Sibling Feud

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As the semi finals of the Sports Festival go underway, Izuku finds himself facing off against Iida. In a discussion before the match, Izuku explains his methodology of respect to learn better why he acts the way he does with their classmates. During the match, Iida learns of the significant gap between him and Izuku with him losing fairly quick. During this, Iida's older brother Ingenium is attacked by a man and left in a pool of his own blood, seeking medical help. The stage is now set with the final competitors facing off against each other in a one on one battle between Izuku and Izumi

Few days ago, 3rd person POV:

"No. Absolutely not." Izuku was standing in front of Nezu in his office trying to attempt an offer for him to show notable irritation. "The purpose of the Sports Festival is to show the world the student's ability to handle themselves and their abilities to use their quirks in actual situations as a way to give them a foot into the door. Not to harm people. I formally deny you using the use of weapons against anyone in a lethal manner."

"You know that out of everyone I'm technically at a disadvantage. I'm fine using a practice sword but there's at least one person I want you to allow me authorization for in combat."

The small rodent sat in his seat rubbing his temples. "I will admit, your estranged relationship with Ms. Midoriya is a difficult one, Mr. Ryugu. However, I cannot allow you to use something that can potentially harm someone to put them in a serious condition or even cause someone's death. As a teacher, it's my job to protect the students as a whole and let them grow to their best potential. And as such, I will have to deny you using a sword." Nezu gave a stern look before releasing a sigh. "But, you do have a point. Technically, you are at a disadvantage and the skills you have are predominantly from hard work without a quirk. As such, I have a solution for you. I will allow you the use of a blade if you get to the third event which was decided to be a one on one battle. If you wish to use a practice sword for the other two events, that is upon your decision as long as you fill out the proper paperwork."

"Thank you, sir." Izuku bowed with Nezu holding his paw up.

"I still have one condition. Two technically. The first is if you happen to harm someone to the point it will create serious complications with the use of your sword, you will be banned from using your sword going forward in the Festival."

"Fair trade. What's the second?"

Nezu held up a request from Izumi in hopes to use twin daggers. "I have no concern about you using lethal weapons given your own track record as well as from what you've shown in training to have at least the restraint needed. Ms. Midoriya however, is the opposite. I would've downright banned her from using her weapons, but it would look like favoritism if I did but allowed you. As such, even if the first condition is broken, I'm allowing you to use your sword in a fight against Ms. Midoriya as a way to allow her to use her weapons. If there is a question to this, I will say that you were given the authority due to your status of not having a quirk. Technically not true, but able to avoid a loop hole by Doflaminga."

Izuku gripped his fists when hearing his former adopted mother's name. "Understood sir. Thank you for your time."

Back to present


"I'm sorry it had to come to this, brother." Izumi smiled while pulling her daggers.

Izuku did the same thing with his katana with little to no emotion at all. "No. You're not."

"BEGIN!" Right off the bat, Izumi came charging at Izuku with a forward pierce with her blades to have Izuku block them with his own weapon. Both coated their weapons with Armament Haki to turn them pitch black and create a shockwave from the force.

'Probably was a smarter idea to prepare for the worst straight up. If I didn't, she might've actually killed me.' Before he could react, a giant wave of fire came from Izumi's hands to force Izuku to roll away towards the center.

"What's wrong, brother? Don't you wanna play with your big sister? It's been so long since we've had a little family time, might as well have a little FUN!" Izumi sent a slash of fire at Izuku for him to avoid it. This was merely a diversion for the green haired woman to get close.

'She's going for a slash to the stomach!' Before he could block though, Izumi adjusted her footing to give a solid kick with Haki and her flame quirk active to burn Izuku's stomach and send him sliding back.

"Aww. I thought you could read my movements better? What's wrong, don't wanna hurt your big sister? Or am I just too much for you to handle? That brown haired bitch who got in my way did better than you at least. I wonder if the bruises I gave her will leave scars?" Izuku glared at his sister with her continuing. "And it's a shame really. All she had to do was say you're a worthless piece of human garbage and I would've stopped. That bitch though was too fucking stubborn to admit that. I mean, even a loser like Bakugou could tell that you're a weakling that's not worth the effort."

Izuku tried to go for a forward slash with Izumi dodging it and trying to attack Izuku herself. This was blocked, but forced Izuku to gain a kick to his jaw before a roundhouse to send him back. 'Dammit Izuku. Stop holding back.'

"Hahahaha! I can't even believe how stupid you look right now. All that facade you gave up till now was wasted. You're nothing but a pathetic excuse for a human. I almost wish I could put you out of your misery right now."

The two continued to attack one another with Izumi having the upper hand while keeping Izuku in defense and evasion. "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!? WHY IS HE ONLY DUCKING AND RUNNING LIKE A COWARD!?" Ulti got up out of her seat in irritation with Wanda just as confused.

"Is he trying to find a weak point or something? No. He'd be able to find it easier." The dog Mink tried to ponder this with Tsu and Jirou a little disgusted with the acts done by Izumi to her own brother.

"It's because she's still his family." Shyarly points this out for it to confuse everyone.

"What the hell are you talking about, shark gypsy?" Bakugou asked for Shyarly to breathe out a little smoke from her pipe.

"It's true. Izuku despises his family. He will never forgive them for selling him off and would rather them die in a ditch. However, he can't deny the one fact that they are still family by blood. He hates it, but that's still the truth he has to accept."

Izuku was given one final hit to the face and sent flying back to hit the ground. Izumi stood in front of him laughing hysterically. "Are you freaking kidding me? They call you a prince, but you're no different than a cockroach running around on the ground trying not to get squashed! Hahahaha! You should've dropped dead years ago!"

Izuku didn't say a word but simply sat up. He crossed his legs and let out a deep sigh. "Hey...little me." In his mind, Izuku saw himself smiling his broken smile while chained up with an obedience collar on. "Can you think of one good memory we had about this woman? One nice thing that we can look back on and say we're happy we're related to this bitch?" Izuku's younger self stayed quiet as he cried through his broken smile. "Not one, right?"

Izuku got up and stood with a determined smile on his face. "Aww, are you going to try and play hard ball now-" Before she could finish, Izuku gave a slash from his Fishman Swordsmanship to slice the air around her and make a small cut on her cheek before destroying the wall behind her.

"Fishman Swordsmanship. Falling Waterfall." Seeing the scuff on her, Izumi started to shake in sheer anger.

"You...filthy...disgusting little....I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!" The two charged at one another with Izumi going directly for lethal areas while not holding back her sheer rage. As she did, Izuku was able to block her attacks and concentrate his energy and give a solid punch. "4 THOUSAND BRICK FIST!" This pushed Izumi back with Izuku continuing his attack. "FISHMAN SWORDSMANSHIP! FLOWING WHIRLPOOL!" Izumi could only block this attack as it came barreling towards her with Haki and her flames encircling them.


"Oh, I know my place." Izuku pulled back while breathing in to calm himself. "My place is among my people as their protector. And by doing what I am today, I will solidify the members of Fishman Island's position above sea level. They'll be able to see the morning sun. Learn of the world by their own eyes. AND BECOME WHAT THEY WANT TO BE AS I PAVE THE PATH THROUGH MY OWN BLOOD SWEAT AND TEARS!" Izumi was now practically frothing out her mouth as she condensed her flames and made her daggers look as if they were molten pieces of steel with a menacing red aura around her. Meanwhile, Izuku was doing a similar thing with his sword holding a deep dark color and water condensing on his blade as a sky blue aura encircled him.

"THIS IS NUTS! I CAN FEEL THE PRESSURE FROM UP HERE!" Kaminari panicked as Momo went pale next to him.

"So this is what it feels like when two wielders of the King's Haki are fighting one another. It's both empowering and terrifying at the same time."

"Midnight! Stop the match now! They'll kill each other if this continues!" Cementos tried to stop this with the two charging at one another and connecting before they could do anything.


"FREEDOM WAVE!" Both shouted at the top of their lungs as their Haki collided with one another and created a gigantic shockwave. The force was strong enough for several people and pros in the audience to feel the vast level of power and be knocked out. Cementos and Midnight were sent into the walls from the force of the collision with a massive dust cloud happening to keep everyone from seeing the final result.

"MAN, I CAN'T SEE A THING!" Mic shouted out with some of class A that weren't knocked out trying to figure out what just happened and who won. Once the dust cleared, a massive crater was where Izuku and Izumi were with both of them in the walls on opposite sides. Midnight and Cementos went to check on them with Izuku being out cold and Izumi barely able to keep herself up.

"Midnight. The verdict." Aizawa spoke up for the pro to give a call.

"Both competitors were out of the ring at the same time as far as we can tell. However, Midoriya is the only one of the two still conscious. So in technicality, she shall be deemed the winner of the first year Sports Festival." Everyone was silent that was still conscious with Doflaminga looking from the booth not exactly proud of the calling.

'What?' Izumi stood up while moving towards the other side of the ring.

"Midoriya. The medical team will be here to assist both you and Ryugu. I suggest that you stay where you are."

Izumi didn't listen to Cementos as she continued to walk towards Izuku in anger. Unknown to everyone, Izuku was faster than her by a millisecond, but pulled back enough to avoid a serious blow to Izumi. The reality of this was that if he had not pulled his attack back at the last moment, Izuku probably would've won to infuriate the green haired girl. 'I won only by technicality? I almost lost to a pathetic weakling that couldn't even succeed in getting a quirk!?' Izumi got to her brother and held her daggers in her hands. She raised them up in sheer anger while shouting. "People like you don't understand where you should be. You all are nothing but weaklings thinking you're able to play in a league far stronger than you could ever imagine. YOU LITTLE PUNK! YOU DON'T DESERVE TO LIVE!"

Before she could do anything however, Carrot, Wanda, Reiju, Ulti and Yamato came from the stands and held their weapons to her. "Oi. You wanna tell us what you think you're doing?" Ulti asked with killer intent in her eyes.

"The match is over, you won. Why are you still trying to fight?" Reiju asked while holding her leg up prepared to attack.

"What's wrong with you, Tia. He's your brother. I don't care if you stopped being family or not a long time ago, Izuku's still family which makes this wrong!" Carrot practically shouted this with her clawed gloves showing electricity.

"I'd like to ask what you're doing as well to the young mistress's daughter." A man spoke up for the group to see Diamante, Trebol, Pica and Doflaminga in a fighting position ready to kill the girls.

"Now. Now. There's no need for this much violence." A new voice was heard for the members of the Donquixote family to look behind them and see four people prepared to kill them. King of the Beast Pirates holding a blade to Diamante's neck, Petro of the Guardians creating electricity through his blade held to Trebol, Shishilian of the Musketeers doing a similar act to Pica, and Katakuri of the Big Mom Pirates standing right behind Doflaminga with a notable irritated look on his face. "That boy your daughter is trying to kill is my little sister's fiance. He may not be family yet, but I take this as an act against the Big Mom Pirates and their affiliates."

"The man is correct. You gara must stand down now or we will not be afraid to destroy you this instant!" Shishilian shouted this out for Doflaminga to look at her options.

"Izumi. Back off right now. It's not worth it for now." Izumi looked at her brother who seemed to be smiling while unconscious. She placed her blades in the holders on her sides with the five girls lowering their own weapons and so on with everyone else. "There. No harm done. We can all now just walk away, Katakuri."

King glared at Doflaminga with a notable irritation on his face. "Do not think this will go unnoticed by Kaido. The next time you do this, I will not be afraid to end you myself. Position be damned. We lose much if we lose the alliance with Fishman Island. Almost as much as we'd lose with you." The group walked away with Yamato placing Izuku on her back and the girls walking off towards Recovery Girl in hopes to make sure Izuku gets the medical help he needed.

And that finishes this chapter. So the main reason I wanted Izuku to lose the final round was more a way to show an even bigger gap between him and Izumi. In all technicality, Izuku would've won if this was a real fight where the threat of death was present. However, he knows how to hold back and knows this is not something he needs to act on. This shows Izuku does have the power to face off against strong opponents, but also understanding when he needs to stop. Anyway, Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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