Holy Woman and the Demonic Nobles

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Izuku POV:

After the incident with the Celestial Dragon and the CP-0 guys, Ryukyu helped bring Ochako back to the Maiden where everyone else is. "Do you have a cabin where I can treat her?"

"There's a small room down below deck to the left we were planning to use for a first aid room."

Seeing Ochako hurt, everyone on the ship went wide eyed. "The heck happened to Uraraka!?"

"A World Noble happened." Itsuka states with a little anger in her voice as she placed Ochako on a small bed for Ryukyu to start treating a little better. "This Celestial Dragon tried to shoot her with Fluffy pushing her out of the way."

"On the bright side, she doesn't look like she was knocked out by anything outside of a bad hit on the head after falling. The injury from the bullet isn't too serious, but I'd recommend her take it easy for now."

"Thank you, Ryukyu." I bowed to her as the dragon hero got up.

"It isn't anything special. I would suggest you make a course of action. I doubt this will end with just that slash to the World Noble." She left the ship with the hateful glare of someone coming directly at me. I turned to see Shiozaki who normally had a stoic face seem extremely enraged.

"What. Happened."

"I ended up cutting a Celestial Dragon with it only being a small-" I was cut off by her slapping me hard across the face.


"Why are you so hostile against this!? I know this won't end just because of that, but this is over the top."


"Where are you going!?" Perona shouted.

"I'd rather be as far away from all of you when the Celestial Dragons or heaven forbid, CP-0 comes to make an example out of all of you. Consider this my official resignation of the Green Demons."

"Wait! Shiozaki!" Itsuka started going after her with Jirou and Momo trying to follow.

"Don't follow them."

They stared back at me confused with Kaachan speaking up. "I'm with the shrub here."

"Why? If things are as bad as she says they'll be, wouldn't her going off on her own make her a target?"

"Just let it go, Jirou. Itsuka's a classmate of Shiozaki. Let her handle this and give them some room to breathe. Besides, I'd rather make a plan of defense right now since we have to deal with the threat of the World Government taking action." This didn't sit right with anyone, but they understood that the situation at hand wasn't good for any of us and splitting up would be easily one of the worst decisions we could make. "Perona. Can you use your Hollows to keep a radius of about 10 meters out checked? If there's an attack from the Cipher Pol unit, I'd rather know about it before they're on top of us."

"Sure. But do you mind if half and half here watches my body? In order to do this to the best of my abilities, I need to be asleep."

I glanced over to Todoroki who nodded saying he was fine with it. "Done. there's a spare room down the hall." They left with all of us moving to sit on the open deck of the ship. "Alright. Let's go over everything that happened so you all know."

Meanwhile in a spare room, 3rd person POV:

"I refuse." Akainu spoke with some of the high ranking members of the Hero Board about the ordeal that had recently happened. "The Green Demon attacked one of our World Nobles. This is a matter that needs to be handled our way or else there won't be any order with our world."

"Perhaps, but the same could be said about the Celestial Dragon." The board member showed a surveillance footage of the Celestial Dragons trying to intimidate Izuku before this as well as pointing a gun at him before the incident with Ochako and her obviously bumping into one by accident for the World Noble blowing it entirely out of proportion to shoot at her. "If you try anything with Izuku Midoriya, we will bring this man as well as the one who was shooting the gun before up on illegal use of firearms, assault and attempted murder. Obviously if a Celestial Dragon was to be brought on these charges, it would look horrible on the Marines. So I propose a deal." Akainu listened carefully to this. "We won't pull any charges on any of the World Nobles during this even though they obviously were the initiators during this as long as you do not hold any repercussions for Izuku Midoriya or any of his crew."


"Think about it Fleet Admiral. Because of the incident in Impel Down not that long ago as well as your poor actions against those going to Laughtale, several dangerous crimminals are in this world. We covered up most of them to say the least dangerous ones with ones such as Doflamingo, Crocodile and Blackbeard held from the public ears, but this caused extreme backlash on our treaties. The Warlords were our way to stabilize our treaties because of your government's mistakes. If word got out that you pulled a Warlord or made one a target, people will want answers why and they will eventually learn the truth. It's not as easy to keep information locked away here as it is in your world. Consider the backlash if you do deny this. I'm certain your forces won't take too kindly of being expelled out of here. Especially since we could say what really happened to let all those prisoners free."

Akainu looked at the board member with some anger. "What are you talking about?"

"You can play ignorant all you want, but our informants are in key positions just like yours. All we want is just for this to be thrown under the rug for peaceful negotiations sake. You need our heroes, and we need your Marines. Everyone wins if you agree."

Akainu looked at his options. The higher ups wouldn't look kindly to someone getting away with assaulting a World Noble especially if it got out. However, worse things would happen if one or two were arrested for causing problems. "I'll accept this for now. However, don't think I'll look kindly to anything outside of this agreement. My alignment is with my government, not yours." The Fleet Admiral left with him walking a notable distance away before pulling out a Transponder Snail. "Piero. Are you there?"

"Yes sir. How may I be of assistance?"

"I have a mission for CP-0. I'm certain Lucci and Kaku wouldn't mind fighting the Green Demons again."

On the other side of the line, a man that was wearing white face paint listened and held an unphased look on him. "Tell us how you would like this done and we will handle it."

With Itsuka and Shiozaki, Itsuka POV:

"Hey! Wait up!" I shouted for Shiozaki to walk faster before I came close to her to grab her shoulder for me to speak. "Shiozaki! What's the matter-"

"UNHAND ME!" She pulled away to see it was me to try and calm down a bit. "I apologize. That was not necessary."

"What's the matter? You don't normally show your emotions like that or let yourself get so heated." She seemed to be really upset for me to point towards a bench nearby. "Wanna sit down and we can talk about it?"

She agreed for us to sit for about ten minutes to let herself calm down a little. "You're aware I do not change with you all, correct?"

"You change in a stall if I remember correctly. I kinda always wanted to know why, but didn't wanna be rude and bluntly ask."

"There's a reason." She turned away with some shame in saying the next part. "Do you recall the statement about what the Celestial Dragons can and cannot do?"

"Basically, they can get away with almost anything from what it sounded like."

"Yes. They can. Unfortunately, this means anything that they do is deemed harmless in the eyes of the World Government, even if it actually is illegal." This got my curiosity pulled in with Shiozaki holding her hands looking as if she was carrying a lot of weight on her shoulders. "When I was a child, I had went on a missionary with my family and church to the Grand Line. We were told that we were going to help find and save those that needed. Our missionary work went to the Sabaody Archipelico. It was beautiful. The land we stood on was the sabaody trees themselves. Words could not describe the beauty of the land itself. Unfortunately, I had been so engrossed with the image that I had been separated from my group. This caused me to wander around the area for a bit of time. Eventually, I was found. But it wasn't my family nor my church that found me." I could see she was scared before explaining who found her. "Slave traders found me. They believed I was easy prey and sent me off to a slave auction."

"So you were...I mean...."

"Yes. I was sold to a slave owner. Though it is illegal, the high nobles of the world could get away with this. I figured things would be bad enough if I was sold as a slave, but I was far wrong. The one that bought me was the worst kind of noble there was."

I swallowed a lump in my throat while asking. "A Celestial Dragon?" She nodded before slowly pulling her shirt up to reveal her stomach. On it held a burn that made her break down in tears.

"The first thing they did was brand me. Make me seem no different than some sort of materialistic thing to own. To them, I wasn't even a person. I was only something to be owned. When they did it, they weren't even seeing me when they smiled wickedly at me. All they saw was just something they thought they owned or had right to have." I could tell she was on the verge of losing it. "I was forced to be nothing more than a porcylin doll. Never to speak. Never to cry. Never to show emotion. All I was to this disgusting man that bought me was a servant that he could kick, punch, even make bleed without fear of repercussions. Those that spoke up or even showed any emotion at all were deemed defective and...and..." She started shaking without being able to finish her sentence. From the lack of empathy from the one before, I could tell what happened to the slaves.

"So what happened after? How did you escape this life?"

"*sniffle* I owe that to the Revolutionary Army's former Chief of Staff, Sabo. He came to the holy land as they called it and freed us. I ran as fast as I could to be picked up by them. I told them I didn't belong in this world and that my home was in Japan for them to bring me back. If I could ever repay them for what happened, I'd do it in a heartbeat. I found my church and family again and regained my life. At least, to some degree."

"What do you mean?"

She put her shirt down and held her stomach in shame. "I can never unsee what I have or unfeel the pain that has been dealt. Everytime I see this mark, it reminds me of that. I can never escape what I had happen to me and I fear when someone sees this mark, they will bring me back to that monster who did this to me and I become what I was again. Nothing but a piece of property." She began crying to stain her pants with her tears. "When I heard what Midoriya had done, I feared they'd find out and take me back. I never ever want to return or force others to be put in that if I can. That's why I'm scared and want nothing to do with Midoriya and his pirate crew after hearing it."

She kept crying with my hands slowly going to her in a way to hug Shiozaki. All I could do was hold her and be some kind of comfort. "Shiozaki....I...I don't know what to say. I'm sorry that you had to go through with that. If Izuku knew your trouble with the Celestial Dragons, he would've never suggested you come....I would've never suggested you'd come." I stayed like this with her for a few minutes with one of Perona's Hollows coming over and holding what looked like a tear in it's eye hearing this.

"C'mon. Let's go. I think it's best if you start leaving if you're this concerned." We began heading out before the sound of someone walking towards us pulled us to their attention.

"Why hello. It seems that I've found some lost property."

"Perhaps I can fix things up where Izuku Midoriya stole something from one of the Celestial Dragons and make that as an excuse why they wanted to kill him and his crewmates. It sounds believable enough. All I'd have to do is kill you and take the girl." The woman came directly at us to pull her leg back and unleash a shockwave. "Tempest Kick." I blocked the attack with a bit of Haki in my forearms with the woman coming back under me to thrust her pointer finger into me with Armament Haki coating it. "Finger Pistol."

The attack sent me back a bit into another bench for me to stand up and reveal Haki coating the area she hit. "Kendo!"

"Alright lady, just who are you?"

The woman started to laugh a bit to herself before introducing herself. "It doesn't matter since you're going to die, but my name is Stussy and I'm a member of CP-0."

I groaned to myself before answering. "Something tells me that this is going to be a long day."

And that finishes this chapter. See what happens next time when Itsuka takes on Stussy of CP-0 as well as the ordeal that Izuku and everyone will be through. Hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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