Life of Sound

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As the Internships meet their end, everyone in UA begin to return to their normal routine. In an unusual twist, Praline and Izuku had been given the day off. Thanks to this, the large mermaid had a heart to heart with Izuku where he began opening up to her. Thanks to this, the two had begun a more mutual relationship in which they could be a bit more confining with one another.

Ochako POV:

The afternoon shift came for us on the weekend after we came back from the Internships. Today though, I heard that Ryugu and the rest of the staff in the back had a special thing they had. I didn't know what it was to take a glance back in there and be shocked. They made what looked like fifty monstrous donuts. The smell itself was insane as is, but the fact they all looked different tasty and complicated to make as they were all different types. "Woah..."

"Hey! Stop drooling on the floor before you make someone slip!" Ryugu shouted for me to look down and see that I actually was drooling on the floor to stop and clean up what happened.

"Dude. You should be nicer to girls." Sanji spoke up for him to scowl.

"I don't want someone to get hurt with the spit on the ground. Also, what if she damages the donuts with her drooling over them? Are you gonna be the one to point out to Katakuri he's one donut short because someone ruined it? I don't think so." He continued making what looked like some kind of caramel before taking it and splashing it over one of the donuts with Pudding putting some toasted coconut on it.

"So what's this for?"

"My brother's Marinda." Praline came over to look at all of the stuff being made to spook me a little as she leaned completely over me. "Once everyday at 3 PM, my brother eats a snack alone. During his time trying some of the stuff from Fishman Island, he decided to give an opportunity to the Mermaid Cafe after trying some of our desserts and gave us a chance to make his. This is both a blessing and a possible danger for us."

"Danger?" I looked up at Praline who seemed a little uneasy but calm saying it.

"If his Marinda isn't good enough, he destroys the place he has it from and kills everyone in it. That's why this must be the most perfect snack he gives." I went pale hearing this and slid away from the window.

"Just don't mess with the donuts and you'll be ok." Shyarly points this out as I saw Yamato and Ulti setting up the stage we had.

"What are they doing?"

"They're setting up the stage for Izuku to open our in cafe music show." She smiled as she explained something that happened on the original Mermaid Cafe on Fishman Islnd. "When we were back in the Ryugu Kingdom, Izuku regularly sang for us. Nothing too significant. Just a few songs here and there that made everyone feel good and happy spending their money with us."

"Oh, so like pop music."

"Somewhat. He does dabble in some other stuff since some other music does have some nice things."

"DON'T TOUCH THAT WIRE!" Yamato started shouting at Ulti for her to shout back.



"I'M NOT GONNA GET ELECTRI-" Before she could even finish that sentence, Ulti electrocuted both of them to show their skeletons before they both fell motionless on the ground.

"Why did I mildly see that coming?" I asked with Shyarly not showing any form of emotion.

"I brought this on myself asking them of all people to help out."

"I'll get it set up." Jirou went over with Carrot and Wanda pulling the two out from behind the wires. She spent like two seconds behind and got up shortly after to try the mic. "Mic check. One two. You girls in the back hear me?" we gave a thumbs up for Jirou to give a thumbs up back. She walked off and came towards us to somewhat surprise me.

"I didn't know you can set up a sound system?"

"My dad's a musician. He taught me the ins and outs of how to create a sound system and if anything, your system's crazy basic."

"If it does the job, why complicate things or make it the top of the line is Izuku's saying." Shyarly smoked from her pipe after answering this. "Is there any problems in the future for it to your knowledge of this."

"Actually, the stuff doesn't look like there's a problem. How it's set up has the power evenly distributed without any specific outlet having too much. The only thing that I think will be a problem is the amp you have has a tendancy to start overheating a little as it gets older and won't last more than a few hours before it has an automatic cooling function to it activate and shuts off. Other than that, your sound system looks like it'll last for a while."

"That's good. I trust Izuku, but having a second opinion isn't always the worst thing and he does have a tendancy to not say things are a problem when it really is."

'I've started to realize that.' I smiled calmly at this before the sound of the bell by the door opening up caught our ears. We turned for a monstrous man to tower over us to have me go pale.

"AAAAHHHHH!!!!" I unintentionally screamed at the man as he looked down at me. I quickly covered my mouth and looked a bit in fear at him. "Showwy."

"Our apologies, Katakuri. She's new and does now know many of the Charlottes. I think you just scared her a bit by your stature."

"It's alright. Is everything prepared?"

"We have your room ready and your Marinda is almost complete. We are putting the finishing touches on in the back with the water to warm the pot replaced with the water used to steep your tea. I had actually plans to call you and ask you if you would like any specific tea to go with your snack."

The man was given our list of teas to notice one and show a less stern face. "I have actually had desires to try the tea on this from Wano. From what Mama had said, there was a trade route established between them and us with some of our men bringing some back to make it a hot commodity that even makes it hard for my siblings to attain."

"Then I'll make certain that tea is used for yours. Last question before I make certain it starts, would you prefer hot or cold tea? This type is preferably consumed hot, but it still has enjoyable notes cold."

"...Hot tea is fine if it will give you less troubles."

"Very well. We will have it prepared for you in 15 minutes for 3PM on the dot. Ochako. Please show mister Katakuri to the room in the back we use for private events. There should be a note on it to indicate it is booked."

"Yes ma'am." Shyarly left for Katakuri to look down at me to spook me a bit. "R-right this way." I walked him towards our event room to open the sliding door and present it to him. "H-here's the room we've prepared for you. I-I hope it meets your standards." He walked into the room and stood in it with his arms crossed. "D-d-does it look bad?"

"No. Actually, it's quite nice. Tell me, miss. What is Izuku Ryugu like?" This caught me off guard as Katakuri asked. "He is my little sister's fiance and as such, I'd like to at least know if he is ok to be that. So I'd like to know what type of person he is to you."

I thought about it for a moment and looked at what I knew about him. "Ryugu has...problems. That's an understatement for sure, but he tries. He can come off as kinda an ass too, but he's a nice guy all around and does try to help those that need it more than him and sometimes less. There was this one time at the USJ where his arm literally was about to rip off and he wanted to help the people in class B that got hurt with one having a hit through her shoulder and another having very bad burns on her hands. Though he's not the best at showing his emotions and can be sorta mean at times, it's not from a bad place and I really respect that about him. His biological sister on the other hand, I'd wish she'd get kicked out of UA if we're being honest." I said the last bit with a lack of emotion for the giant man to have a somewhat relaxed shrug from it.

"If it means anything, I would rather have ended her that day as well. " The door soon opened to Ryugu, Sanji, Pudding and Chiffon bringing in the donuts with strangely Bakugou of all people helping.

I looked at him confused for a second as he glared at me. "What, got something to say?"

"...Since when did you work here?"


"Shut up and move your ass. We're on a time limit." Ryugu walked out of the room with Bakugou scowling and placing the donut on the table. this repeated a few times before Kendo and Kodai from class B came in with some tea and a cup for the giant man.

"Tell me, Izuku. What pray tell did you do for these desserts?" Katakuri asked for Ryugu to smirk.

"The donut dough itself was made with a rather unique flour with eggs from sky island chickens that were void of stress and laid not even a full day before use. The custard and butter inside of both the filled donuts with chocolate on them and the base dough was made by the similar eggs and cows able to have free roam and enjoy their lives on a similar sky island before being milked. The jam was made using berries from ones that grow to unique sizes about that of a normal human being while also having a slight bit of vinegar added to the mixture to avoid the sweetness to be too overbearing and taste bitter to your pallet."

Sanji spoke up while looking at the ones that had whipped cream and caramel on them. "The sugar used for the caramel was made by a sugar cane that is specified by any confectioner worth their berries. It was brought to a dark caramel before having cream added to it to sweeten up. The coconut shaved and toasted on top was freshly done this morning with Chiffon taking the ability to make the cream extra light and fluffy for the strawberry ones."

Chiffon went next to explain. "I'm sure you'll enjoy the cream very well, brother. I made certain it fit your standards the best by working with your personal cooks to find out what level of sweetness you enjoy your cream. The fruit decorations were done by Izuku as well to give you an eye appeal in addition to your taste buds having satisfaciton."

"As you're probably already assuming, I had made certain the chocolate used here was of high quality and some of my best work. The jelly filled donuts I had also added a bit of Chiffons cream to some to make a ganache before making a chocolate cream filling for a few. The flavor of it is both perfect with the greatest level of aeration that I'm sure you will love." Pudding took pride in her chocolate to the point it made me happy seeing before Ryugu pointed out the tea.

"The tea you had requested is called Cherry Blossom Petal tea. A special one that is only found in the Flower Capital of Wano. The calm and simplistic flavors are best for those that wish to enjoy rest and watch the beautiful pedals that fall around the capital dance in the sky to give it the name. Is there anything you do not find appealing or would like to know as well?"

He glanced at the tea pot and opened the top to smell it. There was a moment of silence before speaking up again. "The stage near the front. I had heard you play music. Would it go well with the tea?"

"I actually had a set made up as a start to our work up above the sea that would be perfect for it. I had also made a speaker set up to the sound if you wished to hear it. Big Mom and several other top officials are also listening in if you do not feel comfortable or imposing too much."

"Very well. I'll listen and I will give you my feedback once I am done. This also goes without saying, but I am not to be disturbed by anyone."

"Of course. Enjoy." Ryugu and everyone bowed before leaving with him pulling my arm out and shutting the door. "Pass on to the rest of the staff to not disturb Katakuri. If they do, I can't guarantee their safety." He walked towards the stage with everyone doing their own thing as well for us to continue work.

3rd person POV:

Izuku got up on the stage and began preparing his stuff. Once he was ready, he glanced up at everyone in the shop and smirked. "Ladies and gentlemen, my name's Izuku Ryugu. Starting today, we're going to start up something that's well known in our original shop. I hope you like it. Also to our guests listening in, I hope you enjoy the hospitality we're giving." As this was happening, every member of the treaties Izuku made listened closely.

"Ma ma mama ma! This'll be enjoyable to hear."

"Orororororo! Ulti said this'll be good to listen to while I'm drinking."

"Why would one seem to find satisfaction hearing something like this?"

"Nya! This'll be good to listen to while eating some lasagna!"

"Perhaps some tea while listening to this will be a good thing."

"Your majesty! Izuku's opening songs will begin momentarily."

"I am aware. Make certain the songs are put for everyone in the kingdom to hear. They are all a little saddened by not having the opportunity to listen to Izuku regularly. I'm certain they will enjoy this."

The music began playing with Izuku starting to smile. Thanks to Momo saying on how she was able to play the piano, she joined up in the band alongside other mermaids.

As he sung, Izuku's voice echoed through the cafe with everyone starting to sway with enjoyment. One by one, those that were part of the cafe stopped doing things and began listening. Even those listening in from other places stopped and smiled at it. Those part of UA listened closely and was shocked. This was something nobody  expected to come from the normally rude acting Izuku. Happy tones complemented with a warm and accepting smile. It was even enough to bring some to a tear. 'So beautiful.' These were the only words those listening could say as Izuku finished. Everyone cheered for joy as the green haired man to clear his throat.

"Ok, lets go with something a little tougher for those not for the warm and fuzzy stuff out there."

Izuku spoke up for those in the restaurant enjoying tougher music to enjoy it notably. However, something about the lyrics made those listening and understanding some of Izuku's grief seem almost painful to hear. It almost sounded like he didn't want to fight and wanted to just give up. But something inside him wasn't letting him do it. Even those from class B that were able to see his sincerity felt hurt. As he ended it, everyone in the cafe was happy and cheered. However, something kept Sanji from clapping. He looked at Izuku different. He looked at him and saw him hiding something inside him. 'Why does he look like he wants to cry right now?'

"Alright. Last song for the day. This one's for someone that I want to say this to. I don't know if they'll be able to hear it."

Everyone stopped and listened for the notes and lyrics and began smiling and bobbing their heads. Everyone thought this was something involving an old friend and someone that he might've had a fight with. But in the final verse, those that knew him knew for a fact who this was for to start crying a little knowing exactly who he was talking to with this. As it ended, those of Fishman Island started to tear up with Neptune even feeling his own grief come out to reveal itself. "*hic*. I'm sorry my son. I'm sorry you can't say what you want to to her. If only your mother could hear this. She'd help you understand none of this is your fault. Out of everyone, I think she's the only one that can help you through this pain."

Everyone cheered at this with the girls of UA and Izuku's fiances doing something entirely different. They started to tear up with Reiju out of them all standing up and walking out towards the back. There, she held voice while beginning to tear up. 'Mother. Mother, I'm sorry I couldn't help you and Sanji. If I was strong enough then...' She stayed back there and continued to cry to herself knowing her own failures. Undenounced to her, Sanji was feeling a similar guilt on the other side of the wall for their departed mother as well.

'If only what she didn't have to die. Maybe everything could've been different.'

And that finishes this chapter. See what happens next time with Izuku and everyone as the cafe officially starts doing songs. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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