Training with Pirates

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Up top is a song that was done by a bunch of YouTubers a while ago about the Straw Hat pirates. Thought it would work here. Enjoy.

Izuku POV:

The time we had off came and went like a blink of an eye for school to start back up again. Currently right now, we're all sitting in the classroom waiting for Mr. Aizawa to walk in. 'I wonder what will happen today for class.' I glanced over at Ochako who was staring at me with some intent. 'Is she trying to use her Devil Fruit or something?' In that moment, I realized what I can do to mess with her. First, I put a book up over my head for her to not read my mind. This seemed to work to some degree before I removed it to think some rather naughty stuff about her. Thanks to this, she began to go beet red with a bit of blood dripping out of her nose. 'Pervert.' "WHO ARE YOU CALLING A PERVERT!?" She shouted this for everyone to look over to her. "Sorry." Kaachan and Momo knew what happened to start snickering a bit. 'DON'T LAUGH AT ME!' I glanced over to Ochako who seemed to find a way to shout at us in her head. 'Seems she accidentally found a way to do that.'

The door opened to Mr. Aizawa walking in to greet us. "Good morning class." "Good morning Mr. Aizawa." He got to the podium before explaining what we were doing for homeroom. "Today, we have a special task for hero informatics today." Everyone held their breath thinking it was some kind of test. "You all need to think of hero names." "YEAH!" "QUIET!" As quickly as everyone changed from feared to happy, they went right to dead silent as Mr Aizawa activated his quirk. "These hero names are important for the draft since you all will be doing hero agency work studies. Up top are the names of the people who have been drafted already." Our teacher held up a board of everyone's drafts that had them.

Izuku Midoriya: 4,200
Shoto Todoroki: 4,123
Katsuki Bakugou: 3,542
Fumikage Tokoyami: 360
Tenya Iida: 301
Denki Kaminari: 272
Momo Yaoyorozu: 109
Eijiro Kirishima: 68
Ochako Uraraka: 66
Hanta Sero: 14

Seeing myself at the top of the group gave me a bit of satisfaction, but not enough to take it easy on myself. "Those that didn't get a draft pick will choose from a list of 40 agencies that are respected among us. I'd consider your picks very carefully since these are somewhat important. Take your quirks and personal skills into consideration with your picks. Now for the hero names, we have someone else assisting you." On cue, Midnight walked in. "Hero names are important and normally not so easily changed. So you must be wary of what you choose or there will be hell to pay later." The R rated hero passed us a couple of white boards to write our ideas for names down. Once 15 minutes passed, we all began saying our names. Most of them were rather unique to us, while others were kinda...out there. After Kaachan's suggestion for 'King Explosion Murder' was rejected.  He sat down irritated with me still unsure what I should use.

'Maybe I should go with something relating to Hawkeye? No. That won't work. Maybe All Might? I have his quirk, but I'm still a long way till at his level either.' My mind immediately went to my fight with Tashigi and what the crowd called me. 'I've got it.' I wrote down the name before walking up to the podium. "Why that man?" "Because of my talents and skill as a swordsman, my nickname 'Green Demon of Mustafar' was given to me. This will prove that I'm still that man and willing to fight with pride and skill that I've achieved myself. As such, my hero name will be the swordsman hero: Green Demon." I glanced at Midnight who gave a smile and a thumbs up.

End of the day

Heading back to the dorms, I began going through all my offers with Kaachan and the girls to notice one in particular that stuck out. "The Straw Hats?" Everyone looked at the offer while I looked them up. "Oh yeah, I got an offer from them too." "As did I." While looking them up, I read off what is known about them. "The Straw Hats are a pirate crew formed in what's known as the East Blue comprised of ten members. The Gum Gum hero: Straw Hat, the swordsman hero: Triblade, the navigation hero: Cat Thief, the marksman hero: Sniper King, the cooking hero: Black leg, the doctor hero: Dr. Reindeer, the archaeologist hero: Devil's Child, the cyborg hero: Franky, the musical hero: Bonez, and the fishman hero: Whale Shark. The group is more commonly known as the Straw Hat pirates who came to this world almost 10 years ago from the Grand Line and has shown themselves to be very capable heroes. Their bounties however are...woah, big bounties!"

Everyone looked at my phone to see the bounties they have to go wide eyed. "Jeez! Giving one of them in would be like hitting the jackpot." "Except for the raccoon dog." Kaachan points this out seeing Dr. Reindeer's bounty of 100 Berries. "I would recommend going with the Straw Hats. Their swordsman trained under me some time ago." We glanced back to notice Hawkeye walk into the dorms. "Not only that, but their helmsman Jinbeii was once a member of the Seven Pirate Warlords such as myself. Their archaeologist is also quite knowledgeable. Learning from them would be something worthwhile." Ochako began to look at her list before pointing a name out. "Have you ever heard of the Amazon hero: Kuja?" "Hmm, that should be Boa Hancock if I remember correctly. She is the same as Jinbeii. One of the Seven Pirate Warlords and the captain of the Kuja pirates. She had eaten a Devil Fruit known as the Love Love Fruit. Any being who admires her beauty can be turned to stone with it. She is also nicknamed the most beautiful woman in the world to add to her danger."

"So she's a woman with a power to turn men into stone just because they admire her beauty?" "Do not let this fool you. She is also a master marksman, skilled in using her legs as a form of combat, and has control over all three versions of Haki. Learning from her would be a once in a lifetime opportunity. She also does not like men because of some past complications with them. The only man she doesn't harbor any hate in the slightest is Straw Hat for some reason." "A master of Haki. Maybe I can get stronger with my Devil Fruit with her?" Momo chimed in hearing this. "I would highly recommend it Ochako. The Love Love Fruit is a paramecia class Devil Fruit, so learning to think outside the box with someone that had to learn it is a great way to increase your potential." "I guess it wouldn't hurt. She might also help me get my foot in the door for stepping up my skills." While she thought about this, I glanced at Kaachan for a moment. "So did you decide on one yet?" "Yeah, I'm going with that cigar marine guy." "SMOKER GAVE YOU AN OFFER!?" We all shouted this in amazement realizing we all had the opportunity to become stronger now. 'Guess this means we all can step it up a notch and overcome this plateau now. Let's hope it becomes a memorable experience.'

One week later

The day of the internship had come with me, Momo, and Itsuka choosing the Straw Hats in hopes for us to get stronger. "Make sure you all listen to your pro hero and be on your best behavior." "Yes sir." I began to notice Iida walk one way before stopping him. "Iida. Wait a second." Since the Sports Festival, something was eating at him for me to decide looking into. From what I could tell, his older brother Ingenium was badly injured to the point the doctors don't believe he can do hero work again. The info I read said it was the Hero Killer that hurt him. "I don't know what's going on in your head right now, but please think about what you're about to do thoroughly." He glanced at me with a fake smile before answering. "I appreciate the concern Midoriya. I shall be fine." He began to leave for his train with our small group saying our goodbyes. "Guess this is where we split up. Later." Kaachan left before turning to look me in the face. "Don't think you'll be ahead for long. I'll close that gap and prove that I'm just as good as you. Just you wait." He left with Ochako needing to leave shortly after. "I gotta go. I'll talk to you later." She gave me a kiss on the lips before running to her train. "I guess we should start heading out as well." "Momo's right. Shouldn't keep our work study pros waiting." We started boarding the train to head to the harbor to meet the Straw Hat pirates. 'I wonder what'll happen when we meet these guys?'

At the Thousand Sunny, 3rd person POV:

The trio found their way to a giant ship with a lion as the figurehead. "This the place?" Momo looked down at the directions to answer Izuku. "Seems to be." The group went to the side of the ship before Izuku shouted to get someone's attention. "Excuse me! We're from UA and we're looking for the Straw Hat heroes! The directions we had brought us here! Can someone help us!?" on cue, a board came out of the ship to connect a passage from the ship to the dock. "Guess that's our invitation on board." Izuku lead the three on the ship where ten people were on the top deck to greet them.

"Hey! Nice to see ya. Haha!" A man with a red shirt came up to greet them with a giant smile on his face. "My name's Luffy and these are my friends. Nice to have ya join us." "It's nice to meet you Luffy. My name is Izuku Midoriya, and these are my girlfriends Momo Yaoyorozu and Itsuka Kendo. We put in an application for a work study with all of you." A woman with dark hair and a man that looked like a whale shark came up to greet them. "It's nice to meet you. My name is Robin and I'll be helping you primarily this week Ms. Yaoyorozu." "It's nice to meet you Ms. Robin. I hope to learn much from you." The fishman walked up to Itsuka next. "My name is Jinbeii, and the same can be said about me to you Ms. Kendo." "Nice to meet you sir." As Itsuka bowed, Jinbeii noticed the Naginata wrapped up and carried on her back. "It's nice to see you have a new weapon after the other shattered." "Thanks. I owe this one all to Izuku for helping me forge it. Even Crossblade said it's a nice weapon."

While they spoke, a green haired man walked up to Izuku. "So you're Hawkeye's kid? Hmm, you don't look like him much." The man started to walk away a bit before stopping. Faster than most could see, he unsheathed one of the three blades on his side to attack Izuku. He countered this by opening Kadaina out of it's sheath halfway. Everyone was a little taken back at this for both to smile at one another. "Nice reflexes." "Thanks. Your speed is also something amazing." The older swordsman went for another blade, forcing Izuku to dodge and pull away from him. "Let's get introductions out of the way and get right to work. My name is Roronoa Zoro and this week will be absolute hell for you." Zoro smiled as if he was a demon at Izuku as he pulled Kadaina out fully and Chujitsune as well. "I take it that little display was more to see what I have?" "Oh yeah." Zoro pulled his other two swords out and placed one in his mouth. "Pwepawe fwow she acksweaw tesht(prepare for the actual test)."

Zoro came at Izuku with speeds faster than the ones Izuku made at the Sports Festival, keeping him on his toes. The three sword swordsman cut specific spots on Izuku's body to drop the weights he had and leave the skin completely in tact with no harm whatsoever. 'He's precise.' Izuku began to dodge faster while parrying some attacks to get in closer. Once he had an opening, the young swordsman gave a slash to Zoro's throat. This did virtually nothing as the area he hit was covered in some strange black coating that was harder than steel. "Naw bwad(not bad)." Both put their swords away while smirking. "I saw you could use Haki during the Sports Festival. Let's start with what you know about it and go from there." "Yes sir." The two began their training with Robin taking Momo to her room to discuss what they would be doing, and Jinbeii taking Kendo to the side to begin training with her. "Seems they're on their way." "I'm gonna go start prep for lunch. Those lovely ladies need to keep their energy up." A blond man went into the kitchen with Luffy shouting for joy. "I want meat Sanji!" "SHUT UP AND YOU'LL GET YOUR DAMN MEAT!"

With Ochako

Ochako stood in front of a giant pirate ship with a woman who seemed to be beyond the word gorgeous in front of her.

"Why hello. You must be Ms. Uraraka. A pleasure to meet you." Ochako couldn't help but blush at the elegance and refined aspect the woman in front of her was emitting. 'So pretty. Momo doesn't even hold a candle to her.' "T-thank you. M-M-Ms. Hancock. I-it's an honor working with you." She bowed while feeling a pat to her head. "There is no need to be wary young lady. You have impressed me as yourself and had me desire to train you. Take pride in yourself as who you are." Her words touched Ochako to a point she could almost fall in love with the woman in front of her. 'Don't think those thoughts Ochako! You love Izuku and won't be swayed by a woman who is....STOP THINKING THOSE THOUGHTS!' "You seem internally troubled. Is it because of something or someone in particular?"

The brunette stiffened at this comment. "I see. Is it a man?" "Y-yes. You see, I'm dating this guy Izuku Midoriya. Since the Sports Festival, I felt as if I'm falling behind. He found a way to use this thing called Haki, can fight amazingly without a quirk, he also has so much drive that I feel kinda..." "You feel insecure because he's far ahead of you?" She nodded and went into more detail. "Him and two other girls that are dating him along with me went with the Straw Hat pirates with another friend of ours going with this one marine we know vowing to close the gap before we all parted. I just want to be stronger and prove I'm not a burden." Ochako looked away before having a hand on her chin pull her to face Hancock again. "Your heart yearns to be strong for the one you love and not make him worry for you. As a woman who also understands that drive, I can relate to you on an equal level. Starting today, we will work hard together and make this Izuku Midoriya sway his heart to never worry for you and rely on you as both a companion and his lover." Ochako nodded as they went on board to begin training.

With Bakugou

"So you wanna learn Haki while you're here?" "Yeah. I wanna close that gap Deku had on me in the Sports Festival and I'm willing to do whatever it takes to prove I'm no pushover." Bakugou stated this with determination to gain some admiration from Smoker. "I like that. Starting today, you and me will be training for you to use Haki. By the time the week is over, you'll be able to use it to some degree and get back on track and close that gap Midoriya made. When that's done, the rest is how much you can refine that skill you've got." Smoker got out of his chair to lead Bakugou to a training area. "Let's begin with seeing where you are skill wise and going from there." 'Just you wait Deku, I'm gonna catch up to you and become stronger. That quirk of yours and the skill you have in Haki will mean nothing when all's said and done.'

And that finishes this chapter. So the work studies have officially started with Izuku and everyone going with someone to get stronger. See how that goes in the future. Hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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