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To help Fishman Island, Izuku had joined UA in hopes to aid in peaceful negotiations between his people and humans. In a shocking turn of events, class A had learned of Izuku's dark past and discovered how deep rooted his hatred of humanity is. Meanwhile, Bakugou had met with Izumi to inform her of what he has learned for her to be almost thrilled to meet her younger brother again.

Izuku POV:

The weekend finally finished for me with waking up to feel Shyar's warm embrace in my bed. I smiled a little before my alarm went off to wake her up and move to shut it off. "I guess we'll have to get up now."

I grumbled before hugging her tighter and smothering my face into her collarbone. "I don't wanna get up yet."

"Aww. You just wanna stay in bed and enjoy more alone time with me, don't you my love?" I nodded my head for Shyar to pull my head up and look me in the eyes. "That's too bad. You have school and I have to go meet with the girls coming up from Fishman Island today." She tapped my cheek before giving me her serious face. "Now get up and get ready. I'm not going to let myself be the reason you skip school."

"Fine." I moved myself to start standing up and headed towards my closet. Thankfully, Nezu was able to make the room and our bed larger to accompany everyone when they came with a bit of satisfaction on that part. "By the way, how goes the search for new girls at the Mermaid Cafe you'll open up here?"

"Very nicely. I was able to have Uraraka, Ashido, Asui, Jirou and Hagakure join up as a way to help gain some extra cash for them. Ms. Yaoyorozu said she'd wish to help out from time to time, but isn't in a situation where she needs money."

"Probably because she gets all her money from her mommy and daddy. Snobby stuck up rich girl."

"Izuku. What have we talked about with calling your classmates names?" I groaned before letting her continue. "Praline also promised to be a singer with Yamato, Carrot and Wanda helping as servers. Ulti even promised to be some hired help for muscle in case someone is rowdy as you are already aware. Once things get up and running, we'll also bring a few people from the cafe in Fishman Island up upon authorization I was able to make with filing legal forms with the Japanese government. I'll probably have them work more the day shifts and have the students of UA work evening shifts to close earlier than normal on school nights. I did also request for the teachers to ask their students if they have anyone wishing to join up as well. Perhaps one night we do a male server night. You know, to draw in some women that are wishing for some attention." I started putting on my shirt and tying my tie before feeling Shyar hug my back. "You know how much women can get lonely, don't you Izuku?"

"If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were going to pimp me out to women-"

"If a woman at these even tries to come onto you, I will not think twice about BITING THEIR HEAD OFF!" Shyar began showing her sadistic side to turn me on a little.

"You're jealousy is showing, my dear."

"True. Not a good thing to have happen." Immediately, Shyar calmed down to begin grabbing one of her blazers and cover her body up. "How does this look?"

"Great. But it would without a doubt look better on my floor." I smirked at this comment before getting smacked over the head for it. "Ok, I deserved that. C'mon. I'll make breakfast before you have to leave."

"You know Yamato's missed your cooking so much while you were away."

"I can assume so." I picked Shyar up and began walking down towards the common area. There, we saw the jackass Bakugou making himself breakfast to turn to us and glare.

"Oh great, now the fucking dorm's gonna smell like shitty fish."

"HEY! NOBODY'S SAYING ANYTHING ABOUT YOUR STINK! You literally sweat to use your quirk. Do you even realize how disgusting you smell half the time? Compared to dead fish, your stench is just as bad if not worse." I responded back with this irritating the ash blond to glare at me. "What? You wanna go? I'll kick your ass right here and not think twice." Bakugou glared at me before scoffing and walking away. "That's what I thought, bitch."

"Didn't need to add the last part."

"Oh come on. You know he deserved it, Shyar."

"Doesn't mean you had to say it." I placed Shyar on a chair before going into the kitchen to make breakfast.

Few hours later

After the morning finished up, Shyar began heading out to pick up the rest of the girls with myself and the rest of the class heading off to school. While sitting in the classroom, I could tell there was a level of tension around. Then again, it's not a shock since the other day they all knew what I went through. I doubt anyone would be able to find words to ease that tension. "So uhh, Ryugu. Shyarly says you're a great cook." Yaoyorozu tried to break the ice a little with me not paying as much attention.


"Is there umm...any chance you could cook for us to try?"

"If you want my cooking, order it at the Mermaid Cafe opening up. That's all I'm gonna say."

"You mean that hot place where a lot of sexy mermaids are gonna be? HELL YEAH! I'M GETTING LAID BY A MERMAI-" I hit the small midget over the head from his comment about the girls at the cafe.

"It's an entertainment cafe. Not a brothel. The only reason women in that cafe would look your way would be because you have money. Nobody would date you otherwise."


Everyone looked at the perv for a solid ten seconds before I responded. "No woman would want to date someone that looks like they'd be a cradle robber. Not only that, but you look like you'd have an STD or something." Some of the class snickered at this before I went back to what I was doing. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Mr. Aizawa slump in while in his sleeping bag to get near the podium.

"You all are getting good at shutting up quickly. Anyway, a few things before we start. First off, I was able to go over your results from the other day in your battle training. For the most part, you all did a good job. However, Bakugou." His statement made the ash blond look up from what he was doing. "Your actions during this were beyond unsafe and should be taken into consideration. If you try something dangerous like that to someone else again regardless who, you will be deemed too dangerous as a hero and lose your spot in the hero course. Just because you have power doesn't always mean you should use it. Anyway, onto the second thing I have to say. This will determine your future in this school going forward." Everyone seemed to be afraid it was another assessment test before Mr. Aizawa explained what it was. "You need to pick a class rep and vice rep."

Everyone seemed to be a little more relaxed before starting a stupid flip out of who should be it. "I wanna be class rep!"

"Me! Me! Me! I wanna do it!"

"As class rep, I'll demand women all wear skirts that show off their as-" Yaoyorozu immediately beat the pervert over the head with a staff as a way to shut him up. Not saying he didn't deserve it, but I honestly could care less.

'The girls in short skirts.' I though of my fiances wearing things and immediately became a little red from it. 'I need to kick that little perv later for making me think that.'

"I nominate Ryugu!" Everyone stopped for a second to look at Uraraka who held her hand up.

"WHY THE FUCK WOULD WE WANT A LOSER AS OUR CLASS REP!?" Bakugou shouted in anger before being explained why Uraraka thought this.

"Think about it. For the last few years, Ryugu's fought villains that came to Fishman Island, protected it from hunters, and has the respect of his kingdom's inhabitants. Also from what Shyarly said, he can juggle multiple things at once. I'd say it has to be him if we're taking that into thought."

"Well...when you put it that way, the dude is really manly to begin he's got my vote too."

"Ryu is really tough on the outside, but I heard he's a huge softy from Shyar."

"Excuse me, but what did you hear about me!?" I got a little irritated that my own lover is saying things like this behind my back for Asui to speak up.

"Yeah, the angry look doesn't suit you. You're better off just avoiding making that face and not giving yourself premature wrinkles." Everyone started to laugh with it now getting me annoyed.

"In all honesty though, do you not wish to do this, Ryugu?" I rolled my eyes a little before answering Yaoyorozu.

"It's not like I don't want to."

"THEN IT'S SETTLED! RYU IS OUR NEW CLASS REP!" Everyone cheered for some reason, well everyone except Bakugou to make it somewhat annoying for me.

"Then who's the vice rep?" I poked a hole in their logic before Yaoyorozu raised her hand.

"I can fill the part"

"Fine. Any objections....besides you, blond douche." Everyone laughed a little at my nickname for Bakugou with none of them having a problem. 'well, so much for keeping my married life without problems from school.'

Few hours later, Shyarly POV:

After leaving UA, I had gone out of the area towards the building that would be the above ground Mermaid Cafe to make sure everything was set before heading to the port in hopes to wait for everyone to come. Certainly enough, mine and Izuku's small group had arrived shortly after my arrival to be able to properly greet them. "It's good to see you all came here safely."

"Yeah, whatever. Where's Izuku? I thought he wanted to come to see us." Ulti spoke up rather rudely for most of us to roll our eyes.

"Izuku had school. He did wish to come and greet you himself, but this was not possible."

"Well that's nothing that we can control, is it?" Reiju pointed this out for Ulti to still be angry for Carrot to laugh at her actions. To the corner of my eye though, Yamato seemed to be more attentive on something going on in an alleyway to make me ask about it.

"What do you see?"

"Some weird guys with equipment on. They look like thugs." Gaining the interest of all of us, Yamato began walking towards that area with Ulti trying to stop her.

"Why should it matter if there's these stupid thugs here? They're just stupid villains?"

"If I were to leave this as is, I would never be able to call myself the successor to Oden's name."

"Are you stupid!?"

"No. I'm curious. There's a difference."

'Not exactly in my case at some points in time.' We decided to all follow suit and head towards the thugs to listen carefully to what they're saying. Once in ear range, we were able to hear them talk about an attack somewhere.

"So this portal guy is supposed to bring us to the USJ to attack All Might, right?"

"Yeah. Apparently he's a teacher to a bunch of students. What a load of crap."

"Hey, but maybe UA's got some sexy first years. I haven't had a good taste of a woman in almost a year."

'First years at UA. Something tells me this has to do with Izuku's class.

Meanwhile, Izuku POV:

After lunch finished, Aizawa had stood in front of the podium looking slightly more alive than he normally does to talk with us about what was going to happen today. "Today you all will be heading off campus to a facility for rescue training. Since you all already know your limits physically with your quirks as well as how dangerous they can be when used on others, it's best now you learn how to use your powers to help people as you should as future heroes." He pressed a button for our costumes to be taken out of the wall before walking away. "Wearing your costume is optional, but it's good to get used to the feeling of wearing it."

Not seeing a point as to why I shouldn't, I grabbed my costume and began heading to the changing room. When I was finished, I went down to the buses with most of the class finishing up shortly after. Alongside them, there were a few different people coming with an arrogant blond starting to mouth off.

"It seems class A is finally able to bask in our righteous greatness! AHAHAHA!"

"MONOMA! KNOCK IT OFF BEFORE YOU TICK OFF THE WRONG PERSON!" An orange haired girl that had her hair tied in a ponytail shouted this with the idiot continuing to go.

"You fools think you're so superior because you're in class A! However, class B will prove they're far better because of us having the daughter of the Heavenly Demon on our si-GAH!" Someone began choking the guy named Monoma from behind for him to look back in fear. "I-I'm sorry. Forgive me."

"What a useless pawn you are. If it wasn't for you copying someone with a remotely decent quirk in the exams, you'd have never come to this school in the Hero Course in the first place."

'That voice...oh shit.' The blond dropped for Izumi of all people to be standing behind him.

"Been a long time, hasn't it my sad little brother."

"I denounced you as my family the second you all left me. You have no right to call me that!" I glared at her with anger as Izumi merely laughed it off and began walking towards me. She placed her hand up near my face with her fake smile on before visions of her torment by using me as practice for her quirk came to mind. I pulled away soon after with my breathing somewhat sporadic.

"Aww. Are you alright my dear little brother?" She walked closer to whisper in my ear with a sickening satisfaction in it. "At least you still know who's the superior of us. So play hero all you want, it won't change a thing that you'll be nothing in the end." I wanted nothing more than to slug her right there and then. Too bad I didn't have the guts to even try it. Though I hated to admit it, Izumi was right. I'm still scared of her.

"Alright. Class A on the front bus and class B on the one behind." Mr. Aizawa spoke up for us to all start walking. Once I was on the bus, Kirishima decided to ask me if I was ok.

"Dude. You know that girl or something?"

"...Yeah. She's my former sister."

"Are you going to be ok seeing her again? You looked a little spooked before." Asui asked for me to nod.

"Let's just say, that was just bad memories coming back to the surface I'd rather forget." I remained quiet for the whole ride towards our destination with one thing remaining on my mind. How to avoid the grip my former sister still had on me.

And that finishes this chapter. See what happens next time at the USJ. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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