Izuku's Fury

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half an hour before the declaration, Izuku POV:

After the match I had, me, Ochako, Itsuka, Tsu, Fluffy and my competitor had rested in the hall watching the children practice martial arts.

"So now you've got people from the Grand Line looking for you?" Tsu was curious as I shrugged it off.

"I will admit it's kinda interesting. Your fighting style was also kinda unique miss...." I asked my opponent for her to smile and remind me who she was.

"It's Rebecca."

"My apologies for forgetting it."

"None at all. However, you seemed to be rather respectful during the fight." She explained as she noticed me pull weights off my body before even starting the match and bowing to her after I won.

"I grew from the bottom and reached my height not holding anything back. If my opponents won't hold anything back, then it's only fair that I don't."

Rebecca seemed to be rather impressed by this comment. "That's very noble of you."

"So why did you wanna fight Izuku?" Ochako questioned for our new friend to explain.

"I'm actually here for diplomatic reasons with my country of origin Dressrosa. When I heard of a powerful swordsman in this country that accepted duels, I couldn't help myself being a former gladiator."

'She's a gladiator? Impressive.' "What kind of business was it?" I asked while sipping from my drink.

"YOU'RE JUST GONNA IGNORE SHE'S A DIPLOMAT!?" The girls shouted in amazement.


"THAT'S EVEN WORSE!" The two of us kinda laughed before Rebecca continued.

"I actually had dealings with the Yaoyorozu family. I was planning to go over there after our match was over to discuss it."

"Oh. Maybe we can head over there together. I'm actually dating their daughter as well as these three ladies." We walked out of the dojo and onto the streets towards the Yaoyorozu's estate.

Rebecca seemed astonished before making a comment. "So you are dating a total of four women? And I believed my country held passionate people."

Fluffy jumped off Ochako's shoulder when he saw two sticks to pick up and start practicing using two weapons. "Looks like Fluffy's interested in swordsmanship."

"He did kinda have sparkles in his eyes when watching you go head to head with Rebecca." Ochako started to laugh while Fluffy put the sticks to his side and bowed as if he was paying respect. "Maybe we can have a sword wielding Lapahn soon."

We continued our journey to the estate and noticed a wall blown open to it. "This doesn't look good." We jumped through the wall to see several of the workers injured and on the floor. 'Momo.' I ran in the house with Tsu, Ochako and Itsuka behind me to find Momo on the ground and a man getting up that looked like her father.

"Ow. What happened?"

"MOMO!" I ran as fast as I could when I saw her badly hurt and bleeding.

Back to the present

I walked out of the mansion with Fluffy on my shoulder going towards the location the blond offered me. On my way out, I grabbed a metal pole Momo made and wrapped some cloth around it that was used to stop some of her bleeding. 'Get ready Doflamingo. I'm coming to get those Devil Fruits back and give you a piece of my mind.'

"So you really are going after Doflamingo?" Rebecca stopped me to make certain for me to nod. "I suggest you don't fight him. You are strong and that's for certain, but Doflamingo isn't someone you should anger. Even among the former Seven Warlords, he wasn't someone to trifle with and let you get away with it. He was not afraid to kill someone who spoke against him as an example and I do not believe he will take kindly to you taking back what he worked hard to steal."

"Honestly, I don't care if he does. This is a matter of me doing what's right and making this bastard know not to screw with people that I love and care about as well as those who just want to do good."

Our new friend held her head down realizing I'm not budging. " *sigh* I cannot stop you, can I?"


There was a silence before Rebecca spoke again. "Very well. As a member of the kingdom in which Doflamingo is originally from and a member of the royal family he nearly destroyed, I am forced to come along to assist where needed."

"Fine. But unless I ask for help, I don't want you to interfere."

"I understand." We walked through the city towards the docks where the address was.

At the docks, 3rd person POV:

As Izuku, Fluffy and Rebecca came upon the warehouse that the address pointed out to them, Izuku used his knowledge on Observation Haki to glance inside without opening the door. "A hundred men.....No. Two hundred. None of them seem to fit the strength of Doflamingo from what I was told. He's probably out right now."

"Perhaps that can work to our advantage." Izuku handed Fluffy two small pieces of metal for the lapahn to hold them like swords.

"You ready to knock some heads in Fluffy?"

"*bwaa*!" Izuku took that as a yes before cracking his knuckles and activating Armament Haki on his arms.

"Knock knock!" He punched the door down in one go for everyone inside to look towards the door.


"Who the hell are you!?" A thug pointed a gun at Izuku and Flufffy with the green haired boy's eyes showing an emotionless hate in them.

"You bastards are gonna pay for stealing from the Yaoyorozu's."

"SHOT THE BASTARD!" The thugs started firing on Izuku and Fluffy for the young swordsman to use Observation Haki to dodge the shots and charge at the first thug he saw. He used the tip of the staff to hit right in the center of his stomach and drop the man to the ground.

"KILL HIM!" Izuku immediately took action and took down thugs one after the other before having Fluffy jump off and assault some of the goons as well. When one attempted to slice Izuku down the middle with a giant axe, he split the staff in two to have Izuku coat both in Haki and shatter the axe with one hit. Izuku struck each thug he came across in the head, collarbone, side or kneecap while Fluffy did a similar act with the head and kneecaps, but adding in the pelvis area to help level the more physically adapted goons.

"Two staff style secret technique." Izuku held the two parts of the staffs like knives before charging at about twenty thugs. "Charging Bull!" With brute strength alone, Izuku sent every goon flying in his path. In a way to mimic it, Fluffy did the same act on four goons to have them fall to the ground in pain.

On of them wasn't down completely however to try and attack the small lapahn. "DIE YOU DAMNED RABBIT!"

Seeing this, Izuku felt a wave of energy come out of him and stop the guy. He collapsed after for all the thugs to be taken down. "Unbelievable. With only a lapahn as backup, you defeated an army of thugs like it was nothing." Rebecca walked in met one impressed knowing Izuku's only real weapon was a metal staff Momo made.

The green haired boy walked through the warehouse before seeing crates full of strange fruits of numerous unique features. "Ten to one these are them. I don't know if they have all of them here, but it's a start." Before leaving, Izuku heard a strange noise coming from what looked like a snail. "The heck is this thing?"

"It is a transponder snail. They are used for communication where I am from."

Izuku picked up the snail to press the button Rebecca said could answer it. "About time you picked up. I'm on my way back. I have a buyer for the Devil Fruits that would pay top dollar for them."

"That's Doflamingo." Rebecca whispered this for Izuku to smile.

"Hello Doflamingo. I'm sorry, but your goons here are out of commission for now."

The snail was silent before smiling. "Well that's quite interesting. So who do I have the pleasure of speaking to?"

"The Green Demon of Mustafar. Captain of the Green Demon pirates and the next to inherit the title of worlds greatest swordsman, Izuku Midoriya. And just so you know, I'm taking these Devil Fruits you stole back to the Yaoyorozu's." The snail remained silent before Izuku hung up.

Across the city

Doflamingo looked at the snail with the veins on his forehead showing themselves. "This little smart mouthed punk thinks he'll tell me what to do? I'll make him regret the day he was born." He walked out of the alley where he was to be met by Hawkeye and Inko standing by both corners.

"If I was you, I'd avoid picking a fight with him. For if you do, you'll have not only myself and the Green Devil over here to deal with, but your former Warlord ally Hancock, the Straw Hats, and even some of the biggest names in this world to deal with."

"Hehe. Hello Hawkeye. And what makes you think you both can stop me-" The former Warlord felt an immeasurable amount of pressure with the feeling of certain death beside him to see Inko prepared to kill him. For the first time in a while, the former Warlord felt actual fear for himself. "Very well. The brat lives. But the next time he meddles in my affairs, I'll show him why you don't anger me."

Before he could leave however, Hawkeye stopped Doflamingo to get some information. "How did you leave Impel Down? You were at the lowest level, locked away with no chance of leaving. There had to be an inside informant for you or something."

"Oh Hawkeye, you seem to be missing a small thing with this. Nobody in this world can easily be trusted. Even the Marines aren't innocent in this world. Till next time....old friend." Doflamingo left with both mother and father looking at each other having respect for the fact Izuku did what he thought was right.

One hour later at the Yaoyorozu estate, Izuku POV:

After returning the Devil Fruits, the Yaoyorozus were beyond happy with my act to not stop thanking me. "What you have done is nothing short of a blessing Izuku Midoriya. You have not only taken back what was stolen from us, but you have also given those who cannot hold a quirk of their own in this world a chance at accomplishing a dream for themselves."

"It's not that big of a deal. As long as the Devil Fruits are used for the right thing, I'm fine fighting for what's right."

"Still. I believe we should at least reward you for what you've done." Mrs. Yaoyorozu said this for me to try and back out of it.

"You really don't have to. I just did what any hero in my position would."

"Please Mr. Midoriya. At least accept this as the least bit of how we can express our gratitude." Mr. Yaoyorozu gave me a small chest with it opening to a Devil Fruit with what looked like flames on it.

"This Devil Fruit is a Logia type called the Flame Flame Fruit. It was once used by the second division commander of the Whitebeard pirates, Portgas D. Ace as well as the former member of the Revolutionary Army, Sabo. It gives the user the ability to become fire itself. Though I don't wish to impose it on you, I think you would be able to find someone who could live up to the legacy of the Fire Fist with it."

I looked at the fruit before looking back at Mr. Yaoyorozu. "Sir. This is too great of a gift. I can't take it."

"Please. After everything you've done for us and what we wish to do, this is the least we can offer you. Even if you're not the one to hold the power, we know for a fact that you'll find someone worthy of it."

Hearing this, I felt bad denying it to be put in an irritating spot. "I still don't think I should, but I'm honored to think you are willing to accept me to find someone to or hold this Devil Fruit myself." The girls noticed that it was getting kinda late with us having to head back to the dorms soon. "Well I hate to cut this short and leave, but we need to leave for the school or we'll get in trouble for being late."

"Understandable. Until we meet again Momo. It was also very nice meeting you all. Itsuka. Ochako. Tsuyu. Fluffy. Izuku." We left with Rebecca staying to do what she came here to do for her country. As we walked down the street, Momo seemed to have some difficulty walking.

"Need a shoulder?" I offered my shoulder for her to lean on with her accepting it.

"I'm sorry you have to do this."

"Even the best of us need a little help at times." There was a silence in the area before I spoke up. "I couldn't find Doflamingo, but I promise I'll take him down as a way to help avenge you."

"Don't." I looked at Momo to see a fire in her eyes. "I wanna be the one to take him down. He looked down on me and Bellamy to belittle us to the point having someone else fight for me makes me sick to my stomach. Though it is flattering you'd wish to do this for me, I need to take him down myself and avenge myself. It's the only way my pride can allow this." I smiled understanding that this is something she'd wanna take on herself.

"So where are you going to go from here? Wanting to take down Doflamingo is well and good, but means nothing if you can't get stronger."

She thought for a moment before answering. "I'll try and find something."

We got back to campus to see a strange bat on top of Height's Alliance. "The hell is that thing doing up there?" We walked in to see Kaachan with the Big 3 beside him.

"Oi Deku! We got three more people on our crew. No touch, Emo, and Airhead said they'd join." I came over to see them agree to this before noticing a letter addressed to me.

"I got mail?"

"Yeah, some weird bat thing came and gave the letter. What's it about?" Hado asked for me to open it and read the contents. When I was done, I pondered what it said and what to do about it.

"Izuku? Where'd the letter come from?" Itsuka asked for me to look at the seal on the side.

"The World Government."

The room was silent to the point a pin could drop and be heard. "WHAT!?"

I showed the seal of the World Government before Tsu panicked a bit. "W-what did they w-want...*ribbit*?"

"Says here, they want me to join the new Pirate Warlords."

The silence in the room came back for everyone to shout in amazement. WHAAAAAATT!?"

And that finishes this chapter. So Izuku has the Flame Flame Fruit in his possession as well as being offered a spot in the new Pirate Warlords. See what happens next time. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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