Unwanted Girl

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Ochako POV:

Everyone sat down with Ryukyu coming up a few minutes after we were had ourselves situated. "Alright. So the girl is asleep in one of the cabins. Outside of some scrapes and scarring, there's just some forms of malnutrition for a child her age as well as what I can think is PTSD for some reason. I do not know what it is unless I go further into smaller tests."

"That...won't be necessary. I ended up reading her mind and well...." I didn't want to say it so bluntly, but I thought about how to say it just to come out with it. "Oh, the hell with it. The girl has such a fucked up life it's nauseating to see."

Everyone was a little shocked by my bluntness with Izuku sitting down calmly cleaning his blades. "Must be bad if you're willing to curse."

"It is. From what I can tell of the girl, she was abandoned by her family at a young age due to her father having an accident with her quirk. I'm not fully sure what it does but from what I can tell by her memories, it has something to do with rewinding people."

"Rewind as in what? Like having them go back to where they were?" Kaminari asked this for Jirou to quiet him down.

"I mean rewind as in she turns back a person's body and brought her father out of existence. She wasn't even that old. She was old enough to acknowledge something bad happened, but not old enough to comprehend what exactly she did. Her mother though came home soon after this to realize what she did and had a mental breakdown. From what I can tell of this, she lost her mind and was afraid to even touch Eri. This brought her to eventually bring Eri to the mother's father. A Yakuza head."

"This isn't going down a good path." Bakugou points this out with it getting to the worst part.

"Basically, her grandfather wanted to find out what exactly happened, so he put his secondhand man on the case. This was Kai Chisaki. More commonly known as the villain known as Overhaul. This is...where things went downhill for the girl. Overhaul found out something was special with Eri's blood and decided to try and use it. However, her grandfather tried to put a stop to this. He didn't approve of this and thought Eri suffered enough and this was crossing a line. he asked Overhaul to drop this. but...."

"He didn't, did he?" Shiozaki asked for me to nod.

"He put the man in a coma from what Eri heard and went full force with his experiments. He tormented her by constantly cutting into her while in a torture chair. Thanks to that, she's got a lot of scars on her arms and legs from it."

"That explains what happened to her to get the scars on her body from what I found. Also being in this form of torture, your body might not be able to give the nutrients to keep you healthy to heal yourself. Disgusting."

I couldn't agree more with Ryukyu before a sickening part comes to me next. "After she couldn't do this anymore, Overhaul used his quirk to destroy and remake her to continue this process. Sometimes for several times a day." Everyone went pale hearing this with Hado asking a question.

"Did...did someone ever find out about this?"

I held my head down and answered. "Some did get that far to try and help but..." I shook when I remembered the images that I saw in her head. "That ended in the same. Death. Failure. Returning to the torture. I...I feel physically sick finding this out, but the girl has a lot of problems." I couldn't stand this as Izuku laid on the deck to look at the sky.

"Did the kid have any idea where the home was as well as if there's a target we're looking for at the location?"

"Yes. Crocodile is there. He was at the facility when they left."

"Alright. Where's the snail." He got up and walked into the other room to make a call. When he did, he explained the situation to someone on the other side as well as requesting some form of agreement to act on the information they had to have it granted. He ended the call and looked at everyone. "Alright. We're going after this asshole. We have authorization from the Marines to enact this and also the information is being told to the Nighteye agency so we're not overstepping to them. We'll be going in first under their orders to find and attain Crocodile. If and only if the Yakuza fail to cooperate with us are we to act against them. This was the arrangement we have and we must stay on. Since the child was found with us in an aspect to our part of the case, she is deemed part of our investigation and now Nighteye's. With that in mind, Togata. Stay behind and watch over Eri. Ryukyu. You as well since you might have a better shot at finding out just what we should do for her. Any objections?"

Bakugou raised his hand to bluntly state what he wanted. "When the fuck are we gonna kill this crocodile asshole?"

"We're going now." Izuku smiled evilly at this for it to give a shiver down my spine. He doesn't get the desire to kill much, but it's never a good thing when he does.

'I pray those Yakuza aren't stupid enough to just pick a fight with us when Izuku's like this.'

Half hour later 3rd person POV:

Izuku and his crew stood outside the Yakuza main home with each one prepared for a fight. "We're just gonna walk into this place without a plan, that sounds kinda dangerous." Marguerite was scared at this with Perona standing behind her in agreement.

"If they don't assist us, then they'll be in defiance of the World Government Peaceful Apprehension act." Izuku says this for Kaminari to look at him confused.

"What's the World Government Appetizer act?"

"Apprehension. It's a law that allows the Marines if there is viable merit to overstep the country of origin's acts of law enforcement in hopes to attain a certain convict if they are of their world. Failure to comply to this would be the equivalence to failing to agree to a form of a court order."

"Momo's right. But considering the Yakuza are in question already. If a fight goes down with them, anything and everything we find in the base that could be of merit would be able to be used in any active investigations. So if they don't want information we find to be leaked, they need to do what we ask for them to do." Izuku walked to the doorbell and presses the button holding his blades prepared for the worst.

"What do you want?" A guy spoke from the speaker for Izuku to clear his throat and answer.

"My name is Izuku Midoriya. Captain of the Green Demon Pirates as well as one of the Seven Pirate Warlords. I am here on behalf of the World Government Peaceful Apprehension Act. I would like entrance in finding a possible convict to the World Government if possible." There was a silence with the door soon opening for them. "That was easier than I figured."

The door was completely opened for an army of Yakuza to be present for them. "Hope you're ready to go down, punks!"

Everyone saw this with Momo holding her head in shame. "Why do villains always think they'll win with numbers?"

"Let me handle this. NEGATIVE HOLLOW!" Perona sent several of her ghosts at the thugs for them to go through the men with them falling on the ground in depression. "Horororororo! How pitiful for you to fall to the mighty Perona!"

"Says the woman who falls to her own shame." Todoroki spoke up with it irritating the ghost woman.


"Alright. That's enough. Perona. You act as our recon while being up here. Your ghosts can't be attacked as well as can tell us if we're going in a wrong direction or not. Shiozaki, you stay up here and watch her ack while also tying up all these guys with your vines. I'll send a message back to Ryukyu saying the siuation's come down to we need to act." Izuku took charge with heading into the building. "The rest of you with me!" They charged into the building with it being almost deserted. This confused everyone with Hado stopping for a moment.

"I've got an idea. Let's use Haki to see if we can find someone." Her logic seemed sound for Izuku for him to stop and focus to walk over and stand in front of a wall in the hall. He pulled his blades out to slice the wall and show a hidden corridor with some thugs coming at him. This failed on their part as Momo shot two rubber rounds at both of them to knock the thugs out.

"Let's keep moving." The group went down the steps with one of Perona's ghosts being their guide to show a wall. It didn't seem normal for Bakugou to take charge and walk up to it.

"These assholes think that they can hide behind a wall? THEN LETS SEE THEM HANDLE THIS! DIEEEE!!!!" Bakugou blasted a hole in the wall for it to reveal a secret passage. The group continued on for them to find a corridor. Perona's ghost acted like a guide with Overhaul standing in front of the group.

"Care to tell me what you're doing in my main building?"

"We're here because we know you're working with the pirate Crocodile. As such, we need you to give him over to us or else this will get very ugly." Izuku said this while holding his blades out to show he wasn't playing games.

"So you use the power you've got to barge in here without threat of being harmed without the fear of the World Government being over everyone? Doesn't seem that much like what a hero would do. Sounds more like you're more villains than us if your claims are correct."

"Says the punk who-"

"Wait, Ochako." Izuku held his hand out with a smirk on his face. "You've got a point, but the thing is, people that tend to argue someone else's faults when cornered normally are the ones that are guilty of something. So here's how this is going down. You hand over Crocodile, and we pretend this never happened. Fair trade?"

"Sadly, that won't happen, swordsman." Everyone looked behind them to see a towering man look over them while smoking a cigar.

"So the Navy sends their newest lap dog to try and take me in. From what I heard of your reputation, I expected someone a little....older." Crocodile leaned down to blow a bit of smoke in Izuku's face for him not to flinch in the slightest.

"You're a lot shorter than I envisioned. Seems the 7 Warlords when you were part of them had quite a few wannabes in them."

"Joke all you want boy, but you're not strong enough to beat me." Crocodile took his cigar to tap off some of the ashes on Izuku with neither pulling away from one another. "I guess I can play with you for a bit. Overhaul. Handle the other brats while I take this one." Before anyone could say something, Crocodile pulled Izuku down into the floor with everyone then turning to Overhaul.

"I'm not your little pet for barking orders to. Clown!" Overhaul shouted for a red nosed man to come out and look in a bit of shock.

"W-who dares challenge the mighty Buggy the Clown!"

"Deal with these punks. I'm going after the two down below." Overhaul started to walk away with Buggy enraged at this.

"I'm not your errand boy! I only came here because I wished to reestablish Cross Guil*BANG BANG*" Momo shot two rounds into Buggy's outfit for there to be nothing in the holes. "AAAHHHHH!!!! YOU ALMOST SHOT ME!"

"WHAT THE HELL!? THAT'S JUST A CHEAP PARLOR TRICK!" Momo was enraged as Itsuka had enough with dealing with the idiocy to slice apart the fabric Buggy was in to show his body not that much bigger than their own.

"AHHHH!!!! THE GUY'S LIMBS ARE FLOATING!" Kaminari panicked with Marguerite smacking him over the head.

"He ate a Devil Fruit most likely. I remember reading in Nami's log about a pirate her, Luffy and Zoro fought very far near the start of their journey together that had a similar ability. What was his name...." Momo hit her fist on her hand remembering it. "Muggy the Big Nosed Clown!"

"IT'S BUGGY! BUGGY! AND I'LL MAKE YOU PAY FOR DISRESPECTING MY NOSE! CHOP CHOP CANNON!" Buggy sent a punch towards Momo for her to easily dodge it and go right for Kaminari who let loose a discharge to zap the clown as well.

"Well....that was anticlimactic." Jirou points this out with Overhaul starting to walk away before Bakugou sent a blast from his quirk at the man.

"Where you going, bird face? The fun's just starting. You don't wanna miss it." The man glared back at Bakugou with his face showing enough proof to show he was mad.

"You punks wanted to come in here and act the part of the pirate crew. Well, I hope you're ready to pay the price for that." Without even hesitating, Overhaul put his hand on the ground for the entire area to shatter and show a large open area for them to handle this fight. "Let's get this clear, you had the chance to walk away when your boss went down into the lower levels of this place. And yet you wanted to keep going. You'll all die here and not get the chance to live long enough to regret it." The ground started to distort and become spikes for them to come directly at the group for the area they were in to be covered in them leaving no indication to if the group survived or not.

And that finishes this chapter. See how the fight with Overhaul and Izuku's crew goes next time. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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