Final Exams

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Izuku POV:

After the ordeal on Thriller Bark and our treaty with the Kid Pirates, the days for the most part began to calm down a little more. Those of us not used to using Haki yet began working even harder to at least have the framework while those that did worked harder every day just to make it less of a difficulty. To be honest, I think we all understood how bad the situation against Moria was with some of us hardly able to contribute. Nothing wrong with it, but it was a little bit of an eye opener that we do have to get stronger. Especially if our overall target with Kid and his crew is taking down Kaido before he's back at full power.

"Everyone, class is starting! You must all take your seats!" Iida immediately went up to the podium to try and get us to calm down with it kinda backfiring on his end.

"You're the only one up and out of your seat." Kirishima pointed this out for him to feel ashamed and walk back to his seat.


"Don't be rude, Kaachan. His intentions were pure, just lacking in the oversight logic." He didn't give much focus to this as Mr. Aizawa began walking into the class and starting immediately.

"Alright. Starting next week, final exams will happen. For this, we'll be going over everything we went through for this semester for the written aspect just like any other. However, you all will be having a practical exam where you'll be facing something you won't know until the day of."

'So it's an exam that we should prepare for anything as best he could. Sounds like modern life.' I thought this as I continued to listen.

"Adding to this, we'll be having a training camp during the summer. The overall goal of this is to increase your quirk abilities as well. Those that fail will have to take remedial lessons instead of the camp."

"EVERY GIRL MUST PASS!" Mineta shouted this for Ochako, Momo and Tsu to glare at him. "During camps, we have awesome times to see girls in open baths. I NEED TO-" Momo cut him off holding a gun to his face.

"Shut it." She didn't even look back to make this even more entertaining to watch.


"But camps have fun camp games! I'm so psyched!" Ashido shouted for joy with Kaminari agreeing with her.


"Tests of courage!" Kirishima joined in as well with it now annoying Mr. Aizawa.

"Shut up!" We came back to reality to tune back to him. "Hero classes will be lighter going forward. Train and study hard and don't put this off. That's all." We went back to normal class with Present Mic coming in for history.

'I wonder what the final exams for us will be like.'

During lunch break

"I HAVEN'T STUDIED AT ALL!" Both Ashido and Kaminari shouted in frustration as the latter going deeper.

"After the Sports Festival, internship and the stuff with the crew, I haven't been able to even open my textbook."

"Dude. What do you do in your free time?" Jirou asked as she points something out. "Bakugou, Midoriya and Yaomomo have been doing way more than you and they balance their schedules. Yaomomo even did extra training to use guns just to make herself more efficient. What do you do?"

"Make my brain fried for Hatsume's inventions."

'That explains it.' I get up and walk over to grab Kaminari and start dragging him away. "You're coming with me."

"What? Why?"

"Because I'm going to cram that regularly fried brain of yours with information. By the time the exams are done, you'll at least be able to have some hope in knowing you aren't a complete idiot." As I dragged him out, I noticed Itsuka coming towards the door.

"Hey, Izuku. Whatcha doing?"

"I'm going to make our human battery learn the credentials of our semester so he doesn't fail."

"Seems fair enough. Are you going to be able to have lunch with us?"

I let out a sigh before speaking up. "I honestly think it'll be better if I get this guy to our level. Hard task since he almost left half the stuff blank on the mid term." I thought about this before and came up with an idea. "I think though I'll ask everyone in the crew if we want to do a group training session just to get ready for the finals."

"You know, that's not a bad idea."

"I'll put a group text out while I start teaching him."

"DON'T I HAVE A SAY IN THIS!?" Kaminari shouted this for both me and Itsuka turned to him.


Itsuka POV:

After Izuku left with Kaminari, I went towards class A to see Yaomomo try and set up a group study session with some of her classmates. "Hey everybody."

"Hey, Itsuka. If you're looking for Izuku, he just went out with Kaminari."

"I met him midway out dragging Kaminari behind him. So what are you guys talking about?"

"Final exams." Ochako spoke up before getting an idea. "You think Togata, Amajiki and Nejire know what we're dealing with for the practical?"

"Way ahead of you on that thought. Amajiki was nearby when I got out and told me that it's robots. By the way, Izuku wanted to do a group training while we were talking. He said he'd give a group text in a little bit to get everyone's green light."

"So you gonna see if you can train his stamina yourself?" The Pomeranian made a bit about this for me to glance at him and respond. "At least he's capable of getting some instead of you who can't even get a girl to touch his dick."

"Fuck you, cow tits."

"I'd prefer to leave that for Izuku to do."

"So serious question. Did Mido even pop any of your cherries yet?" Ashido asked for me to calmly answer.

"Not yet."

"THEN I HAVE A CHANCE TO GET THE LEG UP ON MIDORYA!" Mineta immediately jumped up for joy before being slapped into a wall by Tsu's tongue.

'How good is that tongue?' "Izuku has been working hard to get better and be able to achieve his dream. The same with all of us. So it's understandable why we wouldn't want to have a sexual relationship. Anyone that thinks that this makes us have a bad relationship needs to get their heads out of the gutter and taste reality. Relationships aren't about the physical aspect always. If they are to you, it's not a real relationship."

Sero questioned this for Jirou to speak up. "She has a point. To be fair, I think Midoriya's a good person. But of course, denying physical desires I think isn't right."

"Maybe, but controlling them is a great thing to know so you're not a slave to your own desires. Understanding where a line has to be drawn and discipline yourself to deny that quick gratification is by far a better trait than knowing to quell it for a brief time."

"...You got that from our sensei, didn't you." Ochako asked for me to smirk.

"Yep. Sex is sex, but that doesn't mean it has to play a major role in your life."

"sounds kinda dull for your relationshi-AHH!" Mineta spoke up for Jirou to pierce his eardrums.

'Been waiting for someone to do that.' As we spoke, a text came to everyone in the crew's phone to be Izuku's text about the group training. We all for the most part agreed to have us all agree to meet up one of the training fields with authorization given to us by the teachers. "Welp, I think I should go and see how Shiozaki's handling. I left her with our class while Monoma was going on a rant how we'd beat you guys in the final exams."

"How much brain rot does he give your classmates?" Momo asked for me to roll my eyes.

"I'll sum up his regular conversations. *ahem* Bla bla bla class B's better. Bla bla bla, we'll beat class A. Bla bla barking chihuahua sounds." Everyone stared at me as I started walking out. As I did, I noticed Shiozaki come out with Monoma wrapped up in her vines and his mouth gagged. I walked up to her with her face looking as if she was ready to strangle someone. "He opened his mouth too much?"

"Commented about the figurehead and how it makes me look like a prostitute when I said I was training with everyone for the final exams."

"...You really hate that figurehead, don't you?"

"...Let's not talk about this." Shiozaki walked away with Monoma still bound before tossing him into a boys bathroom.

'She hates it really badly.'

Few hours later, 3rd person POV:

As the students all went home, the staff had begun having a meeting about the final exams. "So what's the plan for the exams this year? Same thing?" Vlad King had asked with Nezu holding his chin with his paw.

"Ordinarily, I wouldn't put much thought into this primarily because there wasn't anything as dangerous happening with the first years. However, we have had several of them face real threats from villains, pirates and such. Right now, I do not think we will be able to back them into a corner and force them to think in a difficult situation by simply having them face off against robots. Not only that, but the efficiency of heroes coming out onto the scene has become...inadequate. As a school that dedicates itself on giving the best heroes, it is on us when we are not able to give adequate young adults into the world."

"Fair logic. As teachers, we must uphold what is the best for our students. But what is it you wish to do with this?" Hawkeye questioned as he was peeling an apple with his small blade.

"There is only one thing that I can think of. We must make the exams against actual people that will push the students in ways that will make it difficult for those that have already faced threats. As such, I believe we should be testing the students ourselves instead of our robots."

The teachers were a little taken back by this. "Isn't that a little over the top?" Midnight questioned for Smoker to speak up. "Think about it, Midnight. What have the students faced thus far? They've faced a villain attack very early in the year. This made handling the robots during the Sports Festival a cake walk due to the fear from them being nonexistent. Next, you had the Hero Killer incident and Hosu. After that, the Arlong Pirates, the raid on the Yaoyorozu estate, CP-0, Moria, the Beast Pirates. Robots aren't gonna cut it anymore. They need to face off against something they'll take serious difficulty with."

Luffy listened to this before laughing hysterically. "Yeah, I don't get any of that. AHAHAHA!"

"In short, Smoker is telling us that we need to push the students in a way that makes them think of how they progressed in their fights thus far. This can't be done by robots, so we as the teachers of them have to do it ourselves." Robin says the long in the short what was said with Luffy balancing a pencil betwen his nose and upper lip.

"Why didn't you say that before then."

"He did! You're just not getting it!" Nami punched Luffy over the head with Nezu thinking of what to do.

"Fair enough. However, I think we should have an exam happen that tests the Green Demons separately. They have been through the majority of these cases and facing off against a group of aversaries would be the best case scenario. With this, we'll add General Studies Hitoshi Shinso and Support Course Mei Hatsume to this practical in a way to test them alongside."

"Seems fair. But who's gonna face who?" Franky asked for Nezu to start thinking of combinations and who to face who.

"I have a few, but let's also add a bit to this so it's at the very least fair."

"Regardless of what you put, I wanna fight Midoriya." Zoro spoke up for everyone to look at him.

"What? Why?" All Might asked for Zoro to pull himself up to sit right as opposed to having his feet on the table pushing himself back with the front two legs of his seat and explain.

"Midoriya wants to become the world's greatest swordsman. That means, we're adversaries. One day, we are gonna have to fight for real and he knows it. But in this, he isn't going to be fighting me as someone who wants to best the other to get closer to his title. He's facing me as someone he needs to defeat to pass an exam. His pride is something that gets him through a lot, but his pride will also one day be his downfall."

"But that doesn't mean you have to-"

"I second this." Hawkeye cut off Usopp to agree with it. "Seeing the top is always something you strive for, but knowing who's beneath the top is also important since these are the people you are directly fighting against for your own goal."

Nezu smiled at this while continuing to explain what he was going to say. "I actually had intentions to place Midoriya against Roronoa. However, he won't be the only person your fighting. Now, onto the next."

And that finishes this chapter. See what happens next time as the students face off against the teachers. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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