Poisonous Rose

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Flashback 10 years ago, 3rd person POV:

Deep in a forest, a woman began running as fast as she could with police following her. "Stop! You're under arrest!"

"Surrender now, Death Fauna and we can end this without anyone getting hurt!" The woman Death Fauna turned back with seeds in her hands to throw them. As they hit the ground, they transformed into gigantic flowers with teeth.

"Time for a late night snack, my lovelies." The plants began attacking the cops for them to dispurse in hopes to avoid trouble. "Now to get back to my lab and give my babies the final ingreedient needed to create the ultimate plant hybrid. Soon, nature's going to have a new apex predator."

She continued running before a massive fire was seen behind her to turn and watch her flowers turn to ash. "Surrender now, villain. It's over." The voice from within the flames came from noneother than the flame hero: Endeavor.

"YOU BASTARD! I'LL MAKE YOU INTO MULCH WHEN I'M THROUGH WITH YOU!" Death Fauna ran towards an old shack that had several plants growing out of it. "Once I get this chemical to my baby, it's all over." She continued towards the shack to be a matter of feet away before a wave of fire came in front of her.

"You're not moving an inch closer towards that shack. I don't know what you needed that chemical for, but I'm not letting you take it to do what you're doing. Surrender willingly and I promise no harm will come to you." Death Fauna glanced at her options. Her plant fortress was right behind her. All she had to do was get near it.

She released from her pocket several plant seeds as she held her hands up and smiled. "I hope you have a green thumb, Endeavor." Several plants came out of the ground to act as a barricade in front of the flame hero and attack him. However, they were not powerful enough to withstand his flames to be incinerated in a matter of seconds. In his rush though to stop the plants and arrest Death Fauna, one of the burning vines fell backwards and into the broken window. Thanks to combustible chemicals that were used inside the home, it lit up in a matter of seconds to surprise both. "MY BABIES!"


"PLANTS YOU SET FIRE TO!" Taking a knife she had, Death Fauna stabbed Endeavor's wrist to force him to let go and allow her to jump in. Before he could do anything, a massive explosion happened that destroyed the area as well as anyone that would've been inside.

'...This should've never happened.' Endeavor saw the remains as well as the charred remnants of what he could only expect to be Death Fauna. He held his head down in shame knowing there was nothing he could do anymore. He might've stopped whatever the woman was planning, but it cost her life in order to achieve it.

"Endeavor, sir! Where's the villain!?" The large man pointed to Death Fauna's corpse for them to run for it.

"Sir. Allow me to see about treating you're wrist. You've been stabbed."

"I'll handle it at the agency. For now, just try and find out what exactly caused the magnitude of the explosion so we could exactly determine what she was possibly doing. Collect any remnants of seeds as well. Death Fauna was trying something and it revolved around plants. Best to avoid a problem if we can."

"Understood sir." Endeavor walked off with a man in the background smirking down at the barely alive body of the villain.

"Seems we've obtained quite the specimen." He smirked while the villain below glanced up at the sky with the last bit of strength she had.

'I'll...I'll never...forgive you....En...dea...vor...' She passed out from the pain felt.


"Really? You found my weakness? Tell me what exactly it is." Death Fauna smirked as Todoroki explained in a stern realization.

"You're a full blown pervert." Everyone stopped when they heard this. "You're scared of my fire because you're afraid of having your clothes burned off and show off your naked body."

"ON WHAT PLANET WOULD THAT EVEN MAKE SENSE!?" Everyone shouted at Todoroki for him to glance at them. 

"How is this wrong?"

"BEYOND WRONG!" Death Fauna tried to calm herself down while holding up some seeds.

"I'll end this here and now. Don't expect yourself to survive this next set of seeds." Death Fauna slammed them into the ground for several plants to grow and show a poisonous purple looking flower. "Enjoy suffocating in toxic poison." The flowers began spitting out poisonous gas for Todoroki to encase the flowers in ice. "Smart idea. But you're not going to win by that. You see, my babies were created to melt away any and all ice. You'll never win."

The ice around the plants began melting for Todoroki to activate his fire half. "If that's the case, then lets see how you like this." The half and half quirk user threw fire at the plants for it to immediately combust the gas and create an explosion to send him back.

"You're wasting your time. This type of plant was the one that I created in hopes to destroy that filthy man that destroyed my near perfected masterpiece. Now, you'll be buried under this. If the poisonous gas won't kill you, the explosions from lighting it will! I'VE WON!"

Shiozaki and Shinso glanced over at Todoroki and Death Fauna worried he might actually need help. "Hey, Hatsume. If you have something worthwhile, you might wish to give it to Todoroki."

"I've got no idea how to help with it." Shinso glanced at the plant in order to find a way to help before getting an idea.


"What good will that do!?"

"JUST DO IT! I HAVE A PLAN!" Todoroki did as Shinso asked for the ground around everyone to be covered. "NOW FREEZE THE PLANTS AND KEEP THEM FROZEN FOR AS LONG AS POSSIBLE!" Todoroki nodded to encase the poisonous plants while also keeping them encased in ice while they spewed toxic gas. "Shiozaki. cover your vines in the ground as much as possible. We need them to take over the ground"

"Understood." Shiozaki did this for the one zombie holding Jirou's shadow to come at her.

"Do not think I am to be taken lightly."

"Four thousand Brick Fist!" Tsu hit the zombie in the side to send him flying into a wall and create an indent.

"I'll handle keeping this one busy, you two handle helping Todoroki." Both nodded as Tsu continued to hop around for the zombie to try and follow her.

"I won't be taken down so easily, child. I'm way stronger than you think."

"Maybe. But my friends are also stronger than you think." As she said this, Amajiki came next to the zombie with a clam shell on his hand to slam the zombie down. Adding to this, he created tentacles out of his other hand to ensnare it.

"DO IT NOW!" Kaminari ran up with a salt cube and held it in front of the zombie. He was wondering how he could do it before turning away and shoving it down the undead being's throat.

"THIS IS SO GROSS! I CAN FEEL SOMETHING WET IN HIS MOUTH!" He held in the thought of throwing up before the zombie began to have it's shadow come off and head off towards a direction. Kaminari pulled his hand out with his face now completely pale. "M-mission accomplished."

"Nice work." Tsu hopped over with Amajiki turning his hands back to normal.

"Now it's time to help out Todoroki." 

"YOU IMBACILES WON'T WIN AGAINST ME! MY PLANTS ARE PERFECT! THEY'RE BEAUTIFUL! AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, THEY'LL KILL EVERY ONE OF YOU-" Death Fauna stopped her rant when she noticed her plants stop producing toxic gas. "What?"

"I figured that the toxin was a defense mechanism in the plants." Shinso smirked as he explained. "The freezing of the ground were to reduce the speed in which your plants could absorb water and place them into a false hibernate state. Once that was done and your toxic gas spread down to the ground to unthaw the roots, they'd find no water left in the ground due to Shozaki's vines taking all of it. Now that there's a drought, your plants can't produce the toxin and are nothing more than harmless flowers." The poisonous gas began to fall into the ground for the flowers to be nothing more than oversized plants to make Death Fauna enraged.


Shinso smirked as he explained. "I'm just a college student going for a botany degree. But I'm not the one you should worry about. You should honestly be more worried about him." Shinso pointed to Todoroki who burned down the plants and sent a massive wave of fire towards Death Fauna. She panicked and ran off towards a corridor.

'I need a way to escape. As long as I find a new area to plant my babies, they'll-' Before she could get to the door, the passage was blocked by a type of foam lubricant sprayed. She glanced over to see Hatsume smile.

"Like it? This is baby number 1309. Or as I call it, the foam wall. On impact of a surface. It becomes just as strong as a titanium coated barrier. You're not getting out of here that easily."

To make the point, Tsu jumped around the area to give another solid stomp on Death Fauna's face and send her into the wall. To make her little acts of plant production end as well, Hatsume shot her foam gun to keep her hands on it. "Dammit! YOU FUCKING BRATS!"

"I also forgot one special aspect I didn't know about it until the other day. That foam is a great conductor of heat. Stronger than copper to the point I was wondering if I should make cookware out of it." Hearing this, Death Fauna looked towards Todoroki who shot his flames at the zombie and trap her in a burning inferno of heat.

"FUCKING BRATS! I'LL SEE YOU BRATS IN HELL!" She screams this as the former villain was reduced to nothing more than cinders and an outline of her body where she was once.

"So that thing's a powerful head conductor? Awesome." Kaminari smirked at this before a question came to his mind. "So how did turning the foam into pots and pans work out for you?"

"Not so good. After being exposed to something above 500 degrees, the foam well..." As she explained, the foam wall started to crumble away and dissolve. "You get the idea. But yet another thing that science holds for those who wish for greatness!" Hatsume smiled before a massive crash came into the wall and show Ryukyu.

"What was that about?"

"Get out here, dragon hero and face me like a warrior!" A giant zombie peered in for the group to get into a defensive stance seeing.

"AAAAHHHHH!!!! IT'S HUGE!" Kaminari panicked seeing with a large gust of wind pushing the zombie back.

"Hey, is this a private fight or can anyone join?" The group looked over to see Itsuka's group without Momo glaring at the zombie with a smirk.

"Unjust attacks should be punished." Oars Jr. pulled his arm back with his weapon slamming into the wall. "PREPARE FOR PUNISHMENT!" It was about to connect before several bullets went right through the concrete pillar and destroyed it.

"You might have Izuku's shadow, but you lack the pride and respect he does as both our captain and as a swordsman." Momo walked towards the zombie from the outside holding one of her guns and the gun Trick Shot had. "You're nothing but a useless copy."

"A useless copy you say. Well, just so you know." Oars Jr. came towards Momo at amazing speeds for him to stand behind her. "A COPY CAN BE JUST AS GOOD AS THE ORIGINAL!"

"Jet PISTOL!" The zombie was thrown off balance by Ochako storming directly towards him to punch it's leg and miss Momo. "You might be a tough knock off of the Whitebeard's Oars Jr. and Deku. BUT YOU'RE NOWHERE NEAR EITHER!" She charged at the zombie again for it to attack the ground. This gave Ochako a path up before giving a solid punch to Oars Jr.'s throat to send him on his back. She was about to fall before being caught by Hado in midair and placed on the ground.

The crew began reconnecting for them to look at the monstrous zombie wondering if they won. "Did we finish him?" Kaminari asked for Oars Jr. to get up and attack them in anger to split up.

"YOU JUST HAD TO ASK, DUMBASS!?" Jirou shouted for Oars Jr. to come after their group with a fist slamming down. "SOMEBODY WANNA HELP US!?"

Itsuka came over to coat Fujin in Haki. "Todoroki! Get me some water!" Todoroki agreed for him to freeze the zombie's hand while also melting some to give Itsuka. "Take this! WATER SHOT!" She slashed at the water to create several thin and razor sharp arrows to stab into Oars Jr. This did next to nothing however as he recovered and tried to attack with his other hand.

"GO TO HELL!" Bakugou shouted as he blasted the zombie's head and forced him to attack the ash blond before being brought down again thanks to Shiozaki's vines. As this occurred, Shinso came running over with a massive amount of salt to throw down the zombie's throat to take out the monster once and for all.

"HOPE YOU DON'T HAVE HIGH CHOLESTEROL!" He threw it in with everyone believing this was it. They smiled at this for them to wait for the salt to do the job for them. However, it didn't work for them to wonder why.

"Wait, shouldn't the salt work on this?" Togata asked for the bag of salt to fly up with Moria's shadow holding it. "What the?"

"Khishishishishi! You think I wouldn't have a backup plan in case someone would try and defeat me!? You fools truly are pathetic if you think you'll beat the likes of me that easily."

As this happened, Izuku struggled to stand to walk towards the group. However, the Nomu known as Hood stood in his way with a smile on his face. "You filthy monster. I'll make sure to  send you back to hell." He coated his blades in Haki while activating OFA with a smirk. "Make sure to tell the Devil Izuku Midoriya says hello."

And that finishes this chapter. See what happens next time with Izuku and the crew facing off against Moria and his servants. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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