Perona's Decision

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3rd person POV:

"Dammit. All of this was his plan from the start." Perona paced around her room in anger thinking of what was happening. "He knew that the crew would come for their ship. That's why he had me steal it. Not only that, but he had Midoriya and the others get separated in hopes to steal their shadows." She continued to pace around while biting her nail. "This is my fault. All of it. I should've known this was going to happen. So why didn't I!?"

Now losing her ability to handle the situation, Perona groaned before falling down on her bed. The rather extravigant room emphasized her childish act when she was younger. In the past, she never would be caught dead in a room that wasn't at least half as cutesy as this. But now, this room felt horrid to her. 'This is all my fault. I should've known better. Not only that, but Moria most likely used the fact that the group was all buddy buddy with the Straw Hats to lure them in a sense of overconfidence.' She let out a deep sigh while thinking of what was happening. 'I don't even have to do anything right now. Moria has a zombie powerful enough to defeat everyone. Thriller Bark is filled with powerful zombies and some of them are strong enough to rival pro heroes. Heck, some are heroes and high ranking villains. All I'd have to do is just sit back and wait for Moria to catch and take down every member of the Green Demons and I can live happily with no problems. So why do I feel like crap right now?'

Turning to see the room, Perona felt disgusted laying in the center of it. Though the room she had on the ship was cramped, annoying and on occasion shared with Hatsume, there was an air in it. An air of belonging even if it smelled to her and she could hardly put up anything cute. She hated the room on the ship, but also didn't hate it. Now she's in the room she built as her dreams back on the ship she was a crew member of and one thing comes to her mind. Disgust. "DAMMIT! NEGATIVE HOLLOW!" Perona sent a Hollow towards the wall to blow up the wall as well as some of the pink decorations. "This isn't my home anymore. *sniffle* Was it even!?" Perona continued to send multiple Hollows towards the walls for them to blow up the room. Once all was said and done, she laid in the room, watching the destruction. "Chances are, Midoriya wont allow me back on his crew because of what I've done. Not only that, but Moria would never allow me to be free now. So what should I do now?"

Realizing what she could do, Perona stood up from the bed and sent one final Negative Hollow to destroy it before leaving the room. "I'm damned one way and I'm damned the other. So why should I care if I live or die now. If anything, I can at least make one change that can fix what I've done."

With Momo

Momo ran through the woods trying to find some way to gain coverage to help against Trick Shot. The problem was unfortunately, there was nowhere she could run without his quirk being able to be used to it's fullest. "If you stop running, we can make this a lot easier." Trick Shot shot a bullet into a nearby tree before it ricocheted in a very strange way to narrowly miss Momo. "You're not gonna beat me by just running away. You need to fight me if you want to win against the likes of me."

Pro hero, Trick Shot! Quirk: Ricochet! Trick Shot can create a ricochet to bounce off whatever and go towards any direction he wants as long as he makes physical contact with the item he plans to use it on. The effects only last once and will become active only when the object hits a surface of some kind.

"You're not going to win this fight if you keep running around the way you do." Trick Shot shot another round for it to hit a tree before going and ricocheting through Momo's arm.

"AH!" She fell to the ground in pain before looking over to see the undead pro continuing to chase after her. 'I need somewhere to hide while I find a way to beat him.'

"You can keep running all you want, it wont make a difference. I'll find you and I'll end this game before you can even do a single thing about it."

'I need to get him away from everyone. Even if I can't beat Trick Shot, I can at least keep him away from everyone else for as long as they need to.' Momo slid down a collapsed tree to hide under a bit of inclined dirt to think for a few moments. 'Right now, we're facing a zombie that has little ability to get tired if at all as well as holds a quirk. Not only that, but his bullets are far more powerful than anything the guns Snipe gave me could give. So what's my next goal?'

A bullet narrowly misses her head for Momo to hold back a shriek with Trick Shot on the incline above her. "I know you're hiding somewhere, girl. As a gunner, it's smarter to avoid being seen or at least be in an area that is hard for your opponents to hit you. I respect your idea right now. But you're also facing a gunner, so that thought process is hard to do with someone that knows the territory you're in." Trick Shot aimed his gun towards the incline Momo was hiding under to shoot and force Momo to panic. She jumped out of the way for Trick Shot to smile at her. "See? You're out of your league here, honey. Why don't you just surrender and we'll make this end easier on all of us."

Momo held her hands up for Trick Shot to think she was surrendering to smile a bit. 'I just need to get an opening somehow.'

With Amajiki's group

As Itsuka's group led the charge forward, Amajiki led the team to infiltrate the main building of the ship. While doing so, they came across a notable amount of zombies on the ground no longer moving. "Just how much destruction did they cause!?"

"Knowing Kendo, quite a bit." Shiozaki answered with the group immediately hearing what sounded like rock music playing.

"Something's up." Shinso mentioned hearing this with no idea where exactly it was coming from.

"Maybe Jirou's trying to play some music or something to let us know where she is?"

"Not exactly something I think is happening, Hatsume." Todoroki mentioned as they began seeing what looked like a zombie with a reaper in it's right hand as well as a stereo in it's other playing rock music. It began singing to itself with a chandelier above it showing Jirou's shadow. "So we're facing the zombie that holds Jirou's shadow now."

"Smart for the number 2 pro hero's son. Then again, I shouldn't be surprised about that." The group looked up to see a somewhat mummified woman that held a black dress on her with plants growing out of her skin. "It's been quite a while since I've faced Endeavor. The asshole killed all my beautiful plants with that disgusting fire of his. The idiot even dared to say my life was far more important than my plants! DO YOU EVEN UNDERSTAND WHAT IT WAS LIKE BEING SO CLOSE TO MY ULTIMATE GOAL OF CREATING THE MOST TOXIC PLANT TO MANKIND TODAY AND WATCHING IT GO UP IN FLAMES!?"

"....Death Fauna. I've heard of you." Todoroki calmly answers as the zombie villain smiles at him.

"At least the brat of Endeavor understands who I am. My death is all your father's fault. He wanted to kill my beautiful plants and in the process killed me. HE DESERVES TO HANG FOR THAT!" Todoroki didn't comprehend the argument with Death Fauna producing what looked like plants out of her arm. "But then again, killing his son and turning him into my undead plaything is just as much fun. Once master Moria takes your shadow and you become an empty husk of a Nomu, you'll have a shadow shoved in you and I'll make you my own personal garden. Forced to take the toxic seeds of my babies into your body and let them grow and nurture into beautiful fruits of my labor and your torment. Can you feel them now? Wriggling inside you as they try so desperately to become their own sentient being ready to face the world as a whole!?"

"....That sounds more sexual than actually threatening." Kaminari blurts this out for Shiozaki, Shinso and Tsu to start shouting at him.


"Everyone. I'll handle this one. She seems to have a vendetta against my old man, so it's only sensible that I handle her." Todoroki began creating ice out of his left side to try and freeze Death Fauna where she laid. "Go find Bakugou, Jirou and Midoriya while I handle this one" Everyone understood to head out towards the lower levels of the building where Hatsume's tracker was sending them.

Upon leaving, the sound of humming was heard for the zombie with Jirou's shadow calmly standing in front of them. "Sorry, but I'm not letting you get away so easily." The zombie held the reaper up towards the group with them preparing for it's attack."

"Hold up a sec. I know what to do." Kaminari went up towards the front with the zombie staring at him. "All I gotta do is bring out Jirou's shadow for it to calm down and make an opening. Hatsume. Overcharge me."

"I don't think this is gonna work...BUT OK!" Hatsume jammed two amps into Kaminari's nose before starting up a machine that forced Kaminari to short circuit himself before stopping it to show his face when he overuses his quirk.

"Yay!" There was a sudden silence between everyone as Kaminari began moving around in his overcharged form. "Wherpy derpy do!"

This moment was cut short by the zombie narrowly stabbing him in the head if Shiozaki hadn't created a barrier of vines to protect him. Meanwhile, Shinso looked at his crewmate somewhat disgusted with what he was seeing. "I'm gonna be honest right now, I wholeheartedly didn't expect this to work at all." Everyone thought for a second before having to agree with Shinso in thinking that this was a long shot no matter how you look at it.

"Can somebody please handle this zombie!? She is ripping through my vines very easily!"

As the zombie came through Shiozaki's last line of defense, Tsu jumped forward while coating her legs in Haki. She made impact with the sword before speaking up. "Fishman Karate. Dual 5,000 Brick Stomp!" The act sent the zombie sliding towards the wall to slam into it while the frog girl landed calmly on the ground. "I guess all that training with Boss Jinbei paid off."

'No fooling. That was something we all didn't see coming.' Everyone internally thought this as Kaminari began cheering in his braindead state.

With Izuku

Izuku began slowly waking up in what looked like a cell. His arms were still tied up to make any form of escape exceptionally more difficult. "Of course the jackass would use Sea Prism Stone on me." Looking to his side, he noticed Jirou and Bakugou still unconscious to the side. "Kaachan. Jirou. Wake up." Neither responded to him for Izuku to raise his voice a little more. "Wake up!" Remembering now how he went unconscious due to his shadow being taken, it was somewhat understandable that people weaker than him would be less capable of recovering as fast. 'Might as well try this and see if it works.' "*Ahem* Momo's wearing revealing lingerie and saying she can kick Bakugou's ass!"


"THE FUCK IS PONYTAIL SAYING ABOUT ME!?" Both Bakugou and Jirou immediately pulled their heads up at the comment to make Izuku disgusted.

"The level of disgust I have for the two of you holds no bounds right now that that's how you wake up. Can either of you move right now?" Both attempted to pull their arms to see they were held by a set of cuffs that were exceptionally difficult to pull off for Bakugou.


"Sea Prism Stone handcuffs. You're not gonna be able to just rip them off. Not only that, but we have to find our shadows and take them back." Izuku was able to slide up a wall and stand up with little trouble before dislocating his arms to make a disgusting sound.

"GAH! What the hell are you doing!?" Jirou asked, extremely disgusted by the sound of joints popping out and back into place after Izuku pulled his legs through his arms opening.

"I need to get my arms to a way that helps us. Now that I have them to my front, I can help get you two up." Izuku pulled Bakugou and Jirou to their feet before looking at the bars. "Moria really did hold nothing back in making sure we'd stay put. Not only are our cuffs made of Sea Prism Stone, but so are the bars."

"So what now?" Bakugou asked as he looked around and noticed the walls that connected weren't as fortified. "Should we break down the entire cell?"

"Afraid that's gonna have to be the case." The sound of footsteps came from the corridor to make all three turn and notice one of Perona's ghosts and Ryukyu running towards them. "Ryukyu. Perfect timing. Do you see a key out there?"

The pro looked around to try and find something that could be the key for the cell or at least the group's cuffs to come up empty. "Sorry. Looks like Moria might've thought ahead."

"He gave the keys to a zombie that I was able to swipe them off of." The sound of Perona came from the corridor to show her toss the key to the cell to Ryukyu and the key to the cuffs to Izuku. She came out of the shadows holding her hat down in notable shame.

"So who's side are you on, Perona?" Izuku asked the question everyone was wondering with Bakugou and Jirou completely lost.

"....I can't go back with you all."


"Bakugou!" Izuku raised his voice for the ash blond to know he needed to stop. "Why?"

"Three reasons. One is I led my captain and crewmates into a horrible trap that I had a part in making. Whether I knew it or not, both me and your ship were the bait and you all fell into the trap as Moria planned. Second, Moria was originally the person that helped me grow up. As such, he's someone I must respect as well as my original captain whose crew I haven't officially left. Third and most importantly, I can't because you should expel me from the crew."

"Wait, what do you mean?" Izuku asked for Perona to explain.

"In a crew, if you cannot trust your crewmates to not overturn you or have your back in a serious situation, this will give the impression insubordination and lack of loyalty to be looked at as less dangerous. Shiozaki was an exception because she apologized after the incident and wanted nothing to do with what happened at the meeting. She tried to warn us with all of us failing to listen. That's on us. But this time, it's all on me." Perona took a deep breath before continuing. "As such, I have Negative Hollows set up in locations where the second I tell them to blow, it'll destroy what mechanisms keep Thriller Bark up. You all will survive since you can all escape on your ship."

"And you?" Izuku asked for Perona to show a smile while crying.

"I'm staying here. Somebody needs to make sure Moria goes down with the ship." Perona tossed Izuku's swords into the cell as Ryukyu opened the door for him to catch them. She also sent a cane to Jirou who grabbed it to open up to a cane sword. "When Moria goes down, he'll drown cause of his Devil Fruit, releasing all the souls when he's knocked unconscious and sending all the zombies as well to a watery grave. Your shadows along with all the shadows he's taken up till now will be returned and everyone wins."


Perona started to hold back crying in hopes to say what she wanted. "I...I..."

"Perona!" The sound of Moria behind them was heard for the ghost girl to turn and see him clearly enraged. "Tell me why you're down here with my prisoners out of their cells!? You aren't planning to leave my crew, are you?" Perona was afraid to answer with Moria becoming more enraged. "It seems your loyalty is in question right now. No matter, for I have a way that you can correct it." Moria tossed a knife towards Perona to have it land at her feet. "Take that knife and stab Izuku Midoriya in the neck with it. If you do, your loyalty will no longer be in question. You don't, and expect the punishment for mutiny."

Perona picked up the knife to look at both it and Izuku. This was a moment she was afraid of happening. She had to decide what to do on her own. Would she accept Izuku and the Green Demons, or return fully to Thriller Bark. The ghost girl gripped the knife in anger before accepting her own fate. "No." These words surprised everyone. "I'm not doing this. Midoriya and the rest of his crew are my friends. I refuse to let anything bad happen to them. SO LISTEN CLOSELY! AS OF THIS MOMENT, I AM NO LONGER A THRILLER BARK PIRATE AND INSTEAD CAST MY BALLAD WITH THE GREEN DEMONS! SO YOU CAN GO SUCK ON A BIG FAT DICK YOU SUPID OVERRIPE ONION SHAPED ASSHOLE!" The shock of the phrasing went through everyone before Moria's face was contorted in rage.

"You...ungrateful little BRAT!" Moria took his scissors to attempt to impale Perona with them.

'This is it, huh? I'm gonna die like this. You know what, I'm fine with that. At least I get to go out the way I wanted to.' Perona shut her eyes and prepared for the excruciating pain that was to come. However, it never did to have her slowly open her eyes and see Izuku in front of her with hsi swords unsheathed.

"I'll say this right now, Perona. You've got a brass pair to say something like that to your old captain. As your current though, I think it's only right that I stand by your decisions whether they were smart or not." Perona was shocked beyond belief after everything she did, Izuku was still willing to help her. "Don't think this is over though, when we're off Thriller Bark safe and sound, you'll be punished for your betrayal of us. So you better be ready to take that." Hearing this, Perona began crying tears of joy as she nodded. "Now that that's settled, let's see just how strong you really are. GECKO MORIA!"

And that finishes this chapter. So Perona made her choice and now she stands fully with the Green Demons, see what happens next time. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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