A Night Locked In Pt. 2

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(Metropolis National Museum)
(11:30PM EST)

After watching 'Bethany' deal with the T-Rex skeleton, Clarabel ran over to the Miniature Diorama section of the museum, and ran to the Western set.

She knelt down to the set, and looked over to the little people. "Excuse me?" She asked some people, who seemed to notice.

"Well, well." A cowboy walked up to the girl from 1885, and stood nearby her. "Howdy. Nice to meet you. The name's Jed."

"Nice to meet you, Jed." Clarabel nodded. "Listen. I need to ask you a question: how are the objects in the entire museum living?" She asked.

"Oh, that's easy." Jed replied to her. "It's because of a little Egyptian magic. Thanks to that, we all live every night, and we can dance and party all night long."

"Okay. Thanks for the information, Jed." Clarabel then walked away from the Miniature Dioramas, and she walked down an empty hall, hoping to find 'Bethany', and maybe find a place to sleep.


Meanwhile, 'Bethany' was running faster than he/she had ever gone before, but he/she was getting very tired, and in need of a long rest. He/She made a quick turn to the right, entering into a room. He/She looked around, and saw it was empty. With a deep and satisfied sigh, he/she lied down on a flat bed of rock, and fell asleep.

But, unbeknown to 'Bethany', he/she had run into the Hall Of African Mammals. As he/she slept through the evening, the African Lion pride arrived back into the hall, and noticed the girl sleeping in their place. They all looked down at the boy-turned-girl, who seemed unaware of their presence, and looked about him/her.

The king lion, who saw the lionesses surrounding 'Bethany', looked down at the brunette, and sniffed his/her hair. Sensing 'Bethany' wasn't a threat, the king of the jungle lied down next to the girl, as the 5 lionesses then got comfortable around 'Bethany', then soon fall asleep.

As they all slept, Clarabel ran by the exhibit, but she didn't see 'Bethany' amongst the sleeping carnivores, and she continued down the hallways, trying to find her friend.

Clarabel ran down to what might be the aquarium in the back of the museum, and she still couldn't see 'Bethany'. She sighed in annoyance, and began to wonder about the other locations around the museum that he/she could be in, and began to run back down the hallway she had run through.

As she stopped near the Hall Of African Mammals, she saw 'Bethany', fast asleep, and surrounded by the lion pride. She couldn't help but smile at the sight, and knew he/she was safe. She headed over to the tree exhibit of the hall, found a sturdy branch, climbed up into the tree, got comfortable on the tree, and soon fell asleep, whilst a small bird sat on her shoulder.

(6:30AM EST)

As dawn soon arrived, the exhibitions and statues began to head back to their designated locations. As they got back into position, they froze in place. At the Hall Of African Mammals, the lion pride got back into their position, whilst 'Bethany' and Clarabel stayed in their sleeping positions. Soon, as the sun rose up above the horizon, everything inside the museum was back to the way it was before, ready to be seen by the public.

As the sun rose, 'Bethany' woke up, and saw he/she was inside the Hall Of African Mammals. "Clarabel? Are you here?" He/She called out, and the answer that he/she got was Clarabel falling out of the tree. "I'd take that as a yes."

"I'm okay." Clarabel sighed, then got to her feet, and dusted off her dress. "Come on. Let's get outta here." With that, the two left the Hall Of African Mammals, and headed for the exit to the museum.

As they do so, they saw a few people walking in, and they didn't seem to be fused with them. It was like they didn't even know they were inside the museum the whole night, and saw it come to life.

'Bethany' and Clarabel left the museum, and walked down an empty street, with nobody in sight. The two held hands, and looked into each other's eyes.

"I guess last night was unexpected." 'Bethany' said to Clarabel. "Didn't expect that a museum would come to life."

"Actually, it was enjoyable to a point. I didn't mind it at all." Clarabel replied to him/her, then saw the small glint in his/her eyes. "I guess... you want to kiss now."

"Yeah. This might be weird for people, and they might call us lesbians." 'Bethany' gently held Clarabel's shoulders. "But, I don't care what they call me. Until I'm back in my male body, I guess this'll have to do."

Clarabel gently cupped 'Bethany's' face, and the two slowly leaned in for a kiss. But, as they leaned in, their busts bumped up against one another. The two moved back a bit, the two blushing pink, because of what happened. The two looked at each other, then shared a small laugh, still blushing. They leaned in again for a second try at a kiss, their busts again being pushed against each other, but they didn't care. They then touched lips and kissed passionately. They then let go of their kiss, and with flustered faces, they then decided to head back home.

The two walked out of the empty street, their faces returning back to their regular colours, and headed down to a small ice-cream shop. The two got some ice-cream, 'Bethany' getting chocolate, whilst Clarabel got strawberry with sprinkles. The two walked away, then after getting their bags from the hotel they were staying in, they headed to the airport to take a flight back to San Francisco.

(Braedey's Household)
(San Francisco, California)
(12:30PM EST)

Once getting back home, whilst Clarabel had headed off to her home, Braedey was thinking about that kiss he/she and Clarabel had back in Metropolis. At first, he/she wasn't sure about the kiss, but he/she guessed that might be how lesbians and same-sex attracted couples react when they have their first kiss.

Braedey then took off his/her clothes, leaving him/her in his/her LUCLUC sky blue bandeau triangle push-up bikini set. As he/she walked around his/her house alone, he/she felt rather calm and relaxed, which made him/her wonder about something. As he/she looked at himself/herself, he/she began to think.

'Even after a rocky start a few days ago, I'm slowly getting accustomed to the body of a woman.' He/She thought. He/She traced a hand down his/her side to his/her hip, and showed a tiny smile. 'Even though I'm starting to like my new woman's body, I miss my old body.' Braedey looked over to the clock on the wall, and saw the time was only 12:35 now. 'I think I need a long rest. Also, I wonder why I felt weird and sick back at the museum.'

With this on his/her mind, Braedey hopped up onto his/her bed, slipped under the covers, and went to sleep. But, as he/she slept on through the afternoon, he/she had a terrifying nightmare....


A/N: there you go. The second part of the 'A Night Locked In' chapter.
So, what do you think was the reason why Braedey was sick in the museum? What do you think the nightmare might be?

Find out next time...

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