First Day

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In order to help create equality for the people of Fishman Island, Izuku decides to join a collage up above the ocean floor to establish kind relations. After a gargantuan feat at the entrance exams, Izuku gives his heartfelt goodbyes to his friends and loved ones. Upon his departure however, the members of Fishman Island all give their fond farewells and blessings for a brighter future for both them and Izuku. Now, Izuku will face the world outside of the bubble he's lived a majority of his life in once more in hopes to free his own people of their undersea prison.

Izuku POV:

After being brought to port by Jinbei, I gave my final farewells to him and the rest of the Sun Pirates and began my journey to the college. Upon arrival, I was able to place the last of my things in a pile of boxes going to my room and heading off to the school. Once inside, I was given a classroom to go to with the halls near it being quiet. "If I remember correctly, class A was this room." I stood in front of a door that towered over me mildly impressed. "I guess the rodent prepared for every possibility. Fair enough." I went to open the door with the sound of someone shouting coming from inside.

"GET YOUR FEET OFF THAT DESK THIS INSTANT! IT IS AN INSULTMENT TO THOSE THAT SAT THERE BEFORE US AND THOSE THAT HAVE MADE THE DESK!" The sound of the robocop spoke up for me to open the door and see him arguing with the ash blond idiot from the entrance exam.

'Great. I have two jackasses in my class.'

"So where'd you get that stick up your ass? Did you have it shoved up in your old school or were you born with it?"

"We are getting off on the wrong start. My name is Tenya Iida from Somei."

"Oh, so you're a fucking elitist. I'm going to enjoy kicking your ass!" He started to laugh with robocop now having some problems with it. I ignored them and went for my seat that was sadly behind the bastard egging on robocop. The two noticed me for the blue haired ass to speak up.

"Hello. I am-"

"Don't care. Just let me sit down so I can relax after spending a frigging five hour boat trip here." I sat down and relaxed for a few moments for a guy behind me to start staring back at some girl with black hair in a ponytail. "So are you seriously at least 19 or are you in the wrong school and supposed to be in a kindergarten." Everyone started laughing with me rolling my eyes at this.

"HEY! Don't blow my chance with a girl that has massive tits like-"

"How oblivious of you to think you even have a chance. I can tell you right now that you're bothering her, so take the hint, turn around, and shut the fuck up." I opened an eye while using Observation Haki to tell the shrimp's unwanted stares made the girl uncomfortable before sensing another person coming up to me. "Whoever you are, I'm not interested in talking."

"I just wanted to thank you for what you did in the exams. I hope you didn't get into any trouble for helping me. Then again, you're here so that should mean you didn't have a problem passing." I opened my eyes to see the brunette from the entrance exams to shut my eyes again. "We didn't get the chance to formally meet, did we? I'm Ochako Uraraka. What's yours?"

"...Izuku Ryugu." I spoke my name for this to hopefully push her away before everyone around started to circle around.

"You mean you're the prince guy from Fishman Island that's taking the Hero Course!?"

"Why don't you have fins or anything if you're from Fishman Island?"

"Any hot mermaid girls you can hook us up with?"

I tried to ignore everyone with our teacher waiting in some kind of weird caterpillar sleeping bag keeping to himself. He didn't seem to have a problem with these questions to force me to answer. "Yes. I'm adopted and human. Also, I would rather show you to the mermen to have them kick your asses. Also, how long are you going to be staying there not saying anything?"

"So you found me out, huh?" Aizawa spoke up for us to turn and see him in the corner of the room before unzipping his sleeping bag to walk out. "Hello everyone, I'm Shota Aizawa. For the next three years, I'll be your homeroom teacher." He pulled out 20 PE uniforms from his sleeping bag before placing them on the podium. "Change into these and meet me outside in five." I did as he asked to walk over and grab one of the uniforms with some of the few behind me doing the same immediately. I went towards a changing room to place the uniform on and headed out towards the field.

In the changing room

As I was changing, one of the guys with red hair was able to get a decent look at my back to comment on it. "Dude! Is that a tattoo on your back!? So manly!"

"It's a burn." I didn't even turn to meet his attention with some of the guys looking at my back to notice the Sun Pirate's crest.

"Isn't that a pirate group's flag?"

"Why is it burned on your back?" I shut the locker and began walking out to the field.

"It's none of your business, so keep out of it."

As I walked out to the field, I was met by Aizawa and noticed I was the first one there. Since we had time, the teacher gave a little small talk with me. "So, what's with the bandages on your arms? Did you get hurt before the exams or something?"

"They hide burns that nobody will understand here why I have." The other students finally came with the hobo looking man finally explaining what we're doing.

"Today we'll be doing quirk apprehension tests."

"But sir, what about orientation?" The brunette from before asked.

"This school allows it's teachers to follow their own criteria and annul out anything they think is unnecessary that isn't required and add in. In short, I can teach my class however I want."

'Seems to be kinda dumb if you ask me.'

"Ryugu." Aizawa tossed me a ball for some reason before continuing to ask a question. "What's your farthest throw without any abilities?"

"About 79.5 meters."

"Use what you know this time. Behind me is a circle. All you gotta do is throw the ball in it. I don't care what else you do, all you need is to remain in the circle." I shrugged it off before going to the circle I thought of the best way to handle this being to use Haki and then add some height with Fishman Karate after.

I coated my hand with Armament Haki to turn it black with everyone watching in surprise. "Is that a quirk?"

"No. Ryugu is a master of what's called, Haki. It enhances his strength, reaction time and willpower. Since quirks were brought into the picture, Haki users have been showing up less and less due to the element of how to master it being extremely difficult. In short, the results you'll see right now are from blood, sweat and tears of hard work." I threw the ball as far as I could to get a little bit of wind pressure with it. Before I left the circle though, I aimed with my fist with the moisture in the air circling around it.

"What's he doing now?"

"Fishman Karate. A martial arts that involves the moisture in the air and inside people. Another technique that is rare and only able to succeed as much by Fishmen."

"Arabesque Brick Fist!" I sent the shockwave towards the ball for it's back end to indent slightly before making a second shockwave from the incident. Turning back, Aizawa gave me a score of 967 meters for everyone to be in awe.

"You all will be doing six tests today. Each will consist of tests you'd do in your high schools but with quirks this time. The current curriculum of normal schools does not understand the drawback of hindering students by withholding everyone to do their best to make things balanced."

"So in short, we're doing tests to see how strong our quirks are. This could be fun." A pink skinned girl said this for my Haki to tell me Aizawa found this annoying.

"Fun you say? Then how about this for fun. The person who get's last will be deemed to have no potential and be expelled today on the spot." Everyone panicked as I began returning to the group with the Uraraka girl objecting to this.

"You can't kick someone out of here on the first day! That isn't fair!"

"You honestly think this is unfair? What about natural disasters, villains attacking humans for no reason, Celestial Dragons doing as they please with no regards to laws. Wouldn't you think those are unfair since they happen to people that don't deserve it? The world is full of unfairness. This is why we have a motto of going beyond, Plus Ultra." The tension around us was increasing for me to tell everyone now was scared except for a few about failing and getting expelled. At least I knew that one human here understood that life isn't fair.

After the tests

As the tests began to go underway, I was able to get a decent score on most. Among them, there was about two that I excelled at the most. The one was a grip test. Thanks to my Armament Haki, I was able to grip the machine hard enough to break it. This shocked everyone with the ash blond getting more pissed off. The second test I succeeded in and stood out was the long distance. Thanks to my constant training, my stamina's through the roof with this being no different than a normal work out. The other tests I may not have gotten first, but I was able to remain in the top five for the most part to avoid any issues.

"For the most part, you all did well. Before I put up the scores above me which you all should have a decent idea where you're placed, I'd like to say this. There's no expulsion. It was a logical ruse in order to have you all work as hard as you can to show what you can do in these tests." Everyone was shocked except for the girl with the ponytail to look at us.

"Sorry. I would've said something if I knew you all thought that was true. Did you honestly think he had the ability to expel people on the first day?"

"He's lying." I spoke up for the ash blond to snarl at me.

"What? You psychic now cause of that stupid fancy power?"

"No. I'm saying he had full intentions to expel someone and only didn't because he saw that we had potential to some degree."

"Ryugu's right." Aizawa placed the scores behind him with me being at about third place behind some other students that took the recommendation test. Syllabuses are in the classroom. You're all free also to go to your dorms and unpack. Tomorrow we officially start hero training, so be prepared." Aizawa walked away with me doing the same, not wanting small talk.

"Oi, Deku!" I stopped hearing my crappy childhood nickname from before I was a slave for it to anger me. "I should've known it was you. Last I heard from Izumi, you were some piece of shit noble's little slave. Guess you survived." He started laughing with my anger now being in the red. "Then again, you were always useless even without a quirk. At least there was some satisfaction with you being sold off to a Worl Noble-" I didn't even let him finish his sentence for me to punch him and be sent flying. Everyone looked in horror as I glared the bastard down in rage.

"You think you're just so smart, Bakugou. You don't even understand the hell I went through. People like you make me sick. EVEN BEING IN YOUR GENERAL PRESENCE IS INSUFFERABLE! YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT I WENT THROUGH, SO YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO EVEN SPEAK OF WHAT YOU THINK IS GOOD OR BAD!" I walked towards the school with some of the other classmates getting in my way. "Get out of my way now before you're punched like that asshole." Most backed off with fear of me going for them next for some of the girls in the class to speak up.

"He just one shoted someone with a single punch. That's insane."

"Did Bakugou just say World Noble?"

"Are they fancy people or something?"

"That's gotta be a lie. if Ryugu was a slave, how did he get to be a prince?" I ignored these and wanted nothing more than to walk away from them. On my way in, I noticed Mr. Aizawa standing to the side.

"Are you going to punish me for what I did?"

"No. To be honest, I was able to look at your file and realized there is a lot of personal problems. This is half the reason I swapped Koda and Midoriya. If anything, you won't have to deal with her yet."

"*sigh* So she became a member of the Hero Course too. That's just....swell." I started to walk away with Aizawa saying one final thing to me.

"I know it would be difficult, but try to make friends with your classmates. The goal of you being here is to show that members of Fishamn Island can live with humans peacefully."

I didn't respond as I walked away remembering everything humanity has done to me. 'I can never be friends with humans. Not after everything that's happened.'

And that finishes this chapter. See what happens next time when the second day of UA comes. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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