Family Reunion

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Sanji POV:

After Ryugu left, I continued into the kitchen with some of the girl talking amongst one another. "Hey, you think Ryugu was a little hard on the kid?" The Tokage girl asked with the Hagakure girl agreeing.

"I know, he was so rude to her in saying he'd shove the food down her throat in forcing her to eat. Don't you think he should hold back a little on children?"

"Actually, I think he did the best thing there." I spoke up to them for the Tokage girl to smirk at me. Oh my god, I LOVE SEEING GIRLS IN SEXY BIKINIS!

"Oh yeah, Why are you siding with him? Cause he's basically your boss?"

"Actually, I kinda agree with his methods as well." The Yaoyorozu girl spoke up as well with the Uraraka girl beside her.

"You don't know Ryugu as well as we do, but I felt something off with the girl. Some kind of sadness. Even if you couldn't. The fact she was crying about how good it was spoke words."

"Most of the people in Wano live in poverty." Yamato spoke up while explaining the situation of the land her and the girl Otama is from. "Most adults can't even give food to themselves, much less their starving children. Some children only get food once a year to the point a bowl of rice is deemed a feast to them. So having a full hearty meal she had was something that would've been so foreign to Otama to the fact it would be equivalent to a feast of kings. What you think is over the top was Izuku's method of showing what he thinks a girl like her deserves."

"Going hungry is a horror nobody should have to face. I've done something similar to understand the pain starvation does to one." I put my two cents in and kept listening as the Hagakure girl asks more about Wano.

"So why doesn't the ruler of this Wano place do something about this?"

"Because the Shogun is an asshole." Ulti spoke up for us to look at her in a sexy sky blue bikini. OH MY GOD, I ENVY RYUGU SO MUCH RIGHT NOW! "I only know that Kaido only sides with him because he was able to create a base of operations there and was willing to leave after finding a new place hidden away only to be denied saying that the jerk Orochi would squeal if he did and that his men were going to send to the Marines his destination if the commander were to ever kill him during the Golden Festival. Thanks to this and him trying to hit on me, I'll give him a double headbutt the next time I see him. Triple if he tries to hit on me again!"

Everyone was a little shocked with this as Tokage asked another question. "Does Ryugu know about the situation in Wano?"

"Well enough to know Otama probably didn't have a good meal in her for as long as she can remember before even asking her when the last time she ate solid food was. But adding to this, the factories Orochi makes has the wildlife in Wano unable to be eaten unless they're from a former Danyo's food guarden made for the people who are impoverished to have something nutritious to eat which is reserved for the people that live under the Shogun's good favors and only give the impoverished the scraps." Black Maria mentioned this with a bit of a sour note to her comment. Not that I could blame her. This Orochi person sounds like a bastard to begin with. Adding to it, she spoke more about the land itself. "Adding to this, the waters and the beauty of the land itself was polluted by these factories where the people who spoke out against these misdeeds toil away to make weapons for Orochi and uses Kaido's influence to assist in selling them on the black market. If I ever had the chance to, I'd give Orochi the form of torture I'd only give to special people that Kaido gives me and make him wish for me to forcefeed him his own pancreas."

I was a little shocked of the status of the country and actually held more respect for Ryugu. "So...Ryugu probably gave this kid a taste of heaven if we're honest."

"Yes, Hagakure." Shyarly spoke up while holding her normal calm and sexy stoic look. "Izuku though does act a little out of line as you may think. He does actually wish people to not suffer. When it's done to you and you see the backlash it does on other people, you want to avoid people suffering no matter who it is knowing the pain is not worth any crime."

"Wow....I...I never thought Ryugu would be so...kind...He normally comes off as an asshole."

"Though I have tried to fix this with him the best I could, he does come off as one to people who he can't trust, Kodai. But deep down, he knows what it means to be hurt and doesn't want someone to get hurt if he can prevent it." Hearing this last bit, I went into the kitchen where everyone was paying attention to what needed to be done in regards to service.

"Hey, Bakugou. What still needs to get done before service?"

"UP YOURS! WE JUST NEED TO GET SOME PLATES DONE AND WE'LL BE READY FOR SERVICE! SHITTY HAIR'S ALREADY ON IT WITH EARS!" I smiled at this before making a double check on the stations as well as making sure our fridges were working tat the state we should have them. "So, the kid's being raised by Deku?"

"Yeah. Otama I think would benefit being raised by Ryugu."

"If we're honest, I think he'd be able to learn something from being her old man." I glanced over at Bakugou for a moment.

"What made you side against Ryugu when you were children?"

"Fear of being targeted was the reason. Not saying it's a good argument, but is there a better one?"

I put my head down and began working. 'Reiju and I are arguably the closest to you and Ryugu.' We continued working into the night with the cafe starting to get busy. As we did though, I saw three people I wished I'd never see again for as long as I lived.

"Hey, Sanji. What's the matter?" People tried to figure out what was wrong with eventually their voices becoming mute to me. I...I didn't know what to do. I felt as if my world around me was going deaf. My hands couldn't function. Worst of all, I noticed Niji glance over and smirk at me. I felt as if I was going to vomit with a voice speaking up to break the silence.

"Sanji. I need you to calm down." I turned to the voice to see Reiju looking worried while staring at me.

"S-sorry. Why are they here of all people?" I couldn't hold back my unease as my blood sister explained.

"Apparently, they're back from a mission and came here as a means of blowing off steam." I could barely breathe as it felt like my world was going around in circles. "I mentioned a possible issue to Shyarly and Izuku is coming here. If you need a moment to breathe, tell me. We can handle for the next few minutes without you."

"*pant* *pant* I'm fine." I tried to force myself to compose my body before holding onto the table. "I...I just need a moment." I glanced over to everyone to see them pale in the kitchen. I walked towards the back exit for me to light a cigarette and breathe it in a bit to calm down a little more. "Let's treat these three like normal customers and give them the best food we can. All we gotta do." 'Just relax. They're just another customer.'

3rd person POV:

Walking through the cafe, Niji, Ichiji and Yonji walked towards a booth near the stage. There, they were met by Ochako, Tokage and an orange haired girl that had orange hair.

"Hey there. I'm Nami. These are my friends Ochako and Setsuna. We'll be your hostesses tonight~" Nami winked at the two for all three brothers to hold hearts in their eyes.

As they sat down, Nami was next to Yonji, Tokage was beside Ichiji and Ochako was beside Niji. As they sat, both Tokage and Nami didn't seem to show unease, but Ochako sensed something from all three brothers. Something unsettling and scary. "Hey, what's wrong honey?" Niji smirked at Ochako for her to smile and try to brush it off.

"Oh, it's nothing. I'm just a little awstruck that the princes of the Germa kingdom are here. I hear so much about you all and I was quite a fan of the Sora comics from the newspaper." Niji smirked at this before holding Ochako closer to him.

"You know something. I like a frontal girl like you. What say we have some fun tonight. Let's get a couple barrels of alcohol and a lot of food!" The servers agreed and brought a bunch of food and liquor to the table with Shyarly's voice coming on the speaker.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it's my pleasure to present to you the musical singings of our own Praline Charlotte." Some lights began shining on the stage with all other lights going down as the music played.

The stage was empty until Praline began singing to come right out of the curtains. She smiled at everyone before bowing as greeting when calling herself Asmodeus. She soon walked around the stage giving a lustful gaze to all tables. She soon came off the stage and sat on a table with a pro hero off duty to lean near him and give him a desire for the woman. Once the final verse came, she walked towards the stage and gave her final long note to shock those that had never heard Praline sing before.

"Wow. And I thought Ryugu was the ring leader on the stage." Tokage was shocked as Reiju walked towards the table with some more food for it.

"Praline isn't the headliner, but she rung in quite the crowd on Fishman Island when she began working alongside everyone."

"HAHAHA! Look at that stupid getup you got on, Reiju! You look like a whore right now!" Yonji began laughing at his sister for her to scowl and walk away. "That was just rude."

"Lovely crowd all around. It always makes me happy seeing everyone have a good time. And just like my future hubby, I don't disappoint~" Praline winks at the crowd with all the men hooting and hollering at her. "Alright boys, settle down. But it's not right to talk about my man up here, so why not sing a song that can relate to him a bit." The music started up again with Momo playing the piano.

Praline began singing for everyone to start tapping their heads to the beat. In the kitchen, everyone was also starting to tap their heads. Bakugou thought of his own past with Izuku when talking about the mumbling. Praline looked at other tables while saying some predictions before stopping and hugging herself while talking about Izuku and understanding he's not always going to be her's everyone felt happy hearing this song and could feel her love. Most at least. As the song ended, Pudding held her heart and blushed happily for her sister.

"She shows so much love and acceptance. I wish I could be someone like Praline who has a loving fiance."

"Don't worry, your prince charming's gonna come one day." Chiffon smiled before putting up an order. However, the woman stopped to hear something and look towards the Vinsmoke table to see the girls starting to be a little uneasy. 'This doesn't look good.'

"Alright. We've got one final song for you lot." Everyone cheered for Praline to laugh a little at this. "Now boys, you don't want me to stand up here all night with all your cheers. Or do you~ Shashashasha." The music started playing again.

Praline began talking about a bit with an incident happening. As she did, some of the guys waited before getting somewhat interested in the song as she talked about a no regret incident she'll do and accept her situation and willing to do anything without remorse. As this was going on though, the Vinsmoke boys were getting a little more feely with the girls with Ochako trying to pull away.

"Look, sir. I know that this place gives mixed signals a bit, but this isn't that type of place. It's all for having fun and-"

"C'mon, sweetheart. It's nothing bad. Besides, wearing stuff like that makes it somewhat easy to tell you're just as much an animal in heat as some men here are."

"We aren't in that type of work." Tokage spoke up while glaring at Ichiji glaring down at her in irritation.

"What's the problem? We're all here for a good time. So why not spice things up a little." Yonji tried to get handsy with Nami for her to grab his wrists to stop him.

"C'mon. Just lighten up a bit. It's not that big of a deal." Niji continued to push with Ochako constantly trying to say no. Eventually, she was beginning to lose her restraint.

"I SAID NO!" She slapped Niji hard across the face for Praline to stop her song and cause everyone to look towards them with Ochako getting up and backing away. "I-I I'm so sorry I had to do that. P-please just...just leave me-"

"Bad move, girl." Niji got up and held electricity in his hand. Everyone saw this with almost everyone being too far away to even react quickly. However, the kitchen doors flew open and showed Sanji with his leg on fire going right for Niji's face.

"DON'T YOU DARE HURT A LADY, YOU CREEP! DIABLA JOMBEI!" The act forced Niji to slide back as Sanji stood in front of Ochako as she was visibly shaking. Reiju came over as well to stand beside the two with Ichiji and Yonji getting up and glaring at Sanji.

"Well, guess the rumors were right. The failure's alive and working for our sister's loser fiance. HAHAHA!" Yonji laughed at this with Sanji glaring at both brothers ready to kill.

"Get out. Now. This isn't a place where you can sully the good names of these ladies by your acts."

"Oh, and who's gonna make us?" Ichiji was about to move for the two with his head being slammed into the ground.

"What the-" A blade was held to Yonji's neck to show Izuku was there with Otama on his back holding onto him.

"Back. Off."

"Tch. You think we're gonna stop cause you want us to!?" Niji got up and walked towards the group with Izuku glaring at him with a look that said everything. He was pissed and ready to kill.

"This is a place where people can blow off steam and have some comfort next to women. Not a sleazy brothel. You want someone to do this with, go somewhere else." He tightened his grip on Ichiji's neck while moving his blade closer for Yonji to feel his neck bleed a little. All three brothers laughed at this a bit before putting their hands up as a way to let it go.

All three got up and began walking out. But as they did, Niji glared at Sanji in rage. "Don't think I'm gonna forget this." With those words, the three left with Sanji holding some unease, but let go of it hearing Ochako fall to her knees.

"Ochako. Are you alright?" Shyarly and everyone came over for the brunette to start crying and shaking.

"I'm sorry *hic* I'm so sorry for that. I didn't mean to make that a scene." She kept crying with Izuku looking at Ochako and taking out a handkerchief.

"This wasn't your fault. I came near the start of the ordeal and saw how handsy those two were getting. You did everything right. Unfortunately, people like them are raised to think differently and take what they want. C'mon. Let's get you somewhere you can calm down a bit." Izuku helped Ochako to her feet with Otama walking beside them trying to think of what she can do to help Ochako.

Once they left, Reiju walked towards the back where her brother went. There, she saw him holding his chest trying his best to avoid a panic attack while sitting on a crate. Deciding to do what she can, the pink haired woman sat on a crate beside her brother. "I'm sorry. I should've done something so you didn't have to do that."

"It's...*pant* It's ok. don't...don't blame yourself." Looking up to the sky, Reiju began to tear up a bit while remembering their past.

'Nothing changed. Even now, I'm still that useless little girl when we were kids who just didn't want to get into trouble.'

And that finishes this chapter. So Reiju's comment near the end is kinda her reflecting on the aspect of her actions when her siblings actually came in. She blames herself for not taking an initiative to avoid someone getting hurt and feels responsible for what happened to Ochako, Tokage and Nami. See how this is handled next time. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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