The Mind-Mind Fruit

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Zoro POV:

After the Sports Festival, UA had given us the proper paperwork to make a work study for some students. That night, we sat in the dining area of the Thousand Sunny talking about this as Nami explained our rules and guidelines. "So from what I can tell, they're allowing us to have up to 3 work study students at once due to the size of our group." "I'm just gonna say this once. One of those three offers are going to that Midoriya kid." I pointed this out with nobody really denying it. "Not that I don't agree with you moss head, but what makes you so sure that he's gonna choose us?" "He's got a taste for Haki, that means he's going to look into how he can get better at it. Since he doesn't seem to be the type to just openly ask Hawkeye for help, I can almost guarantee he's gonna go for someone who's up his alley in this part." "Hmm, would make sense. Besides, Smoker seemed to be as interested in him as us. So it's almost a given he'll put in a request."

Usopp agreed with me as well as everyone when I explained this. "Ok, then that leaves us with two. Anyone has a specific person in mind?" "OHH! LET'S GET THAT GUY WITH THE FANCY EXPLOSIONS AND THE GUY WITH THE FUNNY HAIR! ALSO LET'S GO WITH THE GUY THAT HAS ENGINES AND THE GIRL WITH THE PINK SKIN AND-" Nami cut Luffy short before yelling at him. "WE ONLY HAVE TWO OFFERS! SO MAKE IT REALISTIC!" "If we're throwing names out there, perhaps that Kendo girl." Jinbeii pointed this out for all of us to look at him. "Why?" "She reminds me of Whitebeard and I'd like to see what she could do if taught by us. From what it seemed, she's also quite skilled in martial arts. If my gut feeling is correct, she wants to become stronger as well. Perhaps learning Haki isn't out of the question for her." We didn't exactly fight this with his reasoning being rather...actually very understanding with an agreement on the second being the Kendo girl. "So who should number three be then?" "Maybe we should look into someone from one of the other courses that placed? I'd like to see what that Shinso person can really do?"

Nami looked over the offer we could give one more time before denying Chopper's suggestion. "We can only do hero course students as this says right now. I'm all for doing it, but we can't Chopper. Sorry." We started to have a large brain teaser before agreeing on the third round contestants being who we solely look for. "If I remember correctly, the 13 that we can offer are Bakugou, Iida, Todoroki, Tokoyami, Shiozaki, Kirishima, Tetsutetsu, Yaoyorozu, Uraraka, Ashido, Aoyama, and Sero. This is a real nail biter...YOHOHOHOH! I just cracked myself up! Because I have no nails as a skeleton!" Brook continued laughing while we looked at the list. "We can probably take out the heavy hitters like Tetsutetsu and Kirishima along with some that I don't see us getting anywhere with like Aoyama and Ashido. In my eyes, those two will probably do more harm for us than good." "If we do what Nami says, that leaves us with 9 choices then....chances are we'll also never get Todoroki, Bakugou, or that Tokoyami guy since they both are most likely gonna get better offers that they'll most likely go with instead of us." "Franky's got a point there. So now that leaves us with 6."

The cook had a point. If we wanted the third person, we needed to think this through. "If we're going for people that may be able to have an open mind to Haki, we should probably look at anyone that might be able to if pointed in the right direction." "Then perhaps this offer Sniper." Robin who stayed rather quiet during the whole thing pointed to a picture for all of us not understanding. "They didn't even get that high up in the third event, why?" "Call it a hunch, but something tells me that this person will be a fine asset to our offers." "Of course I'd vote for your offer Robin dear!" We all looked at the idiot as he showed his lovesick image. "Well, anyone have a different suggestion?" Luffy asked for all of us to remain silent. "Then it's settled, our offers are for Midoriya, Kendo, and Yaoyorozu! Now I'm hungry. Sanji, cook us some food!" "YOU JUST ATE DINNER YOU GLUTTON!" "Meat! Meat! Meat!" While Robin was walking out, I stopped her to question her on the pick. "Why Yaoyorozu? She didn't get that far in the event." "She was let in on recommendation and has a quirk that forces her to have an open mind swordsman. Putting those together would make her a sure fire person to have the ability to use Observation Haki, don't you agree?" "Guess you have a point in that. *yawn* Alright, night." "Night."

The next day, Izuku POV:

"Cannon ball!" After the Sports Festival, we were all told of a two day break for us to rest and recharge ourselves enough to get back to full health. During this time, I agreed to cut my training down to about half to give the girls much needed attention that I refused them during the two weeks prior restoring my swords. "I give that a 9 for the form, but a 6 for the splash." "Like you're one to talk, sword boy." Ochako and Momo began snickering at the act as we decided to spend the afternoon after training hanging out at the pool enjoying the commodity we have in our newly acquired dorm system. We had to do something about Mineta however since he would try and sneak peeks at the girls being in two pieces. So we passed a bit of a lie to Kaachan that the perv thinks he could win against him in a fight. Let's just say, he may be somewhere in the Red Sea right now....or having his butt stabbed by the Empire State building.

"So Izuku, does this look good on me?" Ochako asked as I glanced down noticing her in a green and orange bikini. "V-very." "What about us?"Momo says this in a jokingly agitated tone to see her in a solid red bikini and Itsuka in a solid light blue one. "Y-you both look v-very beautiful as well." I started to blush a bit before feeling Momo rest her chest on my head and Itsuka rest her head between my legs to add a bit of discomfort. "Do you mean that?" I could feel my body temperature rise before Ochako hugged my waist. "No fair, I wanna make you flustered too!" 'Oh crap! No amount of training could help me against this.' We stopped this after my nose started to bleed with everyone understanding this went a little too far. As we sat there in silence with our feet in the pool, something came to my mind. "So Ochako, why did you eat a Devil Fruit?" She looked at me a little confused before I explained. "You loose the ability to swim with the fruit along with it most of the time being a shot in the dark whether you're going to get a good one or not if you don't have any form of understanding what it is, so why?" She smiled before answering. "It all started about a week before the Sports Festival."

Flashback to over a week prior, Ochako POV:

As the days went on before the Sports Festival, myself, Momo, and Itsuka began training together. Since we didn't know what to expect, we trained in combat and our ability with our quirks not knowing what else we could do. Today was no different with Momo and Itsuka doing a one on one fight while I kept focused on having my max weight limits tested. 'Keep going.' 3 tons isn't a bad limit, but I did need to focus on how to reduce my nausea for longer periods of using it. 'Oh crap. I'm losing it.' I let the weight down before feeling myself about to throw up. "Bathroom!" I made a B line to the restroom feeling my body about to toss my mochi. Once I came back, Momo and Itsuka decided to take a break so we could talk. They passed me a bit of water while we sat on a bench outside.

"So how do you two think Izuku is doing with reforging his swords?" "Dunno, but he does look rather serious when I see him from time to time." "Itsuka's right, I saw him yesterday and he looked like a man on a mission. I kinda dig that." I smiled remembering the look on his eyes. It was as if he was prepared to fight a battle of his life. 'That look gives me shivers. *brr* So dedicated.' "I have a question to ask you all?" We looked at Momo as she took a sip of her water. "If I gave Izuku a Devil Fruit, would he accept it?" "What's a Devil Fruit?" I asked her this since I didn't know what it was. "Devil Fruits are treasures of the sea that are more common in the area where Crossblade and that marine called Smoker is from. Depending on what type you obtain, you can have the ability to alter your body in some way, turn yourself into an animal, even control the laws of nature itself." "Whoa! So it's like giving someone a quirk?" "Somewhat, but they all have one fatal flaw as a whole?"

Itsuka started to get interested in this to ask. "What is it?" "The fruit comes with a curse. Holding it is similar to defying the sea as they say, so the gods of the sea take away your privilege to swim or even stay in water above your waist." "So it's like a drawback?" "Sorta Ochako. The fruits themselves have limits and depending on the type you have, they can also be rather useless." "Same with most quirks. But this is one that you could probably gain more power with." "Not exactly Itsuka. Just like quirks, a person can only naturally hold one Devil Fruit." '....I don't get it, why can they only have one Devil Fruit?' "So what happens if someone eats more than a single Devil Fruit?" Momo was silent at my question. "...You blow up." "WHAT!?" "At least, that's what the Marines say. Apparently as they say, the two devils inside the fruits rage against one another and your body explodes when it happens. I'm not exactly sure if this is true, but finding Devil Fruits is an oddity as is to the point it's a gamble if you think it's true or not."

The reality of the fruit sank in as she asked her question again. "If Izuku was offered, do you think he would accept it?" We both thought about it and how Izuku accepted OFA. 'He already swallowed his pride and accepted OFA after that bitter loss against Hawkeye, I honestly think he'd be offended if she offered it to him.' "Not a chance." Itsuka beat me to the punch for Momo to turn to me. "You think so too?" "Yes. In all honesty, I think he'd be insulted if you offered it to him right now. Until he got his quirk, Izuku worked day and night to become strong. Offering him that is almost like saying you don't believe he can become strong enough to face Hawkeye himself. You wouldn't just be hurting his feelings, you'd be insulting his pride as a swordsman." She started to realize the mistake she could make doing this and was in fear of what would happen. "I never thought about that!" "It's ok, you didn't do it. If you did, then you'd have some issues."

After Itsuka's consoling, Momo went into her bag to grab something. "Since it would not be good to offer Izuku, I'd like to ask you both the opportunity for this." She picked up a fruit to show us it. From what it looked, it seemed a little weird shaped almost like an under ripe pumpkin.

(Yes I know kinda crappy, but this was the best I could do on short notice for a decent image of the fruit to give an idea)

"So, why do you have a Devil Fruit?" "My parents have close ties with the marines and had offered to be a financial supporter in exchange for Devil Fruits they would give to quirkless people. It's our way to at least level the playing field for them. They originally wanted to give this to Izuku as a way to thank him for saving me, but I guess it's out of the question for him to accept it. If this happened, my father told me to give the fruit to who I thought would make the best use of it. So as a friend, would one of you please accept this Devil Fruit?" Itsuka looked at me before answering. "Between the two of us, I think you'd make the most of it. Also, I've already got my naginata skills. You having the Devil Fruit is kinda playing a bit of a fair game right now with it." I grabbed the fruit before asking about it. "What is it exactly?" "It's called the Omoi Omoi no Mi or Mind Mind Fruit. This is of the Paramicia class of Devil Fruit that gives you the ability to read minds, convey thoughts, and even fight with your mind. If you can use it to the best of its capabilities, you could face and defeat an enemy without even lifting a finger."

'So this fruit can be very handy if in the right hands.' I looked at it before looking at both the girls one last time. "You both sure about this? No turning back when I eat this." "I would rather give it to one of you." "And I'd rather you have it in all honesty. You deserve it more." I shrugged my shoulders before taking a huge bite out of it. "What does it taste like?" I tried my best to hold the fruit down while answering with a mouth full. "Iwt tashes awphuw(It tastes awful)!" I tried my best to finish it before chugging my water to get the taste out of my mouth. "Eww! It tasted like rotten fruit!" "That's unfortunately something I forgot to warn you about. Devil Fruit aren't the greatest tasting." 'Probably should've made an effort to remember that.' "Yeah, you should've just as a warning!" Momo stopped to look at me. "Should've what?" "Made the effort to remember that. You just said it." "No she didn't." Itsuka points this out as I realized what happened.

"I...I think I just read your mind." Both were amazed before Itsuka asked me to try her next. She was thinking of a number with me saying 38 to get it correct. The rest of the day was spent working to learn about the limits of what I can do and what I can't do with the can being rather small at the moment.

Back to present, Izuku POV:

"Well you were right about one thing, I would've felt insulted if you gave the fruit to me. But I appreciate the offer to give me it." I began to pull my legs out of the water to relax on a recliner. "Tomorrow Itsuka, we start making your naginata again. Be careful of the heat when we do though, those forges get really hot." "Gotcha." The three girls began walking over to sit on the chair I was on cuddling him forcing me to blush beet red again. 'Why does this happen in my life?'

And that finishes this chapter, so the work study will have the members of the Straw Hats giving internships to the three. See how this happens next time. Hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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