Damning Alliance

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3rd person POV:

"I'm just going to say this once, Moria. Surrender now. Your ace zombie is done for. Even if he get's out of the hole he's in, his body's ripped apart. Your Nomu failed to do the job and kill me. Think about your options right now. You surrender willingly, you'll live. If you try and resist and prove to us you won't go without a fight, well..." Izuku pointed his blade to Moria with a serious face. "I'm not for mindless bloodshed, but we're on a deadline and I can't guarantee you'll live long to know how much I hate it."

"You honestly think I wouldn't have a backup measure. Tell me, how much control over the shadows do you think I have for Thriller Bark?" Moria's shadow began latching into the ground with several zombie's shadows going into him. "This is a trick that I use in case the worst happens and someone like you fails to go down so easily. Now, SHADOWS! UNITE!" One by one, the shadows entered Moria's body for him to grow in stature and smile at the group. "With this power, even you can't beat me, Green Demon! Khishishishishi!" Moria's voice began getting deeper as he now towered over everyone and stood as tall as the castle behind him. "I made the mistake of underestimating you and the Straw Hats, so that will end today. Right now, I hold over two thousand shadows in my body for my power to increase exponentially. NOW FEEL MY WRATH, BOY!"

Moria attacked Izuku for him to dodge with the rest of the group about to jump in. "Wait." Izuku held his broken arm out as he glanced back. "I'll handle this." Izuku walked towards Moria with him smiling at this. "I'm guessing my shadow's in you too?" He asked for Moria to laugh at him. "If that's the case, then I have only one thing to say to my shadow. *inhale* SHAPE UP! You're going to be the next world's greatest swordsman one day. YOU HAVE NO TIME TO ACCEPT BEING THIS FUCKING PIECE OF GUARBAGE'S LACKEY!"

"You truly are a fool wasting your breath. Khishishishishi! You also don't have the time to waste spouting your garbage." As Moria spoke, the sun began to come towards the horizon with Perona forcing Bakugou, Shiozaki and Jirou to find cover to avoid them getting hurt.

"Then I guess I should wrap this up." Izuku pulled Muramasa across his body before infusing OFA in his arm and giving a solid slash. "Detroit SLASH!" The hit forced Moria back with his stomach getting a cut to bleed and force some shadows out.


"I think it's you who forgets your own place, Moria." Izuku ran towards him with his arms prepared for one final attack. His blades were coated in Haki with green lightning coming off him to add to his raw power. "Heaven and Earth's..." He came right tat Moria's face before releasing his attack. "ASCENTION!" The act forced Moria to scream in pain and spit up the shadows he had as his body felt the acts and begin forcing him to shut down. His body couldn't focus anymore for it to go limp with Izuku standing tall and raising his right fist to signal the fight was his. While this happened, his and his crew's shadows returned to make them all smirk.

"Damned idiot worked Hellova lot more than he should to get this win." Bakugou laughed as the crew saw Izuku stay still. "Oi, Deku! You ok!?"

Izuku slowly fell backwards for Tsu to grab him with her tongue and taste iron. "I think he's bleeding somewhere!" She shouted as she brought their captain and saw his torso soaked in blood.

"We need to get him stabilized, now. Yaoyorozu. Make some gauze and a pot for water. Todoroki. Melt some ice into the pot. Asui. Keep pressure exactly where I tell you." The three nodded to begin doing what they could. As this happened, the group circled around and watched in concern for their captain.

Few hours later, Izuku POV:

I started waking up with my stomach in pain and my arm unable to move so well. Looking to the side, I saw my broken arm wrapped up to prevent me from even bending it. I turned my head back to see a ceiling similar to the medical area we designated for Ryukyu on the Maiden. "Good to see you're up." I looked to the other side and saw Ryukyu sitting calmly with some bandages on her.

"What happened?"

"You defeated Moria and collapsed from an opened wound on your stomach. Is it safe to assume it was because of the corpse of the Nomus we discovered while searching Thriller Bark?" I nodded before getting up to my feet. "Under extreme consideration, I'd recommend that you'd not stand right now."

"I want to see the damage done to the crew and our ship with my own eyes. Speaking of, what happened to Moria?"

"I treated him and placed Sea Prism Stone handcuffs on him so he wouldn't get any ideas. Right now, him and Hogback who we captured thanks to some unlikely assistance. Adding to this, you do have a guest who made himself comfy in your quarters." As Ryukyu explained, there was an image of Moria on his face with bandages on him and Hogback wrapped in bondage for some reason with a ball gag over his mouth.

'A guest?' I began walking with a bit of trouble to hobble out of the cabin and see Killer to the side. "I'm guessing Kid's the one in my cabin making himself comfy?"

"Yep." I didn't bother going deeper into detail since I'd most likely get it from Kid to start hobbling above deck. In the act, Killer grabbed my arm to act as some support to lighten the burden on me. "What exactly did Moria do to get you this banged up? Knowing you, there's no way this guy was able to do half the damage done to you."

"My arm's my own fault. I misjudged and had to make an emergency landing that required me to go over my natural limits and break my arm. The rest is actually from a creature called a Nomu."

"I've heard of them on the black market. Apparently they're being sold by the League at a pretty penny for a weaker one. The one at the USJ incident was actually a major selling point in the underworld for manmade humanoid weapons like that. It's almost like having an obedient All Might as they say."

"This one I faced put the one at the USJ to shame. It was able to talk and think on it's own to determine how to handle fighting me without having to tank my attacks. It even had the brain to pull it's own head off so I wouldn't destroy it's brain. Adding to that, there was also a way for it to store other lower grade Nomu inside it's body. Whatever this new Nomu was, it far surpassed anything people saw."

"Sounds like problems. Maybe Kid was right in asking you for that alliance."

I glanced over at Killer as we got to the top deck. "Alliance."

"WHAT DID YOU SAY ABOUT MY FACE, PUNK!?" I glanced over to see Kid and Kaachan start picking a fight with one another.




"AHEM!" I spoke up to try and stop the conversation from getting out of hand for everyone from the crew and a decent amount of the Kid Pirates to be on the deck. "Kid. I heard you helped us capture Dr. Hogback. Thank you for the assistance."

"Consider that us just handling a coward that I'd rather see die. He was also in the way of our ship, so it was us more handling unwanted trash that needed to be taken out. Anyway, this wasn't a friendly visit that I came here for. I wanted to discuss some matters with you."

"Killer informed me about some kind of alliance you wanted to do. I wanna first hear out what you want to do in hopes for this alliance to be done and then go from there."

"Fair enough." Killer placed me to the side so I could be sat up while Kid came over to sit in front of me. "To make somethings clear, how much do you know about the four Emperors of the Sea?"

"From what I'm told, the Emperors are four of the most powerful pirates out there. Kaido the king of the beasts and captain of the Beast Pirates. Big Mom or Charlotte Lin Lin who's captain of the Big Mom Pirates. Red Haired Shanks who's captain of the Red Haired Pirates. And of course Marshal D. Teach or Blackbeard who's captain of the Blackbeard Pirates. Each Emperor has the power to force the Marines to avoid conflict with them as much as possible if at all to prevent an all out war. However, due to some incidents some years back, Kaido and Big Mom are gone from the picture."

"Good. You understand what they are for the most part. However, that last bit about Kaido and Big Mom is a lie."

"I figured after seeing Jack. But what exactly do you mean by it's a lie?"

Kid let out a sigh before answering. "Both survived Wano after my crew, Straw Hat's, and Law's along with the alliance done fought them. It took us a crap tone of strength to do so with it just barely able to be pulled off. However, we couldn't tell for a fact either was dead with it honestly not hitting us that they could be alive considering how brutal of an end it came for them. But of course, we failed to do so and now we have a bigger problem. We don't have as much power as we did when we faced them originally and they've both almost entirely regained the forces and strength they lost when we fought them the last time."

"So you're looking to get help from us as an extra source of strength." Kid smirked at me while explaining why he wanted us.

"Kaido already hates you and wants you dead for what you did to Jack. So here's basically what I want to suggest. You help us and I can guarantee we can end the Beast Pirates and put one less Emperor on your back in the dirt." I thought about this and understood where he was going. We can say it all we want that it was a situation we couldn't avoid, but we basically picked a fight with the Beast Pirates when we went against Jack.

"I have two things that we should take into consideration before agreeing." Ryukyu spoke up while coming out of the door towards the lower decks to explain. "First and foremost, the Marines would without a doubt revoke your Warlord status if they find out you're in an alliance with the Kid Pirates. As a golden rule, the Warlords are meant to be a way to uphold peace. Not gain power to destroy order."

"Good point. That's something we'd have to worry about if the World Government does find out we're in an alliance." I thought about this and a possible way to avoid this issue if we do go this route.

"The second thing you should also worry about is the fact we're dealing with pirates. Chances are, there will be treachery. In the worst case scenario if you do accept the alliance is both yours and my Warlord status will be revoked and we're betrayed by a powerful adversary just as a final ultimatum to avoid problems for them by sacrificing us to Kaido. As Kid said, Kaido already hates us, so it's a possibility."

"Good point. We could just be getting tricked." I glanced at Kid thinking about it. "Do you plan to double cross us?"

"Unless you give me a reason to or otherwise, the thought didn't cross my mind. And if anyone asks, I'm willing to be called your underling. The less complications, the better."

"Then we have an alliance."

"WHAT!?" Everyone shouted with my sudden action.

"This can only end in problems." Ryukyu pointed this out for me to get up.

"Now that things have calmed down, there's one final thing that has to be done. Perona. Come here." Perona came in front of me looking somewhat ashamed of herself. "I'm sure you're already aware what this is about. Though we do have you to thank for freeing Bakugou, Jirou and myself, I can't overlook the fact you're responsible for the actions had to be taken in Thriller Bark."

"I know."

Kaminari spoke up a bit with some irritation. "This was Moria almost entirely messing with her! Why treat her like the enemy!? Shiozaki left the crew like her and she got away with a slap on the wrists basically. What makes this different?"

"Unlike now. Shiozaki's actions weren't the direct cause of the damage the crew had. That was more because of me than anything else and we were going to pay consequences regardless. Unlike Shiozaki, Perona stole the Maiden while leaving. Perona helped kidnap those of us that were. Perona helped take my shadow. Though we are pirates, if there is no form of order among us as a crew, then how can we trust one another when a situation that requires it."

"He's got a point idiot." Kaachan agreed with me while leaning on the side of the ship. "We don't need someone that doesn't respect us. If we can't trust her not to turn tail and run when shit gets real, what good is she to us in the long run."

"Yeah, but-"

"Nejire." Ryukyu spoke up to stop Hado from arguing. "Half the trouble we had could've been stopped if Perona didn't do what she did. Midoriya and Bakugou have a point."

Perona understood this to get on her hands and knees with her forehead on the deck. "Midoriya. I know what happened was all my fault and nothing I do can make up for everything I did. If you think I don't belong on your crew anymore, I understand why. But if you allow me to remain as a member, I'll do everything I can to make myself worthy of the title."

"...I'll be honest, I'm a little irritated with the extra acts that had to be done. Some of us were injured that didn't have to be and for that, you cannot be forgiven for it. *sigh* but, your actions to help us defeat Moria and your decision to accept retribution from him are not going unnoticed. As such, I want you to stand up and close your eyes." She did as I asked for me to stand up and stabilize myself. When I did, I pulled my not broken fist back and swung right into her cheek to send Perona flying into the bow of the ship. Everyone was in shock as I made one point clear. "Consider that pain your punishment. Remember it and understand the stupidity that was done here. We're your friends and we'll follow you into hell. That is both something to take merit in and concern in. Do not do something so reckless again on your own."

I glanced at Perona's face for a notable mark to be where I hit her as well as a blush on her cheeks and tears streaming down them. "Yes. I'll keep that in mind, my captain."

"Good. Now." I leaned back and began shutting my eyes from the pain of overexerting myself. Chart a course home and wake me up when we dock." I immediately fell asleep with everyone moving around to follow my order. 'Alls well that ends well I guess.'

And that finishes this chapter. See how Izuku's alliance with Kid makes things different next time. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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