New 7 Pirate Warlords

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Perona POV:

'Ok Perona. Just focus. All you have to do is go in, tell Midoriya you wanna join his crew, then hopefully he allows you to.' Since the incident with the Arlong Pirates, I've been watching Midoriya a lot more lately. He's an idiot and a bit blind to what he should do with his potential and also a lughead like that idiot Zoro and the jerk Hawkeye. But.....I don't get why I'm interested in him. When I heard though that he needs to make a crew through my ghost network, I thought I could be part of his crew to help make things easier for him. 'Just calm yourself Perona. You don't want to sound desperate. All you're doing is going in and offering to be someone he can use in exchange for being protected by him. It's no different than Moria.' I began opening the door to overhear a conversation they were having inside.

"Says here, they want me to join the new Pirate Warlords." I overheard this for those words to radiate in my head for a minute.

"WHAAAAT!?" Everyone looked over to me to see me panicking along with them.

"Perona? What brings you here?" Midoriya asked for me to try and make up a lie.

'C'mon Perona! Think of something!' "I was uhh.....passing...through." They looked at me blankly for my own mind to be screaming at me. 'WHY COULDN'T YOU THINK OF A BETTER LIE!?' "*ahem* Anyway, they are redoing the Pirate Warlords?"

"Guess so." Midoriya looked at the letter before the blond weirdo with blue eyes spoke up.

"So what are these Pirate Warlords anyway?"

"Do you honestly have no brain in your skull!?" I shouted in annoyance before walking in and explaining. "Allow me to explain to you all what being a Pirate Warlord is. To be part of them means you're a pirate that is sanctioned by the World Government. As such, the bounty on your head is frozen and you're granted immunity from your crimes as a pirate. The Marines will also turn a blind eye to some low grade tyranny from you such as dealings in the underworld black market or attacking random sea ships in exchange for you giving them your power when called upon. Though they don't sound dangerous, these seven aren't slouches and were hand picked with the purpose of causing real danger when needed. As such, they created a form of balance between the Marines, themselves and the Four Emperors of the New World on the Grand Line."

The Bakugou kid looked at me blankly before answering. "Sounds like you're nothing but the World Government's fucking lapdogs with this."

"Maybe, but you're also entitled to information that is held by Marines as well as the members of your crew have their bounties also frozen. As such, many pirates that fly with the Warlords do it in a defense to their allies as well."

Yaoyorozu began thinking of this before looking to Midoriya. "What do you think about this? Do you want to accept?"

"Hmm. If everyone part of my crew benefits, then it would help us if I was part of them."

"You're not fucking serious, are you Deku? You'll be the Marines dog."

"As much as I hate agreeing with Bakugou on this one, he has a point." Kendo pointed this out somewhat uneasy with this as well. "Yes you can be granted immunity, but at what cost?"

"Look. What happened during the Arlong fight I can't forgive the Marines for putting bounties on people that don't deserve it, but right now is a bit more of an important point. If we go after Doflamingo, we're going to need every advantage we need. Not having the Marines down our necks will be important for us. Not only that, but we could also gain their assistance in this matter to help keep our strain from being over the top. What we're playing with now isn't a kids game. This is real life."


"He's right." We glanced at Yaoyorozu who held her side in anger. "This is the big leagues now. If we can't last out the storm, then we lose everything."

Everyone was silent before Uraraka and Tsu spoke. "I guess we don't have much of a choice in our situation. I'm for joining if you do."

"Same here *ribbit*."

"Guess that means we're now part of a crew with a Warlord. Awesome!" The blond seemed really excited with a blue haired girl just as with a black haired guy looking like he was gonna vomit.

"Ochako, can you tell Hatsume about this. It's only right she knows."

"On it." The group began doing other things with me able to stop Midoriya.

"Hey, you got a minute?"

"Depends how quickly this'll be."

"It'll be quick." I brought Midoriya away from everyone to start speaking. "So I overheard that you're trying to make a crew."


"Well as you know, I've been the Thriller Bark crew for some time and somewhat a freelance with Hawkeye for a while."

"That's....kinda been known."

'C'mon. Just say it.' "*ahem* What I'm trying to say is, perhaps we can come to....a deal as to speak. In exchange for my assistance with my ghost network, perhaps you can assist in keeping from the government."

There was a silence between both of us before Midoriya answered. "Ok."


"If my father thought you weren't worth the effort, he'd have thrown you out the second you tried to stay beside him. Also, you gave me Muramasa. That alone should help judge that you're a good person."

I was silent amazed how easily this was done. "T-thank you."

"No worries. Now, there's a meeting for the new Warlords in a few hours. I don't want to just walk away, but this is how things are right now."

"Understood." He walked away with me finding myself alone in the room. 'YES! I'M PART OF THE GREEN DEMON PIRATES! EAT THAT STUPID ZORO AND YOU INCONSIDERATE JERK HAWKEYE! SUCK IT MORIA!'

Few hours later, Izuku POV:

After explaining the ordeal to principal Nezu and Mr. Aizawa, I was given authorization to wear my costume in the building where the meeting was. I walked through the doors to see a large table to sit down in one of the chairs and relax.

"Well this is a surprise." I glanced over to notice Hancock walking in and taking a seat at one of the seats away from me. "Seems I was not the only person from UA that was given the offer. I however was expecting the Marines to give your offer to Hawkeye."

"I heard a rumor he denied it with them also offering a position to All Might." We looked over to see the winged hero Hawks walk in and take a seat to my right side. "Don't know why both denied it. Then again, it's hard to determine what goes on in their heads."

"So why is a kid here?" The next to enter was Lock Rock. "If this is a group for the next Warlords, why do we have someone who isn't even a hero or a pirate?"

"Have you never heard of the Green Demon of Mustafar?" Ryukyu was fifth to walk in and sit between Hawks and Hancock. "Though he has not shown much merit as us, he has proven himself in different ways."

"So what's his bounty?" Miruko walked in to take the other seat beside Hancock and Lock Rock.

"55 million." There was a silence in the room before Hawks and Lock Rock started laughing at me.

"That's your bounty kid!?"

"That's gotta be the lowest here by a long shot! The closes has got to be mine with a total number of 150 million." Lock Rock kept laughing before the temperature of the room got hotter with Endeavor taking the final seat between me and Lock Rock.

"Seems we meet again Green Demon."

"Endeavor. I guess this explains the heat rising.

"Seems you've all shown up. Welcome scum of this world." A guy with what looked like a goatee smoking a cigar cane in and introduced himself.

"For those that may not know me, my name is Akainu. I'm the Fleet Admiral of the Marines. I called you all here to act as a 'peaceful medium' between both our worlds. In exchange for your assistance in Marine related matters that we ask you to do, you seven will be able to come to our world with no complications as well as act as our assistants when special guests from our world come here."

"So that's the reason. You want us to be your guard dogs in this world." Hawks started picking his teeth while Akainu continued.

"Heavenly Foul Hawks, 750 million Berries. Pirate Empress Boa Hancock, 780 million Beeries. Dragon Woman Ryukyu, 230 million Berries. Rabbit Woman Miruko, 530 million Berries. Hellfire Endeavor, 1.1 billion Berries. Halting Lock Rock, 150 million Berries. Green Demon Izuku Midoriya, 55 million Berries. Originally, the seats of Lock Rock and Green Demon were meant for Hawkeye and All Might, but both decided to deny it. After the Arlong incident, our top brass thought it was fitting to have someone like Green Demon with that type of potential be corralled before they become a bit of trouble. Lock Rock on the other hand was just due to not having a better offer and someone offered him."

There was a silence before Miruko busted out laughing. "So out of everyone here, you just got lucky and got this part!? Epic fail!" The rest of us kept quiet before Akainu continued.

"Since all of you are aware of what the perks are, I'll skip that part and go right into these." He gave a set of names that had a plus beside some. "The names are those that were leaked into this world. The ones with a plus were part of an escape of Impel Down sometime back. This was also why Arlong was able to escape."

"So your negligence is why someone I care for was put through hell and another was put through an ordeal with her parents being targeted?" I gave the Fleet Admiral a death glare for him to ignore it and continue.

"Anyway, we shall give any assistance in finding these criminals and giving you the bounty prices on their heads. We would also like to have you and the members of your groups assist with a meeting of the nation capitals aligned with the World Government called the World Summit." Nobody seemed to argue with some Marines giving us the names of who we will be assisting. "Starting in three days, these kingdoms will come to this world and it will be your jobs to keep them save. Be warned, I will not hesitate to kill each and every one of you if something happens to these rulers."

The meeting soon ended after for me and Hancock to start heading back to UA. "So. Which kingdoms are you looking over?"

I glanced down at the kingdoms they gave me to start reading them off. "The kingdoms of Dressrosa, Alabasta, Ryugu, Sakura Islands and Water 7."

"Water 7 is joining? Impressive."

"You know any of them?" I asked trying to get all the information I could.

"Alabasta is a dessert nation. Their ruler holds the bloodline of the only member of the 20 kings that formed the World Government during the blank century that didn't go and live in the holy lands of Mariejois. Dressrosa is another one of the original 20 kingdoms with them being a rather passionate nation as I've heard. They are for the most part a poor kingdom, but hold more respect for peace and happiness among the common people instead of financial prosperity. The Ryugu kingdom is the home of Fishmen and Merfolk. They exist 10 thousand meters deep under the Red Line and regularly get pirate visitors since passing through the island is one of the only ways to get past the first half of the Grand Line. The Sakura Islands is a winter island that was originally known as the Drum Islands until their former king left the nation and they were renamed with a new king. They're known for their advancement in medical knowledge. Lastly, Water 7 is a country that lives on the water. It originally was built on the ruins of it's former cities until the mayor and head of the shipright comity Iceberg made it more susceptible for them to live on the water. It's a nation that is well known for it's ship modeling and repairs to be one of the only few nations that both Marines and pirates go to for some mutual tools such as repairs for or ships themselves."

"So Dressrosa and Alabasta are big shot nations, Ryugu is the same species as Hatchan and Camie, the Sakura Islands are winter folk with knowledge on medicine, and Water 7 is a water town with amazing shiprights. Quite the batch."

"Just make sure you don't do anything to cause a scene. From what I'm told, Celestial Dragons will also be in this meeting. Whatever you do, do not get into a fight with them under any circumstances. If you do, you could bring Japan and the Marines into an all out war due to it." Hancock was extremely serious about stopping me from picking a fight with the Celestial Dragons to the point it kinda worried me.

'Just how much power do these Celestial Dragons have?'

Meanwhile at UA, Momo POV:

As I walked down the halls of UA, I started to think of Izuku's words about Doflamingo and what I should do. 'I need to get stronger. Learning Haki is well and good, but I need something more to help.' The pain from Doflamingo's attacks made me remember that day and how useless I was to make my drive to be stronger more desired. 'I won't let that happen again.'

I arrived at the teachers lounge for my hand to open the door. "Yaoyorozu? What are you doing here?" Mr. Aizawa asked for me to walk up directly to Mr. Snipe.

"Mr. Snipe. I have a request for you."

"And what's that?"

I placed a gun on the table and held my head down. "Please. Teach me how to use guns in a fight. I want to get stronger and this is the way I think I can." 'I'll become stronger. Just you wait Doflamingo. And when I do, you're going to regret the day you escaped Impel Down.'

And that finishes this chapter. So Izuku is now a member of the Warlords, Perona had become a new member of the Green Demon Pirates, and Momo is looking to learn marksmanship from Snipe. See how things work out next time with the World Summit. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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