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Izuku POV:

It's been about a year since I've come to live with my new family. I'll admit, it's a little scary thinking I'm so far under the ocean that it's freezing cold outside of our bubble, but I'm happy. I have a happy mom, a cool dad that was a cool warrior in the army, three brothers and a little sister. Since I still had a lot to learn, I'd normally sit and listen to mother teach the kids about the surface and learn what I can about Fishman and merfolk history from the Minister of the Left. It gets kinda boring hearing him talk for a lot of time, but he's trying for me and I like him for that.

Today, I'm going down to meet the people with mother to try and get some signatures. Now more than ever, we want to show the people we care because of Fisher Tiger's death. It hurt us all and my family more with me overhearing why Mr. Tiger had the Sun Pirate crest what it was. I try not to think about it as much since it makes me sad as mother says, but I can understand why Mr. Tiger did what he did to my crest now.

"Please my people, I implore you to assist us in our call. If you could only sign. We could show the world that fishmen and merfolk are willing to help establish peace between humans." Mother constantly spoke to the people every day to try and get the signatures we have with us now at 2 thousand. I was so happy for her to get double the amount a year ago, but we were not there yet.

"Excuse me, your highness?" A couple of fishmen that signed the other day came over. "I'm sorry but, could we take our signatures back? After what happened to Fisher just doesn't seem right." Though I knew what happened thanks to the new head of the Sun Pirates, Jinbei. The world saw the story as the Marines killed Mr. Tiger.

"Very well. Go ahead and take it if you don't feel right. I cannot stop you from thinking what you do." I could tell mother didn't like it, but she understood that it was only fair we don't hold the people to their word with signatures. A few more people came not long after asking the same thing with it taking almost everything from the year with more still coming. By the time it was over, only Shyarly's signature was left.

"I'll take that." Arlong came over still looking beaten up from his fight with the Marines from what I was told by Jinbei and tore up Shyarly's signature. "The fact you are still here is ridiculous. You humans are responsible for brother Tig's death." He left off to the Fishman district with mother and me looking down into the container we had for the signatures.

"Aww. We're back at square one?" I felt a little bummed with mother not refusing to give in. She kept going and asked for more signatures. I did the best I could too, but nobody wanted to sign. Eventually, mother began holding my hand and bringing me back home.

"Come along Izuku. We'll need to call it a day here." I thought about it and figured maybe I should try a little harder for mother's sake.

"Mother, could I stay a little longer? Maybe if people see we're still trying, we could get a handful of signatures today."

"I do not think that is possible, Izuku."

"Just a little longer. Please." She seemed really sad with it almost making me give up until someone came over to watch me.

"If it makes it any help, I'll make sure nobody harms him, your highness."

"Jinbei." Mother looked at me for a moment before looking back at Jinbei. "Ok. But only for two more hours. I don't want you to overwork yourself, Izuku."

I put my pinkey out for mother to put her's out as well. "Promise." Mother had left with Jinbei staying beside me and sitting down. "Would you like to sign, Boss Jinbei?"

"I have no obligation. Not only that, but it's going to be impossible for you to get any signatures today after what had happened in the recent events." He pulled out a smoking pipe before pulling some of the smoke and breathing it out not long after. "Everyone on this island respected Fisher Tiger. Nobody here didn't feel a little heartbroken from news of his death. To us, the idea right now of standing side by side with those who murdered him would be nothing but pain. You understand this more than anyone the type of agony one can suffer to refuse to forgive those."

I felt my back begin to tingle and the sight of that man who branded me being seen in my mind again to feel pain from back then again. "I-I do. But sometimes you need to let the anger and sadness out and try to take steps forward. At least, that's what mother says. To her and father, Mr. Tiger's death was...horrible. But it's because of this that mother wants to keep going. She doesn't want to give up for her people. And I won't give up on helping her."

Hearing this, I think made Jinbei start to smile while patting my head. "You know, I met a similar kid like you while sailing with Tiger. She suffered the same thing you did for us to make a rule among our crew." He sucked in what was in the pipe before blowing it out again to answer. "We will never kill humans. Even though Tiger couldn't love humans, he knew that the hatred we as the Sun pirates would have for them would corrupt the next generation and divide us more than we already are. But so long as there are people like you and queen Otohime, there is a chance that we as the people of Fishman Island can one day reach the surface and live among humans." Jinbei got up and grabbed some of the things mother and I bring down. "Now, let's find somewhere different to address the people. Perhaps a change of scenery will help."


2 hours later

After a few hours of work and nothing to show for it, I began heading back to the castle with Jinbei with my head down. "Well. We at least tried to find more. At least that counts for something, right Jinbei?" He held his head down somewhat sad as we started heading back. "I just hope mother isn't so sad about all this."

"Izuku?" I glanced up to see Shyarly with some things to smile.

"Shyarly! What are you doing in the city? Don't you live with your brother?"

"I was able to buy a home thanks to a part time job I have in the kingdom. Thanks to this, I can live in the city like a normal member of the kingdom. What about you? Where's her majesty? Normally you both take the trip to the kingdom to talk with the people together." I held my head down while answering.

"She...she went home to get some rest. She wasn't feeling good and the people all pulling their signatures pushed her a little too much. She should be ok tomorrow."

Shyarly held her arm looking sad before speaking. "Look. About Arlong taking my signature. I'm sorry but...I just couldn't. After what happened with Fisher Tiger, I-" The loud speaker came on for all of us to hear it's buzzing.

"You...You are all LIARS!" From what it sounded like, mother was on the speaker and kinda weird. "Leave me alone. I'm not drunk at all."

"But your majesty-"

"Butt out, Mr. of the Left *hic*."

"Didn't expect this to trouble her majesty that much." Jinbei spoke with both me and Shyarly hearing mother speak.

"Everybody listen to me. You can live however you want, and if that means living on this island, then I can't stop you and neither can anyone else. But in the ocean so vast, and on the sea floor so dark, we chose this tiny place and this place alone. DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHY!?" She seemed really sad from what it heard. "Isn't this the only place where we can get a bit of sunlight? A bit of air? Luxuries down here are plentiful above ground. Light illuminates above the surface above everything and the sky stretches out as far as you can see." She started crying a bit from what it sounded before continuing.

"Our children. Why did they always sneak out to sneak a glimpse of Sabaody Park? HUH!? CAN'T YOU SEE!? The world is full of more beauty than any of us can even imagine. There shouldn't be any limit to the places we should be able to go. Why restrict ourselves to this bubble? I know you tell yourselves that life down here is comfortable. That you're safe. Do you wanna live the rest of your lives trapped!? Dig deep! Summon your courage! Once you have it, pursue your dreams! No matter the cost!"

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Even hurt, she spoke words to help our people. "Mother."

"If humans stand in your way, we'll confront them together! And maybe then, we can make a difference for our children. For our future. For the island. Even if it's just a small one!" mother began to cry for all of us to feel some kind of pain from all the trouble we caused.

"You know, the main reason I had to take the Navy's offer to become a Warlord was to try and help my men. But maybe that can be used to help make people see how close we can be to the humans." Jinbei spoke somewhat interested for me to smile.

"Yeah. Maybe you can use your Warlord name to make people see the differences between us and humans aren't big." I smiled at this before seeing some people walk over to me.

"Izuku." Some of them were people that signed with them and everyone having tears in their eyes. "We...we wanna sign the signatures again. I'm sorry that we took them away, but we were just scared. But after hearing the queen....I want a place for my daughter to grow up that isn't trapped down under the ocean."

"Yeah. I wanna see the sky and not be afraid anymore of humans."

"Yeah!" Everyone wanted to sign and make a future for mother to see. It made me happy. So happy that I started to cry a bit.

"Yeah! Signatures are right here for everyone. When you sign them, please put them in the container." I couldn't believe it. Mother was able to bond so many people. Even if it was a little, I couldn't help but smile.

1 hour later

"Man, you were able to get a lot. How many does this make now?" Thanks to Jinbei and Shyarly's help, I was able to get the signatures into the castle and place them where mother normally does. In a side room near the grand hall safe from anyone wanting to harm them, but somewhere that gives trust to our people.

"From what I counted, we're past 2 thousand. That means we have more people wanting to help make this island a better place for us." Getting to the entrance, I turned to Shyarly and Jinbei. "Thank you both for helping. I really appreciate this."

"It's nothing. Oh yeah, before I forget." Shyarly grabbed one of the unused papers before signing it and placing it in. "Consider this my way of apologizing to the queen for doubting her. I know that it doesn't make up for it, but having her know I truly do feel sorry for what I asked Arlong to do for me is the least I can do. Also, I think seeing Sabaody Park with you one day together would be something I'd love to do."

"So if we're able to go to Sabaody Park without worry, would you want to go with me?"

Shyarly came over to kiss my cheek and smile. "I'd love to. Consider that a date." I went red hearing this before turning to start bringing some of the signatures in and leading the way for everyone.

"Oh my, Izuku. It seems your events were quite grand today."

"It was, father. After mother said why she wanted to do this and was thinking for everyone and our future, people finally opened their hearts and agreed. Thanks to this, mother doesn't have to worry so much."

"I see. She'll be happy to know you've helped her in her moment of weakness." I smiled happily before feeling father's hand rest on my head. He rested his other on Shyarly's and gave us a smile. "The friendship the two of you have, it's one that your mother sought to achieve for the people of this kingdom. Never let go of that happiness. It's the guiding light for our people and proves that fismen and humans can live side by side."

I nodded with Shyarly agreeing as well. "Your highness. Is queen Otohime ok?" Jinbei asked for father to nod.

"She is alright. She seemed to overdo herself after and is right now unable to meet with you all."

"That's a relief. I hope she doesn't overdo it again. I don't think the people could handle hearing their queen in such a state."

"I'll give  her your regards for her well being, my friend." The two nodded with me and Shyarly placing the signatures where they had to and coming back to the main hall.

"Well, it was nice seeing you all. I shall see you in the future your highness. Shyarly, I'll take you home." Shyarly nodded before coming over to me and giving me a hug through the bubble I was in.

"Make sure to keep your promise in the future, Izuku. It's mean to promise a girl something and go back on your word." She left with my face blushing from remembering the fact I kinda agreed to a date with Shyarly.

"Izuku. What did she mean by that?"

"I-it's nothing. J-just a promise I made to her that I wanna keep." I tried to avoid this conversation and go to my bedroom and sleep off what had happened today. As I laid in bed, I remembered the kiss Shyarly gave me to touch my cheek. I started blushing before covering my face. 'That was so embarrassing.'

And that finishes this chapter. See what happens next time with Izuku and the Ryugu kingdom. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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