Full on Warzone

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On the ocean, 3rd person POV:

"Captain Kid! We're almost at Thriller Bark!" A member of the Kid Pirates shouted from the helm as the red haired man crossed his arms and stared at the monstrous ship.

"You sure you wanna do this, Kid? We're not under any obligation to do this." Killer asked for Kid to stare determined at the ship.

"We failed to kill Big Mom and Kaido in Wano with them gaining enough power again. We need to create connections. Green Demon was able to take down one of the Beast Pirate Disasters. That's proof enough he's strong enough to hold his ground. With enough training, he should be able to at least help kill Big Mom. Maybe even help take down Kaido." Kid smirked as he felt an ominous presence several miles away from the ship. "The name suits you, Midoriya. You really are a monster above monsters." Kid went back into the ship with Killer glancing back at Thriller Bark.

'I don't think Moria would be strong enough to force the kid to let out this much killer intent.'

On Thriller Bark

Izuku let loose a massive level of Conquerors Haki and smiled at Hood. "I hope you're ready to feel fear, monster."

"Strong. Must kill." Hood sent his arm out to attack Izuku for him to dodge it and slice the limb off. Hood pulled himself back to avoid any serious injury. However, Izuku closed the gap far too fast for him to take Muramasa into the Nomu's shoulder and begin burning it.

"HOW DO YOU LIKE HELL FLAMES, YOU FUCKING MONSTER!" Izuku continued to twist the blade and show more blood to the sword to but Hood more. In retaliation, the Nomu used it's free arm to attempt to grab Izuku with him using Chujitsune to imbed inside the shoulder and prevent the monster from acting. "Don't think I'm dumb enough to not prepare for any attack." Pulling his hand off Chujitsune, Izuku grabbed Masamune and placed it in his mouth. "Time to end this and help my crew with that fat onion shaped asshole."

"Will kill....MUST KILL!" As Hood shouted this, six Nomu came out of him to grab Izuku and try to take him down. Given no other option, he had to pull his swords out for the six Nomu to grab him and prevent the green haired man from taking any emergency actions to prevent falling to the ground.

'He's able to hold lower grade Nomu in his body? Must be some kind of pocket quirk or something.' Izuku was able to pull off most of the Nomu to place Chujitsune back in it's sheath and pull his arm back. "This is probably gonna hurt!" Activating OFA, a massive dust cloud was seen with Izuku standing and showing a broken arm. "DAMMIT THAT HURTS!" He held his arm in pain while glancing over at a few broken branches. He created a quick makeshift splint while also tying Chujitsune to his hand. "I can't afford to make a reckless mistake like that again. I gotta finish this fight quick or else." Izuku overheard something crashing to see Oars Jr. attacking all around him. "This is getting out of hand."

With the crew

"NEGATIVE HOLLOW!" Perona sent out a massive amount of Hollows to blast Oars Jr.'s foot to force him to lift it up. "Had enough!" She took the act wrong as he did it more to attempt to stomp on her. "I'M DEAD!"

At the last minute however, Tsu's tongue wrapped around her to pull the ghost girl out of the way and keep her from being crushed. "You ok?" The frog woman asked as she placed Perona on the ground.

"Been better. But could've been worse."

"If you can still fight, get ready to attack again." Marguerite spoke up while pulling her bow back. "HEY UGLY!" This got Oars Jr.'s attention for him to look at her and get an arrow to his eye. I HOPE THAT HURT!"

The massive zombie recovered himself with Moria's shadow going after the group of women. He would've succeeded if Togata didn't come out from the ground to uppercut it and send the shadow back. "POWEEERRR!!" He stood happily with a smile while turning to the trio to make a joke. "Didn't know you girls were 'Shadow Chasers'." He laughed at the joke with the three not too fond of it.

"SHUT THE HELL UP, NO TOUCH! WE'VE GOT BIGGER PROBLEMS! STUN GRENADE!" Bakugou went right up to Oars Jr.'s face to send a blast of light towards him to smirk. "YOU LIKE THAT, ASSHOLE! I'VE GOT PLENTY MORE WHERE THAT CAME FROM-" The zombie reacted fast to punch Bakugou into the ground and make a massive crater in the dirt. Everyone was shocked as he came out coated in Haki while still bleeding out of the head.

"Bakugou!" Shinso ran to try and pull him away with the zombie's foot coming back at them. It was stopped however by Shiozaki's vines which kept it where it was.

"GET HIM OUT OF HERE NOW!" She shouted while paying attention to Oars Jr. and not realizing Moria from behind grabbing her shadow.

"SHIOZAKI!" Itsuka shouted for the vine haired girl to look behind and watch her shadow be cut by a pair of scissors off her body. Once he did, her body felt weak and fainted. "YOU BASTARD!" Itsuka charged at Moria for him to switch places with his shadow and take the blunt of the attack.


"SHINSO! BAKUGOU!" Everyone tried to rush towards them with the scene going ins slow motion. But right when the scissors in Moria's hands were about to hit, a massive slash of wind came to slice the blades in two.


"Moria. Did you forget about me?" Izuku walked towards the group looking as if every bit of patience he had in his body was stripped away to show absolute rage in his face.


"You mean Hood here?" Izuku tossed the head of the monster completely burned with hit's skull stabbed through. "That thing took me more time to kill than I wanted. But I think there's a bit of information you should know about me." Izuku smiled maniacally as he explained. "One. Nobody every stands in the way of my goals. Two. I will never turn away from someone that needs help and/or sneer at the weak. Three and most importantly. You ever lay a finger on my friends, loved ones or crewmates I WILL MAKE YOU PAY TENFOLD FOR EVERYTHING YOU WOULD DO TO THEM! AND THAT COUNTS FOR YOU TOO, ZOMBIE!" Izuku shouted at the zombie holding his shadow for him to grab two more colossal columns to use as weapons.

"You can say what you want. But unless you have the power to back it up, your words mean nothing in this world."

"Spoken like a true copy of me." Izuku pulled out Muramasa and smiled as he gripped it and Chujitsune with his broken arm. "Let's see then who's stronger, THE COPY OR ME!" Izuku stormed at Oars Jr. with him preparing for his attack.

"Cross...." The zombie held his columns with intent to use Izuku's attack with him smiling.

"Cross...." Izuku prepared for his own attack as well for both to attack one another and collide.

"SLICE!" In the act, the columns shattered for Izuku to land and run up Oars Jr.'s body.

"Damned punk!" He tried to grab Izuku with him using the hand to pivot and attack the giant zombie's head.

"STRIKE OF THE VENGEFUL TIGER!" Izuku sent a massive slash for it to push the zombie a notable distance away into the forest. This made Izuku descend down before landing on Ryukyu's back.

"Nice shot."

"He's not dead yet. Or...double dead...re dead?" Ryukyu rolled her eyes before landing.

"I get the point." As they landed towards the crew Izuku adjusted the splint he had on his arm for the dragon hero to see. "You going to be alright?"

"Let's handle that after we finish this. ALRIGHT! EVERYONE UP! We've got a job to do and I don't like leaving a job half finished!" He shouted for Shiozaki and Bakugou to stand back up for the rest of the crew to glance at Moria.

"You think just cause you have your master here that you'll win? All of you are nothing but fools waiting to die. And I'd be happy to give that death to all of you. Khishishishishi!"

"Anyone ever tell you not to mess with demons, Moria? We can actually be pretty hellish if you do that." Marguerite pulled her bow back to send a Haki based attack at Moria. Thanks to his Devil Fruit, he escaped this to end up a bit of a distance away. This was a mistake on his end however as Shiozaki trapped him in her vines with Kaminari running towards him.

"Take our special combination move."

Both shouted in unison as Kaminari used the vines as an electrical current. "DIVINING ROD!" The act gave Moria a massive electrical current to make him shout in pain with his skeleton being on full display for everyone to see before falling on the ground coughing up smoke.

"D-damned...brats..." Taking care of one problem now, the crew turned their attention to Oars Jr. who was coming at them again with speed. He jumped up into the air to stomp on them and force the group to evade the best they could. Thanks to this however, the giant zombie was trapped in the ground for Ochako, Togata, Hado, Amajiki and Todoroki to begin bombarding him with attacks to the face, torso and arms. These attacks forced several cracks to be heard with Izuku running up the side of the building to get height. It wasn't enough for Bakugou to use his explosions to bring Izuku even higher.

"You think you've beaten me? I'll take you all down!"

"I don't think so." Perona showed a giant Hollow in front of Oars Jr. for it to bite his head and create a massive explosion. "GIANT HOLLOW!" The act stunned the zombie for Shiozaki to hold it's hands to the ground with vines. To add to this, Todoroki froze the monster in the ground as well as the vines and his hands to make it more difficult to break.

"Yaoyorozu. You have that rope?" Momo finished creating a set of rope to have marguerite tie it to an arrow and shoot it directly in the back of Oars Jr.'s head. "Everyone, grab the rope and pull!" Everyone grabbed the rope that was tied to the arrow and pulled as hard as they could. This forced the zombie's head to be pulled back and look directly up towards Izuku.

"Is this gonna help!?" Shinso asked for Ryukyu to explain while holding the rope in her teeth in her dragon form.

"The way the body's spinal cord is positioned on a slant in certain areas. This is to handle more strain and suffer far less damage. If the spine was perfectly straight, any downward attacks could destroy the entire spine without fail. And that's exactly what this will do."

As they did this, Bakugou and Izuku reached up as high as they wanted with Izuku panting in pain. "You sure you'll manage this? You're not looking too hot."

"The amount of damage I took facing that Nomu is taking it's toll on me. We need to settle this quickly. Especially since the sun is coming up soon."

"Fair enough. I'll help give you a little leverage then." Bakugou adjusted his grip on Izuku before throwing him downards as hard as he could with his quirk activated. "GO TO HELL!"

As Izuku propelled himself down towards Oars Jr., he calmed his mind while coating his blades in Haki. 'This earth is divided. The world of the have and the have not. The people that fix problems and people that are the problems. We all know this, but that line is always blurred and never accurate. With this though, I shall draw the line perfectly." Izuku held Chujitsune and Muramasa in his hands with his arms stretched across his body. Haki coated the blades as he glared down at the target of his attack. "Two Sword Style..." When he was about to connect, the green haired man sent OFA through his blades for an insane level of power to slice through the zombie. "Eath's Endline." The act made a massive shockwave be felt and send everyone flying back. Once the rubble cleared, Izuku stood above the body of Oars Jr. and held his broken arm up as if he was showing a fist.

"He...he did it." Kaminari smiled while shouting for joy. "MIDORIYA BEAT THE ZOMBIE! HE BEAT OARS JR!"

"YEAH!!!" Everyone cheered for this as Izuku hobbled around on his feet.

"I can't move." Everyone looked at Oars Jr. to see his body damaged to the point no normal person would be able to understand what's going on, let alone hear. "I don't feel hurt, but I can't move."

"To think such a disgusting thing exists. Unbelievable." Ryukyu looked at the monster's mangled up body somewhat shocked he's even alive anymore. "Midoriya. I think it's time we end this with Moria."

"I COULDN'T AGREE MORE!" Moria stood on top of a tower while planting his hands on the ground. "Don't think I don't have a few tricks up my sleeve. NOW YOU'LL ALL DIE BY MY HANDS! GET READY!"

And that finishes this chapter. See how Izuku and his crew handle Moria next time. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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