Horrid Evils

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Otohime POV:

A month had passed since my little speech as my husband has called it with Izuku being a huge help for me. Thanks to his efforts in the kingdom at the time, we were able to get more signatures with ones that already had taken theirs away giving them back. Today, I asked Izuku to go and spend time within the kingdom without gaining signatures. I also asked Jinbei if he could watch from a distance with him saying they're going to be spending some time with Shyarly. Such a nice girl she is. "On your way out mother?" I glanced over to see Fukaboshi, Ryuboshi, Mamboshi and Shirahoshi near the entrance to the main hall.

"Why yes. I was going to head to the kingdom and address the people today."

"Didn't Izuku go out earlier though? I thought he would join you so-la-te-dou."

I smiled while responding to this answer. "He wanted to, but I told him he needed the day off. He's still a child and even though he works hard like the rest of you to become what they must, everyone needs a day to rest from time to time."

"Is he meeting that nice girl, Shyarly? Izuku told us about her and she sounds like a nice girl." Shirahoshi asked for me to nod.

"They're probably together right now talking amongst themselves. From what Jinbei tells me, he speaks so highly of his strong older brothers and caring little sister." They smiled knowing how happy Izuku is with my husband discussing with me some final words before I leave.

"I think you should also heed your own advice my queen. We wouldn't want the kingdom to worry about your health."

"I promise I won't let something like that happen again." I began laughing a bit before one of the royal guards came in.

"Your majesties! A ship was found severely damaged moments ago trying to request entry into the Ryugu Kingdom!"

"What are you waiting for then? Let them in." Neptune had asked with the guard worried.

"It's not that simple sir. The ship it's....it's a Celestial Dragon's." I was shocked before trying to run as quickly as possible towards it's location.

"Where is it docking!?"

"Outside of Mermaid Cove your highness!"

"My queen!" Neptune tried to stop me, but I wanted to get there as quickly as possible to greet the Celestial Dragon.

'This could work out in our favor. If I can obtain the aid of a World Noble, perhaps there is hope yet.' I stopped my train of thought however when I heard where the ship was docking. 'Oh no. Izuku is near the ship!'

Outside of Mermaid Cove, Shyarly POV:

After discovering a crowd of people, Izuku and I began heading towards the center to see a massive ship that was badly damaged. "Woah. I haven't seen one that big enter the kingdom in a long time." I glanced down to Izuku to see him begin shivering. "Izuku. What's wrong?"

He pointed towards the center mass for me to see the sail. When I did, my eyes went wide realizing just who crashed here. "A....a Celestial D-D-Dragon." The sound of gunfire was heard for both of us to look towards the source. There, we noticed a disgusting looking man injured waving a gun around for some reason.

"I say, what are you all waiting for!? Bring me a bubble and a doctor! I demand it!" He shot a round off again with the people scared to even go near him. I looked towards the guards to see them debating on whether they should intervere or not as well with some even wanting to put him out of his misery. "HOW LONG DO YOU EXPECT ME TO WAIT!? GIVE ME MEDICAL TREATMENT AND A BUBBLE AT ONCE! I CANNOT DTAND BREATHING THE SAME AIR AS YOU MONGRELS MUCH LONGER!"

Not long after this, some members of the Sun pirates came over with guns pointed towards the Celestial Dragon. I couldn't hear what they said, but from what it seemed, they were slaves to this Noble in particular and willing to do the unthinkable. They wanted to end the Celestial Dragon's life. "Izuku...Is this right?" I looked down to ask with him panting. "The Celestial Dragons are monsters. They enslaved our people. Enslaved you. I want to remain quiet if they do kill him, but is this right to do?" He seemed to have difficulties with this to run in and stand in front of the fishmen and Celestial Dragon.

"Wait! He held his arms out with the lead fishman irritated with this.

"What are you doing? Get out of the way!"

"I...I can't."

His comment enraged them to no end with it obvious on their faces. I was about to go in before Jinbei held my shoulder. "You can't get involved. If you do, it'll only cause more chaos than there should be."

"Why!? Out of everyone here, you know first hand how horrible these monsters are! Why are you defending them-"

"I'm not defending this man because I like him or his kind!" I could see tears coming down Izuku's face as he answered. "It's true, I want him to suffer. I want him to feel every whip, gunshot, burn and prod he gave our people. I want him to die just as much as you do being part of the people that hurt us. But...." He held his head up showing how conflicted he really was. "IF I LET YOU DO THIS, WHAT MAKES ME DIFFERENT THAN THE PEOPLE THAT STOOD BY AND LET MY PAIN HAPPEN AND WHAT MAKES YOU BETTER THAN YOUR TORMENTOR!?" The Celestial Dragon began going for his gun with the fishmen seeing and aiming at him.



Me and Jinbei went running in with Izuku shouting as loud as he could. "DON'T SHOOT!"

An overwhelming presence was felt with the sound of gunshots being heard, I started to black out with this to see Izuku fall backwards and the queen coming to help him. 'What...just....hap...pened...'

3rd person POV:

Seeing Shyarly fall back, Jinbei immediately grapped her to let her down on the ground gently. "Just what was that?" He looked up to see where Izuku was to notice the fishmen drop their guns with tears in their eyes. Looking to Izuku now, he noticed the boy falling back with blood coming out of him. "IZUKU!"

Out of nowhere, Otohime ran towards him afraid of what happened. "My son! Stay with me!"

"Y-your majesty....I-"

"I know. You didn't mean to shoot him, but please save this for later and get help for both Izuku and this man, please. Let the children see and know this was an accident so you do not corrupt their minds with hatred." The royal family soon came after with them seeing Izuku being held with blood coming down his arm.

"Jinbei! What happened to Izuku!?" Fukaboshi asked in fear for his youngest brother.

"He...he got shot...."

"Who did it!?" Mamboshi asked with a bit of anger as Ryuboshi held his fists in anger.

"Please. Don't show your anger. There are innocent people around that shouldn't be shown to it." The group looked and saw several children barely conscious and adults holding them so they wouldn't fall over. 'Izuku Midoriya. You've proven our queen's ideals can be followed, but what you displayed now could help us grow even more.' Jinbei was pulled out of this thought by hearing the people panic and see Otohime held at gunpoint by the Celestial Dragon.

"Alright! Now unless you want this disgusting fish woman to die, you'll do as I say and get me a doctor and a bubble!" The situation grew more dangerous with the members of the royal family even more concerned.

Shirahoshi who was watching this happen throughout the ordeal felt the most scared and wanted the violence she was witnessing to stop to shout out against it. "STOP IT!" The loud sound gave an earthquake for some reason with several creatures beginning to come out of the water and hover over where Otohime and the Celestial Dragon were.

"WHAT THE!? WHERE DID THESE SEA KINGS COME FROM!?" The fishmen and merfolk of the island looked in fear before the giant monsters glanced over to the crying Shirahoshi. As abruptly as they came, they left almost as quickly with their presence confusing everyone.

"Your majesty!" One of the fishmen that was part of the group ready to kill the World Noble came to Otohime with medical equipment and supplies. "Are you alright?"

"I am. But please help Izuku and this man. They need the attention more than I do."

The fishman nodded before looking at Izuku to try and help him first. Meanwhile, the entire kingdom took what happened and held nothing but absolute surprise from it. To the side however, two beings were more interested in what happened than most to take mental notes of what happened. 'So the boy can knock people out without even using violence. Interesting.'

'My family's prophecy, it's true! She can control the Sea Kings!'

Few days later

"A power....that only I have?"

"Yes. It's a unique power that only few in the world can possess." After the ordeals of what happened, Jinbei decided to tell Izuku about what happened with Shyarly present to explain what he did a few days back. "To make it simple, you used something called Haki. It comes in many forms such as the ability to coat your body in a protective force by your own stamina, sensing things that your eyes can't foresee through exteme focus, or even being able to defeat enemies by just your willpower alone. What you did was the last and the power you gave was strong enough to knock some people out at your age."

"Wow." Izuku stared at his hands before feeling a tear filled smile overcome him. "I always wanted something like this where people won't look down on me. This feels...unreal."

"Believe me when I say anyone can learn the first two forms of Haki I explained. However, not many does learn it since both Armament and Observation Haki require you to hold extreme strength and concentration in order to do it. Because of quirks in humans, the number of people who know of Haki and can use it are even smaller than it was before since humans won't train their bodies and instead train their quirks. This leads to the knowledge of Haki itself being a dying art so to speak. However, some pro heroes who are high ranked have some knowledge on Haki itself and can use it to battle villains with. But your Haki. The Conqueror's Haki. That's different." Jinbei sipped from his tea while explaining. "Conqueror's Haki is something that nobody can just naturally learn. You have to be able to use it yourself and most that have it don't realize they do. The likelihood of someone having the power of Conqueror's Haki is roughly one in a few million with these people who master it having a unique name to them. Supreme Rulers."

"So you're saying Izuku is this, great king or something?"

"It's just a term those with this Haki hold. However, I would advise against doing anything with it in a combat situation unless you have full control over it. Since you can't control it yet, you will also knock out allies if you were to use Conqueror's Haki yourself. But if trained right, you might be able to help your mother more than you normally can."

"Thank you for your words of wisdom, Jinbei sir. Your knowledge has given me hope for the future." Izuku bowed with something still plaguing Jinbei's mind.

"So how is your family doing." Izuku looked away a bit while answering.

"We're...managing." About a day ago, the Celestial Dragon was given a ship after being able to move around freely as to what the palace's physician said and began his leave back to Mary Geoise, Otohime had asked if she could accompany him and possibly get the assistance of the Celestial Dragons. This shocked everyone in the kingdom with it ending with the queen joining. Now, all the family and people of Fishman Island can do is wait and hope that their queen would return safe and sound.

"Rest easy. I have faith she'll come back. Your mother and you hold one thing in common. You and her refuse to let the darkness in this world define you" Izuku smiled at this before having Shyarly hug him.

"Why don't we spend some time doing something to help get your mind off of it. How about I assist you in addressing the people today? I'm sure your mother would be so proud if you were to gather some signatures while she's busy doing what she is for the people." Izuku nodded before heading towards the side. There, he met his sister and brothers still worried for their mother.

"Don't worry. Mother's going to come back. She's the type of person that never gives up no matter what." His reassurance did something for the four, but they were still uneasy. "Fukaboshi. You wanna help address the people with me and Shyarly? I'm sure they'd be happy to see the first son join us."

"I...I think I'll be fine just staying here. I'm sorry brother."

"It's ok. I understand." Izuku grabbed the signatures and the box to bring towards Shyarly and Jinbei. 'She'll come back. I know mother will.'

6 days later

After 7 long days of waiting for Queen Otohime's safe return, she finally arrived back with the kingdom able to breathe a sigh of relief. However, Otohime's return wasn't the only thing she had with her. With the signature of the Celestial Dragon Donquixote Mjosgard, the Ryugu Kingdom was able to participate in the World Summit and speak upon their proposal. However, the thing that made everyone on the island happy was the fact she returned to the kingdom safe and sound. Not long after her heartfelt reunion, Otohime had addressed her people in the Gyoncorde Plaza.

"The Celestial Dragons have listened and in my hands holds the paper which gives us an opening to our future. With it, we can take part in the World Summit. However, we have just opened the doors. The time is now my people. Gather your courage and sign to prove you wish to make a change for the better for us." Otohime spoke with many people in the crowd silent. Feeling as if she wasn't making much effort, she was about ready to accept defeat. However, the fismen and merfolk one by one began giving their signatures. All across the island, the people of the kingdom were giving their signatures and proving they want change. The amount was so grand that the Minister of the Right had a larger box to hold the signatures prepared. The act moved the queen. It made her happy to the point she wept tears of joy knowing her people wanted the change.

To the side, Izuku stood happy of his mother before a familiar voice spoke to him. "Izuku." Turning to see, Shyarly came over with an arm full of signatures. "I hope these help. One thousand signatures I was able to obtain from the Fishman District. With help from my brother."

"I only helped because you were spouting things that was going to get you killed. Don't think I had any desire to do any of this." Arlong grumbled before seeing Izuku smile at him. "STOP LOOKING AT ME LIKE THAT, STUPID HUMAN!"

"Arlong. Thank you for help-"

"I didn't help her for you! I helped keep the fishmen that wanted to kill her from doing so! There's a difference." The two laughed at this with it seeming like nothing could stop what they wanted accomplished. However, this changed the second the sound of cinders came with a roaring fire on the bins holding all the signatures.



"GET THE PEOPLE AWAY!" Several guards began panicking to try and keep the citizens safe with Izuku running as fast as he could to grab the signatures in the flames.

"AAAHHHH!!!" To the side, Otohime was doing the same trying to pull the signatures out of the flames before everything was gone.

"Your majesty! Stop this!"

"I can't. These signatures are more important to us than just flimsy pieces of paper. They represent our future!" The guards understood for the head to make a decision.

"Save as many signatures as you can! They're better wet than burned away!" Madness consumed everyone with everyone watching the flames burn as the two who fought desperately for a long time to do something for their people protected the future. Izuku slowed down a moment and noticed his hands bloodied from the fire opening burns he obtained. He shook in pain. He wanted to do more, but his body was unable to keep up.

'I...can't stop....Everyone....they want a....new life....I can't let this end here!' To the side, a person took aim at Izuku, prepared to shoot him through the chest. The sound of a single gunshot came for the seconds after to feel like an eternety. Those looking towards it saw a sight that horrified them all. Otohime pushing Izuku away from where he stood, to have a bullet peirce her heart. Both fell to the ground as the kingdom witnessed someone gun down the royal family.


And that finishes this chapter. See how the kingdom reacts to seeing Otohime fall next time. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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