Guarding Jobs

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Izuku POV:

The day of the arrival of the kings in the World Government alliance came with my group having authorization to wear their hero costumes. To add a little more help, I was able to swing to get Todoroki, Jirou and Kaminari to join in. We stood outside the campus with Aizawa making sure we were set up.

"Alright. Starting now, you all are responsible to hold the greatest priority a hero can have. Be on your best behavior in front of the members of the other kingdoms since you represent not only us, but also the Green Demon pirates."

"No sweat Mr. Aizawa. We got this." Togata smiled at our teacher for it not passing so well.

"Just make sure you don't pick fights with someone."

"Yes sir." Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Hawkeye smirking at us before leaving.

"So how are we getting the kingdom's leaders here?" Hado questioned for the Straw Hats to come on a bus. It opened to show Jinbei driving.

"Climb aboard and we shall aid you in transportation. There are a few people among your group that our crew wish to say hello to." Not caring for style as much today, we all hopped on to see Luffy, Usopp and Chopper playing some games with everyone else minding their own business.

'Guess today's gonna be one of those days.'

1 hour later

After a long and somewhat annoying ride to the pier, we arrived just as some of the rulers of the kingdoms on the Grand Line did. There was quite a crowd of people for there to be pros handling them. "Look! There's one of the members of the new 7 Warlords!" A woman came up to me with a mic looking for a scoop. "Tell me young man, what made you join the Warlords?"

"The hope to keep my crew safe." I tried to turn away with the reporter trying to pull me back for another question.

"What did you do to become one of the youngest members of the Warlords?"

"I worked hard. Now can I please do my job?"

"Just one more question. Do you have any love interes-"

"Time to go Izuku." Itsuka, Ochako, Momo and Tsu grabbed my arms to start pulling me away. I was pretty certain this was what the woman was looking for, but I just ignored it and focused on the task at hand. Each one of us was given a sign that was the name of one of the kingdoms we were ordered to guard. I was handed one that said 'Ryugu' on it to hold it up waiting for a response. One by one, the rulers came off the boats going to one of the Warlords. The first to come towards us was Rebecca and a man that had dark hair and tan skin. The notable thing about him however was he was hopping on one leg with a rather built physique.

"It is great to see you again, Green Demon. This is my father, Kyros." Standing behind her, a notably older man and a woman with long dark brown hair came to us as well.

"I assume you are King Riku and Princess Viola?"

"You are correct, my boy." The older man looked down at me before I bowed to show my respect. "Hard to believe a child is part of the new 7 Warlords. But they had given other people who were far worse for the job this mantle." Another person came to us. This time, it was a man with a rather slim frame and purple hair. I remembered seeing him in Hatsume's lab when I checked to see if I could get some peeks at her 'secret project'.

"It's nice to meet you sir. My name is Izuku Midoriya. More commonly known as Green Demon."

"Hello young man. My name is Iceberg and I am the mayor of Water 7."

"I heard of you from my shipright. I'm told that you're quite the talented man Mr. Iceberg."

"Thank you. It's nice to know someone appreciates my work." We waited a little longer before a bunch of merfolk came. Three looked rather young with a fourth old enough to look like their father. Meanwhile, there was a rather....actually extremely large girl behind them. Her size outmatched everyone, but her face looked younger than the three men. About as young as us to be honest.

"Hello. My name is Neptune. Am I to believe you are this Green Demon we have been told about?"

"We are the Green Demons, your majesty. I hope your visits are enjoyable."

"You seem to be rather young for a Warlord, boy."

"Yeah. You look like you're about our sister's age-so-la-te-do!"

"Any chance you'd wanna mambo later?" The group seemed a little odd, but it was what it was. The last two came at the same time with one kingdom having a man that seemed to look more like a member of the military as opposed to a king or nominated ruler. The other had a man with dark hair and a girl beside him that had light blue hair. The strangest thing about this one was that they were accompanied by a duck the size of a human.

"Hello. My name is Dalton. I'm the current ruler of the Sakura Kingdom."

"My name is Cobra, and this is my daughter Vivi and her pet Karu."

"It's nice to meet you."


'Something tells me this trip will be long and confusing.' "Alright everyone. We have a bus down this way if you all would please follow me." The members of the kingdoms followed me towards the bus with the larger uhh...mermaid having to get a makeshift seat on the top. I decided to ride on top with her for Luffy to join me.

"Everybody strapped in?" Jinbei asked for me to give a thumbs up for us on the top. "Then let's get moving!" We began our journey back to UA with myself, Luffy and the mermaid princess called Shirahoshi starting a conversation.

"It's nice to see you again Luffy. I thought it would be forever before I'd get to see you again." She started to tear up a bit.

"Don't go crying and drown us now Weakhoshi."

'Weakhoshi?' "So you two know each other?"

Shirahoshi smiled while glancing at me. "Yes. Luffy helped my family a few years back face a man that wanted to destroy our island and overthrow our nation. The members of Fishman Island owe the Straw Hat pirates a lot because of what they did."

"We didn't do much. All we did was kick Hordey's ass." Luffy started to laugh with the trip going relatively fine for the next half hour.

"Hey Izuku!" I glanced over to see Tsu poking her head out of an open window. "We're gonna stop for lunch. There's a nice restaurant down the road a bit that serves larger guests for the princess."

"Sounds good."

"YAY! FOOD!" Luffy shouted for joy hearing this for us all to get a green light.

We drove a little farther before stopping at what looked like a kinda nice sized restaurant with a door for normal and abnormally sized guests. We exited the bus to start walking in with the area being kinda packed. I leaned towards my group and explained to keep their guard up. To not attract attention, I sat at the bar trying to avert any onlookers. While there, I found myself sitting next to a guy that had a metal prosthetic with red hair and a rather aggravated look on his face.

"What are you staring at kid?" I realized I was staring before turning to the barkeep.

"I'll have what he's having." The barkeep passed me an ale and a steak for both me and the guy to take a sip of the alcohol. To me, it tasted disgusting.

"THIS DRINK IS DELICIOUS/TERRIBLE!" The two of us glared at one another before going for the steak next for the flavor to taste really good.


Once again, we glared at each other for the redhead to speak. "What the hell is wrong with your tastebuds kid? You can't tell good food from crappy food or something?"

"I can tell fine. It's you who's got the shitty taste buds. Too many cigars or crap like that?"

"Fine then! Barkeep! Give everyone a round of what we're drinking."

"Then give everyone two steaks to wash down that crappy ale!"

"Make that 10 drinks!"

"20 steaks!






The scene at the bar brought my crew to their attention with a bunch of guys that looked kinda strange joining in behind the redhead. "Alright kid, time for you to see why nobody messes with me."

"Fine. Something tells me you're worth a pretty penny as a bounty. What's your name stranger?"

"Kid. We shouldn't be picking a fight after we just came here." A guy in a mask stated for the name to register with me.

"Eustas 'Captain' Kid. As I live and breathe. One of the Worst Generation. Which means, you must be Killer." Kid smirked at me for him to finally be recognized.

"Too little too late to find out, kid. Now who the hell are you anyways?"

"Green Demon of Mustafar, Izuku Midoriya."

"Ah, you're that new Warlord I heard about. The kid who wants to play with the big dogs. Well let me tell you something kid." Kid picked me up by my costume to glare me into the eyes. "You're playing with fire. Eventually, you're gonna get burned. Now either you go back home with your milk and cookies that your mommy laid out for you, or you get ready to get the worst beating of your life."

"I've taken down bigger fools than you, and most smelt better. Including the fish." This made the pirate get even more enraged to pull his fist back.

"YOU'RE FUCKING DEAD KID!" I pulled one of my swords out before Zoro and Luffy got in between us. "Straw Hat."

"How ya been Kid?" Luffy smiled at the guy while Zoro kept me back. "You both wanna fight, why don't you do this somewhere where I don't have to worry about losing my meal."


Both me and Kid looked at each other before pulling away. "Tonight. At the center of town. You and me, kid. I'll show you just what happens when you mess with the Worst Generation."

Kid and his crew left for the restaurant to clear out with everyone coming over to make sure I was ok. "Are you ok Izuku?"

"I'm fine Itsuka. That guy just wanted a fight."

"Though you shouldn't have picked one with Kid. He's not the type of person who'll just leave things at that." Sanji pointed this out for Tsu, Jirou and Kaminari to look a bit confused.

"So what is this Worst Generation that guy talked about *ribbit*?"

I pulled up a chair and explained it to them the best I could. "You all know about the Grand Line enough to know there's two halves of it, right?"

"The first half is called Paradise and the other is called the New World, right?" I nodded at Jirou's reply.

"Now how the world the Grand Line operates holds is almost 90% of the planet covered in water with most of the world consisting of multiple islands. The only large body of land is a very high piece of land called the Red Line. This cuts directly down the middle of the Grand Line and across the entire world. To get into the Grand Line, you need to enter through Reverse Mountain. After, you will pick one of many routes to take with each leading to one specific point on the end of the first half of the Grand Line. The Sabaody Archipelago. Some time back, 12 pirates with a bounty of over 100 million Berries were at this place at the exact same time. These 12 would be called the Supernovas or later named, the Worst Generation to hold the 13th member. Marshal D. Teach, or more commonly known as Blackbeard."

"Blackbeard." Itsuka's fist began to clench the glass she had in her hand for a crack to be in it.

"The Worst Generation's group held the following. The Strawhat captain Strawhat Luffy who had a 300 million bounty at the time. Pirate Hunter Roronoa Zoro with 120 million. Captain of the On Air pirates, Scratchmen Apoo with 198 million. Captain of the Bonney pirates, Jewelry Bonney with 160 million. Captain of the Hawkins pirates, Basil Hawkins with 249 million. Captain of the Heart Pirates, the Surgeon of Death Trafalgar D. Law with 200 million. Captain of the Firetank pirates, Capone 'Gang' Bege with 138 million. Captain of the Drake Pirates, former rear Admiral X Drake with 222 million. Captain of the Fallen Monk pirates, Mad Monk Urouge with 108 million. Captain of the Kid Pirates, Eustass Captain Kid with a bounty of 315 million. Massacre Soldier Killer with 162 million. And last but not least, Marshall D. Teach or Blackbeard who had no bounty at the time until his act in the War of the best. This is going back a few years with the bounties being on each of their heads exploding to extremely high marks because of the chaos they made in the New World. As such, their total bounties today are somewhere around the lines of almost 8 billion with each having their own special type of chaos they create."

"And we're part of that group." Zoro points out for Kaminari to panic.


"To be fair, he somewhat was involved in that too."


"Yeah. Not my best moment." I admitted this before Cobra got up to stand in front of me.

"Son. You are facing a dangerous fight. Be prepared tonight for the worst outcomes."

"I know. This isn't gonna be an easy fight, but I didn't take it because it was easy sounding." We finished our meals and went onto the bust to head towards UA with the fight still lingering in my mind. 'I wonder how this fight's gonna turn out?' My body began to shake with excitement thinking of facing one of the Worst Generation. 'This'll be fun.'

And that finishes this chapter. See how Izuku handles his fight with Kid next time. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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