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Izuku POV:

"HAHAHAHAHA! LOOK AT YOUR FACE! It looks like you lost a bet to a puffer fish and now has to mimic it!" I sat in the back of the Mermaid Cafe getting patched up by Reiju and Wanda who tried to help me however they could. As this was happening, Arlong began mocking me for how I looked with it having little effect on me. "That look suits a pathetic human like yourself! Unable to beat a fishman and this is the outcome for it. You couldn't be more pitifu-OW!" Shyar fortunately cut him off by whacking him over the head with her pipe.

"Arlong. Shut your mouth. NOW!" She glared at her brother with a look that could kill with him willingly accepting this and staying quiet. "As much as I wanna scold you right now for your decision, I won't. I think you've suffered enough and you actually made progress in how you wanted to help someone above ground get out of a situation they were in."

"It's nothing to take as 'progress'. All I just did was want to pull someone out of a bad situation of abuse. Outside of that, I don't wannaOW!" Reiju pulled a piece of stone that was lodged in my cheek out hard and fast for her to put it in a towel she had.

"Sorry. My bad." She showed no care for what she did to know for a fact that she did that on purpose. "But regardless, you did help someone that needed it and though they aren't the most normal human you could get, they're still human. So the way we all see it, you did make progress."

"Tch. Whatever." I glanced towards the door to see everyone looking towards us before Sanji opened the door and let everyone fall down.

"Sorry about that, ladies." He came over with a cup of tea for me and sat on a chair. "So, why did you not wanna raise a hand to the guy that did this to you. Also, what's so important about this that Shyarly wanted to keep everyone else from initiating anything?"

"It's a personal principle of mine. The people of the Ryugu kingdom suffer enough. The least I can do is offer an act of pacifism towards them as a form of apology. Thanks to this, I refuse no matter the circumstance to hit a Fishman or Merfolk."

"So you wouldn't react even if I took a swing at you? Lovely." Arlong started to smile at this while cracking his knuckles.

"Arlong." Shyarly spoke up while looking at her brother with the stare she gives men that try to sexually harass our workers. "You even try to follow through with that and your saw nose will be shoved up your butt and make it's way out your mouth."

This shut him up for Tsunatori to get up and walk over to me. She looked like she was on the verge of tears before speaking. "Ryugu. I am so so so sorry you had to do this. Please forgive me for making you think you had to-"

"I did this because I wanted to. It has nothing to do with anything else other than I wanted to help you. If you want to apologize, I wouldn't waste your breath on it since this has nothing to do with you to begin with. I made the demands on something Doflaminga made as an offer. I didn't back down when she showed Dellinger out of the family was my opponent. I also was the one that chose not to hit him. Everything outside of the arrangement has nothing to do with your actions and you have no reason to apologize. So don't."

"Quite the stubborn one you are. No wonder why Ellie likes you so much." I glanced at Black Maria for her to hold a child beside her. "Since you're all patched up now, onto business." I sat at the booth that she was in to take a better look at the kid. She was young. Probably about 8 at the oldest with purple hair and a green kimono with patches on it to show it's seen some ware. She didn't look all that happy to be here but remained quiet looking downwards.

"Allow me to introduce someone. This is Otama. Recently, she's been causing some trouble with our crew and Orochi. Thanks to this, he demands she'd be killed. But a power like her's is...unique. Also, Kaido thought this might be a little excessive and didn't feel like killing someone as small and defenseless as her. So then, he thought of you. If you would raise her and make her well...not so defenseless. He'll say to Orochi she's dead and she'll live here for the unforeseeable future."

I glared at the girl for her to avoid me. However, something caught my ear. "*growl*" The sound was her stomach for the girl to hold her head down a bit more.

"Kid. When was the last time you ate?" She didn't answer. "I asked you a question."

"...I had a bit of rice about five days ago." I stood up and walked out and into the kitchen. There, I began grabbing a few things to put into a tempura bowl. I added also a bit of sweet miso in order to help make it a little more desirable for a kid's palate. Once I was done, I brought out some noodle stirfry with some sweet sausage in it alongside a warm cup of tea.


"..." She glanced at the bowl with her stomach growling again. "...I don't want it."

"Eat. It." She remained silent with Carrot starting to speak up.

"Izuku, I don't think you Tia should-"

"Wait, Carrot. Let him handle this." Sanji stopped her with the lack of action from the girl now angering me.

"IF YOU DON'T EAT THE FOOD, I'M GOING TO SHOVE IT ALL DOWN YOUR THROAT MYSELF! UNDERSTAND ME!?" I shouted at her for the girl to finally get that I'm not playing. she grabbed some chopsticks and began eating it. As she did, I noticed something start happening. She slowed down and began to cry. "How is it?"

"It's...*hic* It's so good!" She kept eating while crying to explain to me why it made her. "I never had food so filling before! It's so amazing and tasty!" She kept crying while eating for everyone to hold a bit of shock. After she finished, the girl was still crying, but was notably drowsy. Seeing this, Shyar pulled her into her arms and let her rest there while hugging the girl. She eventually passed out for me to look at Black Maria and give an answer.

"...I'll do it."

"Interesting turn of events. To be honest, I didn't expect you to accept a human girl as your own-"

"I'm not accepting her because she's human. I'm accepting her because I know what it feels like to be the oppressed. You all in the Beast Pirates would probably not get it. That's why I'm doing this." I glared at Arlong before taking the girl in my arms and walking out of the cafe. "Thank you for patching me up. I'll see you all tomorrow."

I walked out of the cafe and began making my way to the campus. As I did, I noticed someone standing to the side who seemed to be a big name in the Big Mom pirates.

Few hours later

After placing Otama on the couch and putting a blanket on her, I went into the kitchen to make tea. "So. What brings the strongest son and near perfect living being to a place like this?" I made the comment for him to seem irritated by the remark.

"I'd rather you not give me such atrocious names."

"Consider it a small crack about the best in the Charlotte family outside of Big Mom." I placed a cup on the table for him to not drink it. "So what do you want?"

"I am merely here to see how you are doing. You are living with my little sister after all. Also, our sister Prim had said there was some uncertainty with you and Praline. Would you like to talk about that?"

I glared at Katakuri before speaking up. "I'll tell you my scars if you let go of your facade."

"Excuse me?"

"You think I wouldn't be able to see it? A man who is broken at his core and puts a wall up to defend himself from the outside world only to realize the walls he must keep up constantly are making an image people demand and rely upon. You fear showing people your true self because you find it wrong and a sin to. As such, you punish yourself and punish those that see the real you or wish to bring it out. People like you and me...well, we're a rare breed if I'm being honest." I sat down near Otama to pat her head and pull a strand of hair out of her face as she slept happily.

"I see..." Katakuri continued to sit calmly for me to accept and unbutton my shirt to show the scars I hold while also pulling the bandages off my hands. "Oh my." To say he was shocked was an understatement.

"I know. Hideous, isn't it. This is what my body is brought to. a body just waiting to fall apart. But the thing is, I can't stop yet. No matter what I do, I need to keep going. If not for me, for my family. For those that care for me."

Hearing this, Katakuri was pale as he slowly went to his covering. He slowly pulled it off for me to see something that he keeps well hidden.

"Well, there you have it. This is my true self. The man of perfection in the Big Mom Pirates is nothing more than a man with a wired shut mouth from his disgusting gorging of donuts." I was surprised at this, but overall didn't care for it.

"So, what made you into the man you are today?" Katakuri started going on about what he was like before he changed. The type of boy he was to lazily enjoy donuts whenever while taking life as it comes to him. However, his sister Brulee was hurt because of some thugs that had a vendetta against him. As such, he saw his own sister hurt for something he should've never let happen and thus made a vow to become the perfect image of an older sibling due to not having big Mom as a support for them.

"I became this so my family can be safe. I love them greatly and want them to be happy. As such, I'll continue being this...image. Until the end, I will be the image of a support pillar my family needs and rightfully deserves."

"I see." I drank some of my tea with Otama starting to wake up and looking at me. "Well, I hope you had a good nap." Otama stopped to look at me and see my scars.

"AHHH!!!! IT'S A ZOMBIE!" She ran over towards Katakuri to hide behind him while crying in fear. "HE'S GONNA EAT MY BRAINS!"

"Oh please. I'd have eaten your brains already if I was a zombie" I continued to drink from my tea with Otama and Katakuri sitting on the same couch. "So since you told me your reason for your facade. I guess it's only fair I do the same." I began to talk of my families before and after I was a slave and the difference between the two. I emphasized the damage done to me by the Celestial Dragons by explaining which scars were their fault along with the reason for the burn on my back. I also explained the damage done to my hands and my dedication to my people in my late mother's place. "And thus, I became my people's defender of the pirates and thugs that would want to take them away. The scars that are from this I don't look at as unsightly however. They're proof my actions had some form of a goal to them."

When hearing this, Otama started to tear up and run towards me crying. "I'M SO SORRY I CALLED YOU A ZOMBIE AND THOUGHT YOU WERE GONNA EAT MY BRAINS! I DIDN'T MEAN TO BE RUDE TO YOU!" She kept crying with it not bothering me to pat her head. I placed her on my lap and glanced at Katakuri.

"So. What are you going to do now?"

Katakuri drank his tea in one shot and smiled at me. "Thank you for the tea. As for what I'll do. I'll keep being the man I am right now. However, I may ask for a private room in the future at your cafe to talk. If you'll have the time."

"I'll see about making some. All I'd ask for that is for you to call ahead."

"Sounds reasonable enough. And your friend in the doorframe shouldn't talk of what she saw here either. That includes the girl." Katakuri placed his scarf back on and began walking out. As he did, Tsunatori walked out with her head down holding her things.

"I...I didn't know you had that type of family life with Midoriya. If anything, I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault." I put Otama to the side to stand, put my shirt back on and take her things to bring to her room. "Starting now, this is your room. Decorate it how you want, but just don't make a mess if possible."

"I understand." I was about to walk out before I felt something from behind wrap around me. I looked back to see Tsunatori hug me while crying into my shirt. "Thank you. *hic* Thank you so much." I smiled at this before she let me go to walk out. I went into the kitchen next to start on something for people to eat. While there, Otama started talking with me.

"So, where are ya from?"

"Born in Japan, raised in the Ryugu Kingdom on Fishman Island."

"Why did the spider woman drop me off to you?"

"Because Kaido didn't actually want to kill you."

"What connection do you have with Kaido?"

"He a benefactor for my people by us using his flag in exchange for some sake. We also have an engagement where I'll have a member of the Tobiroppo and his actual kid as my brides."

"What about that other guy?"

"Katakuri's part of the Big Mom Pirates. Similar deal with me engaged to her 23rd daughter."

"How many people are you gonna marry?"

"Seven at the moment."

"Is the horn girl in the other room one of them?"

"No. She's just a person I helped out of a bad position."

"Why did you?"

"Because I felt like it."

"But why?"

I stopped for a second and looked up from what I was cooking. "I don't know. I guess I felt like it."

"Do you want her as another wife?"

"Why would I want that?" Otama shrugged her shoulders at this.

"I don't know. You've got a lot already, I kinda figured you'd want another."

"Let's be clear about my engagements. None of them was because we all wanted a polygamy relationship. It is more a business transaction where we can have closer relationships with the other benefactor of the group. I'm not trying to be a husband of many women because I feel like it."

"Ok, but did you need to have so many people part of your deals?" I stopped when Otama said this to look at her. "Do you at least like your future wives?"

"I mean, they're nice and everything. But they wouldn't be part of this if it wasn't a business transaction related engagement."

"Ok. Though if you know it won't happen without them having this type of deal, why keep it then? Also, why not be happy with people that are happy with you?"

"It's not as easy as that. The world of adults is a lot more complicated than you think."

"Is it or are you just trying to make an excuse for yourself?"

"...Why don't you go sit down somewhere and watch TV." I turned the TV on and gave her the remote while also explaining how it works for the small girl to run over and start changing channels randomly while having excitement in her eyes. I put dinner in the oven before getting a call on a snail from Shyar. "Hello?"

"We have a problem."

"Ok. How big is the problem?"

"The Vinsmoke sons walked in and are making a problem with Sanji and Reiju."

I stopped to remember what Reiju told me about her and Sanji's childhood to know this could only spell trouble at the best outcome. "That uhh....that is a problem. I'll be there soon."

And that finishes this chapter. See what happens next time with Sanji and Reiju coming face to face with the Vinsmokes again. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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