Chapter 6: Rise of the Star Dragon Emperor

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(Y/N is seen watching TV with Myu, Anya and Miku.)

(Anya gets scared and hugs Y/N.)

Anya: I'm scared.

(Miku hugs his arm between her breasts.)

Miku: Me too, darling. Can we watch something else, please?

(Miku then shows some puppy eyes, and then Y/N sighs as he changes to another program.)

(They laugh together.)

Anya: Waku waku.

(Suddenly Y/N looks at his watch, and notices it's 02:04 P.M.)

Y/N: Oh my God, it's almost time for snacks. (walks away) I'll buy some groceries.

(Then Y/N walks out of home and goes to buy some groceries. Unbeknownst to him, Dodoria and Zarbon are seen watching him.)

Dodoria: When should we really strike? My patience is wearing thin, you know.

Zarbon: Don't worry, he won't know what hit him.


(Y/N is seen in a grocery store looking for groceries to buy, but suddenly a woman presses her bosom on his back, making him blush. He turns to see Kuroka Toujou, the mischievous and alluring nekomata.)

Kuroka: (smirking) Well, well, what do we have here? A handsome stud wandering around the grocery store.

Y/N: (blushing) Uh, hi there. I'm Y/N Quill. Nice to meet you.

Kuroka: (purring) The pleasure is all mine, Y/N. My name is Kuroka. How about we spend some time together? I'm sure we could have some fun.

Y/N: (taken aback) Oh, well, that's very kind of you, but I'm actually buying some groceries.

Kuroka: (playfully) Buying groceries, huh? Well, we'll see about that. Maybe you'll change your mind after getting to know me better.

(Y/N finds himself getting charmed by Kuroka's flirtatious demeanor, but before things can progress any further, an abrupt interruption occurs. Dodoria and Zarbon, two menacing figures, step into the scene.)

Dodoria: Sorry to interrupt your moment, but... (points at Y/N) You're coming with us!

Zarbon: Lord Frieza demands your presence at this moment.

Kuroka: (growling) Watch your tone. He's with me, and I won't let you lay a finger on him.

Y/N: (firmly) I can handle myself, Kuroka. But we should deal with these guys first.

Kuroka: (smirking) I like it when you take charge.

(Dodoria and Zarbon, unimpressed by Y/N's bravado, charge at him. Y/N summons his cosmic blasters, and Kuroka gracefully dodges their attacks, her claws ready for action.)

Y/N: (smirking) You sure know how to handle yourself in a fight.

Kuroka: (winking) And I know how to appreciate a good partner.

(They fight as a team, seamlessly combining their skills. Y/N blasts Dodoria with his Blasters while Kuroka scratches Zarbon's face.)

Dodoria: (grunts) Who do you think you are, mocking us like this?

Zarbon: (angry) You scratched my face... you won't get away with this!

(Zarbon then transforms into his monstrous form.)

Y/N: So you transformed, huh? Well, it's time for my transformation too. Let's go, Ddraig!

Ddraig: Yes, show him the power of a new Dragon Emperor.


(Y/N then becomes the Red Star Dragon Emperor.)

Y/N: Prepare to fall, aliens!

Zarbon: This will not save you!

Y/N: We'll see about that.

(With a well-coordinated attack, Y/N and Kuroka manage to knock down Dodoria and Zarbon. But the villains aren't done yet. They rise, even more determined to defeat the duo.)

Kuroka: (grinning) Let's give them everything we've got, Y/N.

Y/N: (nodding) Right. Star Dragon Shot!

(Y/N unleashes a powerful blast, while Kuroka transforms into her Nekomata form, showcasing her true strength. Together, they prove to be an unstoppable force, overwhelming Dodoria and Zarbon.)

Dodoria: (groans) This isn't over.

????: Yes, it is!

Zarbon: (eyes widen) No... not him...

(They turn to see Vegeta who gives them a death glare.)

Vegeta: You got weaker than when I last fought you... (scoffs) At least, I'll make your deaths quick. (charges up an energy ball) BIG BANG ATTACK!

(Vegeta pulverized both Zarbon and Dodoria with his Big Bang Attack.)

Vegeta: (turns to Y/N) You should leave Frieza to me. You're not prepared to face him.

(Then he quickly leaves, but Kuroka smiles at Y/N.)

Kuroka: (purring) You were amazing out there, Y/N.

Y/N: (smiling) So were you, Kuroka. I couldn't have done it without you.

Kuroka: (nuzzling his cheek) We make a great team, don't we?

Y/N: (blushing) Yeah, we do.

????: Are you alright, darling?

(They turn to see Miku, who then looks at Kuroka.)

Miku: Uh, darling... who is she?

Kuroka: My name is Kuroka, and I like this stud.

Miku: Then why don't we share?

Y/N: (confused) All of a sudden?

Miku: Come on, darling. It's not everyone who can date two beautiful girls at the same time. (winks) Right?

(Then Miku and Kuroka hug his arms between their breasts as the screen fades out.)

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