Love Hurts

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3rd person POV:

As Hancock prepared to blast Kaminari with her Love Love Beam, Ochako looked to her side and saw a rock and aimed it right at Kaminari's back, sending him to the ground just as he was about to get hit. "AAAAHHHH!!!" The beam hit a tree to turn it to stone as the snake woman looked down at Kaminari.

"Seems you understand your place there." Hancock wasn't looking at Ochako for her to move quickly towards her before going for a punch. However, the punch was blocked by Hancock's leg before smirking. "And you refuse to understand yours."

"Can you blame me with the type of captain we have?" Ochako moved upwards over Hancock's leg and went for an axe kick to have Hancock flip backwards before going on her hands again and spinning to kick the brunette. She moved below before having her foot slam on the ground and narrowly hit her. Ochako continued her attack in hopes to find an opening and make cover for Kaminari to run and hide. Seeing him in awe though, Ochako shouted in anger at hi. "KAMINARI! GET TO THE GOAL!"

"R-right!" He ran as fast as he could with Hancock smiling at this.

"I do love a moving target." Hancock jumped up over Ochako and onto a tree before making a gigantic heart from a kiss while pulling it's side. "Slave Arrow!" Multiple arrows came at Kaminari for him to now panic.


"DUCK DOWN!" Ochako shouted for Kaminari to look her direction. "DO IT!" He did as she asked for only one arrow to go between his hair and just narrowly miss hi. "*sigh* That was a close one."

"Perhaps, but you left yourself defenseless!" Ochako was kicked into a treee and felt her back fill with pain.

"URARAKA!" Kaminari ran to her with her shouting back.

"GET OUT OF HERE! THIS ISN'T A FIGHT YOU CAN WIN! YOU'RE NOT STRONG ENOUGH TO FIGHT HER!" Hancock glanced over at Kaminari waiting for his response. "Right now, you're not able to avoid her attacks without my help. Even if you were to, you're not able to dodge everything and will eventually get hit. Just go and get to the goal!"

Hancock saw Kaminari's hair hide his eyes to wait for his next action in hopes to find out what he does. 'So what will you do now?'

"The heck with that. You think I'm smart enough to do something like that. The only thing you should know about me, Uraraka is that I'm not smart like you and Midoriya and the rest of our big shots. I'm stupid enough to stand with my friends even if that means I get the worst of it. Now, Indiscriminate shot, Ten Thousand Volts!" He sent the blast towards the two with Hancock using Haki to kick the electricity away.


"Aww, c'mon. That was one of my best attacks that don't fry me."

"It worked out though!" Ochako came beside Hancock using Haki to hold the electricity in her hands and threw it at the Snake Empress for her to feel it and be sent back a bit.

"Kaminari! Get back!" They ran off as fast as they could with the feeling of the electricity still coursing through her a little.

"That was quite a shock....That's idiotic that I made a pun."

Ochako and Kaminari were able to get a distance away and calm down a bit from the act. "*pant* *pant* Thanks for the save back there."

"*pant* That's nothing compared to what you did. I didn't expect you to be able to touch my electricity."

"I just used the basic aspects of Haki. I'm not at a great level where I can manage what Izuku and Itsuka can do, but I'm able to touch Logia and odd quirk techniques. That was more a gamble since I wasn't completely sure it was going to work." As she said this, an idea came to Ochako's head. "Kaminari. How willing are you to strike a woman?"

"...I'm not one that likes hitting women. But I'm not gonna ruin my life because of that."

'Smart enough to know when to throw chivalry away.' "Well, I have an idea that might work. But first, I need to see your leg." Kaminari questioned this until Ochako pulled out a rope and began going pale.

Meanwhile, Hancock began walking down the forest looking for the two. "C'mon out you two. I know you haven't reached the gate. Why don't you just come out and face me with some dignity." Ochako and Kaminari came out of the bushes in a formation that genuinely confused Hancock. "...Am I to believe this is your attempt to defeat me?"

"Big time." Ochako smirked as her right arm was tied on with her holding Kaminari's left leg as she used her quirk to make him float.


"Don't be a baby. This is the closest you've gotten to touching a woman in a while most likely."


"It's either that or you'll have to explain why you touched my butt to Izuku. Your call." Kaminari thought about this before agreeing.

"This is just better than the alternative."

"Good that we're in agreement now."Ochako charged at Hancock for her to smirk. "TAKE THIS! JAMMING YAY STUN GUN!" She slammed Kaminari down for Hancock to dodge. She prepared for another kick for Ochako to use her small knowledge of Haki to coat Kaminari and make it so he wouldn't get hurt as badly. The two continued to attack one another with one hit coming to Kaminari's face to make him flinch.


"DON'T BE A BABY!" Both Ochako and Hancock shouted for the brunette to attack the snake woman again and hold her where she was with her heel in Kaminari's shoulder. Both came close to one another before they smirked at one another.

"You've improved, Uraraka."

"Thank you."

"But it's still not enough." Hancock was about to aim a Pistol Kiss at point blank range at Ochako for her to smile.

"Did you forget I'm holding a human battery in my hand?" Kaminari grabbed Hancock's leg before shouting.

"INDISCRIMINATE SHOT, 1.3 MILLION VOLTS!" A massive blast of electricity came directly at Hancock to have the area turn bright and blinding before seeing it dim down and show Hancock coated in static with her freezing where she was.

'Did we get her with that?' Ochako looked closely at Hancock for her to smile.

"Did you really think that was worthwhile to defeat me? Pathetic."

As she was about to attack, a buzzer came with a metallic voice to respoind. "Ochako Uraraka and Denki Kaminari have passed the exams."

"But how-" Hancock looked at her ankle to notice the cuffs on her ankle. "Cleaver ones you both are. But when?"

"Kaminari put them on you when he was letting all his electricity loose. The goal was simply to distract you with something that required you to protect yourself with Haki and take your full attention for. Unfortunately, this required a bit of a gamble. Kaminari had to fry his brain to make an opening. If it didn't work, I would've used 3rd Gear to send him flying as far as my arm could allow me with my quirk while also tanking any hits you had for me. Fortunately, it didn't have to come to this point."

"That's rather ingenious on your end. Nicely done, both of you. You've truly found a way to make a great drawback a great advantage in this battle. You both should be proud of yourselves when for that."

"YAY!" Kaminari showed his face to hold a completely stupid look to it as if he was a complete moron. Both girls looked at him and did a spittake before busting out laughing at the electric quirk user. They couldn't hold it back as they continued to laugh at him and watch as the brainless lovable fool made them laugh.

With Todoroki and Shiozaki

Running from Smoker, Shiozaki held a semi conscious Todoroki on her back as they continued through the exam area hoping to find some place to catch their breath. 'I should've watched where he was. It's my fault Todoroki got hurt.' Before the impact from Smoker, Todoroki was able to push Shiozaki out of the way. This protected her, but it had given the dual hair colored man the strike to the head. This forced him to go for a loop with his head still ringing as blood started dripping off of his skin. In fear, Shiozaki picked her crewmate up and ran as fast as she phyisically could away from the fight.

Finding a large rock, Shiozaki ran towardsit and hid behind in hopes to at least make sure Todoroki wasn't seriously hurt as they tried to catch their breaths. "Todoroki. Are you going to be alright?"

"...Yeah. What happened?" Still knocked for a loop, Todoroki tried to pick up the pieces and understand what was going on.

"You took a hit to me and was hurt instead. Right now I'm trying to make sure you aren't hurt." Todoroki started to recover from the strike to the head. "So what do you think we should do?"

"Maybe try and do a straight shot to the goal."

"Considering our options, that's probably our best option. However..." The Vine quirk user looked around to think about what they can do to avoid Smoker. "One of us will have to take him on."

"I'll handle this." Todoroki began standing before Shiozaki grabbed him with her vines.

"No. Right now, you're not strong enough. Smoker knows I can't touch him, but you're not the same. You're injured though, so you're an easy target."

"But you're not in a better position."

"Maybe, but I'm a good distraction and I have some things that I can handle myself against Logia types." Shiozaki pulled out something to have Todoroki smirk.

As they began doing this, Smoker walked over towards the rock they were hiding behind to speak up. "I know you're back there. Come out now and we can make this a lot easi-" He was cut off by a massive glacier coming at him and forcing the man to use his powers to turn his body to smoke. "That's quite a bit of a covering." shiozaki started running directly for the goal. He flew towards her to grab Shiozaki. However, she turned back right when he was about to grab her and hit the Vice Admiral in the side of the head with a tonfa. This shocked Smoker as he was actually hit by the weapon.

"I'm not as finesse as Midoriya or Kendo at weapon training, but even you can't beat Sea Prism Stone." Shiozaki went for two more solid hits to Smoker's stomach to send him sliding back before stopping himself. He looked up for Shiozaki to charge at him again and go for a hit to his head. "TAKE THIS!"

Smoker turned to smoke again for him to get away from Shiozaki's reach. "Not bad. You're smart in knowing how to fight Logia types with the disadvantage you have. However, it's absolutely pointless if you can't hit the person."

"THEN LET'S SEE YOU DO THAT AGAIN!" Shiozaki swung the tonfa towards Smoker for him to block it with his jitte. However, thanks to her lack of skill and knowledge on the tonfa, the side of the weapon went into Shiozaki's wrist to have her wince in pain before dropping it.

"I will admit. You had me surprised. But in the end, a tool is only as useful as the knowledge to use it. If you're someone that has no idea how to use something right, you'd be better off not having it." Shiozaki moved go have her free hand reach for the weapon again before Smoker used his to knock it behind him and hit the other one out of her other hand. "Weapon users need to have a firm grip on their weapons and know how to fight with them. If you don't, you're gonna die a painful death in the real world."

Shoizaki held her hands up as she held one of her vines on her head going down into the ground and moving underneath to grab the weapon behind the Vice Admiral. While he was focusing on her, Shoizaki focused on him while slowly glancing over to make sure he wasn't aware what was happening. When he was about to speak again, Shiozaki slammed the weapon down at the Vice Admiral for him to move to the side and grip the vine holding the gripping on the weapon and take it from her. 'I was close.'

"Sorry to burst your bubble, but I'm not going to fall for a simple trick like that. You're gonna have to try harder than-*FWOOM*!" As he was talking, Smoker was engulfed in flames by Todoroki who was running towards the two and switching to is ice to hopefully trap the man.

"What are you doing here!? You were supposed to go and reach the goal!?" Shiozaki shouted for Todoroki to look at her.

"If I were to let one of my friends sacrifice themselves for me, then I don't think I'd be able to face everyone else again. Whether you think it's for the best or not isn't what I care for. What I do though is if I can sleep knowing I can achieve success and live with the sacrifices made with it."

Shoizaki was in disbelief before shaking it off and smiling. "You're a fool. But then again, we're in a crew full of them." She grabbed her one tonfa and the second the distance away before seeing Smoker break the ice dome he was trapped in. "I hope you're ready, Todoroki. For this will be a fight we will need you to be fully prepared for."

And that finishes this chapter. See what happens next time with Todoroki and Shiozaki taking on Smoker. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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