Crew Exam

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Izuku POV:

The week before the exams went by very quickly. Thanks to Kaminari, most of my free time was held up with him to make sure he passes, while also using the rest to help everyone train. Fortunately, I can say with some merit that everyone from my crew was going to pass without trouble for the practical. The written...I'm at least optimistic the idiot will be able to get a 'passing' grade. Would rather something higher than a C, but accept limitations. "Alright, pencils down." Mr. Aizawa told us to place our pencils on the table. "Everyone hand the answer sheets up to the front and I'll collect them. After, grab your hero suits and get changed to meet me by the buses in five."

We agreed to this with Kaminari looking over to me and crying. "Thank you, Midoriya!" He immediately ran up and held my legs crying for joy. "Everything made so much sense thanks to you. I could at the very least give an answer to everything and leave nothing blank! Thank yooouuuu!" He began crying with it starting to confuse me.

"Ok. Can you please let go of me and get ready for the final exams."

Kaminari let go for me to grab my costume and head to the changing area. We all changed before heading to the buses where we were met with class B standing there. "Hey, Izuku!" Itsuka ran up to greet us with Shiozaki behind her.

"Hey. So you know what we're doing?"

"Dunno. All I know is me and Hatsume were tasked with joining." Shinso walked over with Hatsume as he held a capture gear similar to Mr. Aizawa's and Hatsume holding some of her gadgets.

"Whatever we'll face, I'm ready to kick some ass!" Our shipright started cheering with her logic somewhat confusing me a bit.

"Strange. Why would you two join us if it was a practical for hero course students? Hatsume has no desire at all to be a hero."

"That's because this is a test to see how you of the Green Demons handle yourselves." We turned around to see Nezu walking over with the teachers with a smile on his face. "Now, I'm certain you've all found out what we will be doing today from your peers."

"Heck yeah! Robots!"

"Easy streak!"

'...Idiots. If they changed things last minute, everyone's gonna blame you.' I glared at Kaminari and Ashido mainly because none of this made sense to me. 'If they wanted to test my crew, they'd do that outside of the final exams. However, they're also putting class A and B together. There's more here than we think.'

"Well due to recent events, the faculty have come to the agreement that having our final exams be revamped a bit for first years."


"Instead of you all facing robots, you will be facing us, the teachers in a two on one battle!" I immediately saw Kaminari and Ashido's faces go pale when they said this to roll my eyes.

"Excuse me. I have a question." Shinso raised his hand for us to look at him. "Why are me and Hatsume here? I mean, I get having the hero course students here and you wanna test us, but wouldn't our curriculum be different?"

"Glad you asked that Mr. Shinso. To make things simple, you of the Green Demons intentionally or not have been gaining quite the reputation by the people and people of less favorability. As such, it's best if we can prepare those who will come after you."

"In short, you're all going to be facing myself, Hancock and members of the Strae Hats." Smoker continued with all of us in the crew going pale.

"...Didnt expect that to happen." This was the only thing I could say as I glanced at everyone. Nezu continued to explain that the situation would be similar to us being first responders to a villain attack. Our objective is to fight or go past a goal post in order yo call for backup. To make the latter not the only logical option, everyone was forced to wear weights that was able to limit them to half their speed. When Straw Hat showed how they work, his hand fell to the ground when it clicked with him trying to lift it up.

"Now, onto the groups!" Nezu explained the normal student teams before going onto explain the teams in my crew.

Hatsume and Shinso vs Franky
Ochako and Kaminari vs Hancock
Shiozaki and Todoroki vs Smoker
Tsu and Itsuka vs Jinbei
Momo and Jirou vs Robin
Izuku and Bakugou vs Zoro

I stared at the listings to see me and Kaachan facing Zoro to feel the color seep out of me. "What's wrong, kid? You knew that we were gonna have to face off against one another sooner or later. I mean, you wanna be the best in the world, right?"

He had a point. If I wanted to be the world's greatest swordsman, I'd have to eventually surpass Zoro. "Alright then. Let's do this."

"Alright. The members of the Green Demons will have their exams after the regular students. Take this time to configure a strategy against your opponent like any other. Remember, teamwork is what makes or breaks strategy." With those words, Nezu went off with those of us in the crew talking amongst ourselves what to do for or test.

3rd person POV:

As they sat and spoke, Kaminari glanced over towards Hancock to start to drool. "Kaminari. Pay attention. You start gawking at the Snake Empress now, then you've already lost."

"Aww, c'mon. How bad can it be?" Ochako glared at him while explaining the exact problem.

"Hancock's Devil Fruit gives her the ability to turn anyone that finds her physically attractive to stone. There are two ways to avoid this. One, don't think of her in a desiring way. Knowing you though, that one's probably out there."

"Gee, thanks to hot show any believe I have restraint."

"Do you have any?" Kaminari remained silent for the brunette to to go on. "The second option is have your brain focused on something else. Apparently, a Marine stabbed himself in the hand just to avoid being caught in the line of fire."


Ochako karate chopped Kaminari's head to bring him back to focusing on the matter at hand. "I'm explaining that so you understand the reality of the situation. We are facing a woman who you'd need to do that in order to at least prevent her Devil Fruit from working. Depending on how we play our cards right, we may need you for offense or reaching the goal."

As they spoke, Hatsume began tinkering with some gadgets for Shinso to watch. "Any of those able to take on the cyborg?"

"Just a little more and, tada!" She showed a strange gauntlet and gave it to Shinso. "That little baby I like to call, City Smasher 12! The goal of it was to create an item that can withstand notable attacks and be strong enough to destroy steel. But concrete is the best it can do with steel being a little out of it's ability. Won't damage to steel though."

"Ok...what happened to the other 11?"

"They exploded." Shinso placed the glove down and backed away slowly from it. "I've fixed the issue that had it explode before and installed a cooling system. I also tried it already."

"Good....I'll leave using your tools to you."

Shiozaki and Todoroki were watching this ordeal go about with the vine haired woman speaking up. "How well is your Haki control?"

"Not to the level of Midoriya's, but enough where I can use it. What about you?"

Shiozaki looked down a bit. "Not as great. I was able to learn Observation Haki well, but Armament is another story."

"Maybe we can use that to our advantage."

"Perhaps. But keep in mind, I will protect you as long as you reciprocate."


In Tsu and Itsuka's case, they began speaking of their combat skills and how their learning of Fishman Karate was working with them. "So you can use it better than most people?"

"I guess." Tsu questioned this herself as she explained. "The only thing I can think makes this is my frog quirk. Some mutation types that have animal features tend to lean closer towards a cross between the two where most people aren't able to understand or would be able to do things we normally can't."

"So like animal instinct controlling some of what you do."

"Exactly. As an example, I try and bundle up as much as possible during the winter. This isn't as bad as people initially will think, but it's more to prevent my body from going into a hibernate like state. It's not as solid as a normal one, but it will cause problems for me."

"I hear you. Right now, we'll have to pull out all the stops if we're to beat Jinbei."

Momo started looking at her ammunition and loading it in the cartages of her guns as well as her backup. "Why are you putting a backup gun in your index holder?"

"Never know what will happen. Learned that from a zombie." Jirou thought for a moment of what was said before giving a look of confusion. "Anyway, let's discuss our plan with Nico Robin. She's a tough person and is very calm and collective. We need a solid plan of taking her on or getting to the goal."

"From what I've seen, that power she has is a problem."

"The Flower Flower Fruit is a strange one that we need to be careful of. I even heard she can make clones of herself."

"That'll be a problem. Maybe we should look into a possible way to avoid her and reach the goal outside of fighting."

"At this point, that's probably the safest thing to do. However, she won't allow that so easily....unless she can't touch one of us."

Once the majority were making a plan, Bakugou and Izuku began speaking up. "I'm facing Zoro. Don't get involved in it."

"You think I'm gonna let you wipe that smirk off his face, shrub!? Like hell!"

"Listen, Kaachan. Me and Zoro will one day have to fight one another. As such, it's only natural I take him on myself here. If I can't beat him on my own, I will probably never be able to defeat Mihawk in a one on one fight."

Listening to this, Bakugou understood that this was a pride matter to back off. "I still think you're stupid for trying to take him on. However, I'll handle getting to the goal while you take on the green moss head guy."

The final buzzer for every student besides them rang for an announcer to speak up saying that Sero, Sato, Kirishima, Monoma and Ashido failed their exams. "Guess everyone else passed. Probably found a way to win somehow and was able to take it." Izuku spoke up for this with the proctors for their exams walking out of the monitor room to see them all mentally preparing themselves.

"Alright. Once the buses come, the students will come off and you will board the bus." Mr. Aizawa explained this for everyone to nod. "The confines of how you pass will be the exact same, however your opponents will be far more difficult for you due to their abilities and strength. Any questions?"

"Yeah, I got one." Kaminari raised his hand in a serious question. "On a scale of one to ten, how much more difficult is this going to be compared to everyone else's. One as in, no difference and ten being we're facing All Might in his Silver Age."

"...Probably about a seven or eight." Aizawa's answer didn't sit right with Kaminari placing his hand slowly down just to avoid anymore problems. Shortly after this, the buses came with the students on them to have the majority come with some content in their acts, while others looked like they wanted to cry.

"Let's get moving." Smoker announced this for everyone to follow their instructor to the bus they were to be on. Once they left, Aizawa looked at the classes with Vlad King before addressing them.

"Not bad on the majority's part. You all are free to leave now, or stay and watch your classmates do their exams. The choice is yours."

"Why should I bother watching class A fools try to win against major names? It's not like they'll manage well. I mean, Shiozaki and Kendo are probably going to pass, but the rest-"

"Monoma. Just stop talking and follow us inside. Almost everyone's already in the monitor room." Awase cut his classmate off to have him see they were practically the only two outside before walking in. As they did, the groups began seeing the students and instructors get to their destination. Shinso and Hatsume were in a suburban area, Ochako and Kaminari were in a forest, Itsuka and Tsu were in a flooded area, Todoroki and Shiozaki were in a construction area, Momo and Jirou were in some kind of stadium, and Izuku and Bakugou were in a city.

"They're really gonna have to go all out for this one." Kirishima mentions this with Iida agreeing.

"From what it seems, this will be nothing like ours where we were able to succeed well with our objectives if we discovered how to win."

"Iida's right. Consider your margin of victory being slim. Theirs is about half that size." This phrase from Aizawa spooked everyone realizing they had it easy. Now they're going to have to see if the hype given to the Green Demons is worth it against people that will question it.

And that finishes this chapter. See how the exams play out next time. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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