A Kidnapping And Rescue

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(Gotham City)
(10:30PM EST)

In Gotham City, Braedey was walking around the dark streets, looking out for anything out of the ordinary. So far, he had seen nothing. But, as he walked around the empty streets, he wasn't so sure, but he felt as if there was something or someone watching him.

As he walked around, he saw a large group of people nearby a large building called 'Wayne Enterprises', and he saw why. There, among the crowds, was Lex Luthor, a powerful businessman and criminal mastermind, and known to the Justice League as Superman's #1 enemy.

The brunette Amazon felt rather uneasy around this man, so immediately, he walked off, heading off down an empty street, but Luthor kept a trained eye on him. Then, the businessman tapped the Bluetooth device in his right ear.

"Lex to Joker." Lex called to The Joker. "The package is heading down the alley. Repeat, the package is heading down the alley."


Braedey walked down the alley, but he sensed he wasn't alone. He began to take slow steps, when he heard someone walking up behind him.

"Now, what have we here?" Braedey spun around almost immediately, and saw a shadowy figure of a man stalking up to him.

"Listen..." Braedey slowly stepped back, sensing this man is not someone to be around. But then, he bumped into something or someone behind him, and as he looked, he saw it was Giganta, standing at her regular height, which towered over Braedey. "Oh, no." Before Braedey could even run, the size-shifting woman grabbed him in a move similar to a wrestler, with her hands behind his head, and his arms locked around her arms. "Hey!" As Braedey tried to pull her off, he felt like he couldn't.

"Don't fret." The figure walked forward, and Braedey froze in fear at who the person was, once stepping into the light. "Everything will be right as rain once we're done with you."

'No way...' Braedey thought in worry. 'The Joker...and Giganta is in league with him? Who else? Luthor?'

The Joker pulled out what looked like a spraycan of something, and Braedey feared it was his trademark Joker Venom, a deadly toxin that forces its victims to fits of laughter so uncontrollable, that the suffocate and die, whilst comforting their facial muscles into a nightmarish grin.

He held his breath immediately, as the creepy clown sprayed a blue gas at the boy. As Braedey struggled to hold his breath, he knew that Giganta had a face mask, but he had to get some air to breathe. He took a short breath, but knew he took in some of the gas. As he coughed and spluttered, he realised this wasn't even Joker Venom. It was regular sleeping gas.

He felt his eyes get heavy, whilst his strength had just vanished from him, and soon enough, he fell asleep in Giganta's arms.

"Talk about easy pickings." The Joker puts away his sleeping gas, and looked to Giganta. "Take him to the cave. We've got some fun to have with him."

Giganta threw the Amazon boy over her shoulder, leaving him in a fireman's hold, and headed off to the van parked nearby. She climbed in the back, whilst Lex was in the driver's seat, with The Joker next to him, and Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy were in the back along with the size-shifter.

Once everyone was in, they all left the scene of the crime, whilst he had left a little emergency beacon behind, unbeknown to the villains.

(Secret Villain Base)
(Outskirts of Gotham City)

Braedey slowly regained consciousness, his eyes slowly readjusting to the now bright lights that were above him. But, as his vision cleared out, he saw he was in some kind of underground base, and it looked rather deserted. As he looked down, he saw he was strapped down to an examination table, with his ankles and wrists held back with titanium and steel combined straps.

He pulled on them, but oddly enough, even with his Amazonian heritage of strength and bloodline, he can't break the bindings. Then, he tried to call out to someone, but found out he was gagged, and could hardly make a sound. He was beginning to panic.

"Well, look who's awake." Braedey snapped his head over to the right, and was Giganta walking over, but had increased her height to about 15ft, so she did look daunting from a regular person's height. "So much for a heavy sleeper." She then firmly placed a hand down on his chest, and pushed down on it, and the brunette boy tried to breathe from the pressure, but to no avail. He struggled left and right, and to no avail. Giganta giggled, and removed her hand, whilst the brunette breathed in through his nose, regaining his breath.

"That's enough." The size-shifter and the Amazon looked over, and saw The Joker and Lex Luthor walking up, along with Poison Ivy, Grodd, and Harley Quinn. "Now, let's see..." The Joker gripped the side of the tape covering over Braedey's mouth, and he forcefully pulled it off with one tug.

"OWW!!" Braedey groaned, and felt his lips were numb. "You're a creepy bastard, you know that?" He told The Joker, only to get hit on the head by a mallet.

"You listen to my mista J, or else!" Harley told him, and she seemed to be rather...out of mind.

"Listen, kid. We might not know your name-" The Joker started.

"And you ain't gonna know. And if you wish for any information about the Justice League, you ain't gonna get it either." Braedey cut him off almost immediately, and he amazingly knew what they're gonna ask him.

"Smart for a boy his age." Lex admitted.

"Well, if you won't, guess we'll just have to take your brain." The Joker looked down at him with lust in his eyes, and Braedey looked rather mortified and very afraid. "Get the chainsaw!" He yelled out, and in that instant, Braedey paled like there was no tomorrow.

"Hold on." Giganta stopped The Joker, as he looked at the 15ft tall woman. "Don't I get to play with him for a bit?" She asked.

"Okay, fine." The Joker sighed. "But, for an hour." He unlocked the straps around the boy's arms and legs, and Giganta picked him up like he was a rag-doll.

Giganta walked over to a dark spot in the base, and she looked at Braedey. "If your wondering why you can't move, is because of Poison Ivy's new plant, known as the Paralysis Fly Trap. The fluids that are inside it actually make any animal go into paralysis if they enter or eat it, but for humans, they'd have to be injected."

Braedey growled a little. Then, everything happened in a blur, and he wasn't sure where left or right was, and he felt dizzy. But, it stopped, and braedey found himself on the ground, on his front, whilst his behind is sticking up, but his legs were tied up, and his hands were tied behind his back.

"Okay...I've been tied up by a size-shifting woman, and I don't feel very safe..." Braedey whispered.

"Little boys who don't behave get punished." Giganta knelt down to the boy, whilst reducing her height back to 6ft tall. "Consider all this payback for what you did back in Iceland."

"This is too embarrassing..." Braedey whispered to himself, not feeling safe but feeling violated.

"Now say 'I am sorry, Madame'..." Giganta told him.

"Not to a woman like you!" Braedey yelled back, and instantly, he regretted not saying it. Suddenly, Giganta's hand slapped him on the backside with a loud snap, and he recoiled in pain, small tears slowly appearing in his eyes. He groaned a little, but didn't want to give Giganta the pleasure of hearing his cries.

"Say it, you little brat!" Giganta ordered, and again, he didn't say it. So, she slapped him again, and again, and again, and again, each time he didn't say it, each slap faster and even stronger than the last one.

"Okay, that's quite enough." Poison Ivy walked over, stopping Giganta's repeated spanking, and removed the ropes around Braedey's arms and legs. Then, she picked him up, and placed him back on the table. Despite the spanks, his body was slowly recovering from the beatdown.

"Time for some fun!" The Joker whipped out what might be a humungous chainsaw, with a jagged blade design, a terrible engine, but the name 'HeadSplitter' written on the blade simply read murder and death. The creepy clown fired up the engine, and revved the chainsaw ready. He inched it closer to Braedey's head, but he couldn't move away from it.

Braedey's eyes had tears running through them, and he felt very weak right now. He couldn't do anything, as the blade got closer to his forehead. 'I am sorry, Justice League.' He thought to himself, as he awaited his demise.

Suddenly, the entire roof of the building collapsed, and a wall of dust made everyone look over to the ruined building. Then, to the villain's shock, there was Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Hawkgirl, Martian Manhunter, The Flash, and Green Lantern.

"How in the heck?" Poison Ivy was flabbergasted to how the heroes could even find this place.

"How did you find this place?!" Lex demanded.

"Because of me." Braedey told them, and he held another emergency beacon in his hand. "Bats, I owe you one for this." He thanked the Dark Knight.

"Take them down." Superman ordered, and all of the heroes went to work. The fight seemed to be one-sided because of this...

•Superman and Martian Manhunter VS Lex Luthor and Grodd
•Wonder Woman and Hawkgirl VS Giganta
•Batman VS The Joker
•Green Lantern VS Poison Ivy

Braedey then saw The Flash run over to him, and take off the bindings. "Thanks, Flash." Braedey smiled, then looked over to Giganta, who was now at 50ft, and fighting his mother and Hawkgirl. "Let's get to work." With that, the speedy hero ran off in a flash, but as Braedey leaped off the table, he suddenly began to ride up to the rooftop. He stopped for a moment, and realised something: he was now flying!!

'I've done it. I can fly now!' Braedey mentally cheered out in happiness, then smiled evilly at Giganta. 'She won't see this one coming.' With that, he began to dive straight down like a rocket.

Giganta struggled to punch down the two flying heroines, and was getting more and more annoyed. But, as Hawkgirl and Wonder Woman prepares to strike again, they, along with Giganta heard what might like a jet getting closer to the ground, the sound getting closer and closer. Then, to Giganta and Wonder Woman's shock, they saw Braedey, shooting down like a rocket, and heading straight for the size-shifter.

He struck her in the head, and she stumbled back a few feet, as Braedey hit the ground with a crash, but wasn't harmed, and left all but a crater. He looked up at Giganta, and his eyes mirrored that of a monster, ready to strike down it's victims with one blow.

Giganta looked absolutely horrified by the look of Braedey's eyes, and she didn't know what to do. It was like she was staring into the eyes of the devil. Suddenly, she didn't even count for Wonder Woman, Braedey, Superman, who dealt with Lex and Grodd, and Hawkgirl striking her at full force, and she fell to the ground with a crash, knocking her out cold.

The heroes land on the ground, and they all look at the downed villains. They did a pretty good job.

"Nice work, kid. Never doubted you for a second." Green Lantern patted Braedey on the back.

"Good thing Bats have me the emergency beacon in case something like this would happen." Braedey nodded, but was then hugged by Diana.

"I was getting worried when you didn't call us in." Diana told him. "But, when we tracked your beacon signal, we knew something had gone wrong."

"Mum, it's okay." Braedey told her, and hugged her back. "Also, I learnt how to fly." He smiled.

"We noticed." Superman placed a hand on his shoulder. "You are pretty lucky to have a mother like Wonder Woman."

"That I am, and I'm proud to have a family like you guys." Braedey added, and the rest of the League smiled to him, except for Batman, who gave a simple nod to him.

With that, other Justice League members came along to collect the villains and take them away to a villains maximum security prison, whilst Braedey and the founding members of the League headed back to the Watchtower.

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