The Demon Of Hell

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(Justice League Watchtower)
(11:00PM EST)

In the Justice League Watchtower, everything was quiet. Most of the heroes had gone off to their homes to bed, whilst Martian Manhunter stayed up at the space station. All the while, in a small bedroom down a hallway nearby the main room of the Watchtower, Braedey was fast asleep in his bed. He had taken off his Amazonian armour, and was now wearing only a black shirt with blue shorts.

After the kidnapping of the villains, Superman had suggested Braedey should stay in the Watchtower, since none of the villains they faced earlier today could get there. Wonder Woman agreed, along with Martian Manhunter, since he and her could keep an eye on him in case something does happen.

As Braedey slept through the evening, he had a tiny smile on his face, as he breathed in and out in a slow and rhythmic pattern. But, as he slept, his breathing got a bit shallow, whilst he dreamed of something...

{Braedey's Dream}

Braedey sprinted through a jungle, running alongside an army of animals, more specifically leopards, tigers, elephants, gorillas, monkeys, crocodiles, snakes, and other creatures. They all followed his command, as he jumped, swung, slid, sprinted, leaped, and raced ahead of the stampede of animals.

But, as the stampede stormed out of the jungle, they suddenly began to die out and turn into skeletons. To Braedey's horror, they all didn't get more than 5ft away from the jungle until they all died out. It was almost alien to him so see something like that.

'What in the name of Hera?' Braedey thought, as he looked around at the now burning and blackened landscape, the ground stained in blood, whilst what looked like corpses and skeletons were strewn all around him. 'What the hell happened here?'

"Well, well, well." A woman's voice echoed out, and Braedey spun around on his foot. He saw over in the distance the shadowy figure of a woman stalking towards him. "The Amazonian heir to the throne..."

"Who in the heck are you?" Braedey asked, stepping back, and nearly falling over an elephant's skeleton. "Are you the cause of all this?"

"It's dependable...especially since I have so much demonic power inside me..." The woman knelt down on one knee, and to his shock, something began to appear out of the woman's left arm, creating an evil red blood coloured mist or aura of dark energy around her. Also, what he could see of the woman's face was only a golden red eye, and white hair in a spiky fashion, whilst the hole of the aura had a yellow energy aura also.

Braedey stepped back in horror, not knowing what he was seeing. He then realised he was the son of Wonder Woman, Princess Diana of Themyscira. He narrowed his eyes, and charged forward, a fist ready. Then, as he swung his arm at the woman, she oddly vanished into a ghostly red aura, and she suddenly appeared behind her.

Braedey turned around, only for the woman to give him a shove so powerful, he flew back a few hundred feet. As he got to his hands and knees, he looked up, only to see the woman looking down at him with what could only be described as murder and death.

"Welcome to your nightmare..." The woman's mouth was then seen, but instead of seeing regular human teeth, he saw sharp carnivorous teeth, almost like a vampire and a T-Rex combined together. Then, in the blink of an eye, the woman leapt forward at him, her mouth open to strike-

{Braedey's Dream End}

Braedey shot straight out of bed, screaming out, and holding his head in fear. He looked around, and saw he was in his bedroom in the Watchtower. He felt beyond terrified, and he was shaking tremendously. He had tears in his eyes, as he pulled his legs up to his chest, and hugged them tightly.

'What a nightmare...' Braedey thought, as he sobbed a little. 'What was that monster? What does that nightmare mean? Is it a premonition of something to come in the future?' There were so many questions running through his head, it made him feel sick. He continued to cry, unsure of what to do.

Meanwhile, walking down the hallway, was Diana, who was just doing some night patrols. She was just passing Braedey's room, but as she does, she heard what sounded like crying from inside. This gave Diana some concern. She opened the door, and saw her son, sitting up in his bed, but crying as if he had seen something that had haunted him.

"Braedey?" Diana walked up to her son, and sat down next to him on the bed. She gently hugged him, and gently rocked him back and forth, as he continued to cry. "Hey. Shh. It's okay. I'm here." Braedey then hugged her tightly, and she wondered what he saw. She could fell he was frightened, afraid, confused, lost, unsure, and a lot more emotions were going on through his head. "Braedey, what happened to you?"

" was a...a horrible nightmare." Braedey spoke slowly, as he hugged his mother tightly. Despite his Amazon strength, it felt more of a regular love hug. "There was...was a woman...who had...had demonic energy..." Slowly, tears appeared in his eyes again, as he remembered the nightmare. " attacked me with no remorse... and it seemed...seemed to know me...and ate me..."

Diana held her son a bit closer to her, as she gently rubbed little circles into his back, trying to make him feel better. She never really had nightmares before, so seeing someone like this made her feel bad.

"It's okay, Braedey. I'm here." Diana told her son, then held him in a bridal hold, as he still hid his face in her left shoulder. "Don't worry. Nobody will harm you." She told him, and he nodded a little, feeling a bit better.

(7:30AM EST)

The next morning, The Flash and Superman arrived at the Watchtower. As they walked over to the main room, they saw the door to Braedey's room was open, and this gave them concern. They looked inside, and saw Wonder Woman, fast asleep, whilst still having Braedey in a bridal hold in her arms.

The two men walked off, and quietly closed the door. "Talk about a mother dedicated to her son." The Flash told Superman.

"Guess he had a bad night's sleep." Superman suggested. "Best we let Braedey go somewhere he would like to go to?"

"Where do you think he might go to, and wouldn't be anywhere where the villains will find him?" The Flash asked.

"Hmm..." Superman was then in thought, thinking of somewhere Braedey might go to...

(Sleepy Hollow, Tarrytown)
(New York City, New York)
(8:30AM EST)

In the little town of Sleepy Hollow, Braedey walked down the empty streets of the quiet little town, wearing a black shirt, jeans, along with black boots, taking in the scenery and the sights around the place. In the dark evening, this place is known as the home of the infamous Headless Horseman, a demonic spirit that rode on a black horse, dressed in black, and with a flaming pumpkin head.

'At least the place doesn't look so spooky out in the daytime.' Braedey thought to himself, but as he does, he thought he saw someone down in an alleyway.

As he walked down into the alleyway, he saw what looked like someone in the distance. He stopped for a moment, and looked at the someone. As the light of the sunlight shone down, the person was revealed. The person was an attractive young woman with blonde hair cut into a flare cut and evil red eyes. She had a fairly broad shouldered torso, yet maintained a very voluptuous and buxom figure, which was further accentuated by the fact she is considerably short. She was wearing a yellow uniform with a matching mini skirt, long white stockings, ankle fold brown boots, and brown gloves. All in all, the woman looked rather innocent, but the eyes said otherwise.

(A/N: the design of the person belongs to Seras Victoria from the 'Hellsing' franchise, so it belongs to it's respected owners)

"Excuse me..." Braedey got the woman's attention. "You know it's rather dangerous for someone like you to be in an alleyway at this time of the day-" Before Braedey could even finish, a bullet flew straight past his ear, and hit a streetlight out on the street. Braedey looked at the woman, and saw she was armed with a rather lethal sniper rifle, and it was pointed at him!!

"Guess I'd make like a tree and...leave!!" With that, Braedey leaped up into the air, and flew out of the alleyway, just as the woman fired again, only to miss.

Braedey flew across the rooftops of the buildings, as the woman hid in the alleyways behind the buildings. As the woman shot at him, he dodges left and right, and even rolled whilst in the air. As he landed on the roof of a building, he found some wood, and tossed it at the woman, but she shot the wood to pieces as if it was nothing but paper.

'This woman is a well-trained eye when it comes to shooting.' Braedey thought to himself, as he then backflipped from a bullet, and landed on the ground gracefully. 'I need to think of something and fast.'

He ran straight for a cemetery, and as he stood at a large tombstone, he turned to the woman running towards him, and to his shock, as she stepped onto the cemetery ground, she snarled and hissed like a monster, and stepped back behind the black fence. Braedey then saw what might be red blood smoke coming off of the woman's foot.

'What in the...' Braedey was confused, then saw the woman put away her gun, run off into the shadows, and vanish like a ghost into the building!! 'Wait...she's like a ghost...the cemetery is hallowed ground...and ghosts and spirits cannot  go on hallowed ground...'

Braedey was rather confused, but then, he had an idea formulate in his head, but he knows he can't do this alone. He tapped the communication device next to his ear, and called to the Watchtower.

"J'onn, this is Braedey." Braedey called up. "I need some help out in Sleepy Hollow..." and he began to explain what had happened.

(Sleepy Hollow)
(11:55PM EST)

Late that night, Batman, Wonder Woman, Superman, Green Lantern, and The Flash had been told about Braedey's plan, and they were ready for action.

Braedey was to walk down the Main Street of Sleepy Hollow, alone, in order to draw out the psycho woman with the gun, whilst Wonder Woman, Superman, and Green Lantern flew overhead and out of eyesight. Batman and The Flash were to be on the rooftops, ready to hit the woman from long-range, and ready to give the signal. Once the woman comes out, Braedey will run back down to the cemetery, and if the woman tries to shoot him down before he got there, the five League heroes will fight against her, trying not to get harmed in the process also. Once she gets to the cemetery, Braedey will try and use some odd voodoo or something, and once she's down, he'll try and do something.

Braedey walked down the empty streets, looking as casual as he could, but he was still a little bit worried about dealing with the woman. She seemed like the same woman that he saw in his nightmare, but he wasn't gonna like what he saw happen. He showed a little determined smile on his face, as he continued down.

But then, he stopped, as he saw the woman down the road. However, she was looking rather dark and very sinister. A red blood aura floated around her, and it seemed to be coming from her left arm.

Braedey rolled his shoulders, then smiled to her. "Okay. I'm here. You want me, come and get me." He taunted, then began to sprint away.

However, the woman had other plans. She leaped over to the buildings on the left, and began to run along the walls, as if it was the ground, and she didn't stop running, whilst tearing apart the walls with each step. She leaped off an old store, then landed in front of Braedey, but she had the eyes of lust.

Braedey saw she was ahead, and sprinted faster than he was. Then, he leaped into the air, and soared straight at the woman. But, as he flew through the red aura, he felt something cut into him, making him gasp in pain. He flew out of the aura, and fell to the ground with a loud crash. He rolled on the ground for a few feet, and came to a stop.

He held his chest, but as he looked down, he saw his shirt was torn open, and on his chest, there was a large cut running down from the left pec down to his right hip, and blood was slowly pouring out of the wound. He groaned in pain, and grabbed his injured body, albeit in pain. He looked up, and he saw the woman looking down at him with a sadistic and a villainous evil smile, almost like The Joker. Also, her face had some blood all across it, her eyes beaming.

"GET AWAY FROM MY SON!!!" Wonder Woman suddenly karate kicked the woman away, and she flew away into a building.

Superman and Batman walked over to Braedey, and they saw the damage done. "Do you think he could even move?" Superman asked.

Batman looked at the large cut. "I'm not exactly sure." He replied to the Boy Scout, until Braedey grabbed his wrist, and looks at him with eyes of determination.

"Hell, I will move." Braedey slowly rolled over onto his front, and got to his hands and knees. "We get to...the cemetery...and now..." He got to his feet, stumbling a little, but regained his footing, and rolled his right shoulder. "Superman, help out Mum, but dodge the red aura. She can do just about anything with that aura."

"Right. Flash, get Braedey to the cemetery, and make sure he's ready for what he's gonna do." Batman told the speedy man, and he nodded to the Dark Knight. Then, he picked Braedey up, and raced off to the cemetery. As soon as they left, Wonder Woman flew overhead, and crashed into a parked van nearby.

"Man. That woman can really punch." Green Lantern commented, and used his power ring to create a dome around the woman, stopping her. "Okay. Miss, you stay still, and nobody gets hurt."

"Only one will be harmed tonight, and will begin now!" The woman snarled, just as a loud ringing sound got the heroes' attention. They looked up, and saw the clock was now at midnight.

Suddenly, the woman turned into a red aura, and had vanished into thin air. The heroes knew exactly where she was going.

Superman picked up Wonder Woman, and put her in a fireman's hold. "Come on."

With that, the other heroes followed Superman to the cemetery.


At the cemetery, Braedey had a bandage wrapped around his chest, but it still didn't hide the pain. He, along with the The Flash, were getting ready for when the woman arrives, and they were fortunate to stand inside the cemetery, because it was hallowed ground.

Suddenly, a wave of red mist appeared down the road, and it raced toward the cemetery. Braedey got himself ready, as he watched the red mist race towards him.

'Wait for it...' He thought, as it got closer. "Wait...'

Then, as the red mist reached the cemetery, it passed the gates, and charged at Braedey. However, a screeching sound came from the mist, and it reformed into the woman, but she looked to be in pain and was trying to move, but she couldn't, because of the hallowed ground.

Braedey leaned down to the woman, as the eerie red aura slowly turned dark and black, as if it was being poisoned. "Now, you stop what you are doing now, or else I will be forced to do something I really don't want to do..." But, as he looked at the woman again, he saw she was the same age as he was, and a small tear ran down her face.

"Proszę ... usuń mnie klątwy wewnątrz mnie." The woman spoke in Polish, but thanks to Braedey and his Amazonian heritage, he understood foreign languages. "Byłem nękany przez śmiertelnego ducha diabła, i został zmuszony do jego czyny na zawsze w moim życiu pozagrobowym. Proszę pomóż mi. Pozbyć się tego przekleństwa i uwolni mnie żyć na nowo."

(Translation: Please...remove me of the curse inside me. I had been plagued by the deadly spirit of the Devil, and had been forced to do his deeds for all of my afterlife. Please, help me. Get rid of this curse, and free me to live again.)

Braedey looked at the woman, and knew she wasn't at fault. It was simply the Devil making her do it. He placed a hand on her cheek, and he nodded to her. Suddenly, an aura of light began to appear around the two, concealing them from view, just as Superman, Batman, Green Lantern, and Wonder Woman arrived.

"What's happening?" Wonder Woman asked, slowly regaining consciousness, and getting to her feet, albeit a little shaky.

"It's Braedey and that psycho woman." The Flash explained.

Then, in a few seconds, as the light slowly faded, the adult heroes and heroine could see the silhouette of Braedey, helping up the woman to her feet, then showed a gentle nod to her, and she hugged him. Braedey placed his chin on her forehead, hugging her.

Finally, the light died out, and the heroes saw the woman turn to her, but her eyes were no longer the vicious and bloodthirsty red they were before. They were now a gentle blue, which seemed to make her blonde hair a bit brighter.

"She's not a threat anymore." Braedey explained. "She was just manipulated by the Devil himself to do his work."

"Yes." The woman nodded, her voice with a Poland accent. She turned to Braedey. "My name is Alison, and I must thank you for releasing me of the curse."

"It was nothing, really." Braedey told her, then hugged her gently. "But, if you're in any kind of trouble, just call the Justice League, Alison."

Alison nodded, and walked out of the cemetery. She then called in a taxi, and drove off to the city. Braedey smiled, as he watched her leave Sleepy Hollow finally.

"I guess you faced your demons today." Wonder Woman hugged him, and he hugged her back.

"At least there's nothing out that could get us now." The Flash smiled, only for a ghostly horse whinny to echo out through the empty streets.

"I...I think we should go now." Braedey suggested, sounding a little scared. "I would rather be in the Watchtower right now than have my head cut off by the Headless Horseman."

Then, in a blue flash, the heroes and the Amazon prodigy disappeared, heading back to the Watchtower in a matter of moments.

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