked at me for it me to try and brush it off. "Izuku. Look at me in the eyes. If something is bothering you, please say it. I may not be able to comprehend what you're going through right now, but I want you to know that no matter what, I'm here for you."

I hated when she could see right through me. No matter what, Shyarly could always tell when I was holding something or angry about something even when I hid it well. "I...I saw someone up above that I wished I'd never see again. I...I can't go into detail, but they hurt me in ways I can never forgive them."

"I see." Out of nowhere, Shyarly grabbed my head and pulled it into her chest to make me go beet red.

"Uhh, Shar?"

"It's ok. Tonight's a special night. Tonight, I'm going to help show you no matter where you go, I will always be by your side. Izuku. I love you and I want you to know that I'll always be there if you need someone." Shyarly pulled my head out of her chest to kiss me and hold me close.

'Sometimes I forget how amazing Shar is and how lucky I am to have her beside me.' We adjusted our sitting to have her sit on my lap as we enjoyed the moment together before parting from the kiss. We sat in the booth for a solid minute before speaking.

"When do you leave?"

"In about two weeks."

"I see." Shyarly held onto my shirt to show she wasn't happy about this, but didn't want to express her opinion. "Izuku. Before you leave, I have a...selfish request." I listened carefully to her as she looked at me face to face. "I want there to be no regrets or lingering pains while you and I are separate. So for tonight, I wish for you to...claim me as yours."

"Excuse me?"

"In the back of this cafe, I'd like you to spend the night with me there and mark me as your own. Giving you no lingering regrets before you leave me." I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Shyarly was asking me to...

"Ok." I stood up and carried her to the back. "Tonight, you and I are going to consummate our love to show there is not anything left that has to be said when I leave."

Lemon Warning🍋

3rd person POV:

Opening the door to the back, Izuku placed Shyarly on the bed near the edge and began making out with her. Their tongues swirled around one another's with their pants being heard between themselves. As they parted, A lustful blush was on both of their faces as Izuku started to shake. "It's ok, Izuku. Just relax."

"S-sorry. It's just...a really big jump for me."

"I know the feeling. How would you like to start this?" Izuku's hands went down towards Shyarly's shirt to untie the laces and pull it off her.  She covered her bare chest, unable to take any stares before tugging on Izuku's. Knowing what she meant, the green haired man began pulling his own shirt off to reveal his bare toned chest. "Amazing how solid you look. Even when you were younger, you were so muscular." Shyarly moved her hand around Izuku's chest feeling his body before coming to his forearms. The scars of his past still fresh even after so many years had passed.

"They're not the prettiest arms, I know."

"It's not that." Shyarly pulled Izuku's left hand to her face and placed a kiss on it's knuckle. "These hands are very admirable. They belong to someone who's worked hard to get where he is." Shyarly's comment surprised Izuku as her now open breasts were apparent to him. The pale yet flawless skin of the mermaid was etched deep in his mind as they swayed slightly. "Are you staring at my chest? Naughty boy~"

"I-I umm..." Izuku couldn't find words to say what he wanted as a notable bulge was shown under Izuku's jeans. Shyarly went to the button and zipper to open and pull out his length. She was shocked to see Izuku standing 10 inches long to smile at him.

"Quite large you are. Now what would you like me to do first?" Shyarly's finger slid down the underside of Izuku's member as he felt her gentle touch send shivers through his body.

"P-please...suck it."

"How dirty you are to suggest that." Izuku blushed at this before Shyarly began licking the tip. Her lips caressed his head before parting ways to let Izuku's member inside. A tad uneasy with this new sensation, Izuku's mind wandered as his legs shook for joy. Meanwhile, Shyarly had paid close attention to not unintentionally hurt Izuku. Though Izuku doesn't mind, there are some 'flaws' to sucking someone off as a shark mermaid.

"Shar...I"m gonna-"

"You are not allowed to finish." Shyarly pulled her mouth off and held Izuku's shaft shut. "If you truly wish to finish, you must go till the end to enjoy yourself." She smiled saying this while pulling up the small fabric covering where her tail started and human half ended to reveal an entrance directly under the cloth. Izuku moved his hand to place a finger near the entrance to feel a strange moistness.

"You're quite wet down here. Did you plan for this?"

"S-shut up." Shyarly pulled herself to lay more on the bed before laying back. In response, Izuku dropped his pants and boxers to sit on his knees with the mermaid between his legs. It was at this moment he realized he forgot one thing.

"Crap. I forgot about protection."

Shyarly pointed towards the nightstand. "In the drawer, I had some...prepared." Going into the drawer, Izuku saw a decent amount to look at his lover confused. "Don't give me that look. You're the one that forgot to have one prepared." Smiling a little, Izuku placed the condom on and aligned himself with Shyarly's entrance. "Just be gentle. Ok?"

"I promise." The two kissed before Izuku began pushing himself into Shyarly's womanhood. She started to bite her lip as she felt Izuku reach her hymen. "This may hurt. I'll go slowly, so just tell me if it's too much." Shyarly nodded for him to push a little harder before feeling himself tear through and hearing Shyarly stifle a shout. "Are you ok?"

"Ngh! Yes, but give me a moment." Blood began to run down Shyarly's sides for the red liquid's scent to enter her nose. Her pupils grew wide and her breathing became sporadic. "Izuku. Please start moving now."

"You sure-"

"Please start moving before my instincts kick in!" Understanding what she meant, Izuku began thrusting inside as Shyarly's breathing began to speed up. "Faster!" She gripped the sheets and began shaking for Izuku to grab the shark mermaid's hips and thrust in harder. Shyarly's insides coiled around Izuku for him to be pulled deeper inside. The heat given off from her sank past the condom for Izuku to feel his lust start boiling over.

"Shyar. I'm gonna cum."

"*pant* *pant* Go ahead. I'm almost *pant* there too." Izuku thrusted a few more times for Shyarly to grip his rib cage tightly as she climaxed. In response, Izuku's body couldn't hold the boiled over lust as he released his seed deep into Shyarly for the heat to be felt through the condom. As this happened, Shyarly subconsciously bit down on Izuku's collarbone to make him wince in pain. Realizing what she's done, Shyarly quickly let go and went for gauze that she had to the side. "I-I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to do that-"

"It's ok. You didn't intend to and I understand that." Looking down, both noticed Izuku was still notably large for the taste of blood to start making Shyarly's mind go wild.

"You know something, we still have all night together. So let's keep going." Shyarly tackled Izuku to the bed to continue where they left off.

Lemon end 🍋

The next morning, Izuku POV:

I began waking up to a similar weight on my body, but lighter. I glanced down to see Shyarly hugging my chest with only bedsheets over her. 'Oh yeah. We did it last night.' Shyarly started to rustle around a little to open her eyes and show me her half conscious face. "Morning Shyar. Had fun last night?"

"Mnn. Somewhat. I kinda forgot almost everything after going into a blood frenzy."

"Is this after you smelled the blood of your hymen being torn or after you took a bite out of my collarbone." Remembering what she did, Shyarly went for my neck to see how bad she bit me to make sure it wasn't serious. "It only punctured the skin. Don't worry."

"Sorry. I wasn't in my right mind."

"I don't blame you. It was a fun night if anything." Shyarly immediately blushed at this before moving off of my chest.

"We should probably get ready. The doors will open soon and...why can't I feel my legs?"

"It's either the fact you rode me with no remorse or the fact you crammed me inside both your holes."

Knowing what happened somewhat now, she went pale. "Madam Shyarly. I saw a light on in here and wanted to ask you what today-" One of the Mermaids at the cafe came in to see both of us naked and froze for a sec. "Ok...I'll come back....when you're both....done..." She shut the door for us to take this as a clear sign we need to get ready for the day.

"So how pissed do you think Ulti is going to be knowing we didn't come home just to do this?"

"Hmm...Judging by the fact she's crazy about married life, she might try to kill us when we get back."

'The fact you're so calm about that scares me.' I turned to the side of the bed to find my clothes and start going about the day with Shyarly.

And that finishes this chapter. See what happens next time as Izuku leaves Fishman Island. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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