Chapter 5: Meeting and Dating a Secret Admirer/Dealing with a Peerage

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(Y/N is seen in his house as he watches Myu and Anya eating.)

Myu: That's good.

Anya: Waku waku.

(Suddenly Peter and Gamora approach him.)

Peter: So I'm a...

Gamora: (elbows Peter) Don't start it, Peter.

Y/N: Yeah, dad. I don't even have a girlfriend.

Gamora: See?

Rocket: Single Dad? Don't you think it's cliche?

Groot: (glares at Rocket) I am Groot!

Rocket: What?

(Suddenly Drax comes in.)

Drax: Y/N, someone sent this for you.

Y/N: What is it?

Drax: I don't know, but it apparently came from a secret admirer.

Rocket: Secret Admirer?

Groot: (eyes narrow) I am Groot.

Gamora: You're lucky you're not a cat, Groot. Or else your curiosity would kill you!

(Y/N picks the card and reads it.)

Meet me at Rose Cafe, 6:00 P.M., local time.

-With love, your secret admirer.

(Y/N gets curious about his secret admirer.)

Y/N: Who could be my secret admirer?

Groot: (curious) I am Groot.

(Y/N then walks upstairs.)

Rocket: Where is he going?

Peter: He must be preparing for a date or something.

Gamora: Or he thinks it's a trap from a certain academy and is preparing for the occasion.


(Y/N is seen at Rose Cafe as he suddenly sees a blue haired girl looking at him and waving at him. He waves back and she gestures him to come closer. He points at himself and she nods. Then he approaches her and she speaks.)

Y/N: Um... hello?

Miku: (smiles) Hi.

Y/N: Um... I'm Y/N Quill, what's your name?

Miku: I'm Miku Izayoi, and... (whispers in his ear) I'm your secret admirer.

Y/N: (whispers) What?

Miku: (giggles) I saw you fighting that alien soldier, and I was quite impressed by your performance.

Y/N: What are you talking about?

Miku: Isn't this obvious? The shirt, the jacket... you're the new Star Lord, aren't you?

Y/N: What if I am.

Miku: Nothing, just curious. Shall we commence?

Y/N: Commence what?

Miku: Our date, silly.

(Y/N gets shocked as Miku grabs his hand and takes him to a park, where they play, eat some corndogs and listen to a music.)

Y/N: (smiling) Miku, I didn't think I would say that... but I'm really glad we could spend this time together.

Miku: (blushing) Me too, Y/N. It's been so much fun with you.

(As they share a tender moment, suddenly the atmosphere changes, and a sinister presence fills the air. Rias Gremory, a stunning demoness with a commanding aura, appears with her peerage.)

Rias: (smirking) Well, well, what do we have here? Y/N Quill, the son of Star Lord, and Miku Izayoi, the charming Spirit.

Miku: (clinging to Y/N) Who are they?

Y/N: (calmly) They're not important right now. Just stay close to me, Miku.

Rias: (sauntering closer) You see, Y/N, I've taken an interest in you, and I have a proposition for you. Become my pawn, and I promise you unimaginable power and pleasures.

Miku: (gripping Y/N's hand) Stay away from him!

Y/N: (firmly) Thanks, Rias, but I'll have to decline. I'm not interested in becoming anyone's pawn.

Rias: (laughs) You don't understand, Y/N. With my power, you could have everything your heart desires.

(Y/N's eyes narrow as he takes a defensive stance.)

Y/N: I already have everything I need right here.

Kiba: Then we'll take if from you now!

(Kiba charges with his swords, but Y/N pulls out a sword as well, and blocks Kiba's attack.)

Kiba: (shocked) What?

Y/N: I really need to thank my mother for this sword.

(Y/N then pulls out his blaster and blasts Kiba away.)

Rias: Impressive, but you're no match for me and my peerage.

Y/N: (grinning) We'll see about that.

(Miku transforms into her spirit form and deals with Koneko while Y/N faces Xenovia. They outsmart and defeat them.)

Rias: (gritting her teeth) You're more skilled than I expected, but I won't back down!

(Rias then gestures Akeno and Issei to charge at Y/N. Issei activates his Balance Breaker Mode and tries to punch him, but Y/N pulls out the Hadron Enforcer and shoots Issei, not only breaking his armor, but killing him in the process. Akeno gets pissed and tries to electrocute Y/N, only for Miku to use her abilities on her, briefly controlling her. Akeno then charges at Rias instead.)

Rias: Hey!

(Y/N gets confused by seeing Akeno attack Rias instead of him, and then he turns to Miku, who winks at him.)

Y/N: Time to end this!

(Y/N uses his Quad Blasters to defeat both Rias and Akeno with a double shot. Rias gets up and glares at him.)

Rias: (seething) This isn't over, Y/N Quill. I'll have you as my pawn one day.

Y/N: (standing tall) You can keep dreaming.

(With Rias and her peerage in retreat, Y/N and Miku take a moment to catch their breath.)

Miku: (hugging Y/N) You were amazing, Y/N!

Y/N: (smiling) We were amazing. I couldn't have done it without you, Miku.

Miku: (blushing) I'm glad I could be by your side.

(They share a tender moment, reaffirming the strength of their bond.)

Y/N: Let's head home, Miku. Our date's been interrupted enough for one night.

Miku: (giggling) Agreed.

(Hand in hand, Y/N Quill and Miku Izayoi walk away from the battlefield as the screen fades out.)

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