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Izuku POV:

After the incident with the villains at the USJ, UA had decided to make it a live in school with them being up and running in record time. Apparently they were in question for a few years with it only being worth starting after the current incident as a way for the school to save face that we were caught off guard. "The match between Izuku Midoriya and the challenger Igor Semboli will now commence." Today, master called me up to tell me that a challenger has come to face me to have me explain the situation to Mr. Aizawa. He allowed me off campus with him being a chaperone. Once the rest of the class heard of the match, they wanted to tag along with none of us seeing any reason why not to. As a peanut gallery, I had Ochako, Itsuka, Momo, Kaachan, and the rest of class A with our teacher watching my match. "BEGIN!"

The challenger charged at me while holding two machetes in his hand about to chop down at me. "When I beat you, I'll be known as the greatest swordsman in this country!" I dodged with him coming at me again. "Is dodging all you can do!? No wonder you can't use real blades, YOU'RE WEAK!" I immediately pulled my practice blades out when I saw an opening to initiate one of my newer techniques I was working on. "2,000 SPIRALING WHIRLWINDS!" The attack sent the challenger into a wall making a crack in it along with knocking him out. I put my practice blades away while bowing to my opponent. "Victory Midoiriya." Everyone started to cheer with some of the younger kids who wanted to be like me running up to ask if I could teach them the trick. Since it was still in the testing phase, I told them I'd teach them when I'd get all the kinks out of it.

As I walked to my classmates, many were having their mouths wide open. "What?" "Don't what us, you just beat some guy that was a brute with wooden sticks while he had machetes!" Kaminari shouted this while I looked back at the unconscious challenger. "Your point is?" "If Deku wants to be the best, he needs to not lose to people who hold an advantage over him. It's not that surprising when you think of what he's accomplished." Kaachan states this while I walk back to the changing room to get into normal clothes. When I came out, the students of the dojo were practicing swordsmanship with a few having a fire in their eyes. 'Good to see the younger generation with such determination.' While walking back to UA, we were met by Hawkeye greeting us at the entrance. "Hawkeye." "Izuku." He turned while leading me to the forge. I gave Ochako, Itsuka, and Momo a kiss before leaving with him to try forging my blades again.

At the forge

As we enter in, I notice all the blades I made over the last few days out on the table. "I'd like you to inspect each and every blade and determine the difference between them to Yoru." Hawkeye pulls his blade off his back to present it. I start off with inspecting the first sword I made while seeing the craftsmanship of the giant blade. At first I didn't see the difference until I started to see odd markings in where I struck the metal. "Theirs...odd dents?" "Correct." When I saw this, I immediately went to the next blade to see similar dents before going down the line to the most recent. Once I saw this, I realized what his words meant. He was referring to the way I was striking the metal. "I see, each hit has to be precise in order to get the most out of the metal. If you mess up, the metal distorts and becomes unusable."

Hawkeye looks at me and smirks while answering. "That is correct. Such as the way of the sword, a swordsman can never take back a swing of the blade. This is true for forge smiths as well. A single faulty with a strike, a failed hit, and the object becomes significantly weaker than it should. If too much, the object will become useless." He began putting ten ingots on the table before looking at me. "We have a little over 2 weeks until the Sports Festival. By that time, I want you to have your 2 swords. 1 at the very least. But if we do one at a time, you'll never be able to get it done by the time you need them. We'll need to begin every one of them at the same moment. Do you accept this?" I nodded while he handed one of the ingots to me. "Then let's get to work." That was the start of the next two weeks of absolute hell for me.

The first few days were relatively flawless. I was able to get the form down well with the announcement of the Sports Festival being done officially in class. I had told the girls that I had to work on making my swords and focusing solely on that for some time. They understood while letting me do my thing. On the fourth day of my forging, the first blade had chipped and broke on the edge. Hawkeye told me that it was unsalvageable and to get rid of it. I made a personal goal to keep what happened in mind while continuing with another few days of nothing bad happening going on. The focus at the forge had made many question what I was doing while keeping my body in shape along the way.

On day 7, two more swords broke with me being down to seven others left. I started to feel nervous getting to the halfway mark when every mistake counted. Thanks to this unease two others broke on day 9 with me being down to five. As my hands shook, I remembered an old saying my teacher told me. When I would be nervous, remember why I am doing what I am. This gave me the confidence to go to day 12 before breaking two more. I was so close to being able to reach my goal, yet so far from it. on the 13th day, I had broken another blade bringing me down to only two. The final day had come with giving one final strike on the blades before dousing them down in water. Once cool, Hawkeye held them both on the bench while holding his crappy blade he made in his hand.

'Please be good.' He raised his hand up while slashing downward with my eyes shut scared to watch. My heart stopped as I slowly opened them to see metal on the ground. 'Did they break?" I looked upward to see Hawkeye hold a broken blade with mine being untouched. "Nicely done. Now for the final touches." He had given me coal in a liquefied form to paint the back of the blades before giving me the option of different leathers to cover the hilts of the blades with. I asked about the hilts I originally had for him to look at the grips before showing me how to replicate them. Once they were done, I placed the two into the sheaths of Sasageru and Shitsuke to symbolize where I started. "Congratulations, you have officially reforged your swords. Now, it is customary for a smith to name their work, what shall you call them?"

"I think I'll name the white one Kandaina(Generous) and the black one Chujitsuna(Loyal)." Hawkeye smirked while walking away. "Make sure to clean up when you're finished." He stopped while saying what he was going to next. "You made two fine swords, do not take them for granted." I looked down while seeing Hawkeye start to walk away. "Wait." He turned to me while I hesitated to ask my next question. "W-why? Why did you leave us?" He looked at me confused while I explained. "Why did you never come to visit me and mom? It hurt us more than you could believe, SO WHY!?" I felt myself shaking while Hawkeye came to sit in front of me. "Do you have some time?" I nodded while sitting down.

"First and foremost, I never knew you existed until the day I met you on the first day. Inko's real last name was Shimura and Midoriya was her biological father's last name. When I met your mother, she told me she didn't wish to bother me with her troubles. Because of that, she disappeared to never see me nor Shota again." "That does sound like her, but mom knew Mr. Aizawa?" "She did, they were actually the first few people I met while coming to this world." 'This world?' "Allow me to explain. I do not come from this specific world. In my world, there is something known as the Grand Line. If one were to travel around it, a unique portal opens up to show them to a different world. This world to be precise. I came here about 25 years ago and met the two when they were just out of college."

He took a deep sigh while explaining. "Thanks to my connections with the Marines and myself being one of the Seven Pirate Warlords, I was able to become a hero in this world. I had made myself responsible to take down some of the most ruthless pirates who came here and keep them inside the Grand Line. However, I had made one error five years after doing this to make a small town fall to a pirates hands. He was quickly taken down, but he took the lives of 200 people. This country relied on me, and I let so many down. That night, Inko consoled me and well...I don't think you wish to hear the last part." "Please don't. I get what happened enough." "After was when she disappeared from mine and Shota's lives. I always felt responsible for pushing her away not understanding why. Believe me when I say I looked for her, but I never found her until a few days ago." "When you were in front of our home." He nodded.

I began to get up to put what I needed to away while asking one final question. "If you're from another world, why do you have a quirk?" "What I use is not a quirk. It is a technique known as Haki. It allows someone to enhance their bodies or swords in my case, have enhanced eyesight with some being able to see the future for a few seconds, or even defeat opponents with their prescience and produce electricity." When he said future seeing, my mind went to what I was able to do prior with the fights recently. "Haki is not something easy to learn and requires much dedication. If you were to ever learn it, you may be able to reach goals not even All Might could at the moment."

I finished cleaning up to turn to Hawkeye. "Is it possible to use it without any training?" "Yes, but it's rare. You would need to be in touch with your own spiritual energy to begin with before awakening it. Every living being can learn Haki, but not everyone knows how to learn it." 'So I used some kind of Haki? No, it's impossible. I don't see myself being able to do this yet.' "Something happened you cannot explain, didn't it?" "Y-yeah...When I was fighting Don Kreig, I was able to see the future slightly from what I can tell. I thought this was a fluke until the USJ attack when I was attacked by the Nomu." Hawkeye started to smirk at me while stating his next part. "You have already shown special talent with Observation Haki. Very few have this talent to use it to this degree. " I started to walk out while thinking of what he said. 'Observaion Haki. I wonder what I could do if I could use them. I've got two days left until the Sports Festival, might as well see if I can use it to some extent.

Hawkeye POV:

'I wonder.' I begin to take out my phone to call a specific number. "Hello, Straw Hat's Industry. How can I help you?" A woman grabbed the phone for me to simply ask a question. "Hello, is Triblade able to speak Cat Thief?" "HAWKEYE!?" I started to hear rummaging while shouting on the other side of the phone. "ZORO! YOU'VE GOT HAWKEYE ON THE PHONE FOR YOU!" "Wait, what!? Why is he asking for me Nami!?" "I don't know! Go ask him!" "H-hello?" "It has been quite some time since I've spoken to you Roronoa Zoro." "Yes, what do I owe the pleasure?" "I'll cut to the chase, you are aware of the Sports Festival coming up correct?" "Yeah, me and the crew were going to go to watch it up close and personal, why?" I smiled while explaining. "There is a boy in class 1-A, he's a swordsman like us and has shown signs of being able to use Haki." "...Theirs no way." "It is, and he's my son. I would like you to watch and possibly see about offering him a chance to do a work study with you."

Zoro had listened closely before answering. "If he's your son, then he's gotta be worth the effort. What's his name?" "Izuku Midoriya. He has quite messy green hair and twin swords." "I'll keep my eye out for him." "Thank you, enjoy the rest of your day." I had hung up while walking out of the forge. 'Best of luck to you Izuku. I had opened a gate for you, now it is your decision on whether to enter it or not.'

And that finishes this chapter. So Izuku has learned what Haki is and has finally learned of his parents past together. See how he manages with the Sports Festival with his new blades. Hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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