Fights of Principles

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Izuku POV:

As everything began to settle down between the cafe and school, I began relaxing a bit and getting used to the new status we're currently in. While doing this, I was told by Arlong that he was coming to meet us with Black Maria who had a guest we needed to meet. Currently right now, I'm sitting in my first class of the day with our teacher explaining the final exams for us that are coming up soon. From what he said, the Hero Course students would have a written on the normal stuff we went over in school as well as a practical that was going to be told about on the day of the exam. Since I placed last time second in the mid term, I wasn't as scared but was still going to try and get better driving for the top spot. This though came to a head with some others as we came to realize something with the bottom two idiots of the class.

"I HAVEN'T STUDIED AT ALL THIS TERM!" Kaminari seemed to be freaking out while Ashido was sorta easy going with this.

"Between everything that's been going on, I couldn't have time to open my textbook and start studying! I'm so screwed!"

'Idiot.' I didn't even bother looking at him as I began going over my own notes along with looking at a possible changeup of the menu for the cafe that Sanji and I worked a bit on.

"Ryugu! You're one of the top 2 in the class and are just under Yaomomo! You manage everything at the cafe and your studies not counting satisfying a bunch of babes! PLEASE HELP ME-dwah!" I threw a notebook at his face to make the idiot fall on the ground before answering.

"Figure that out on your own time. You said you didn't have time to study, but you were able to joke and goof off with the small idiot beside me. Balancing your social and educational life are two things that any person should learn since there always has to be an even split if you want to succeed in both."

Ashido grabbed the book I threw to look over it and show some shock. "THIS IS A DETAILED BOOK OF ALL THE STUFF WE WENT OVER IN EVERY CLASS!" Everyone circled her with Ashido continuing to go through it. "It's writen simple. I can understand everything in this book!"

"If you want my help, that's what I can give. I can give you the tools to study, but I can't motivate you if you aren't motivated yourself." I grabbed the rest of my things and began heading out. As I did though, I noticed Kendo of class B walk up to me a little uneasy. "Something on your mind?"

"Ryugu. I need to warn you about something." I looked at Kendo a little confused before she tried to speak up. "Midoriya is having something happen where her family is tryig to-"

"Hello again, Izuku. Long time no see." I noticed Kendo's face go pale as I glanced up towards Doflaminga who was smiling down at me. "It seems you're becoming quite good friends with one of Izumi's little classmates."

"What are you doing here?"

"I just came to see you. You see, I wanted there to be no problems between our factions. As such, I thought we could do a session between you and our group." She placed her hand on my shoulder with it sickening me how buddy buddy she was trying to be. "What do you say? The final exams are coming up for you and Izumi and I think it would benefit both of you if we were to help each other out. Your group could help out Izumi, while our group helps out you."

I knew this was a trick. "Pass." I pulled her hand off and started to walk away.

"Aww, what's wrong? Don't wanna play with us. Since we're both under Kaido's faction, it's only fair that we work well together. Just like you, I have a kingdom I don't want to see get hurt and if Kaido thinks we're on bad terms...well, you saw the mountain."

I didn't want to get involved with the Donquixote Family more than I had to. But I also didn't want the people of Dressrosa to get hurt because Doflaminga told Kaido that we weren't getting along and took it out on our own people. I took a deep breath and looked at Doflaminga. "Fine. But I have conditions. No killing and no serious injuries if we can avoid it. The last thing I want is to explain to Kaido why we fought against one another to the point we were beaten bloody."

"I can agree to that." A sickening smile came to Doflaminga's face with Tsunatori coming over and holding a bit of a bruise on her cheek. She seemed scared for me to grab her arm.

"What happened."

"I-it's nothing." She pulled her arm away with Kendo holding an enraged look.

"Don't be so mad, Kendo. All that was was a little training Izumi had with her. You can't blame a few bruises when you're training to become a pro hero." Doflaminga said this for it to now make my blood boil. I had enough.

"How about this as a wager. If you can get me to grovel on the feet of whoever you want to train me, I'll give you whatever you want from the Ryugu kingdom. If you can't, Tsunatori moves into the home me and my fiances have."

"Oh, so scary. but why care for a mongrel like her. Hehehe! Don't tell me you have feelings for someone with such a pathetic quirk like that!" She began laughing with it now irritating me more.

"And what if I do? I'm free to like who I want just as you are. What difference does it make. Now, do we have a deal?" Doflaminga continued to smirk at me before shaking my hand to indicate our deal was fine with her.

Later that day in training ground Gamma

I stood calmly in the training area with my fiances as Shyarly looked at me with disapproving eyes. "Have you learned nothing from the incident with Stain? You do realize she is going to have someone kill you."

"I know. And I don't care. Right now, I'm trying to help get someone into a safe spot that avoids them being regularly targeted." I kept my mind clear and focused on the task at hand.

"Why should you care about a nobody!? You don't owe jack shit to anyone else and you shouldn't worry if they get picked on or anything! The only ones you should care about are yourself and your own objecti-"

"And if my objectives are to help people, what should my focus be then?" I objected to Ulti's comment and explained the fact she's missing. "I'm not some unstoppable force that can take anything. I know that. But at the same time, I can't just let someone get hurt if I had the power to stop it. Not again. Not ever again." I was irritated with Ulti still extremely confused before Shyar putting her hand on her shoulder.

"This is something that means a lot to Izuku. Though I don't support the method, he's not wrong. Let him do this. We'll step in if it goes too far." Ulti heard this and reluctantly let it go knowing it wasn't worth the argument with Shyar.

"Oh my, what a crowd you make." Doflaminga came over towards us while smiling.

"So you're helping me out with this?"

"Actually, I'm not. But he is." Doflaminga moved to the side to show the one person in the Donquixote Family I'd rather not face.


"Oh, my. It's been so long, Izuku! You're all grown up, how exciting! Hahaha!" I could tell right off the bat that this was going to be a problem for me without any context.

"Yeah, I'm not doing this anymore." I started to walk away with Dellinger speaking up.

"Aww, that's so sad. You're hurting my feelings. Hehehe!"

"I make it a point not to fight Fishmen or Merfolk. You have a problem with that, that's not mine."

"Then how about we alter the deal a bit. If you can avoid raising a hand to Dellinger for 10 minutes, then you win. But if you even strike him once, you lose. Sound fair enough?" I knew this was a bit to get me to play along to glare at Doflaminga. "What's wrong? You don't wanna help your little horned freakshow friend of yours? You know, Izumi wanted to have a little 'girls night' with that girl. You know, have them on square terms so they know where each other stands." When I heard that, I actually felt fear for Tsunatori.

"Fine. Haki for defense is one thing, but I won't blatantly attack Dellinger. If his Haki is below mine, then there's nothing I can do about that."

"Ooo. Tough guy. Hehehe! Well, then let's get started." I looked at the girls to motion them to stand to the side and gave them a look to indicate them to stay out of this. Once away from us where they won't get caught in it, Dellinger immediately charged towards me and ran around. I watched him as closely as I could as he waited for me to drop my guard. As I turned to see him behind, he made his move by charging his horns right to my stomach. "What's wrong? You had such big bravado not that long ago."

I slid back a bit while feeling a little blood drop down my torso. 'If I didn't have Haki going at that moment, he could've killed me. But then again, everyone knows I have Haki, so he could've played it off as I wasn't taking this seriously and this is the consequence.'

"Now, time for some more fun." Dellinger ran towards me again and jumped up above for me to see him come down heel first. "Guillotine High Heel!" I tried to avoid any damage with him hitting right on a soft spot between where my shoulder connects to me. Once again, I tanked it with the pain from the heel digging in making more damage than it should've and nearly dislocate my arm. "I'm not done!" He readjusted himself to give a stomp on my chest to send me into a nearby building. I held my chest feeling where he hit to stand and calm my breathing.

'He just broke a rib from that attack.'

3rd person POV:

As Izuku walked out from the rubble, the girls could see he was coughing up blood for Ulti to become fuming in rage. "That little twerp thinks he can hurt Izuku and get away with it!? I'LL RIP HIS HORNS OFF AND FORCE FEED THEM TO HIM-" She was stopped however by Shyarly who was holding her wrist. "What do you think you're doing!?"

"You get involved in this and Izuku will be even more enraged than he already is."

"But he's getting beaten badly and you said yourself that he shouldn't do stupid things like-"

"I know what I told him and we all knew this was going to be a trick the second this started. But in the end, Izuku wanted to help someone and to be honest, I wanted to help her too. But right now, we can't do much than just watch."

"You mean you can't do anything but sit and watch! Not all of us are as weak as-"

"Read the room, Ulti." Reiju spoke up for everyone to turn to her. "Izuku is someone that's fought to defend the Ryugu kingdom. He's also shown he has dedicated himself to never raising a hand against Fishmen and Merfolk. To him, this is a principle he prides himself on and would rather die than break. So if you, a woman he's engaged to tries to break this in his place, that makes it seem like to him he has to rely on us in order to fight his own battles. As a defender and someone who stands against this idea, that's almost as terrible as actually committing the act himself."

Ulti didn't wanna accept it, but Reiju was right. As such, they continued to watch. However, two people were watching from behind a corner to see Izuku constantly get beaten bloody. 'Please, just fight back. I don't care about what happens to me. Just fight back.'

Izuku received multiple kicks and stomps from Dellinger, forcing him to attain a few broken bones and have his body get puncture wounds from the half Fishman's heels and horns. "What's wrong? Don't wanna strike me? You have power, but you don't wanna use it. Is that because you're afraid or you know you'll like it if that happens?" Dellinger continued to try and egg Izuku on for him to kick Izuku again in the stomach. "C'mon! HIT ME! YOU KNOW YOU WANNA!" He kept kicking Izuku harder and harder for one to be right for his jaw and force him to spit up a notable amount of blood. At this moment, Izuku's hands clenched in a fit of rage at what he was forced to do. "THAT'S IT! DO WHAT YOU WANNA DO AND PUNCH ME AS HARD AS YOU CAN! PROVE THAT THOSE STUPID MORALS YOU CLAIM TO HAVE AREN'T AS STRONG AS YOU CLAIM THEM TO BE!"

Izuku was about to punch Dellinger as he raised his fist. However, the sounds of a past memory came rushing to his head to remember why he chose the path he did. "This is the one responsible. A human killed our queen!" Images of his mother dead on the ground with fire around them while the image of a human dead in the hands of an enraged Fishman echoed in his head. "THIS IS WHAT THEIR KIND IS CAPABLE OF!"

Izuku heard this to lower his punch as Dellinger was coming for another kick to the stomach. "You're not the one. You're not the one I want to punch. Even now, I can't lift a finger to you because of what happened on that day." As he said this, Dellinger kicked Izuku as hard as he could into a larger building, forcing it to fall with Izuku inside it. When the building collapsed, a bell rang that Doflaminga had to look down and have her smile turn to an irritated scowl.

"Damned brat."

Izuku emerged from the rubble looking at both Donquixote Family members with a stern look. "I've won our bet. So stay true to your end of the bargain."

"YOU THINK JUST BECAUSE YOU WERE A PUNCHING BAG FOR THE LAST 10 MINUTES YOU'RE BETTER THAN ME!?" Dellinger was about to attack again with Yamato, Carrot and Ulti going to attack him while Reiju and Wanda tried to pull Izuku out of the way as quickly as possible. However, the attack was stopped by what looked like large spider webs. "What the!?"

"Oh my. Seems someone's been a naughty boy." Everyone turned to the source to see two people walk over.

"Aww, look. The weak human is on his last legs. How adorable." Arlong mocked Izuku for him to calm his breathing and look at both.

"I regret not meeting you in person when you arrived. You have my sincerest apologies." Izuku bowed at them for it to irritate Arlong more than it should.

"It's fine. But there is much we must discuss. How about we bring this to the cafe you work in. The two of you can come as well. I know you're hiding over there." Maria glanced to the corner for Kendo and Pony to have a shiver down their spines before walking out and towards them. The group left with Reiju and Wanda giving Izuku some help in moving. However, Doflaminga was now fuming with rage to scowl at Izuku as he left with veins bulging out of her head.

"That disrespectful little brat. I'll take great pride in the day I can finally break him and return him to what he once was."

And that finishes this chapter. See what happens next time with the showing of Black Maria and Arlong. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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