Raw Power

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With Itsuka and Tsu, 3rd person POV:

Itsuka and Tsu continued to battle Jinbei with him not backing down. Itsuka's Fujin constantly blasted gusts of wind with Tsu trying to get as close as possible to him. However, the fishman was able to knock her back with a Water Shot technique. Once she slid back, Tsu continued again with Itsuka opening up a hole for her to get in as well before noticing Jinbei grabbing the water near him. "OCEAN CURRENT SHOULDER THOW!"

"GET BACK!" Both jumped away and was separated by the massive splash. Itsuka tried to get through the water before being attacked by Jinbei jumping through the water like a harpoon to her. She blocked it by coating Fujin with Haki to fortunately block Jinbei's punch. 'He's fast.'

"You're quick on your feet, but that's not enough." Jinbei moved quickly to roundhouse Itsuka's side before she could react with her being sent into the water. She got towards a spot to gain some footing before being blasted with multiple Water Shots. She tried to get soe leverage, but it came to no avail as Jinbei didn't even give her the opportunity to fight back. "For a normal fishman, water can be our greatest ally. However, in the hands of a aster of Fishman Karate, it's one of our most dangerous weapons. Though you and Asui have shown merit in our skill to which I have the upmost respect for you to have accomplished, you are unable to use it in as fluid of a manner as fishmen would."

He continued his attack with tsu coming out from where she was hiding to hit Jinbei in the back of the head. This failed however as he foresaw it and blocked the frog woman from doing such. 'Now's my chance.' In hopes to cloud Jinbei's field of vision, Itsuka placed the blade end of her naginata in the water before shouting at Tsu. "GET BACK!" Tsu saw this to use Jinbei's forearm as a springboard and get out of the way. "Wind Current Upward Slash!" Itsuka used Fujin's power to create a large wind updraft, taking the water and practically creating a tsunami to take on the large whale shark fishman. She was able to make some headway for Tsu to reunite with her ally.

"What now?"

"Raw power isn't working for us. That means we're gonna have to work on doing something a little more serious."

"Ok. Like what?" Itsuka gripped her weapon before looking at Tsu and Jinbei who was able to see them come into view.

"STRATEGIC WITHDRAWL!" Itsuka and Tsu began running as fast as they could towards the goal with Jinbei a little shocked from the act before recovering and going into the water and moving quickly towards the. Itsuka looked back to notice the problem of them being chased. During this, Itsuka moved to face the man with her blade pulled up.

"Prepared to sacrifice yourself in hopes to have your friend win for both of you? Very honorable."

"Who said I was sacrificing myself. Night Wind Gale Slash!" Itsuka gave the attack to Jinbei for him to block it. This however forced his attention away from the water and be dragged down by Tsu's tongue. "Alright. Let's settle this *GASP*." Itsuka took a deep breath and went under to see Tsu moving around and avoiding the fishman's punches. She went under his fist before seeing a roundhouse come to her to grab ahold an get in close.

"You two were smart to limit me, but you did so in a horrible spot." Thanks to his natural ability to move in the water, Jinbei was able to grab Tsu and hold her in a submission position with her arms held behind her back. The frog girl struggled and was in notable pain as her natural ability to handle holding her breath under water was slowly losing to her. "I won't have you die on me. However, I will have you get to the point where you will be unable to fight and must go up for air and hold you down up there."

He was focused on avoiding Tsu's flails that the whale shark fishman did not notice Itsuka right behind him and going next to his gills. 'Fishmen are in their natural element in water. On land, their lungs are a natural source of oxygen. However, that is the complete opposite in water.' In one motion. Itsuka grabbed Jinbei's neck and blew into his gills, forcing the large fishman's lungs to start up again.

"AAAAHHHHH!!!!!" He felt unbearable pain as his lungs began to fill with water and force him up, carrying both women as well.

'When a fishman is in water, their gills will naturally start with their lungs stopping in order to make swapping from one to the other seamless. But that doesn't mean they can't start back up again underwater if the gills are shown to air.'

The three emerged from the water with Jinbei holding the side of a board, panting for air. "*pant* *pant* Quite an underhanded trick."

"What can we say? *pant* Pirates don't always fight fair. Also, *pant* it's not exactly 'underhanded' if you look at what I did."

"Itsuka Kendo and Tsuyu Asui have passed the exam." The metallic voice announcer spoke to force Jinbei to look to his hand still in the water to notice a cuff with Tsu's tongue on it.

"Two things my master taught me will carry me in this world. The first is to learn how to use your opponent's strengths to make a weakness. The second is that sometimes the best move is the one that is not seen through force of attention. You were so focused on getting air that you didn't pay attention to Tsu putting the cuffs on. That was your own mistake."

"I see." Jinbei looked at his hand before laughing it off. "HAHAHAHA! You two truly are well adapt at managing yourselves in the heat of a battle. Your captain should be proud to call you his crewmates." He continued to laugh with Tsu and Itsuka smiling at one another and thinking of how nice it was to be able to get this praise from Jinbei of all people.

With Shiozaki and Todoroki

Both continued to attack Smoker with Todoroki canceling out the Vice Admiral's smoke attacks, while Shiozaki tried to attack with her vines and tonfas. This forced the man in a corner before getting near a bunch of unstable boulders. He forced them down to cover the area with smoke and cloud their ability to see both him and where they were. Shiozaki stood behind Todoroki in hopes to avoid being sneaked up on. As this occurred, Todoroki tried to think of the best method to create a massive amount of ice and force the area into a massive glacier. This thinned the air enough to let the smoke dissipate faster before having Smoker come from above them to take down the dual hair colored man. "WHITE BLOW!"

Todoroki tried to dodge it, but was unable to sense it in time to do anything. However, this was halted when Shiozaki used one of her tonfas to hit the man's fist, forcing the side to go into her wrist and making a popping noise. She winced in pain with Todoroki turning around to see her bone out of place. "Shiozaki!"

"I'd worry about yourself, boy!" Smoker came from behind Todoroki before feeling something on his wrist. "What?"

On the one Shiozaki was blocking, one of her vines was able to place the cuffs on his arm with her smiling. "Ibara Shiozaki and Shoto Todoroki have passed the exam."


Shiozaki smirked as Smoker reformed himself in front of the two. "We knew we'd never outpower you. So we had to make it look like that was what we were trying. If we did that, then that would make doing a trick on you easier."

"So ya sacrificed using one of your hands all together in hopes to have me take my attention off of you. Not a bad idea." Smoker sat down while breathing out the smoke from his two cigars to see Shiozaki on the verge of tears holding her wrist in a protective manner. "If ya wanna scream from pain, do it."

"Ngh! It's gonna be loud though."

"Fine. Kid. Cover your ears." Both Smoker and Todoroki covered their ears with the Vice Admiral nodding to Shiozaki. Knowing she was not ok to do this, She le out a massive scream in pain from having her bruised and dislocated arm in the amount of pain she was in.

"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!" Both could hear it enough to understand how much pain the Vine quirk user was in, but didn't blame her for wanting to scream in pain knowing she risked it in order for them to pass.

'I guess that Midoriya kid's got a stronger crew than I thought. They're also crazier if this one's willing to dislocate her wrist in order to win and use a weapon that she knows she'll get hurt using to do it.'

With Momo and Jirou

Brook and Jirou began fighting with the aux cord quirk user holding an electric with what looked like a battle axe on the body of it. "You are quite skilled in moving a heavy weapon like that with your body structure. Not like I can say anything since I lack a muscle structure myself. YOHOHOHOHOHO!"

Jirou continued to fight the skeleton an before having the tip go right and nearly hitting her in the shoulder before having the electric battle axe block it with the side of it. The act froze the center a bit with her worrying a bit. 'If this hit me, I might be a popsicle right now.'

As this happened, Momo shot rounds at Brook to force him back to give Jirou some leverage and force her to go directly for him. She continued to slash at her opponent to dodge. "Even if you are strong and willing to fight me. If you cannot handle the weapon you have, it is a hinderance to you." Brook attacked Jriou's hands for her to lose her grip and have the axe and have it fly up and land away from her. Brook looked at Jirou with a stern look. "Lack of ability in a battle using a weapon could be a deadly mistake on your part. You could lose your head if that is the case. Though in my case, that wouldn't be hard since my head is not fully attached to begin with."

Multiple bullets came at Brook for him to dodge and jump away for Jirou to run and grab her weapon. "Thanks for the help, Yaomomo."

"Quite smart you are to attack me in a way that would require me to dodge or risk my bones being blasted off. Truly a great tactic." Brook smiled with Momo shooting at the man for him to dodge and run to the side before seeing Jirou come at him and try to attack him. Brook jumped back to see her weapon get caught in a wall before seeing Brook come at her and try to attack. However, Momo was able to watch her friend's back and force Brook to defend himself. During this, Jirou was able to pull her weapon out and look at it.

'Weapons aren't useful in battle if you can't use it?' She flipped the axe to hold it like a guitar and point the head at Brook. "If that's the case, then I guess I'll have to use the second half of it."

Flashback a few days back

"An axe?" Jirou looked at her weapon with Hatsume explaining.

"I figured it would be more useful for you since you're our musician. You know, using your talent as a way to win against people."

The aux cord quirk user looked at the axe and began lifting it a little. "It's heavy as hell though."

"Heavy, yes. But with this axe's ability, it's more special than you think. take a look at the small outlet on the axe. By using your sound ability, you'll be able to amplify the power of the kinetic force and send a shockwave through the weapon and towards where the head is pointed at. Similar to how an electric rod would work but in a directing manner than a connecting line."

Back to present

"Alright. Time to rock out." Jirou started strumming with the sound of the electric guitar echoing through the area. Her fingers moving to multiple different areas as she strummed and made her music penatrate everyone's ears.

"Oh yeah! Now that's soul power, baby!" Unaware to everyone, Brook seemed to like it in an attempt to join in and play along with her. 'Now this is a battle I can truly get behind. Two musicians. Playing like this with only their music as their weapons.' Both synchronized with one another as Jirou's jack went into the amp slot. 'This is what soul power amounts to.'

As they reached a high cord, Jirou aimed her guitar's head at Brook and sent out a massive bolt of lightning. The act forced the skeleton man back into a wall with Momo running up and putting the cuffs on him. "Momo Yaoyorozu and Kyoka Jirou have passed the exam."

"Not bad." Brook spoke up with his bones charred from the attack. "I'd say you made y skin extra crispy with that attack, but I'd have to have skin to make extra crispy. Yohohohoho...." Brook fell to the ground with Momo and Jirou looking at him slightly worried they might've gone overboard.

Jirou poked his skull to see if he was still alive for him to let out a breath of smoke. "He's still alive."

With Izuku and Bakugou

Izuku was sent flying into a building with the wall collapsing behind him. When he stopped, he struggled to his feet with blood dripping down his head from an injury looking at his opponent. "I gotta say, kid. I expected more from you. If you can't beat me, then you've got no shot at Hawkeye. So, whatcha gonna do now to narrow the gap? Try and use your quirk, or keep to your pride as a swordsman. Regardless, I doubt you'll win against me even if you'd try going all out. So get ready, cause I'm coming for your head now!"

Zoro charged at Izuku with him standing straight and taking a deep breath in. 'I might've bit off more than I could chew here.'

And that finishes this chapter. See what happens next time with Izuku and Bakugou facing off against Zoro. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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