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After a dark tale of Izuku's past, the class of 1-A find themselves heading towards a rescue training facility. As they do, the class is met with their counterpart hero course members, class 1-B. Among them, Izuku is shocked and worrisome of reuniting with his former sister, Izumi Midoriya. Now he must find a way to overcome the fear he had faced as a child to remain who he wishes to be.

Ochako POV:

Once everyone was on and started moving towards where we were going, I noticed Ryugu start looking like he was on the fence with something. On the outside, he just looked antsy, but his presence went from irritated to on the verge of a full on panic mode. Things were notably worse when that girl calling herself his sister tried to touch him. I could just feel the fear and unease seep out of him almost like he was about to scream. "Hey Ryugu. Who was that girl before." Tsu beat me to the punch asking for Ryugu to speak up.

"Izumi Midoriya. Biologically, we're twins."

"Wait, so she was the girl you said was the better of you two the other day!?"

Ryugu didn't answer, but nodded at Kirishima. "And unlike me, she's able to put you back in your fucking place, loser." Bakugou spoke up for all of us to glare at him. "She though did find it strange that you also had the Supreme Ruler's power or whatever she calls it and used it on four eyes."

"Supreme Ruler? I thought he used Conqueror's Haki?" Jirou asked for Ryugu to clarify.

"The Supreme Ruler's power is another name for Conqueror's Haki. From what I'm aware, those with Conqueror's Haki are destined for greatness since only one in a million can even use it. Bakugou. Am I to assume she can also use Haki? And if so, what types?"

"All three from what she said. You wouldn't stand a chance against her." Bakugou kept gloating with a bit of satisfaction for Ryugu to ponder this.

"Wait, so you both have this Conqueror's Ruler's whatever you call it? You said it was a one in a million chance someone has it. So what's that now, like a trillion of a chance that you both could use it?"

"Yes." Kaminari went wide eyed with all of us alongside him. "Something tells me this is why our adopted mother took a big interest in Izumi. She must've seen something in her at a young age that she didn't with me. Not a shock knowing she'd want a power like that on her side. Who knows, maybe Izumi will be a top executive of her mother's family or take over for her when she steps down."

I've never heard Ryugu talk about his old family, so I wanted to know about what he meant. "Who's her mother?"

"Our adopted mother when my name was Midoriya was the Heavenly Devil Donquixote Doflaminga herself."


"Would it make things more crazy if I told you I'm friends with Jinbei?"

I...I was having problems processing this with a lot of us handling the same. "Wait. Let me just wrap my head around this right now so I understand. Your father married the Heavenly Devil after your birth mother died. You were taken out of this family and later became a prince to the royal family of Fishman Island. Somewhere along the line you became friends with former Warlord Jinbei. What's next!? You were buddies with Whitebeard!?" I shouted a little loudly for Ryugu to stare at me.

"Actually, I knew Whitebeard and thought he was a nice guy for a human. I'm also engaged to both Kaido and Big Mom's daughters, two high ranking officials of Zou's kings, and the only daughter of the ruler of Germa 66." I went silent there after hearing this to have my brain now hurt from everything that's happening. The rest of the group decided to stop talking since it was getting too much for us to handle at that point in time anymore. Soon enough, the bus stopped for Mr. Aizawa to stand up.

"We're here. Get off." As we walked off the bus, I noticed Midoriya get off the other bus to take a look at her costume. She wore a similar outfit to Doflaminga with the opening 'V' down her shirt's center being a little smaller with a giant feathered coat that was white with pink tips on the ends of the feathers draped over her shoulders. From what she modeled herself as, it wasn't a shock that she was Doflaminga's daughter since she mirrored her fashion sense in her own hero costume.

"Greetings UA." I stopped my train of thought when I heard 13's voice to begin leaping for joy. "My name is 13. The Space Hero and today I shall be assisting you with hero training."

"WOOHOO! 13 is one of my top favorite heroes!" I let my inner 13 fan out for everyone to stare at me for a second. "Sorry."

"What a pathetic person you are." I glared at Midoriya for her to smirk saying what she did. "Getting over excited for a pro hero? What are you, 5?"

"At least I let go of superiority complexes and try to be a good person." I knew off the bat this woman wasn't nice from what Ryugu said to not exactly have kind words to say. I could feel her eyes glare at me though as if she was saying 'you're lucky we can't fight here' to me.

13 began explaining what we were doing with her saying the facility we are at called the Unforeseen Simulation Joint or 'USJ' which reminded me of the Universal Studios of Japan, was made to help us and pro here's prepare for almost every natural disaster we'll most likely face in the real world in a controlled area. Upon walking in, I was beyond myself seeing just how big the area was to the point I had no words to describe how amazing it was. "I somewhat hope I can train in that flood area over there. I'd be in my element there." Ryugu pointed this out to smile a little knowing he felt a little satisfaction here.

"Cool. They even have fake villains here!" Kirishima spoke up for us to look down and see a bunch of people come out of what looked like a portal. Once they were out, the portal turned into someone covered in black mist for an ominous feeling to come off of him, a guy with hands on himself, and a funny looking person with a bird beak and what looked like it's head.

"I'm gonna tell you right now, dumbass. Those are the real deal." Ryugu bluntly answered this as the hand villain spoke up.

"We are the League of Villains. And we've come to kill All Might." The villain began looking around to see All Might wasn't here before continuing. "What the hell? He was supposed to be here. No matter. I wonder how many of these brats we can kill before he actually comes here?"

I could feel the menacing aura around the guy for me to know that he meant every word he said. "Vlad! With me! 13! Protect the students!" Mr. Aizawa and Vlad King jumped into battle with Ryugu immediately going to the door.

"Kaminari! With me!" He ran for the entrance before the mist villain came in front of him.

"Pardon our intrusion. We are the League of Villains. We've come to kill All Might but he doesn't seem to be here. Might there have been a change in the schedule?"

"YEAH! AND IT GIVES YOU A FUCKING BEATING!" Bakugou and Kirishima charged at the mist guy with Ryugu jumping back.

"Hold up! Something's off with this one!" He tried to warn them with the two getting covered in that mist stuff with the villain ensnaring all of us in the black mist stuff.

"It seems this will be harder than we originally hoped. Now. Disperse!" I didn't know what was going on until Shoji covered me with some of our other classmates and some class B members in order to help stop whatever he was doing. When we were able to see again, most of the class was gone.

"Where'd they go!?"

"I have a bad feeling about this." Mina started to worry with something catching my senses.

'I can still sense them. Did they just get transported to other parts of the USJ?'

With Izuku, 3rd person POV:

Izuku began falling to look to his side and see Tsu and Mineta from his class alongside Kendo who was class B's rep and a girl with blond hair and horns. "I'M NOT READY TO DIE YET!" Mineta started screaming with Izuku diving down faster. He hit the water and immediately used Fishman Karate to manipulate it.

"Ocean Current Shoulder Throw!" He used the water to create a sliding effect to lighten the fall into the water for everyone with them landing in a nest of villains.

"Time to make these chumps chum!" A villain with a mutation quirk came over to try and attack Izuku to make the group panic. This failed on the villain's half with his teeth shattering when he made contact with Izuku's shoulder. "WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR SHOULDER MADE OF!? STEEL!?"

"It's the results of my training. 4 Thousand Tile Brick Fist!" Izuku punched the villain in the gut to have him go flying towards the shore. "Find somewhere out of the water. He's not alone." Everyone agreed to swim towards a life boat. Izuku was about to do the same before he noticed someone drowning in the water.

"Help me! Somebody! blblblblbl. I can't *cough* I can't swim!" Remembering the voice, Izuku swam over to grab the person and take them with him. Once on the boat, the group of four stared at Izuku as he let the person down on the deck.

"Ryugu. Who's that?"

"One of my fiances. Yamato." Everyone stared down at the massive girl in comparison to Izuku for those who knew Shyarly to look back at Izuku slightly less confused due to the size ratio. "Yamato. Get up." Not responding, Izuku began getting up before cannonballing on her stomach for a geyser of water to spew out of Yamato's mouth before waking up. "Geez, that Devil Fruit doesn't do you justice when it comes to water."

Getting up and looking around at the group, Yamato smiled at Izuku still sitting on her lap. "Hey Izuku. Nice to see you found yourself a comfy seat."


"Aww. You don't have to be modest in wanting to show me love in front of your classmates~" Yamato patted Izuku's head for him to scowl a bit.

"What are you doing here to begin with. Isn't Shyar picking you and everyone else up?"

"She was, but I found these weirdos saying they were gonna kill All Might and invade UA. I jumped in to take them on before a portal opened or something. I was sucked in and found myself in the middle of this place. Which reminds me. Where am I?"

"You're in a rescue training facility called the USJ. In short, the people you were going after were villains that want to kill All Might with a funny hand looking guy leading the charge with a guy of mist and a bird beaked guy backing him up." Walking to the edge of the boat to see the villains around them, Izuku began making a safe conclusion. "They most likely don't know much about us since if they did, they'd put me somewhere without as much water. Probably that area over there." He motioned to the fire zone before pulling out his katana. "That's gonna be a big mistake on their end." Izuku pulled his blade up before slashing it downwards towards the water. "Waterfall Tide split!"

An opening was made in the water to drop the boat onto the ground with all the villains trapped in the split water. "Unbelievable."

"GET GOING NOW BEFORE THE WATER COMES BACK!" Izuku shouted for everyone to run alongside him to avoid being trapped in the water after it would come colliding back to them.

With Bakugou

As the group was separated, Bakugou found himself in an area with crumbling buildings with Izumi and Kirishima. "DIE YOU FUCKING BASTARDS!" He blasted a villain through a wall with Izumi not paying nearly as much mind.

"Not bad. but these are just fodder villains basically. Giving praise for beating them isn't worth much." A villain decided to attack Izumi with har dodging and sending him flying into a wall by hardly putting her hand on him. "If you want praise. Take out the leader in the center."

Izumi walked away with Kirishima shivering a little. "No wonder Ryugubro is uneasy with her. She's a natural born sociopath." Bakugou didn't say anything as he continued walking away. 'Even Bakugou doesn't wanna get her ticked off. Just what type of nutjob is she?'

With Izuku

Getting to the shore, Izuku, Yamato, Tsu, Mineta, Kendo and Pony hid by the edge of the Flood Zone looking into the plaza. There, they watched their teachers face off against the villains, but were inevitably outmatched and brutally beaten by the being with its head opened to reveal its brain. "...Welp, I'm hopping in to kick butt."

Before Yamato could do that, Izuku held his katana out in hopes to stop her. "Don't get involved. That thing seems to be...wrong somehow. It's almost like the thing's dead."

As they spoke, a sudden sense of danger came to both Yamato and Izuku pointed directly at Tsu. "Izuku!"

"I feel it!" Before anyone could react, the hand villain came at Tsu with Izuku able to pull his blade out with the brain villain attacking him and Yamato attacking the brain villain. This forces the four into a standoff. "Yamato. I'll handle these two. Get Mr. Aizawa and Vlad King to safety."

"I'm not leaving you to deal with both these guys alone."

"Trust me when I say I can handle myself. It's also going to be easier for you to move them compared to me."

Weighing her options, Yamato began heading for the teachers in hopes to help them. "Where do you think you're going?" Nomu. Kill the bitch over there." The being called Nomu did as he was told to go after Yamato. In retaliation, Izuku gave a solid punch to the creature to force ripples in it's body and send it back. This however did next to nothing as the beast stood back up acting like it was fine. "You're not going to kill Nomu like that. He has Shock Absorbsion. Simply punching him won't work since he was made to defeat All Might.

"I see. So it will take more than just hitting him." A massive fire came to engulf the Nomu for all to turn and see Izumi walking out of the zone she was in with confidence. "Why don't you go play in the water like a good boy, little brother. Leave killing these fools to me." Hearing this comment, Izuku was enraged at his sister to take another stance.

"If these bastards have the balls to go after one of my fiances, then I have no problem ripping them apart."

And that finishes this chapter. See what happens next time as Izuku and Izumi face off against the Nomu. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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