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As the Sports Festival met the end of it's final event, Izuku found himself facing off against Izumi. In the match, he struggled with his own insecurities before finally accepting that there is no relationship whatsoever between them. Though Izumi had won, she had only succeeded due to Izuku restraining himself, forcing an incident between Izuku's fiances, the Donquixote family and the members of the alliance members of the Ryugu kingdom. Now the festival ends and the world is shown Izuku's skill and a way to open up a path to free Fishman Island from it's shackles.

Izuku POV:

'Kill me.'

"Alright everyone. Today we have a new member of our session. I'd like everyone to give a hello to him." After the Sports Festival, I was asked by Ashido to join her at a group gathering. I didn't exactly see any problem with this until I went with her and found out the truth.

'Why did this have to be some kind of stupid therapy?' "*sigh* Hello, my name is Izuku."

"Hi Izuku." Everyone spoke up to have me look around and see Tsunatori and some guy that looked like a prey mantis from class B and Tsu and Shoji from class A.

"Alright. Since we have someone new here, it's best that we explain a little what this group is about. To make things simple, all of you are harmed by humanity in some way shape or form. Due to your quirks or personal experiences, the outside world has become difficult for you all to accept and as such, trouble was given to you all that didn't have to. This area is to be a way for you all to accept your hardships and be given ways to become better as people." I sat in my chair trying to get comfy with the one mantis guy to pull off one of his tusks to show a nasty scar on him as well as Shoji pull his mask off to show a scar over his jawline. "Izuku. As part of this group, we'd like you to unwrap your bandages and tell us about your scars as the newest member of your group."

I didn't want to do this with everyone just staring at me waiting for me to do something. I decided to accept this and unwrap my hands to show the burn scars from my hand. Everyone was a little shocked by this with the mantis guy speaking up. "Those umm...are pretty bad. What happened to give you them?"

"...I tried to save the future of my kingdom."

Meanwhile at the cafe, Shyarly POV:

Once the final table left for lunch, I allowed the girls to sit down and enjoy some time to talk among themselves. "Nice to see you all wanted to join us." Momo was rather happy while talking with Kendo and a majority of the females from class B.

"Thanks. I umm...kinda left the information about what we're doing out from Midoriya. I think that everyone here wouldn't mind that."

"After what she did to Izuku, I'd rather you tia not tell her." Wanda points this out while holding some anger in her tone. Strange. She isn't the type to get angry so easily.

"Hey, Shyarly." Uraraka came over to me with some bandages still on her from the incident at the Sports Festival with curious eyes. "I know that it might sound mean to ask you as opposed to Ryugu, but what gave him the scars on his hands?"

"Come to think of it, I have seen some scaring on his hands between the bandages. What's up with that?" Jirou asked for me to blow out a little smoke.

"It's scars from doing what was the right thing." I felt disgusted saying this about Izuku without him here, but the girls wanted to know and at this point, I think it was about time everyone around him knew the truth. "You see, there was two people in Izuku's life that pushed him to become a great person. The first was Fisher Tiger. You of class A already know what he had done. To those of class B, he gave Izuku back his humanity and we can leave it at that. The second is Queen Otohime. In short, she was our beloved queen. A woman that though loved the kingdom and it's people dearly, was strict in hopes that we can all become better people even at the cost of self injury for her. I even heard she slapped a man who was robbing people so hard she broke her hand in hopes to beat the message into him. He was fine after it, but her hand was broken." I smiled at remembering how kind her majesty was and how thoughtful she was as a woman.

"Sounds like she's the type of woman who'd do brazen things."

"She was a very unique woman, Kendo." I chuckled a bit at this before returning to what I was saying. "But to Izuku, she was more than just our queen. She was the mother he longed for and hoped to one day have. She was patient, resilient and showed what it meant to be patinate about beliefs. However, just like Fisher Tiger, her tale ended in tragedy. One in which shaped Izuku to hate himself due to the evil that humanity as a whole can possess." I began explaining the tale of Izuku and how he came to Fishman Island with everyone being wary of him while also adding my prophesy of him coming to the island. I also added how my friendship with Izuku grew from there as well as what led up to the incident with the Celestial Dragon.

"Wait, you're saying a Celestial Dragon came to Fishman Island?"

"Correct, Reiju. You see, he was trying to reclaim his slaves. Fishmen that were part of the Sun Pirates. The crest of the crew was meant to make it impossible to tell the slaves from the free members of the crew, cleansing them of the mark that bore them shame. However, the nobleman didn't plan for as much danger to have the ship he was on destroyed. When met with the reality of this, he tried to boss us around with former slaves of his wanting revenge. I was with Izuku at the time around the area to watch this."

"What happened?" I took a deep breath in before continuing for Shiozaki.

"I was petrafied. I didn't wish to move, but didn't want to be there. Someone who was a monster to our people was standing in front of us. During the time, Izuku and I had our mutual friend Jinbei there as an escourt. But what shocked us more was Izuku and his actions. Instead of allowing the man to be treated like a monster that needed to be put down, he stood against the fishmen. The Sun Pirates knew Izuku and knew he wasn't a bad person, so they tried to get him out of the way. He refused and said words so empowering. 'I want to do the same thing to him that was done to me, but if I do, what makes me different than him'. Even though he had no obligation to spare the man, Izuku tried his best knowing this won't change a thing. The fishmen were willing to put their guns down, but the Celestial Dragon wasn't and aimed it at Izuku's head. In response, the pirates tried to stop this with Izuku unleashing a massive wave of Conqueror's Haki to try and stop this. This led to him being shot and Queen Otohime trying to calm the situation more."

With Izuku, 3rd person POV:

"Wait, why do we need to know about this to find out about your scars?" Tsu asked for Izuku to explain something.

"To make you understand why I wanted to do what I did, you need grounds for why it was so important." Izuku cleared his throat and continued. "After I was patched up and the Celestial Dragon was healed enough to head off, my mother had asked to accompany him. This was our attempt to possibly find a way to get to the Revery and maybe give our plea."

"What's the Revery?" Pony asked for Shoji to explain.

"The Revery is conference once every four years held at Mary Geoise. For seven days, countries that work with the World Government talk about current events that have happened within the timespan of the four years that affect everyone as well as put certain laws together. It's a big deal if you're allowed to go since you see the holy land from what I'm told. I've seen pictures and they are beautiful."

"More like a land of corrupt garbage looking like saints but are nothing more than sinners." Izuku snarled at this comment as he continued. "Days passed since this and my mother came back with a paper. This paper was authorization by this Celestial Dragon to join the Revery. There, we could give our plea to bring Fishman Island to the surface. Now all we needed was everyone to be willing to side with it. Everyone remained silent for a few moments before the members of our kingdom did the unthinkable. They put their hopes into a possible future so pure that we could be on the same level as everyone. Enjoy what you all are spoiled by. I was...happy seeing this." Izuku started to cry a bit by joy before remembering the next part. "That was, until the worst thing possible could happen."

With Shyarly

"In not even a few seconds, a thing of beauty became something out of a nightmare. The signatures. The signatures of our people placing their hopes upon the idea, burning to a crisp. I was mortified at this. The guards were trying to pull the royal family away with only two of them refusing. Those were Izuku and Queen Otohime. Izuku plunged his own hands, an eight ear old mind you. Put his own bare hands into the burning crates of signatures just to pull them out and put out the fire."

"I don't get why he'd do something so stupid and reckless." Ulti spoke up for Shyarly to point out the exact reason.

"Those signatures were more than just slips of paper. They were our people's hopes and dreams on the line. Beliefs that the world that we live in can be better. They were the symbols of our kingdom's future and the results of her majesty's hard work. Years of dedication for our future brought to life. Knowing this, the guards tried to help as well. The signatures were better wet than burned, so we tried to get as much water as possible to put the fires out. In that time though, a lone shooter made a move." Shyarly held her hand out to make it look like she was pointing a gun. "He aimed at Izuku and in that moment, our queen did something that outshines any hero. She took the bullet herself."

With Izuku

"Oh my god." Mina could only say this as everyone in the room was mortified at Izuku's explanation.

"I was in shock. A situation that was in reality hardly even three minutes, felt like an eternity to us. Her majesty. The woman I though of as my own mother whom I owe everything to, gave me one last thing I can never ever repay to her. In her last moments though, we stayed together as family and tried to at least calm the anger dwelling in us all. I couldn't understand at the time how someone can be so horrible to her...I...I just wanted this to be another bad dream and nothing more. To be something I'd wake up from and have my mother hug me and tell me it's just a bad dream and that it's all over now."

He gripped his fists in anger as Hound Dog listened closely. "Do you need a moment."

"*sniffle* I'm fine. I felt so many things due to this. Grief knowing that my our mother was leaving us. Guilt for knowing I wasn't strong enough. But the next emotion I felt was when the killer was caught."

Izuku's eyes glared in anger as Hound Dog tried to find out. "What was it?"

"...Hatred. Hatred for being born weak and the same species as the man who took the woman who had done nothing but help us and became the mother I needed away from us."

With Shyarly

"When the guard who held up the human's fresh corpse spoke, I saw Izuku break inside. He had lost everything once already, but now he had lost everything for no exact reason just because and all because he had no power to defend himself. He was angry. He slammed his still bleeding hands into the podium and shouted in pain from his weakness. It's true, humanity has shown the worst to us fishmen and merfolk. But this was something that hit Izuku far worse. It was the world saying, 'you are nothing and no matter what you do, you'll always be it'. It broke him. It broke him in a way that he can never fully heal. Hence the point I have tried for so many years to help him pick the pieces up again."

"I...I didn't know." Momo held her knees into her torso while having the news come in.

"It got worse though. For the next week after the demise of her majesty, King Neptune locked himself away and released his rage upon the walls of the royal arsenal as I was told. During this time, Izuku wanted some kind of retribution of his own. As such, he regularly had the guards attack him during this time as a way to say, 'this is my fault, so take out the anger on me'. He was...not in a great spot and it took his majesty to talk him down and finally stop blaming himself in this fashion."

"That's horrible. Poor Ryugu." Hagakure had tears coming off her from what it seemed with Shyarly continuing.

"During the wake unfortunately, the royal family outside of King Neptune didn't attend it."

"What? Why?"

Shyarly held her head down while answering Wanda. "During the ordeal with the queen, a man by the name of Vander Decken came and used some kind of Devil Fruit to mark Shirahoshi. Strange letters kept following her around with her not even being that much younger than Izuku at the time of this. In fear something might happen, they were forbidden to exit the palace. However, upon a screen during the burial. Prince Fukuboshi used a transponder snail to transmit a message to it's people. There, we saw the children of the royal family speak to us and promise to follow their mother's goal. And to prove to the people that they want their best interest at heart, each one of them lit a match and burned the signatures they were able to salvage as a way to tell us we're free from being forced into this right now. And when we are able to put our faith in the idea of being able to reach Queen Otohime's dream once more, we'll be free to sign once more."

"So Ryugu does what he does as a way of reaching his mom's dream. If I was him, I'd probably hate humanity too."

"I think it's more a form of self punishment above all, Komori. He's still haunted by what he failed to be able to do and thinks the disarray that is of his family is predominantly his own fault. As such, Izuku has fought to become a protector for the kingdom."

With Izuku

"After I helped my siblings burn the signatures, I asked for a close friend of my family Jinbei for help. I asked him if he can teach me to fight. I knew that the world will never see us eye to eye, so we needed someone in the kingdom to protect those that need it the most while also proving what we want. And due to that, I took the burden of trying to claim signatures on a daily basis with my brothers helping when they could. Unfortunately, there was fear of Vander Decken trying to use us as tools to get to Shirahoshi, so I regularly did this alone."

" he still trying to get to your sister?" Pony asked for Izuku to scowl.

"He got progressive to the point of instead of throwing love letters, throwing axes and swords that always target Shirahoshi's room, so I doubt he kicked the bucket yet. Because of this, my sister became a prisoner in her own room. Forced to be secluded from even the minor luxuries we have on Fishman Island."

"I see...I think I have a prognosis on you now." Hound Dog placed his clipboard down to speak. "You are suffering from mixed forms of PTSD and guilt over what has happened with you. Because of this as well as seeing the worst in humanity as the protector of the Ryugu kingdom, you are lashing out against humanity as a coping mechanism. Though you are not wrong in saying that humanity is responsible for a notable amount of atrocities done to the fishmen and merfolk, it is also not accurate and you know it. I think in reality, you're just afraid to trust humans because you're worried they may repeat the process done to you. You also blame yourself for something that unfortunately happens. We can't control when horrible tragedies like these happen, but you feel as if it was your fault."

"My mother had to push me out of the way of a bullet and take it herself. How is that not my fault?"

"It isn't your fault. Your mother wanted to save you over herself and from what you said when speaking of her, it seems like she would rather this over the alternative." Hound Dog stood up before grabbing his clipboard. "None of this is your fault. Your mother wanted your life to be spared and made that choice herself. Even in her last moments from what you said, she never wanted you to feel it was your fault. The first step you need to do in getting better now is simple. Say to yourself, your mother's death isn't your fault because it never was." Izuku held his head down hearing this while shaking it, proving he can't physically do it yet. "We'll end this session here. I hope you all can return next week at the same time." Everyone stood up and began fixing any coverings they had with Izuku wrapping his bandages up on his hands. 

As he walked out, Izuku thought of what Hound Dog said about his mother. 'I can't accept it's not my fault. It always was my fault because I wasn't strong enough.'

And that finishes this chapter. See how Izuku's therapy sessions going forwards helps him reach a peaceful state with the people of class A. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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