Test of Observation

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Izuku POV:

The day of the Sports Festival finally came for me to walk into the room with all my classmates sporting my newly forged swords. "Hey, no fair man. Why do you have weapons?" "Because Shitty hair, Deku's real strength is with those swords he's got. So how badass are they?" Kaachan looked at me with a smirk as I unsheathed both Kandaina and Chujitsuna to show the shine of the steel to everyone. "Thanks to going through the ringer, I was able to find a way to make these two. The steel isn't that of the original, but the grips and the sheaths are from Sasageru and Shitsuke as a way to honor where I began. The one in my left with the white handle is Kandaina, and the right with the black handle is Chujitsuna. With these, I'm back in action." "Good. I'm gonna have fun beating you at your top." "In your dream you angry blond. I'll take you down so fast, your head will spin." "Don't count me or Momo out of this yet Izuku. We've been training hard with Itsuka and are gonna put just as much into winning as you." We started laughing a bit with Todoroki walking up to me.

"Midoriya, I want you to know that I will beat you today. Consider this my declaration of war to you." Our bicolored friend walked away with this surprising me a bit. 'I guess we're seeing what type of steel Todoroki has as well.' "we're being called Izuku." Momo mentioned to me that we have the all clear to head out with us all heading into the stadium.

Zoro POV:

"Common Luffy, I wanna get a good seat." After finally being taken through UA's security checks, they allowed us inside. "Those seemed to be kinda longer than last times." "I can almost guarantee it has to do with the recent attack on the school Usopp. It's most likely their way to state that everything is under control." Robin states this with Luffy looking around with his usual curiosity. "THIS PLACE IS SO COOL!" 'And this is why we don't come to the Sports Festival often.' We kept walking until we hear someone shout out to us. "If it isn't the Straw Hats." We all turned around to see Smoker walking up to us. "What are you lot doing here?" "...We were requested to come by Hawkeye." "Hmm, must be that one swordsman. Izuku Midoriya if I remember correctly." "You know him?" Nami began asking with another voice coming behind the marine. "Roronoa Zoro. Quite a rare treat it is seeing you here." 'Oh great. Not her too.'

"Tashigi, what are you doing here?" "I overheard that boy you said took down Don Krieg was in this, so I decided to stay and watch. Little did I know the Straw Hats would be here." She started looking at me with a determined face before speaking. "So why are you watching him?" "I was told by Hawkeye that this Midoriya kid is his son." Tashigi was beyond surprised with Smoker only smiling. "Now this got interesting." He lit a cigar while walking inside. "I'm getting front row seats for this. The son of the greatest swordsman himself. I wonder if he got real swords for today?" 'Great, now the marines are interested.'

3rd person POV:

"WHAT'S UP LADIES AND GENTS! IT'S TIME FOR THE ANNUAL UA SPORTS FESTIVAL! I'M YOUR HOST PRESENT MIC WITH ERASERHEAD AND CROSSBLADE UP HERE AS MY PERSONAL ASSISTANT DJ'S!" "Must he speak in such vulgarity?" "Just drown out his loudness and you'll be fine." " OK, THAT WAS COLD! ANYWAY, HERE COMES OUR FIRST SET OF COMPETITORS! THESE FIRST YEARS HAD SURVIVED A VILLAIN ATTACK AND ARE THE HIGHLIGHT OF TODAY'S EVENT, PLEASE WELCOME CLASS 1-A!" The crowd screamed as the Straw Hats and their marine associates found their way to the front. "Aw man, this is so cool!" Luffy shouted this in excitement while the rest of the classes came inside the stadium. "AND NOW FOR OUR FIRST YEAR'S REFEREE! THE R RATED HERO, MIDNIGHT!"

Many of the men in the audience shouted in joy for Sanji and Brook to join in. "AH, SUCH A BEAUTY UNAFRAID TO SHOW OF HER EXQUISITE FIGURE!" "TRULY A BEAUTY IF I'VE EVER SEEN ONE!" "Is that proper attire for a teacher?" "Is that proper attire for a woman to begin with?" Zoro and Tashigi questioned this as the pro began speaking. "And now, to present the players oath is the first year representative. Izuku Midoriya." Izuku walked up to the podium with everything going silent. "That's the son of Hawkeye?" "He's also the guy we're keeping an eye on." Izuku took a deep breath in before speaking. "I'm a man who allows his actions to speak louder than his words. Today, both myself and my fellow classmates from all the courses will give it our best. To prove this, I will take these off right now as proof I'm holding nothing back." Izuku pulled his PE uniform up to show weights on his arms, legs and torso that weighed up to 800 lbs. In one go, he pulled them off and dropped them on the podium making cracks in it.

"A-are those what I think they are!?" Every member of the Straw Hats, Smoker, Tashigi, the audience, even some teachers were awestruck at what happened. "Now that I've shed my excess weight, I can prove to you all I'm trying my best today." Izuku held a happy face with Midnight attempting to lift the weights off the podium to only manage moving them one at a time with some difficulty. "Now that we have that out of the way, let's begin our first event!" A giant roulette spun with it landing on an event saying obstacle course. "And our first event shall be the obstacle course! Players shall run around the outside of this arena and come back here in the shortest amount of time they can. The first 42 back will move on to the next round!" Every student got into position with Zoro and Smoker looking intensely. "This just got interesting." "Those weights definitely slowed him down. Now we'll get to see his top speed." The buzzer rang for everyone to go with Izuku jumping up to run on the walls. "IT LOOKS LIKE EVERYONE IS STUCK IN THE ENTRANCE!" "Check again." Mic looked again to see Izuku and Todoroki out in front. "OH SNAP! IT LOOKS LIKE MIDORIYA AND TODOROKI ARE OUT IN FRONT MANAGING OUR FIRST EVENT, ROBO INFERNO!"

Everyone was starting to freak out that wasn't in class A with Todoroki freezing every robot that came near him. One was in a very unstable position however and nearly crushed the two.


"OUTTA THE WAY!" Izuku unsheathed both Kandaina and Chujitsuna to slice the robot into pieces that were falling around the group. "THA-THAT WAS UNBELIEVABLE LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! MIDORIYA HAS JUST SLICED UP A GIANT ROBOT WITH CONTINUING FORWARD TAKING DOWN ANY THAT STAND IN HIS WAY!" "Unbelievable." "You're telling me." "And I thought he was strong for taking down a tough pirate." Smoker, Tashigi, and Zoro watched in interest while the rest of the Straw Hats glanced over to watch Izuku curious as to why they're so impressed. As this went on, Izuku found himself at the second obstacle with it seeming to be nothing to him. 'I keep my footing when my weight is almost one ton, this is nothing.' He balanced on the ropes to a point it looked like the greenette was a born natural acrobat. Meanwhile, Bakugou caught up to him and Todoroki for the trio to be neck and neck as they entered their final obstacle.

Right before entering with the other two, Izuku stopped to see what was ahead. 'If I go in there without much thought, I'll get nowhere fast. I gotta think this through and find a way to handle this better.' Izuku sheathed his blades before taking a seat in a meditating position. "UH, DID MIDORIYA JUST STOP FOR NO REASON!?" "He has some idea. I do not know what, but it must be something." Hawkeye mentioned this with many people passing the young swordsman. "Is he ok?" Jirou asked with Itsuka and Momo reassuring her. "He should be fine. Just let him focus." They walked away with Ochako stopping hearing what he's thinking. 'Haki?' She pulled this out of her mind before continuing into the next event. As this happened, Izuku remained in deep thought of how his fights with Don Krieg and the Nomu at the USJ went. 'I did it before subconsciously at a refined level from what I've been told. So hypothetically, a diluted level shouldn't be impossible on a conscious level.'

Izuku kept focusing with no real image in his head on how to use Observation Haki. 'DAMMIT! I could use this before, why can't I use it when I need it!?' Izuku opened his eyes to notice some areas in the dirt above were darkly colored compared to most. He had watched someone touch on a very dark patch for it to blow up. 'Am I...seeing this?' As the match kept going, the group of Straw Hats and marine duo watched curious what was going to happen next. "He may not make it into the top 42 the way things are going." Robin stated this with the three who were rooting for him letting a sigh out. "That's a bit of a letdown." Zoro stated this in some disappointment while Smoker went for a cigar. As he lit it, Mic started screaming on the his microphone. "I...I DON'T BELIEVE IT LADIES AND GENTLEMENT! MIDORIYA IS..." Smoke immediately looked to the screen to have a beyond shocked face to the point he dropped his cigar that was in his mouth watching what he's seeing. "MIDORIYA IS RUNNING ON THE MINES!" "He isn't running on the mines. He's running on the area around them to not detonate them." Hawkeye mentioned this as Izuku passed everyone that was ahead of him making it to Bakugou and Todoroki.

"No way." "Deku found a way to us with ease?" Both turned their attention to Izuku with him pulling his blades out. 'If I can't stop them myself, then this is the only other option.' He slashed the ground near the two that was darkened in his line of sight. 'I need to push them back.' The act made the mines buried underneath blow with the duo being thrown back. "OH MAN FOLKS! MIDORIYA JUST TOOK FIRST AND THREW BOTH BAKUGOU AND TODOROKI BACK!" Izuku ran past and cleared the obstacle to make it back into the stadium. "AND THE FIRST ONE BACK IS NONE OTHER THAN CLASS A'S VERY OWN IZUKU MIDORIYA!" The crowd roared as Izuku stood up straight holding his right fist in the air. "You all saw that, right?" Sanji was rubbing his eyes trying to make sure he wasn't seeing the wrong thing. "Without a doubt, the kid found out how to use Observation Haki right there." Smoker picked his cigar up while lighting a second to replace it. "Just who is this kid?" "Green Demon of Mustafar and greatest swordsman in Japan. He's also a pretty skilled pirate hunter." Smoker answered Tashigi's question with her watching the boy more intently. 'The greatest swordsman in Japan, the Green Demon of Mustafar.'

The final person passed the finish line with the 42 contestants moving on regrouping into the center near the podium. "Now it's time to announce our second event! And it is...Cavalry Battle! Players will face off in groups of 2-4 with a headband count placed from the neck up. The winners will be the top 16 who have the most points at the end of 15 minutes. The points will be determined on where you placed in the last event. And here are the points!" Every person who placed was up above with a point value of a 5 point difference between. "For the first place winner however, you shall be worth 10 million points!" Izuku heard this with everyone giving him a death glare. He opened one sword proving he's ready for a fight with none of them scaring him. "You have five minutes to make your teams. Good luck!"

Izuku walked around looking for someone to partner with while thinking of what he should look for in a partner. 'Maybe I should think of some long distance people. I can defend well in close, but long is something I can't really handle so well.' He was pulled out of his thought when a certain orange haired girl grabbed him to bring over towards here. "Hey Izuku, wanna pair up with us?" Izuku was asked by Itsuka to pair with her, Ochako, and Momo. "...This could work. Oh yeah, any chance you can make a little rope for me Momo?" "Uh, sure why?" She asked this while passing Izuku the rope as he tied the opening of his swords shut. "Just so I don't unintentionally hurt someone." The trio understood with Ochako walking over to pat his shoulder. "We're in your hands Izuku." He activated 5% of OFA for lightning to arc around him while nodding. "Since you three are also on the line, I'll be using this as well."

Five minutes passed with Izuku mounting on top of Itsuka, Momo, and Ochako. Their idea was to have Itsuka be the front of their group since her strength and quirk would benefit them while Ochako made the orange haired girl and Momo weightless with Izuku being the weight to keep them on the ground. Meanwhile, Momo would act as defense for them with Izuku taking down any that attacked them. In logic, it was a sound idea. But the real trouble is what the others could do to possibly counter it. "NOW IT'S TIME TO START THE NEXT PART OF THE SPORTS FESTIVAL! TEAMS READY....BEGIN!" Mic shouted with everyone charging immediately for Izuku and the group. "You know what to do Itsuka." "Right!" Itsuka started using her quirk to knock close by people away with wind for someone to come near Momo's side. They were met with a metal pole to the gut to only realize it was Mineta. "I'm not gonna lie, that was oddly satisfying. Especially after the stunt he pulled before." Momo was rather irritated at the little perv mainly due to him latching onto her back with his quirk to get as high as he did.

"Don't think us of class B are going down that easily-" Monoma was cut short by Izuku wacking his face with the sheath of Chujitsuna before cracking his knuckles. "I don't need a quirk to take the likes of you down. Now, get out of my sight before I make you lose yours." Izuku glared at the blond ready to kill him with his group running away. "Wait, he's that way!" "Thought so. Now, it appears it's just the three of us against each other." Izuku held both his tied shut swords in his hands glaring at Bakugou and Todoroki. "keep to Todoroki's left side. He can't freeze us if he'd have to hit someone else." "YOU'RE MINE DEKU!" Bakugou was the first to attack with propelling to Izuku. The greenette deflected his first attack to only be attacked by his second hand. This was blocked by Chujitsuna before changing where Kandaina was in his hand pointing outward to inward before smacking Bakugou in the face nearly pushing him out of bounds if Sero didn't catch him. Taking advantage of the situation, Todoroki and his group charged in with Tokoyami attacking Izuku with Dark Shadow. "Momo! Flash bomb!" Momo did as she was asked to create a small flash bomb forcing the shadow beast away. "How did you know Dark Shadow wasn't able to defend?" "I assumed the costume you have had some feature with it being covered by a cloak. Didn't take much logic after that." Izuku answered with Iida preparing to do something.

"Izuku, Iida's planning something with his quirk!" Ochako shouted this with him looking down for an answer. "How do you know?" "It's a long story, but I know!" Izuku took her advice to keep his mind on Iida for him to use some kind of attack. "RECIPRO BURST!" He charged at them with Izuku seeing an image of Todoroki grabbing his headband knowing this was a possible future. 'Not gonna happen.' Izuku held Kandaina out for the bicolored young adult to go directly into it impaling his stomach. "ACK!" He was sent backwards forcing him on the ground wheezing in pain from what happened. "NOW THAT'S WHAT I CALL PAINFUL FOLKS! A QUICK IDEA FROM TEAM TODOROKI HAS MADE THEIR LEADER FALL TO THE GROUND IN PAIN!" "Todoroki, I apologize!" "*wheeze*  You didn't know. *cough* *cough* We didn't expect him to see that." Todoroki got back up to get back to his group for them to unfortunately be unable to do anything any longer. Izuku and his group didn't have much trouble after this as time rang. In first was them with Todoroki after, Bakugou in third, and a General Studies guy called Shinso in fourth.

The group was dismissed for lunch before the next event began. Before they did however, a voice was heard from the stadium. "GREEN DEMON OF MUSTAFAR!" Everyone looked where it came from to see it was Tashigi. She held her sword out pointing at Izuku with a look of determination on her face. " My name is Captain Tashigi of the marines, and I challenge you to a duel!" Everyone was kinda shocked with Midnight about to step in if Hawkeye didn't speak up. "This may be something worth the audiences time. Cementos, please get a stadium ready for them. The duel shall take place directly after lunch."

And that finishes this chapter. So Tashigi will duel with Izuku with the match being allowed by Hawkeye. See how Izuku handles this along with finding out how Ochako knew what she did before. Hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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