Momo's Commitment

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With Momo, 3rd person POV:

"I'll admit, you were an interesting person to fight. But you're not strong enough or cleaver enough to beat me." Trick Shot walked around Momo while explaining some things about himself. "I personally hate hurting kids. Women more in particular. Call me old fashioned, but it just leaves a sour taste in my mouth having to raise a hand to a women. Regardless of her being my enemy. But, I did what I had to do as my job and that's unfortunately what is being done here."

"If you're fully aware of what you're doing. Why are you willing to accept being Moria's underling?"

"You wouldn't understand. To make it simple, I can't exactly disobey him. I can say how much this sucks until I'm blue...actually, I think the better term would be turned to ash. But either way, this is where I stand. What was your name again?"

"Momo Yaoyorozu." Trick Shot smirked before pointing his gun at Momo's head.

"Goodbye Ms. Yaoyorozu. If it means anything to you, I personally don't like having to do this. But this is just me following orders, so I hope you'll understand." As he was about to shoot, a massive explosion happened with both looking towards the source to see Izuku flyinng out while landing on a pillar. "What the fuck was that?"

'His guard's down!' Momo grabbed Trick Shot's hand before flipping him over her shoulder to force him on the ground. In the act, he lost his gun for the former pro to toss her down to the ground as well. They both noticed the gun to glance at one another and rush for it. Momo had the gun first between them, but the undead pro kicked it out of her hands. To respond, the Creation quirk user created a staff to knock Trick shot down and force him to crawl for the gun. "Don't think you're getting that gun so easily!"

Momo smacked the pro in his head for his head to go a complete 180 around and look directly at her. "That probably would've hurt a hell of a lot if I wasn't dead."

"NO DUH!" Momo continued to attack Trick Shot for him to grab the staff and kick her away He was able to grab the gun in the confusion to try and aim it at Momo with her giving a smoke screen to cloud his sight.

'So this girl's also aware of how to use her quirk alongside her fighting style. She must've not used it before to avoid me knowing her powers and lead me into a false security. Smart.' Trick Shot was tackled by Momo who was able to knock the gun out of his hand and begin punching him in the face with a knuckle brace on to add more damage. This was countered however with the undead kicking her away and sliding her back. In a fit of anger, Trick Shot went right at her to punch Momo in the face and give a black eye. "You're tough. I'll admit to that, girl." Trick Shot pulled a knife out of the opening in his ribcage to get a solid slash at Momo's left side of her collarbone. "But don't ever think an opponent is a one trick pony. I've faced several opponents smarter and more combat advanced than you when I was alive. You're not as special as you think!" Trick Shot continued to attempt a slash for Momo to keep dodging where she could. "Even if you have talent as a fighter. That doesn't mean crap when you're facing someone like me. I've handled serial killers that won't think twice about killing someone by putting a bullet between their eyes and not losing a drop of sleep to it. WHAT HAVE YOU'VE DONE TO GET TO WHERE YOU ARE THAT MAKES YOU BETTER THAN ME!?"

Momo continued to dodge before tripping over a tree limb to fall on the ground. Thanks to this, Trick Shot was able to get a good stab into her side to make Momo scream in pain. "AAAAHHHH!!!"

Trick Shot adjusted his position while pulling the knife out and holding up over her heart. 'And this is how it ends, kid. Sorry that it had to go this way, BUT NOW IT ENDS!" Trick Shot pulled his hands up and attempted to stab Momo one final time. However, the sound of a pistol going off stopped him to look at his chest and see a massive hole in it with his body burning up. "...Hehehehe. I fell to my own trick, didn't I?"

Flashback a few months prior

"An extra weapon? Why?" Momo asked Snipe as he began explaining an important lesson to her.

"Let's say you're facing someone that's out smarting you. This weapon is as a last second in case the worst situation happens where you don't have a weapon and you're in a life or death situation. My own master taught me this. You will enevitably have someone that will beat you in every method you have. This is where the secret weapon comes in. My master always feared a close range fighter will one day beat him. So as a precaution, he held two knives on him as a means of defending himself. It's a powerful tool because of the lack of knowledge it's there. With that, you'll have five seconds before they could prepare. Two or less depending on how quick they are for responding to the unexpected. Use that and end your foe if needed."

Momo looked at her hands before asking more about the weapon. "So what should I go with?"

"Since you can already make a short range weapon, keep something that'll show your skill with long range while also having people more focused on your quirk. That'll be the only way we can prove you'll not be targeted in the worst scenario."

Back to present

Trick Shot fell backwards to lay on the ground facing upwards. "Hehehe. Nice job, kid. You did something not many could do. you bested the master of tricks in gun slinging. Go ahead and pat yourself on the back for that."

"I only won because of a cheap trick I pulled at the last second. I have nothing to be proud of. I didn't beat you with skill or talent. I beat you with dumb luck. Why should anyone give themselves praise for winning with such a meaningless thing?" Momo didn't wish to accept this victory as her own knowing she didn't win by her training. This only made Trick Shot laugh at her a little.

"In battle, luck plays more of a role than we want to admit. Yes. That alone will never succeed in getting you far since luck always runs out, but you took advantage of your surroundings, isolated me, and played the area to your advantage the best you could. You have nothing to be ashamed of." The former pro continued to laugh before looking towards his gun. "The weapon there. It's a very powerful gun. If possible, I'd like you to keep it."

"But you're a gunman. Wouldn't you want to die with your gun by your remains?"

"I'm no longer the man I once was. Even if you'd try to, you'd be giving the gun to a corpse of the man it used to belong to. It won't do me much good where I'm going anyway and the winner of battles obtain the spoils from them. Consider this my offering to you for being able to win against me. Tell Snipe, he did good training you in my teachings when you see him next. He'll be...happy..." Trick Shot's body began to turn to ash for Momo to get up and walk towards the weapon. She glanced at it a moment before looking into the cartage and seeing no bullets to reload and place it in a holster.

'Even if he got the gun back, nothing would've happened. No wonder he was deemed a genious alive.' "I won't let your gift go to waste. Thank you, Trick Shot." She walked back towards the main castle while also glancing around the territory and noticing a massive explosion. "Seems it's time to give some backup where's needed."

With Izuku

Izuku jumped from the air towards a tree to notice Moria's shadow come at him. "Too simple." He went for a slash with the shadow turning into bats and encircling him.

"I'LL MAKE YOU REGRET EVER PICKING A FIGHT WITH ME! FILTHY BRAT!" The shadow bats continued to attack Izuku with him trying to destroy the shadows for them to splatter and reform.

'These things turn back to what they were when I cut them up. Just what are these?'

"COVER YOUR EYES!" Izuku glanced over to see a grenade to shut his eyes. As he did, a massive explosion came to obliterate all the shadow bats. "IF THESE THINGS ARE MADE FROM SHADOWS, ONLY A DUMBASS WOULDN'T KNOW TO KILL THEM BY BRIGHT LIGHTS! SUCK A DICK, ONION MAN!"

'...I honestly didn't think about that.' Izuku turned back to Moria and began smirking. "Your zombies aren't as potent against us as you thought, Moria. "What are you gonna do now that you're outnumbered and out matched?" Moria glared at Izuku in anger before the sound of large stomping was heard. He glanced to the side to smile wickedly at the group.

"Khishishishishi! You really are in for it now, Izuku Midoriya. For thanks to your shadow, I have now MY ULTIMATE ZOMBIE!" Izuku turned to the side to see the zombie holding his shadow tower over him. "LITTLE OARS! I THINK IT'S TIME TO SHOW THIS PUNK WHAT IT MEANS TO MESS WITH ME! KILL HIM AND HIS FILTHY CREW! BUT MAKE CERTAIN TO SAVE PERONA FOR LAST SO SHE KNOWS ABSOLUTE TORTURE!"

Perona heard this to begin screaming to herself hearing her being targeted. "I'M GONNA DIE!"

"What happen to the brass pair you had telling off Moria?" Jirou asked for Perona to explain.

"Would you tell off him while he has a giant zombie large enough to punt UA like a soccer ball?"

"...Good point." Before the reanimated corpse could respond to Moria's decision, Ryukyu came flying in with her dragon form to attack the beast.


"DAMN RIGHT WE ARE!" Bakugou flew towards the zombie for him to blast it's face with as many massive explosions as he could. "WE GOT BIG DUMB AND UGLY! HANDLE THE SMALLER DUMB AND UGLY!"

"Right." Izuku jumped off the tree and began storming towards Moria. Seeing this coming, the gothic looking man tried to attack with his scissors for Masamune to slice right through them. "Pathetic." The blade was coated in Haki for the act to shock Moria more.

'The kid has more power over Haki than I figured. I need a way to stop him now or else.' He reached into his pocket to find somethig that was given to him by his business companion. 'Didn't think I'd have to use this.' "It's time to end this, Midoriya. FEAST YOUR EYES ON THE MOST POWERFUL WEAPON IN MY ARSENAL!" He pressed the button to open a hatch with something flying out. "HOOD! KILL HIM!" The monstrous being known as Hood stopped in the sky to stare down at Izuku.

"Strong. Kill." The creature went at Izuku for him to slash off one of it's arms. Before he could take satisfaciton in watching, the arm regenerated and slammed the green haired man into the ground. This forced Izuku to gain some distance and get away from the creature to assess what he's dealing with.

'This thing's like the monster at the USJ. If the report I got from the Marines was accurate, that means this thing's a living corpse just like Moria's zombies. Now comes the question. How do I handle this thing and take down Moria?'

"Kill." Hood came charging back at Izuku for him to jump away and attempt a slash to his neck. The creature retaliated by pulling his own head off and tossing it to the side to regenerate away. 

'The thing's without a doubt smarter and knows battle instincts.' Hood attacked Izuku after this to stab him through the stomach to shock everyone.


With Todoroki

Todoroki continued his battle with Death Fauna for her to use multiple plants to create toxins. They were strong enough to act as a melting agent to his ice and flood the area with poisinous gas. "Yes. Succumb to my babies beautiful fumes. The second you do, you'll be one step closer to becoming my seed bed and producing multiple children a day for as long as I can force you to."

Todoroki glanced up at the undead woman with disgust in his eyes. "I agree with Kaminari right now in saying you need to be careful what's coming out of your mouth."

"YOU IDIOT! DO YOU HONESTLY THINK THAT'S ALL YOU SHOULD BE WORRIED ABOUT!?" The villain sent a vine towards Todoroki to trap him and smile. "Now what are you going to say, pretty boy? You'll become my garden of unholy delights soon enough."

"...Now you're just trying too hard to make it sound sexu-"

"IT'S NOT MEANT TO BE SEXUAL!" The vines around him began to tighten to make it harder and harder to break free with force alone. "I'll be more than happy to crush your ribcage if we're being honest and turn you into mulch."

To avoid this, Todoroki began using his fire burn the vines to free himself. Seeing this, Death Fauna began to panic and pull away. "I guess I should at least thank my old man for something. Thanks to him, I have a way to beat you. You can pretend it all you want, but I know now your Achilles heel."

And that finishes this chapter. See how Todoroki manages his fight with Death Fauna next time. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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