The Small Girl

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Izuku POV:

After our little fight with Katakuri, Ryukyu, Momo, Togata and I began heading towards the Nighteye agency. As we walked down towards the building, I wanted to learn a little more about the man. "So, Togata. What's Nighteye like off the camera?"

"He's kinda tough to work with, but he seems to be a good guy. He didn't though take kindly to me being part of a pirate crew though until he found out you became one of the Seven Warlords. From what I was told, he seemed to want more information on you."

"Really? Should I find that as a compliment or something to worry about since most people that look into me nowadays either wanna fight me or kill me?"

"That is beyond not...." Momo tried to argue this before stopping and realizing something. "Actually, that's more true than we want to admit with our line of work now."

"It's ok. Sir's not one that wants to kill you. He just wanted to know what type of person you are and I simply said the truth. You're a hard working person and kinda insane in how you handle stuff."

I shook my head in disappointment hearing this. "What makes you all think I'm insane or something like that?"

"DO WE NEED TO EXPLAIN WHAT JUST HAPPENED WITH KATAKURI!?" Momo and Ryukyu shouted while trying to karate chop my head. we finally reached the agency and went in. As we did, we were met by a slender man with glasses who seemed to have a bit of a business look to him.

"Mirio. It has been a while."

"Nice to see you, sir." Togata seemed to smile at the man as he looked towards me with disapproval.

"I take it you are Izuku Midoriya. Green Demon of Mustafar and member of the 7 Warlords." He glared me in the eyes for me to glare back at him. "I still don't see what is so special about a boy such as you."

"Thanks. The feeling's mutual. Now, onto why we came here. We were hoping to get any information you have on the Shie Hassai-"

"And on what grounds should I give this information to a child such as yourself. If Ryukyu had wished to cooperate with me, then that is one thing. But you are merely a boy trying to play in an adult's game. What business should you use in my work if you have little to no experience handling delicate matters."

"HEY! I know Izuku isn't the most subtle of people when it comes to things, but that isn't a reason to treat him like-"

"It is a reason to treat him like this, Yaoyorozu." Nighteye interrupted Momo for him to list off what he despised with me. "You're stubborn, refuse to accept no for an answer, is oblivious to matters that can affect others and have little to no concern of how your actions will shape the future."

"And what do you mean by the last one? How have my own actions and lack of concern for them shaped what happens in the future?"

"Take the incident with Gecko Moria. If you were not so focused on trying to save a single crewmate and handled Moria first, perhaps you wouldn't have lost your shadow. The incident with the Celestial Dragon. In order to make a point clear, you attacked him with full knowledge how dangerous that is with CP-0 making it a point to go after you and your crew. Any and all injuries to your crewmates was directly your blame due to your actions. Need I also point out the current event with Jack the Drought."

"That wasn't even something I could avoid!" I was getting annoyed hearing an incident that hurt my teacher and the students in his class was me showing lack of concern for my actions.

"It may be true that you did not intentionally attack Jack to have him retaliate such as this, but that does not mean your actions as a whole are pure and void of punishment for what had happened. Your acts against the crew is no different than instilling war on the Beast Pirates. They would desire revenge on you for acting the way you did and because of this, innocent people were caught in it and were hurt. Not thinking ahead is the same as having lack of concern for your actions in the future. If you would've thought this through, you'd have known that Jack would most likely want revenge on you and would go for the one spot he'd know you'd try and defend with your life. In short, you let him do this without acting properly."

I didn't want to admit it, but Nighteye was right. I have made reckless decisions and it's something I'm not proud of. However, that doesn't mean I'm going to let it go this easily. "You can think what you want about me. However, that doesn't mean I won't do everything in my power to be one of the best. So these are your options right now, Nighteye. Offer me the items I'm requesting, or I will work above you and have you give me them by force or else be charged with obstruction of my duties." Everyone was a little uneasy as I said this to Nighteye with the man calmly answering me.

"I had no desire to obstruct you. I just merely wanted to see the type of man you are. You're willing to do what it takes to get results. This is both a beneficial and a dangerous thing to have. Just keep that in mind." We walked into Nighteye's office for him to hand me a file. "This is all the information we have on the Shie Hassaikai. We also have evidence Overhaul has made connections to Crocodile and Daz Bones. Do what you must, but understand my investigation cannot be jeopardized because of your actions. My group has worked for a notable amount of time to take down the Yakuza. I would respect it if you do not throw all that down the drain and force us to start at square one once again."

"Understood." I bowed to the man before we headed out. As we did, Togata started laughing about what had happened with it being ignored by me while I read through the information. "Seems Nighteye's been quite the busy bee on getting information on the Shie Hassaikai. We'll have to stake out these spots for sometime until we get any and all information we can about the possibility of Crocodile working with them." We continued walking down the corridor with little focus on much else while planning our next move.

In an alley, 3rd person POV:

A small girl begins running as fast as she could. Unable to think as she hears the footsteps of a man coming behind her. 'Someone. Anyone....please help me.' She thinks this as she continues to race off out of the alley. As she did, she notices four figures with them all stopping right before she hits them to run into the street.

*BEEP BEEP*! The sound of a truck comes for the little girl to have her entire life flash before here eyes and freeze feeling some form of peace with what was about to happen. She shut her eyes and prepared for the inevitable pain that was about to come to her with a loud crunching sound to happen. But there was something she didn't understand going on. She didn't feel any pain. She slowly opened her eyes to notice Izuku in front of her holding the car back with Haki in his right hand and the front of the truck damages slightly.

"WHAT ARE YOU CRAZY, KID!? YOU COULD'VE GOTTEN SOMEONE HURT!" The truck driver shouted in anger as Izuku turns to glare at the girl.

"You ok?" The girl stiffened up as she began to slowly back away. Every part of her being felt fear as Momo, Togata and Ryukyu came running to the two.

"Izuku! Are you alright!?" Momo asks as Izuku lets go of the truck and smiles a bit.

"Better knowing the girl's not a pancake on the side of the road." The four look over to see the small girl no older than 8 from what they can tell. She held white hair, bright red eyes and what looked like a horn coming out of the side of her head. She stared up at the group with confusion at seeing them stare back at her.

"Hope that didn't scare you too much. But in all honesty, why were you running out of an alley to begin with? Seems a little dangerous if you ask me?" Izuku tried to kneel down to the kid's level with her beginning to back up slightly. "It's ok, I'm not gonna hurt you." He patted the girl's head before feeling an overwhelming pressure to see someone come out of the alley and attack the group. Izuku pulled Muramasa and Chujitsune out to block it and realize exactly who it was. "Daz Bones. I've been looking for the likes of you."

"I'm gonna make this simple, give me the girl and we don't have to resort to violence."

"Huh, so you want the girl? What's so special about her?" Izuku smiled as Bones didn't give much of an answer.

"That's classified. Now give her to me and we can let you live."

"Hmm...tempting, but I don't feel comfortable letting a girl who seemed to accept the fact she'd die from a truck be with a freak like you and Crocodile."

Bones held some irritation at this before pulling his arm back. "Then this is your funeral." The pirate assassin began slashing at Izuku repeatedly for him to block the hits before trying to give a solid knee to the man's stomach. This failed as he turned his torso into rotating blades and forced the skin to be torn rather quickly. Izuku pulled away to see his knee bleeding notably. "You'll need more than that to defeat me. I ate the Dice Dice Fruit and became a blade man. My entire body's a weapon."

"Oh wow, quite a special thing you are. I guess I'll have to see how far I can get with my skill alone with the likes of you." Izuku charged towards Bones with Momo and Ryukyu looking at one another and taking the initiative. They grabbed the small girl and began running off with Mirio watching their backs in hopes to avoid someone attacking them. As this occurred, Bones continued to strike at Izuku for him to dodge and attack back with both being at an even match for fighting with swords. While this happened, Bones decided to try an underhanded trick and strike Izuku's side with his leg rotating like a saw to have him jump away.

"You're quick on your feet. That's impressive."

"*groan* Cheap shot, asshole." Izuku scowled at the man as he smirked at his antic.

"In a fight, it isn't about who's stronger or not. It's a matter about who stands on top. I can fight dirty all I want if I know that'll work to my favor." Bones came storming at Izuku for him to grumble and use Haki on his blades.

"I was holding back to test your skill as a fighter out of respect. But if you'll use cheap shots, then there's no reason why I should hold back then." He charged at Bones while holding his blades. "Strike of Earth's Ascension!" The two clashed with Izuku and Bones not having any form of indication who won. As Izuku got up and placed his blades in their holster though, he calmly looked back at his opponent. "It's over. I've won." The blades were fully sheathed with Daz Bones spewing out blood before falling back and showing he was unconscious. "Next time someone gives you the respect of fighting on a level ground, you should take it. You don't know when you'll face a real monster in that situation."

As Izuku finished his fight, Momo, Ryukyu and Mirio charged towards the Maiden with the girl somewhat unsure what was happening. "Don't worry, kid. We're bringing you to a safe spot." Ryukyu mentioned this as she noticed the bandages on the small girl. 'Did she get hurt?'

They arrive at the ship for Itsuka to notice them first. "Hey, what's going on-" She stops when she sees the small girl in the Dragon Hero's arms. "DID YOU KIDNAP A KID!?"

"No. It's...kinda a long story. Can you just let us on so I can examine her. She seems not right in several ways."

"Fair enough." Itsuka lets the group on for everyone to look at the girl with some shock.

"Uraraka. Can you read her mind and see if you can find out anything you can about her." Ryukyu asks for Ochako to kneel down in front of the girl and look at her in the eyes.

"Don't worry. We're nice people. We won't hurt you." The girl was still shocked as Ochako tried to ask her some questions. "So, what's your name?"

"....Eri...." The girl timidly answers unsure if she can trust the group or not.

"Eri, huh? That's a pretty name. How old are you?"

"S-seven." Ochako continued to read Eri's mind for her to go pale. Fluffy noticed his master's unease to come over and sit in front of Eri. She stared at the small animal as he held out a piece of meat for her.

"It seems Fluffy wants to share with you. It's ok, he's a laphan. They're a type of bunny."

"Hamph hamph!" Fluffy smiled as Eri slowly grabbed for the piece of meat to bite into it. She looked as if she was about to cry for Bakugou to come over and sit in front of her.

"So where's Deku?"

"Right here." Izuku came up towards the ship holding Bones with Ryukyu looking at him. "Ryukyu. Why don't you take the girl inside and see if she needs some medical assistance?" Ryukyu understood and brought Eri into the ship. Once she was gone, Izuku lugged Bones on the ship and dropped him in front of Ochako unconscious. "Can you read his mind and see what he knows about the girl. I made sure not to kill him so we can at least do this."

"You don't need to do that. I already have a bit of knowledge on what happened to the girl and let's just say that killing him would probably have made you more satisfied." Izuku raised an eyebrow as the brunette let a sigh out. "Let me start where I started reading her mind."

And that finishes this chapter. See what happens next time with Eri being brought into the group. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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