Monday Night RAW

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The next day

3rd Person POV

Adrienne wakes up to find Jason missing.

Adrienne: Jason?

Jason: Yeah?

Adrienne turns to see Jason, who just came from the bathroom. He has his shirt off like usual, except Adrienne can't see everything she used to be able to as his stomach and ribs are wrapped to help him recover from his injuries.

Adrienne: Hey.

Jason: Hey.

Adrienne: How are you feeling?

Jason: Like I was hit by a truck.

Adrienne: I didn't realize you were going to go through a table when I asked you to do those moves.

Jason: It was best for business. Seeing a 6'11" guy leap off of a ladder, hit a moonsault, and go through the table.

Adrienne: What busted your ribs up anyway? Was it the impact from the moonsault?

Jason: As bad as the impact hurt, it was because I bounced off of Bray after the impact and smashed my back and ribs against the other announce table.

Adrienne: Oh ok. Why are you getting dressed?

Jason, stopping midway through putting his shirt on: Because if I was naked it'd be weird.

Adrienne, after laughing a little: That's not what I meant Jason. I meant we aren't going to the arena tonight. The trainer said to keep you from going to the arena.

Jason: Well Uncle Vince said he needs me at the arena tonight.

Adrienne: You're not going out there in your condition.

Jason: I'm gonna do what I gotta do.

Adrienne: I'm not letting you go out there.

Jason: What are you going to do to prevent me from going?

Adrienne, without thinking, walks up to Jason, puts her hands on either side of his face, pulls him down, and kisses him. Jason returns the kiss although he was a bit surprised at first. They end the kiss and Adrienne lets go of Jason.

Jason: That was...unexpected.

Adrienne: So now will you stay here...with me?

Jason: I-I don't know, Adrienne. I'd love to stay here with you and kiss you again, but Vince said he needs me to be there.

Adrienne: I was told by the trainer to keep you from even going to the arena. So you are staying with me, Jay.

Jason:...Fine. I'll stay with you for a few hours.

Adrienne: No. You're staying with me for the rest of the day.

Jason: I have a job to do. I'll stay here for awhile and then I'm going to the arena. Injured or not, I have a job to do. I'm the new champion. I can't not show up.

Adrienne: Then I'm coming with you. And we are leaving once I get ready.

Jason: I'm glad you see it the way I do now.

Adrienne: I actually forgot you won the title. I'll be ready in a few minutes and we should be the first people there.

Jason: Alright.

There's a short moment of silence as Adrienne goes to get ready. Adrienne is in the bathroom doing her makeup when she hears Jason's voice.

Jason: Hey Adrienne.

Adrienne: Yeah?

Jason: Do you like me?

Adrienne: What do you mean?

Jason: I mean do you like me? Like more than a friend?

Adrienne: Honestly...yes. I do.

Jason, appearing in the doorway of the room: Just makin' sure we felt the same way.

As soon as he finishes talking, he gives Adrienne a quick peck on the lips before leaving the room and getting his bag, keys, beanie, bandanna, and sunglasses.

Adrienne: Are you forgetting anything?

Jason: Nope.

Adrienne: Ok. We should get going now.

Jason: Alright. Didn't expect you to let me do this.

Adrienne: You proved to be too difficult for me to stop.

Jason: I'm stubborn.

Adrienne: You're something, that's for sure.


The two walk through the near empty arena and go to their locker room. Jason sets his stuff down before heading to Vince's office. He knocks on the heavy door.

Vince: Who is it?

Jason: It's Jason.

Vince: Come in.

Jason walks in and Vince stands up and greets him with a hug.

Jason: So why did you want me here tonight?

Vince: Honestly, it was a test to see if you would show up despite being injured. But I do have stuff for you tonight.

Jason: Let's hear it.

Vince: My idea for tonight is...


Mr. McMahon is standing in the ring, mic in hand.

Mr. McMahon: Thank you ladies and gentlemen for coming here tonight. I'm here to make a proposition to the new WWE Champion, Jason. Jason, come on out here.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Jason's theme hits and he comes out wearing his traditional attire, only the hat is swapped with a black bandanna and he's wearing sunglasses. With the title strapped around his waist, Jason climbs into the ring, gets a mic, and stands across from Vince. Vince has to wait before he can talk as the crowd continues to chant "rest in peace."

Mr. McMahon: Congratulations on your win last night over the Fiend, Jason. As an added reward, how about tonight in the main event, you face an opponent of your choosing?

Jason: No.

Vince: Excuse me. Did you just tell me no?

Jason: Yes. I told you no. I don't deserve to be in the main event tonight. That spot should go to the women in the back tonight.

Vince: Why do you say that?

Jason: Because they've earned it. You keep pushing them around or pushing the wrong people.

Vince: Is this about Ember Moon?

Jason: Her name never left my mouth, Vince.

Vince: I don't know who you think you are-

Jason: I'm Jason.

The Crowd: What?

Jason: The American Badass.

The Crowd: What?

Jason: The Undertaker.

The crowd cheers even more as Jason tells Vince exactly who he is.

Jason: And I'm the WWE Champion. I'm the guy you're gonna answer to when there's any injustice going on around here.

Mr. McMahon: You need to realize something, Jason. You may dress like him, act like him, and talk like him, but you're not him. You're not the Undertaker. The spirit of the Undertaker died when your father left this business.

Suddenly, Ember Moon's theme song hits and she comes out with her arms behind her back. She heads right for the ring and climbs onto the apron. Jason sits on the middle rope, letting her into the ring.

Mr. McMahon: What are you doing here, Ember?

Ember, leaning into the mic Jason is holding: Giving something back to the spirit of the deadman.

She moves her hands from behind her back to in front of her. In her hands is the urn.

Mr. McMahon: You think that little urn is gonna make me believe what he says is true. That urn and the fancy light show that comes with it won't prove that Jason is the new Undertaker.

Jason: You know what Vince...for the first time in your miserable life you're right. This urn won't prove what I say is true. But me kicking your ass will.

Jason kicks Vince in the gut and pulls his head between his legs. Jason raises his right arm into the air before doing the throat slice taunt. Then, he hoists up Mr. McMahon and hits him with the Last Ride. Ember climbs the top rope and calls for Vince to stand up. Once he does, she hits him with the Eclipse. Jason isn't finished though and picks Vince back up.

Jason: I am who I say I am. I'm the badass. I'm the champion. I am the Undertaker.

Jason lifts Vince upside down and hits him with the Tombstone before crossing Vince's arms across his chest in true Undertaker fashion.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Hunter makes his way to the ring, Stephanie right behind him. The two get into the ring and begin to brawl with the duo in the ring. Triple H focuses his attack on Jason's ribs while Stephanie tries to go after Ember's legs. Ember and Jason push the attacking power couple off and go on an attack of their own, ending with Ember and Jason clotheslining them out of the ring. To prove that they are the most dominant team, Jason picks Vince back up. Ember picks up and drives the urn into Vince's skull. Vince turns right into another Tombstone Piledriver from Jason. Jason crosses the CEO's arms across his chest before pushing down on Vince's arms and rolling his eyes into the back of his head, facing the McMahon family as he "pins" the CEO. Knowing neither of them can beat the two, Stephanie and Triple H regrettably go back up the ramp and head towards the stage. As they do, Jason stands up and walks towards the entrance-side ropes with Ember, taunting and yelling at the McMahons.

Jason: You want some? I'll lay you out like I did Vince. I. Am. The Undertaker.

American Badass plays throughout the arena while Ember and Jason taunt the McMahons, getting the crowd into it. Jason continues to walk up to the different ropes, throwing both arms up into the air. As he does, the section of the crowd that he's facing when he does it throw their arms up in a similar fashion. The crowd chants "rest in peace" and "thank you, badass" as the show cuts to commercial.


Vince: That was great. This should get our ratings up higher than they've been for awhile. Nice work you two.

Hunter: Great job out there. You two are going places. I can tell. How are your ribs?

Jason: Nothin' I can't work through.

Hunter: Good. Vince and I are going to bring in some top stars to "punish" you two, so we'll need you here every week.

Jason: You got it. We'll be here.

Hunter: You're just like your father. Always here, even when medically, you shouldn't be.

Jason: She tried to keep me away. Did her best too. But at the end of the day, business is business. I signed a contract with y'all saying I'd be here when y'all call. As WWE Champion, I can be an example to the guys back here. Show them how a champion should act.

Hunter: For a second I thought I was talking to Mark. Keep up the good work, and you'll have a thirty year career like your old man.

Jason: Hopefully I can beat my father's number.

Hunter: Speaking of, did we tell you about the plans for WrestleMania?

Jason: No. Why?

Hunter: We have an idea that could give you the same mystique and the level of dominance your father had. We have decided to-

End of chapter

A/N: Thank y'all for reading. Yes, I left you on a cliffhanger but I'm sure y'all already can guess what the WrestleMania plans will be. I just want to thank all of y'all once again for reading and I'll talk to y'all next time. Leave any comments if you have any suggestions. See y'all later.

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