Parting from Home

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Izuku POV:

The day had finally come for me to begin leaving home. To say it was saddening was an understatement. I spent most of my life on this island and met so many different people from it. I felt horrible leaving, but everyone knew it was for the best of the people. As such I had to do things right before leaving. The first thing was without a doubt to see Shirahoshi and my brothers one last time.

We all decided to meet together in Shirahoshi's room with her being...emotional for leaving. "WAAAH! Brother! Please don't go!" She kept crying and soaking me with her tears as Mamboshi started to look like he wanted to cry to.

"So, how long do you think it'll be until you return?"

"I can't say. I'll try to return when I get a notable amount of time off. This whole thing though is to help our people."

"But why do you have to go-re-me?!" Ryuboshi asked for me to try and explain it the best I can.

"Let's say hypothetically, we have all the signatures and the World Government allows us to relocate Fishman Island above ground. Do you think humans will be as forthcoming as they've been with us on the ocean floor?"

"I see. So you are trying to help push people to understand the Fishmen and Merfolk of this kingdom and lightening the burden on our people when the time to go up finally comes. An admirable goal, but it still is sad knowing you have to leave."

"I'm with you there, Fukaboshi. The last thing I want to do is leave this island."

"Then why not do the same thing here?" Shirahoshi asked through her tears for me to pat her fin.

"Trust me when I say I'd much rather do everything I am doing here, but I just can't. Sometimes, we need to do things we really don't like in exchange for the greater good." This comment didn't go well with Shirahoshi since she still wanted to cry. "Don't worry. I asked the guards to give you a transponder snail and the connection to mine in case you ever want to talk to me again. Just try and make sure it isn't during school days." This seemed to lighten Shirahoshi's mood for a timer to go off for us.

"Sorry to cut the mambo short, but we're out of time." We all started to leave before I turned back to Shirahoshi for a moment.

"I promise that I'll return. And when I do, I'll make sure to tell you all about the things I saw."

"Promise." Shirahoshi put out her pinky for me and our brothers to do the same.

"I promise." An axe began coming into the area for me to jump up and grab the blade with my hands. The shock of it came to all of us as Shirahoshi narrowly missed having it stab her in her heart. "Sorry, but we really need to leave now." My brother's and I left quickly so another axe or something can't be thrown and hit Shirahoshi. Another one came for me to punch and destroy it with Haki with the recent attack enraging me. "Sorry to cut our talks short brothers, but I have a few others I need to say goodbye to in the next few hours."

"We understand. Thank you for spending some time talking with us." Fukaboshi smiled at me for it to feel comforting knowing my family understands me.

I began walking to the grand hall to speak with the king to see Ulti and Yamato at it again for some reason. "THAT LAST ONAGIRI WAS MINE!"

"DIDN'T HAVE YOUR NAME ON IT!" The two attacked with immense power for everyone to just sit and watch.

"So what's the argument about today?"

"Yamato had her last onagiri stolen by Ulti and now she's pissed off." Praline pointed this out as everyone simply watched this unfold.

Looking down at me, King Neptune gained my attention to make sure I was ready. "Do you have all your belongings packed, my son?"

"Yes father. Everything is loaded up and on our ship, ready to set sail this afternoon."

"That is good to hear. However, there is something I'd like to give you in exchange for all your dedication." The Minister of the Right came out with a package for me to take it and open it up. When I saw the contents, I noticed it was a rather nice katana.

"This katana was forged by our greatest smiths with some of the most powerful ores that were on the ocean floor embedded into the mix. The laces and handle guard were created with our palace's image in mind and the fabric of the royal family's garments. When you draw the blade and use it in battle, know you have the heart and love of every Fishman and Merfolk in this kingdom backing you."

I sheathed the blade and bowed at my father. "You are far too kind, sir. This weapon is wasted on me."

"Do not worry. I know you are doing us a great deal and I wished to show everyone in the kingdom's gratitude by this."

"Then I shall use it and never forget the commitment of the people and yourself your majesty." I could feel everyone smile at me before noticing the time. "I need to get leaving, sir. I have a few more stops I must visit."

"Understandable. Did the school give you a time when you are able to bring your wives above ground?"

"They said that the dorm for us will be ready after the Sports Festival, which takes place a little over two weeks into the school year."

"Very well, then we shall treat them no different than family."

"Thank you. I shall take my leave than." I left the hall shortly after this with headbutting both Ulti and Yamato to get them to stop and cool their heads. My next stop after completing this was to the Mermaid Cafe to give my farewells to Shyarly.

At the Mermaid Cafe

Upon arrival at the cafe, I was met with the early morning crew setting up for the morning lunch rush. "Izuku! It's nice to see you!" Some of the girls came over to greet me with Shyarly in the back smiling.

"I thought you were heading out today."

"I am, but I had a few goodbyes I had to take care of before I did with you on the list." She smiled with the girls going to handle business somewhere else in the restaurant. "UA said you'll be able to come up in a few weeks. I'm trying to see if they'll allow you all to head up during the Sports Festival to see it in action close and personal."

"Sounds nice. What about everyone else? How did they take the news they were staying here for now?"

"Ulti threatened to bash my skull in, Yamato was pissed, Carrot and Wanda were depressed about it, Reiju didn't seem to have a problem and Praline began smothering me at the statement saying something about wanting all the affection she could get before I leave:"

"So as expected then."

"Yeah." We both laughed a little before the silence came over.

"So where are you off to next?"

"The Sea Forest. If I'm leaving the island, I need to do it right and let her know." Shyarly understood to kiss my lips for a huge blush to be on my face.

"Ohhhh~ Madam Shyarly~ So bold~" We turned around to see most of the girls listening in the corner to get a death glare by me and Shyarly. They hid themselves for us to continue.

"You're a nice person Izuku. I know one day you'll do great things for this kingdom's people. Just keep your mind clear and focused on what you have to do and do not fall to your anger while you're above."

"I promise."

Shyarly raised an eyebrow at me before pinching my ear. "I mean it. You should look at this and be happy what's happening. Not everyone gets your chance."

"Ow ow ow! I swear. Just let go of my ear." She let go of my ear for me to back away and rub it. "I hope we can see each other soon. Goodbye for now, Shyar."

"Safe travels, Izuku." I gave Sharky one last kiss before heading out of the cafe still somewhat sad that I had to leave, but happy knowing it wasn't for long.

"First stop done. Now to the Sea Forest."

At the Sea Forest

Upon arrival at the edge of the kingdom, I started walking the path to see the resting place of many ships and members of the kingdom alike. It's strange really. No matter what shape the ships are in, the rubble or full ship always ends up on the Sea Forest grounds when people don't follow the proper channels inside. Somewhat sad to the people, but more to those that have this as their resting place. Upon reaching a mausoleum for the royal family, I had found the plaque for for my mother.

"Hey mom. Sorry I haven't been around lately. I've been trying to do some important things for our people." I sat down in front of the stone grave marker for it to lighten my heart a little speaking to my mother and talking about what's happened. "Shirahoshi's still stuck in the tower, but you'd love to see her now. She's grown to be so beautiful...and large. You couldn't ask for such a kinder daughter than her. So quick to be emotional about even the simplest little things. So passionate with what she thinks is needed to be and what isn't. *sigh* I wish you could see the type of woman she's becoming. It sometimes breaks my heart seeing so much of you in Shirahoshi."

I tried to switch to happier news to talk about Shyarly and the girls. "I forgot to mention, I'm engaged to Shyarly. Thanks to a little ordeal with some other groups in the world, I'm also engaged to a mermaid called Praline, a hardheaded woman Ulti, Yamato who's kinda happy go lucky, Reiju who's a restrained and kinda passionate woman, a caring older sister type Minx called Wanda, and Carrot who's a rabbit Minx who always seems to smile. It stinks though that I can't see them for a while because of the fact I'm going up above the ocean to act as an ambassador for our nation to have our people go to school above the sea, but I'm sure you enjoy the fact I'm trying to help the people by giving them the tools to succeed while Fukaboshi, Ryuboshi and Mamboshi collect the signatures from the kingdom's people for the World Summit meeting."

I wanted to cry seeing my hands and remembering what happened that day 10 years ago. "I still haven't forgotten of my commitment. I won't kill or harm Fishemen or Merfolk. I know you'd rather me not harm anyone at all, but there are things that need to be done. I hope you understand that." Remembering something I had packed, I go into a bag I had on me to pull out a set of sea lilies. "I remember how you loved the look of these flowers when they were in bloom, so I made sure to get a few for you." I placed the flowers in front of mom's head stone and began getting up. "I'm sorry to cut this short, but I need to start heading back to the palace to get some of my final things. I'll try and visit again when I can return." I picked up my bag and began walking out of the forest. When I did though, I gave one last look back to mom's grave and smiled with a small tear in my eye. 'Rest in peace knowing we're ok, mother. I promise I'll make things right one day.'

Two hours later

The time finally came with the Sun Pirates agreeing to bring me up to port. As a form of thanking me, almost the entire kingdom came out to see me off with them cheering as if I'm some kind of hero or something. "Good luck, Izuku!"

"We know you'll do great!"

"Show the world what Fishman Island can do!" The shouts and cheers were uneasy with the royal guards even lining up and saluting me off. To the side, I saw father smiling at me with my fiancés beside him. It was safe to assume Ulti was trying something since she was tied up and glaring down Reiju and Shyarly who were holding the metal chains around her.

"We're about to head off." Jinbei spoke up for me to smile at the people and wave goodbye to the people I've known for years. When we reached the exterior bubble, we started to head out into the open sea with the Fishman District below us. Seeing the people down below made my resolution increase before going towards the stairs to the lower decks.

"Jinbei, warn me when we start to reach the surface please. I'm going to lay down for now."

"Understood." I went down to a cabin to relax and start to nod off as the motions of rising up to the surface rocked the boat around me.

'Watch out world, because Izuku is coming.'

And that finishes this chapter. See what happens next time when Izuku starts moving into 1-A and meeting his new classmates. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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