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3rd Person POV

Jason wakes up to find that while he and Adrienne were sleeping, she snuggled up closer to him, her arm still on his chest. Jason also realizes that he put his arm around her in his sleep. Moving slowly in an attempt to not wake up Adrienne, Jason grabs his phone and watches a few matches of Bray's, thinking of things they could try later tonight. He also watches WrestleMania XIX, where his dad faced Big Show and A Train, and the original TLC matches. While he was watching, he feels Adrienne shift and groan a little.

Adrienne: Morning Jace.

Jason: Morning.

Adrienne soon realizes how close she is to Jason, her arm across his chest, and his arm around her. She starts getting really embarrassed, which is short lived as she feels more comfortable than embarrassed.

Jason: We have to get ready soon. We have TLC tonight.

Adrienne: *sigh* Yeah.

Jason: It's gonna be alright. Let's just get there and figure everything out from there.


Cole: Welcome to TLC ladies and gentlemen. As usual, I am joined by Corey Graves.

Graves: Always a pleasure, Cole.

Cole: Tonight, we are starting off with the Women's Tag Team Championship match.

Meanwhile, backstage

Adrienne and Jason watch the match in the gorilla position, Jason dressed in his jacket, holding his hat in his hands.

Jason: You ready?

Adrienne: I've got this.

Jason, holding out a fist towards her: Yeah you do.

Adrienne fist bumps him before hugging him.

Adrienne: Thanks for doing this for me.

Jason, returning the hug with one arm (the one the hat isn't being held in): No problem. Now, let's go kick some ass.

Back in the arena

Nia Jax is laid out on the outside after being hit with a Woman's Right. Shayna and Royce are legal in the match, Shayna is dominating. That is until the lights go out and a gong sounds throughout the arena. Jason walks out onto the stage and stands there as the lights come back on. Shayna is yelling at the ref, asking him to do something about Jason. Deciding to get back to her match, Shayna turns back around and approaches the downed Peyton. All of her plans are stopped when Ember leaps off the top rope and connects with the Eclipse. Ember drags Royce's unconscious body over to Shayna and lays her arm across the champion. Ember rolls out of the ring as the ref sees the pin and counts to three.

Ring Announcer: Here are your winners and neeeeeewwww WWE Women's Tag Team Champions: Lacey Evans and Peyton Royce!!!!!

Ember walks her way up the ramp backwards until she is standing next to Jason. The two walk backstage as the team of Nia Jax and Shayna Baszler implodes.

Adrienne: That was fun. Now we have to wait for your match. Did you ever pick the entrance theme song you're gonna use?

Jason: Yep. I decided this morning while you were sleeping.

Adrienne: That reminds me. I meant to ask you something.

Jason: What did you want to ask me?

Adrienne: When did I put my arm across your chest?

Jason: Not too long after you fell asleep. Then a little later into the night, you got closer to me.

Adrienne: I'm sorry about that.

Jason: Why?

Adrienne: I...don't know actually.

Jason: Well, don't worry about it. I didn't mind it.

After Jason finish speaking, he turns and heads off down a hallway.

Adrienne: Where are you going!?

Jason: To finish getting ready and warm up!

Adrienne rushes up behind him and soon ends up next to him.

Jason: I didn't realize you wanted to come along.

Adrienne: Why wouldn't I?

Jason: I don't know.

Adrienne: I forgot to tell you, but our locker room is on the other hall.

Jason: Our?

Adrienne: Yeah. Management decided to make it to where we share locker rooms, hotel rooms, and ride together.

Jason: I already put my bag in the guy's locker room.

Adrienne: Don't worry about it. Braun overhead what was happening and grabbed your back for you.

Jason: Then let's go.

The two walk to the opposite side of the arena to their locker room. Upon entering, Jason sees how big the actual room is.

Jason: Damn!

Adrienne: Yeah. The room is large for just two people. Hunter said it was so we could build a sense of familiarity with each other, but still give each other privacy.

Jason: Sounds smart. Definitely had Hunter's name written all over it.

Jason sets his bag down before taking off his jacket, finding a wide enough space, and shadow boxing.

Adrienne: Why do you shadow box before you go out there?

Jason: It's a family tradition. My dad did it before he went out and I always did it on the indies.

Adrienne: So you do it to honor your dad's career?

Jason: I guess. It's more like it's how I saw him warm up and I copied him. When he'd teach me to wrestle, it was how we warmed up.

Adrienne: That's deeper than I thought it'd be.

Jason, smirking: I'm not a shallow prick. I just keep to myself.

Adrienne: From what I heard, you weren't too quiet after you made your debut.

Jason: Braun suggested that I should scare Billie and Peyton. So I stood behind them and stayed as quiet as possible. Then I answered their questions.

Adrienne: Why did you answer their questions?

Jason: Because they are friends of Charlotte's and Braun's. I figured they could be trusted. Mind turning on the TV? A friend of mine and his new girlfriend are wrestling tonight.

Adrienne: Who's this friend of yours?

Jason: The longest reigning NXT Champion.

Adrienne: You know Caleb?

Jason: Yep. I met him on the indies and we trained together for awhile. Even tagged together. He and I launched the new BSK together.

Adrienne: Do you know who his girlfriend is?

Jason: No. He didn't tell me.

Adrienne: Huh.

Jason: What?

Adrienne: I know something about a mutual friend of ours that you don't.

A/N: The Caleb Winters match will be featured in "I Want To Liv" in case y'all would like to read it.

Timeskip to the end of the match

Jason: His girlfriend is Liv Morgan?

Adrienne: According to the texts she sent Lexi and I, they started dating the day after his debut on SmackDown.

Jason: Good for him. He's been on his own for a lonnnnng time. It's almost time for my match with Bray. I'll see you when I get back.

Adrienne: I'll be in catering watching the match with the lovebirds and Lexi.

Jason: Ok.

After awhile of walking, the two both stand in the gorilla waiting for the cue for the match to begin.

Ring Announcer: The following contest is a tables, ladders, and chairs match scheduled for one fall-

The crowd: One fall!

Ring Announcer: And is for the WWE Championship!!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Bray makes his way to the ring with his normal, slow entrance.

Adrienne hugs Jason before standing on her toes and quickly kissing him on the cheek.

Adrienne: Good luck.

Jason nods his head and hypes himself up while Adrienne walks to catering. He watches her leave the room before trying to get into character.

Hunter: Jason, you're up in five.

Jason: You got the song I sent you ready?

Hunter: It'll be a throwback for many fans. Good luck. Don't worry, you're not getting a kiss from me.

Jason laughs a little before getting in character.

The lights go out and a gong hits. Instead of the Undertaker's voice saying "rest in peace," three young girls dressed in all white begin speaking.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

A/N: Start the video at 00:15.

As the voice of Kid Rock sings "I'm an American badass" Jason walks out in his entrance attire, only his hat is replaced with a black bandanna and he has a sleeveless Deadman Inc shirt on over his ring gear. Instead of doing his normal slow walk, he walks to the ring like a man on a mission.

Jason climbs up onto the apron before quickly stepping through the top and middle rope. Once he's in the ring, he stands up straight and walks towards the ropes, raising both of his arms in the air before dropping his left arm and leaving his right hand up. The two competitors move to their corners.

Ring Announcer: Introducing first, the challenger: the American Badass, Jason the Undertaker!!!

The crowd erupts in cheers before chanting "rest in peace".

Ring Announcer: Introducing next, the WWE Champion, The Fiend!!!

The bell rings and the match starts.

The two approach each other before standing right in front of each other, staring down the other. The height difference between the badass and the Fiend is on full display. The crowd continues to chant "rest in peace" as the two look into each other's eyes. Bray makes a mistake by backing away from Jason, who runs at him and hit him with a big boot. The boot doesn't knock the Fiend down but it pushes him into the corner. The vulnerable Fiend is pummeled by Jason's rapid rights and lefts. Jason backs away while Bray falls forward. Jason catches him, lifts him up, and hits him with a snake eyes into the top turnbuckle. Not letting up, Jason bounces off the ropes and clotheslines Bray over the top rope. Jason exits the ring, grabs Bray by his hair, and drives his head into the barricade. Taking advantage of the stumbling Wyatt, Jason hoists him up into the Last Ride position before slamming him onto the nearest announce table. The weight of Bray and the force from Jason's slam causes the table to break upon impact. Looking around, Jason spots a nearby ladder and gets an idea. Something Adrienne said he should do. Jason goes and grabs the ladder before carrying it back over to the announcer's area. Jason drops the ladder and clears off another table before picking the champion up and putting him on the table. Jason turns back around, grabs and stands the ladder up before climbing it. Now standing at the top of the ladder with his back turned towards Bray, Jason leaps off of it and does a moonsault, landing on the Fiend and sending them both through the table.

Backstage in catering

Adrienne, Braun, Caleb, Gionna, and Lexi are all gathered around a table, Gionna sitting in Caleb's lap and Braun is standing behind everyone as they all watch the monitor. They all stare intently as Jason climbs the ladder.

Lexi: What's he doing?

Gionna: Babe, what's he doing?

Caleb: Knowing Jason, somethin' really stupid.

Adrienne: I may have suggested on our episode of Ride Along to do a moonsault and a shooting star press at least once. He told me that he would, even though he only does them from off a ladder.

As they continue watching the screen, Jason stands on the top of the ladder.

Caleb: Jason you fearless dumbass, don't you do it.

Jason leaps off of the ladder and they hold their breath as he performs a moonsault. Adrienne feels a large hand on one of her shoulders and a smaller one on the other. Braun and Lexi try to comfort their friend as her crush falls out of the sky and crashes into Bray and they both go through the table.

Back to the match

Jason slowly makes his way to his feet, crawling to the apron, and using it to help him stand up. Jason walks to the timekeeper's area and grabs a chair. Bray, now on his hands and knees, is sent back down to the ground as Jason drives the chair into his spine. Not just once or twice, but five times. Dropping the chair and grabbing the Fiend's hair, Jason rolls Bray into the ring before rolling in himself. The Fiend shoots up onto his knees and turns around as Jason uses the ropes to stand up. Jason runs at Bray but is met with a flying shoulder tackle. The Fiend grabs Jason and lifts him up to his feet before driving the badass back to the mat with a uranage. The Fiend is wasting little time, going for the pin only to get a two count. Bray bounces off the ropes and hits the reaper reborn with a senton. Jason rolls over onto his knees when Bray grabs his hair and pulls him into a Sister Abigail. The Fiend crawls over to the downed deadman when Jason's arm shoots up as he wraps his hand around Bray's throat. Thinking quickly, Bray locks in the mandible claw on Jason.


Caleb: That's not good.

Gionna, looking at Caleb with a look of concern: What's wrong?

Caleb: Jason's hurt. Not seriously injured, but he's hurt.

Adrienne: How can you tell?

Caleb: Because if he wasn't injured, he would've done the sit-up when he was choking Bray. If he does do the sit-up, it won't be as quick as he normally does it.

In the ring

Jason continues to keep his hand wrapped around Bray's throat before slowly sitting up, the pain semi visible on his face as he lets out a long exhale. Jason stands up and chokeslams the Fiend. Remembering that he told Adrienne he'd do a moonsault and a shooting star press, he climbs up to the top rope and stands straight up. He takes a deep breath before leaping off of the top rope and hits the shooting star press. Jason holds onto his ribs as he stands back up. The Fiend also makes his way to his feet and sees Jason do his father's signature throat slice taunt with his eyes rolled into the back of his head. Jason hoists Bray up and hits him with a Tombstone Piledriver. Jason crosses Bray's arms across his chest, rolls his eyes into the back of his head, and sticks out his tongue, pinning the champion to three.

Ring Announcer: Here's your winner and the newwwwww WWE Champion: Jaaassssssonnn!!!!!

Jason grabs the title, gets down on one knee, and does a victory pose made infamous by his father.

A/N: The pose Jason is doing looks like this.

The victory doesn't last long as the lights turn red and fire shoots out from the stage and a familiar theme hits.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

A tall man with a black hood, a black vest similar to Roman's during the first run of the Shield, a dark red version of 90's Kane's two sleeve attire, one glove on his right hand, and a worn down Kane mask (A/N: the one from the video). The giant man steps over the top rope and stands in front of Jason, who is now standing straight up. They stare at each other before both look down at the Fiend. The 7' tall monster raises one hand, calling for a Chokeslam. The Fiend stands up only to be driven into the mat by the monster's Chokeslam. Jason and the masked monster fist bump before Jason exits the ring and heads backstage. The masked monster raises his arms before throwing them down, causing fire to shoot out of the corners.

Graves: I don't believe it!

Cole: That's...that's Wade! The son of the Kane!The living embodiment of hellfire and brimstone is here!


Jason walks into the gorilla position and almost collapses but is caught by Adrienne and Caleb, who bring him to the trainer's office. They carefully set him down on the table.

Trainer: Let's see what's wrong. I need room to work so I'm going to have to ask you guys to leave.

They all leave the room and sit/stand around outside of the room. After a few minutes, the trainer comes out.

Trainer: He has a few bruised rips so we are taking him off of the Live Events until his ribs heal. Which one of you rides with him?

Adrienne: That'd be me.

Trainer: You'll also be off of the Live Events. Make sure he doesn't do anything too straining or something that will further damage his ribs. He should be good enough to wrestle in a few weeks. Whatever you do, don't let him do something his dad would do.

Adrienne: What does that mean?

???: He means don't let him even show up to the arena because he will find a way to wrestle.

Caleb, to the source of the unknown voice: I didn't realize you were making your debut tonight, Wade.

Wade: The only people they told were Jason and Bray. Nice to see you again Adrienne. You better keep your eye on Jason. Who knows, you might be the only person other than his parents that he'll listen to?

After a few minutes of catching up and helping Jason to the locker room and to the car. Despite his bruised rips, Jason refuses to let anyone really help him and loads his and Adrienne's bags. Adrienne gets into the driver's seat of the car after fighting with Jason and ordering him to let her drive. With that, TLC comes to a close and Jason is the new WWE Champion.

End of chapter

A/N: Finally I got this chapter out. Sorry for the wait. I don't have much to say except thanks for reading, sorry for keeping y'all waiting for this chapter, and I'll talk to y'all next time."

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