Creative Burst

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As Shinso and Hatsume continued to attack Franky, the cyborg began shooting at them from guns in his shoulders. "What is this guy, a walking perverted arsenal!?"

"I got it!" Hatsume pulled out a type of laser beam looking weapon before shooting it at Franky's shoulders. It didn't shoot anything special, but more of some kind of glue. When it connected, it solidified into concrete to stop the barrage of bullets.

"Now that's a pretty nifty thing you got there, girl. But you've gotta be better to beat me. Franky! Nipple Laser!" Franky shot a beam at Hatsume to force her to duck with Shinso able to get near him from the back.

'Now's my chance.' He was just standing as Shinso jumped up and was about to knee the giant man. This didn't work to his favor as Franky gave a punch to Shinso's stomach to knock the wind out of him.

"Sorry pal, but you're not gonna have to do better than that."

"Have a taste of this!" Hatsume shot a net at Franky to bind him temporarily. When he did, Hatsume ran as fast as she could to pick Shinso up and get some distance to regroup and try to avoid more problems. When they were a distance away, Hatsume placed the Mind Control quirk user down. "That looked painful. You good?"

"I'll live." Shinso placed a hand on his stomach before noticing something. "That punch was not as painful as I thought it was."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, it felt more like you punching me than someone like Franky." Shinso obtained a wrench to the head for his comment by a somewhat steamed Hatsume. "I didn't mean that in a bad way. I was using you as a reference of a normal person's punch as opposed to a walking talking thing of steel."

"...should've started with that. Might as well just make sure you're ok before we keep going." Shinso pulled his shirt up to notice a dark purple tint around his torso area. "I didn't know you could use Armament on instinct."

"Neither did I. Can't take this for granted though. This is probably a one time thing." As he said this, Shinso got an idea. 'I was trying to tighten my stomach the best I could before impact. Does that mean Haki for Armament can be as instinctual as that?' He held his hand out while tightening his fist the best he could before a slight purple started to show.

"Awesome! You just used Haki!" Hatsume was excited as Shinso lost control of it slightly after.

"It's not the best, but I can use it for a few seconds before it times out for me. I don't give Midoriya and the crew members our age enough credit. This is harder than I thought."

"Guess that explains why everyone can learn it but not everyone can use it." Hatsume glanced up to make sure they weren't seen yet. "Do you wanna try and use it for the exam?"

"It's not perfect with control and I have to consciously focus on using it, but it's our best way to beat him. Before I rely on this though, I wanna see if I can hypnotize him."


The two ran out trying to find Franky. Once they did, Shinso walked out to get the cyborg's attention to have him turn and smirk. "I guess that wasn't too super of a punch for you. Hope you didn't take it personal, bro."

"Not really, I mean it's pointless to be angry at a walking scrap heap."

"Hey man, no name calling. It ain't a manly trait to have and cool guys don't do that." There was a silence between them with Franky smirking. "You thought I'd be able to get hypnotized, did you? Hate to break it to you, but since a good portion of my nerves are replaced with mechanical machinery including my ears to register the sound, they don't work entirely like a normal person's. I even had the super idea to create anti hypnotic suggestion protocols when I revamped my body. So in short, I'm too SUPER to be hypnotized!" He pushed his arms together and made a pose to irritate Shinso more.

"Guess plan B's gonna have to be on the table. HATSUME!"

"RIGHT!" Hatsume jumped out with hover boots on her feet before shooting a grappling hook on Franky and tying him up in it. "Hope you like carbon fiber wires reinforced to withstand strength enhancement quirk users!"

"Not a bad touch, girl. But still not good enough!" Franky was about to break the wires before Shinso came behind him about to punch him. The cyborg turned to have his head face him with Shinso's fist now covered in Haki enough to slightly see it. This causes a notable bit of force to slide Franky back before regaining his footing. "You're gonna have to do better than that."

"Then let's try this!" Shinso began punching Franky's stomach as fast as he could with the repeated blows pushing the man back. Each hit had Haki coating it with the Mind Control quirk user focusing all his efforts to maintain the concentration. Sweat began to drop off him as he struggled to keep going with the amount of focus he was keeping up. Eventually, the binds on Franky finally broke to make Shinso lose focus for that one moment with his next attack losing the Haki he had covering it right when he was about to hit the cyborg's stomach. "Ahhh!" Shinso went down on a knee in pain holding his hand as Franky stood over him with his fist pulled back.

"Again, nothin personal man. Just doing a job I was given." A blast is foam can't at Franky for him to stop and turn to see Hatsume holding a more insane looking weapon that looked like a blender. "What are you gonna do with that? Make us milkshakes? Personally a cola guy myself-" Frost came on his arm and started to freeze a bit. "What the?"

"It's my latest creation. I call it the Frostbite Slush. Using the fight on Thriller Bark as an example, I'm able to create a coolant similar to liquid nitrogen that freezes upon impact with whatever it touches and has a temperature as low as a hundred degrees below zero."

"Nice touch, but hat are you gonna do against someone that knows how to breathe fire." Franky's chest started to expand as he sucked in air. A reddish orange glow was coming from his chest before he finally shouted. "Franky...FIRE BALL!" He shot a massive ball of fire at Hatsume for her to slightly panic a bit.

"GET OUTTA THE WAY!" Shinso shouted as he tackled Hatsume to the ground and had his back singed The blast hit behind them with the shock of the reality coming to the inventor. This wasn't just a game anymore, she could've died if she didn't get out of the way quick enough. "Dammit. Focus on the fight right now!"

She glanced over Shinso to see his back and immediately go pale. "S-sorry. You ok?"

"Look, we aren't the toughest of the crew, that much is true. But right now, we need to put everything we have for focus with this to beat Franky. I need you to focus on one of two objectives. Fleeing or putting the cuffs on him." Shinso flinched a bit for Hatsume to see the damage was doing more than she thought it was.

"I've got a better idea. His circuits still aren't in the greatest shape after that last attack I did.... I think I can take him."

"Don't be stupid."

"Just let me handle this and you decide yourself what you can do." Shinso weighed his options with her definitely being in a better position than him. He nodded and ran off to the side.

"Don't think I'm letting you escape me, bro. Strong Right-"

"Eat ice!" Hatsume blasted Franky with her one invention again for it to coat his right hand entirely with ice, freezing it in the process. She was going for more, but the tool stopped working for her to get creative. 'If I can't use my baby anymore, might as well let it go out with a bang.' She adjusted the wiring a bit before throwing it at the cyborg for it to blow up and shoot the cooling liquid out. This forced Franky to pull back, but not before having his feet frozen.

"So you gave up the invention in order to trap me in this. YAO! Not a bad idea, little lady. But I'm still not going down without a fight. Keep in mind, I can melt this with my fire ball."

"Maybe, but you're not gonna beat me that easily. Or by partner." Focusing mainly on Hatsume, Franky completely forgot about Shinso coming behind with the cuffs. He used the frozen ground as a slide to go completely through Franky's legs and slap the cuffs on his left thigh to indicate he was captured. However, the act made Shinso go right into Hatsume to have them slide directly into a fake mailbox and make a dent in it.

"Shinso and Hatsume have passed the final exams." A robotic voice spoke up for Franky to use his fire to free his feet and melt the ice around his circuits.

"Not bad, the both of you. Sometimes in a fight, it's not about how strong you are, but how you can outsmart people. You should be proud of yourselves. You did a SUPER job passing!" Franky posed again with shinso laying his head back to look at the cyborg with some annoyance.

"I'd feel more satisfied if I didn't have to watch an idiot dance around in underwear praising me."

"C'mon, man. You know it's funny." Hatsume got up and began posing with Franky to somewhat unnerve Shinso.

'You know what, I'm not judging this much anymore."

With Ochako and Kaminari

"Perfume Fever!" Hancock began moving around with her legs continually spinning while she held her entire weight up with her hands to nearly hit Kaminari, but miss and hit a tree instead. Turning it into stone in the process.


"JET PISTOL!" Ochako gave a punch to Hancock's leg to stop the woman to have the two glare at one another. "I don't care if I have to take you on alone, I'm going to beat you and pass this exam."

"How are you going to do that when you can't even cause me harm?" Hancock pulled back before giving a kick to Ochako's stomach and sending her into a tree.

"Uraraka!" Kaminari turned to see the brunette slowly get up while wincing in pain. Her eyes went wide when she looked behind the electric quirk user.

"SHE'S BEHIND YOU!" Kaminari turned quickly to immediately lock eyes with Hancock right in front of him. Her image shocked the man as he took close notes to her body's mature features.

"Tell me something, young man. Do you even dream of laying with a beautiful woman? Perhaps Enjoying not only the way she looks, but as she feels?" Her hand slowly went down Kaminari's cheek to make small circles around his chest. Kaminari began thinking of some absured things as Hancock continued to speak with him. "Men like you always dream big and enjoy women to their heart's content. And your type is always the ones that I love the most. Do you know why?"

Kaminari swallowed a lump in his throat as he slowly answered. "I-I don't know. W-why would you like men like me?" He blushed while looking away a bit.

Hancock leaned close to Kaminari's ear before answering. "Because men like you are always the easiest to have fawn over me. You'll always lust after me even if you know it's not safe. All because of my beauty. And it's because of that, men like you are the biggest fools out there." He came back to reality with this as Hancock made a heart with her hands and pointed it at Kaminari.


"It's too late." Hancock gave a sultry gaze before a pink beam began to form in her hands. "Love Love Beam." Several hearts came out and went right towards Kaminari with him unable to understand what was going on as he let out a massive scream.


And that finishes this chapter. See what happens next time with Kaminari and Ochako facing off with Hancock. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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