Celestial Dragons

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Izuku POV:

I started to wake up with the feeling of someone on me. Looking down, I noticed Itsuka laying on top of my chest, Momo and Tsu on both of my legs and my head resting on Ochako's stomach. 'What happened...oh yeah, we got kinda drunk last night celebrating.' I was able to move myself off of all four to walk over towards the bow of the ship where I noticed Kid up and looking out to the opening to the sea.

"You're up. Good to know."

"yeah." He tossed me what looked like a muffin while eating one himself.

"These help with hangovers. I asked Killer to leave a couple for everyone else. He's right now making sure our ship is secure and is picking up a few supplies before we head out northwestern towards the country of Russia."


We looked out to the sea and calmly ate until a question came up for Kid. "So who's your doctor and cook for your crew?"


"...You don't have one for either position, do you?"

"No I do not."

"Should've guessed. So what exactly do you have for hands?"

"Well, Itsuka and Kaachan are really talented and could easily be the first mate or co-first mates, Ochako knows how to steer a ship so she can handle the helm, Momo is great with navigation to be the navigator, Perona can be a scout, Tsu should be able to fish for us without issue and Shiozaki could be a botanist with her knowledge on plants."

"Counting the three weirdos, the lapahn and the shipright, that's twelve. I'm amazed you haven't gotten a cook or a doctor yet. For now since you're not on the sea, that's fine. But you will eventually set out now that you have the ship."

"That means I should without a doubt start looking for a cook and a doctor. Where should I even start?"

"From what I'm told, the pro hero Ryukyu has quite a bit of medical training after spending a few years on the Sakura Islands. You could probably ask her when things settle. For a cook, maybe another pro just so you don't have that downward gap of experience in combat. In the forest near here, I heard of a four person rescue hero group that had some teachings from Okama Land. They make food fit for the body and the mind. At least, that's what I'm told."

"I'll look into it. Thanks."

"Anytime." Kid finished his muffin before looking over to his crew. "Alright! Time to get your asses moving men!" Everyone started to get up with the time saying we had to start moving soon.

"My crew! We need to get the members of the kingdoms we're assigned to protect up near the northern peninsula of Japan. Let's get moving!" Everyone hopped up with Kaminari being pulled up by Todoroki. "You three don't wanna come along?"

"Since this has to do with your crew, we don't want to get in the way."

'Todoroki has a point. If we bring people we shouldn't on the ship, that just ends negatively.' "Hatsume! How long until we're ready to head out?"

"That may be hard without Kaminari."


"I uhh...I kinda made the ship thinking he was part of the crew. It needs an electric quirk to charge it."

"Uh, what? What about an electric quirk?" Kaminari woke up before holding his head. "Ow!"

"Kaminari, Jirou and Todoroki. I have a proposition for the three of you. Since we can't do anything about moving so easily without one of you and the fact we could still use the extra manpower, would you three wanna join us?"

"Hell yeah! I always wanted to be a pirate!"

"Well, it wouldn't kill me."

"I still owe you for your help, so I'll join."

"Then it's settled. Hatsume. Take Kaminari with you and do what you need to to start heading out. Kaachan. Take Todoroki, Itsuka and the Big 3 to start getting the ship ready to head out. The rest of you with me. We've gotta grab the guests and bring them aboard."

"Yes sir!" My group charted out to grab the rulers of the kingdoms from the special housing that UA made specifically for this. Everyone was ready and standing outside for us to lead them towards the doc of our ship. There, everyone made themselves comfortable as we sailed off towards the meeting place for the World Summit.

Getting out towards the open sea, many of the crew began feeling a strange sense towards them. "That feeling you all have right now, you feel it right? That thrill of being free on the sea. It's breathtaking." Everyone smiled hearing this before we finally head to the sea. I couldn't hold back my happiness to shout at the top of my lungs. "LET'S SET SAIL!"

An hour later

We arrived at the port near the meeting to dock and begin getting ready to head off. Once we did, the rulers of the kingdoms were escorted towards the meeting place by government officials with us being forced to stay out of the building.

"So what do these meetings talk about?" Ochako asked while having Fluffy on her shoulder.

"From what princess Vivi has told me, it's mostly just talk about what is going on in the world as well as some other issues that may be happening with neighboring kingdoms such as recent upraises in piracy and so on."

From what Momo said, I felt like this was most likely a quiet and somewhat boring thing for them to do. "C'mon. I wanna try and talk to Ryukyu if we can find her here."

"Make way! Make way!" We all looked over towards where the sound was coming from to see a gigantic galleon ship docking. It looked not Marine, but still like it belonged to someone important.

Momo immediately went pale knowing something. "I think it's best we stay as far away from who is coming off."

"Why the fuck should we?"

"Trust me when I say this Bakugou, who's coming off right now, you'd be wise to stay away from them and not anger any of those on board."

"Momo you're not making any-"

"The people coming off are the Celestial Dragons, Itsuka! The biggest officials in the World Government! You even look at one wrong or just cross them the wrong way and you're dead!"

She seemed to panic a bit with a good amount of our crew getting a bit worried by this. "Momo. You and the rest of the crew head back towards the ship and calm down a bit. We'll stay here and make sure the area's secure." She agreed to have Kaminari, Jirou, Perona, Amajiki and Shiozaki towards the ship.

"So are we still looking for the Dragon hero?"

"In a minute Kaachan. I wanna take a look at these Celestial Dragons."

"Just what are the Celestial Dragons anyway?" I turned to Hado to explain.

"Over 800 years ago in the world where the rulers of the kingdoms are from here, there was a time known as the Blank Century. A hundred years of no information absolutely lost to the ages. The only thing that we know happened during this time is that the World Government was formed with 20 kingdoms joining together. These 20 aside from the Nefertari family who wanted to remain where they were, went to live in the kingdom of Mary Geoise. The kingdom on the Red Line several miles above everyone."

"So they're some kind of high ruling leaders?"

"Not necessarily Togata. Unfortunately, the members of the Celestial Dragons had been given the opportunity to basically do whatever they want. This led to them abusing this power with each generation becoming far worse then the last."

"So they're spoiled assholes."

"From what I'm getting from this, it sounds about right." Kaachan and Itsuka began agreeing with this before I pointed out the major issue with the Celestial Dragons.

"The Celestial Dragons are an image for the World Government. As such, they have the authorization if one is harmed to summon a Marine Admiral to deal with any problems."

"You're saying these guys can call a Marine Admiral up to fight for them!?" Everyone shouted for me to nod.

"They aren't dangerous per say, but the status and the ability to call one of the most powerful members of the Marines is what makes them dangerous. If anything, we'd be best not to anger them."

The sound of gunfire began to ring for us to look at the ship. "WHY ARE NONE OF YOU KNEELING!? YOU MISERABLE HUMANS BETTER SHOW YOUR RESPECT!" A man in a bubble who looked extremely unappealing started walking down in white robes. He looked around for the people to start clearing out. Only a few remained for those affiliated with the Marines to bow to them on their hands and knees. One by one, the Celestial Dragons came off the ship with it looking as if they were all off and walking by us. "YOU! THE ONE WITH THE SWORDS!" One of the Celestial Dragons that caused a ruckus before pointed a gun at my face. "KNEEL!"

"Unlike in your world, the Celestial Dragons are here as diplomats with no say in how our government works. If you fire that gun now, be prepared for all out war to break out with your head being placed on a stick. Are you prepared for that? Because as far as I can tell, you're no different than us since you bleed the same blood as us." I glared at the man with him starting to panic. "If I were you, I'd put that gun away before somebody gets hurt and I know for a fact it won't be me."

He shook in fear before pulling his gun away. "Uncultured swine like you don't deserve to talk to me like that! But I'm already running late, so you live." The man walked away with his group pretending not to be afraid.

"Let's go. I wanna find Ryukyu before we start any more trouble with officials from the World Government." We all agreed for us to head out. As we did though, we didn't notice the straggler from the group riding on what looked like a man with a collar on him. Ochako accidentally bumped into them and knocked the bloated fool off.

"HOW DARE YOU BUMP INTO ME YOU UNSIGHTLY LITTLE MISCREANT!" He pointed his gun at Ochako for Fluffy to knock her out of the way before the shot fired. In that moment, I saw Ochako's head bleed while falling to the ground. In my mind, I became so mad that I started to have blind rage come over me.

She hit the ground with all of us heading towards her to make sure she was ok. "OCHAKO/URARAKA!"

3rd person POV:

"Disgusting rodent. He made my shot miss." The Celestial Dragon aimed his gun again at Ochako for Fluffy to jump and bite the man's hand. "OW! YOU DISGUSTING LITTLE THING! HOW DARE YOU BITE MY HAND!?" The sound of the gunshot made several people come, including some unique dressed people. "GET OFF OF ME!" The Celestial Dragon pulled Fluffy off and slammed him into the ground.

Seeing the act in front of him, Izuku's blood boiled as he began to charge and pull Chujitsune to slice down the enemy. Before he could though, a man in a suit came over to defend the Celestial Dragon. "Seems you all are having quite the ordeal."

"So. Am I to assume you're part of CP-0?"

"Perceptive boy. I am part of that group. You can call me Lucci." The man kicked Izuku away before continuing. "Knowing me should give you a point to know what you're up against and why you should walk away now."

"And let that son of a bitch get away with shooting one of the women I love!? FUCK THAT!" Both immediately began charging at one another before a man with a square nose and Hancock came between them.

"Midoriya! Calm down."

In a fit of rage, Izuku turned to Hancock and shouted at her. "THAT MONSTER SHOT OCHAKO, AND YOU WANT ME TO CALM DOWN-" Hancock held a finger up to get him to listen and pointed towards Ochako. There, she showed Ryukyu patching her up with a first aid kit.

"She's ok. She only got the side of her head grazed. For now, just stay back and don't cause trouble." Thinking a little clearer, Izuku calmed down and placed his sword back in it's sheath. "I apologize for his crude behavior. My colleague here did not have any ill will towards this. However, we do have proof that the Celestial Dragons had begun this. In exchange for being silent of this, we ask that no charges be filed with the World Government."

"YOU THINK I'M GOING TO-" Izuku gave a flick of OFA to cut the bubble and graze the Celestial Dragon's cheek. "AAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!"

"That was for my crewmate who you hurt. In my opinion, you deserve worse. But going farther would be a problem for both me and my group. Consider this a warning to not anger me again."

"Hold it." Lucci came forwards with a smile. "You just caused bodily harm on a Celestial Dragon. Don't think this is over just because you say so. Since you probably don't know what's going to happen, let me explain it to you." The man transformed into a giant leopard to signify he ate a Zoan Devil Fruit.

"The World Government won't take too kindly to that. I suggest you get ready for a fight on your hands since either me or the Admirals are going to be breaking down your door prepared to kill you."

Izuku picked up Fluffy who was struggling to stand while glaring at the enormous cat man. "I'm not afraid of you." He returned to Ochako's side with her head bandaged up. "Is she ok to move now?"

"Yes, but I'd rather make sure she gets somewhere safe." Itsuka enlarged her fist for Ochako to be placed on before they walked away. While they did, Izuku looked back and gave a wave of Conqueror's Haki to send chills down everyone's spine in the area with some of the Marines and the Celestial Dragon being knocked out.

"I won't forget this day nor will I forgive him for what he's done."

"Then that means we will most likely face. I hope you're ready for a fight boy, because you without a doubt have one coming." Lucci smiled while transforming back to his human form to bring the unconscious World Noble inside.

And that finishes this chapter. See how Izuku and his crew handle the recent attack by the Celestial Dragon and the warning made by CP-0. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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