The Nightmare And A Sickness

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Braedey opened his eyes, and he looked around at where he was. He was lying down on the ground, and was inside some kind of a dark void, where there was only a bright light shining down from above him, but he can't see the source of the light.

As he sat up, then got to his feet, he looked down at his body, he saw he was still in his female body and form, and he was wearing a strange white dress that hugged his body like it was a glove, and was made of a type of silk that was very soft, softer than anything. The sleeves were very short, only covering the shoulders, and it extended all the way down to his knees. Also, his hair was stylised and shaped into a French braid, with a gold clip in it.

"Where...where am I?" Braedey looked around, but all he could see was nothing but the darkness all around him. "Hello?" He called out, but nobody responded.

"You're inside your mind." Braedey spun around on his heel, and he saw...himself, but as a man. He was wearing his regular attire of no shirt, a pair of jeans, and black boots. "Wow. I never pictured myself looking like a woman. Man. I clean up and look nice."

Braedey felt rather confused and rather scared by what he saw seeing. "Who...who exactly are you?" He asked in a timid voice.

The other Braedey looked over at him with an 'are-you-serious' look. "Don't you understand? I'm you, well, as a male." He explained, just as a mirror suddenly appeared next to the male apparition, and it showed Braedey's girl body compared to his former self. "See? I'm you, or who you rather were before what happened to you."

"What does this mean, anyway?" Braedey asked himself, whilst looking at himself in the mirror.

"From what happened that day, a chemical reaction had caused you to undergo this entire genetic sex gender transformation, and the person that did it to you was The Joker." The apparition explains. "The Joker had received the chemicals in order to do this task from an unknown source, and that had resulted in you becoming what you are."

Braedey looked at himself in the mirror, his arms to his sides, and saw the angelic look on his face. "So, a series of chemicals given to The Joker by someone resulted in me looking now like this." He said in surprise, and spun on his heel to look at his body from behind. "So, because of this, is there any way to get back?"

"Well, after Batman and Martian Manhunter had taken the blood sample, the chemicals that had been used on you had merged with your body, and thus, the blood sample would be useless. I'm afraid that you might not be able to return back to the way you are." The apparition replied, looking a bit disappointed.

Braedey froze on the spot, as the mirror suddenly shattered, as a spiderweb of cracks raced across the large pane. Then, the mirror fell to pieces, becoming a small pole of shattered mirror pieces, as Braedey fell to his knees, tears threatening to fall from his eyes.

Braedey sniffed, his voice now only a whimper. "There's no way for go the way I...the way I was?"

"Unfortunately. Hopefully, something might happen in the future..." The male apparition then started to fade away like smoke from a fire, as Braedey looked and got to his feet immediately.

"Wait! Please!! Don't leave!" Braedey sprinted to his male self, but before he could grab him, his former form self vanished into thin air, leaving behind the brunette girl/boy, and the remains of a shattered mirror. Braedey felt weak and lonely, just like he when he was sent away from his homeland, as he looked around to see nothing but the darkness. He fell to his knees, then screamed all his sadness and fear out in one go...



Braedey shot up out of bed, screaming out, tears now falling down his/her face. He/She looked over at the clock. It was 12:00AM, midnight. He/She had slept through the whole afternoon and only halfway through the night. He/She wiped away the tears, and got out of bed.

He/She walked down the hall from the upstairs bedroom, and entered the large kitchen that's up on the second floor. He/She then leaned on the bench, thinking about what he/she had just witnessed in that nightmare. But as he/she does, he/she felt his/her stomach grumbling.

Braedey groaned to himself/herself. 'Ooh, I don't feel so good.' He/She held his/her stomach, and knew something was wrong. 'Is this because of something in the chemicals used in that spray The Joker used on me?'

Before he/she could think anymore, his/her cheeks puffed out, and with a groan, he/she then ran straight off to the bathroom. He/she quickly darted to the toilet, and began to hurl up into the toilet. The pain didn't subside, and he/she continued to throw up. It felt like he/she had thrown up everything that was physically possible to throw up. Sweat was running down his/her face, and his/her sides were heaving trying to draw enough breath into his/her lungs. Braedey panted, then felt embarrassed about the little vomit that had gathered around his/her mouth.

"Oww..." Braedey groaned in pain, his/her sides feeling like they were burning away. "I've never felt... so much pain..." He/She lifted his/her head up, and slowly got to his/her feet, and after flushing the toilet, headed to the medicine room downstairs.

The medicine room had a special seat for someone to rest on, whilst having cabinets filled with medicines, pills, and all the necessary medical equipment and utensils. It's around half the size of a large shipping container, and has every piece of medical equipment needed for anything.

Braedey stumbled in, and grabbed a pregnant tester. He/She walked into the cubical nearby, and took the test. In a few moments, he/she stepped out, and saw the pregnancy tester had only one line, which meant he/she wasn't pregnant. With that dealt with, he/she decided to take a pill to try and reduce the pain. As the painkilling pills worked, it didn't settle the hurting stomach. He/She was confused why his/her stomach was still hurting, and wondered what it could be.

'I know I'm not pregnant. Is it a stomach bug?' He/She thought to himself/herself, as he/she walked into the TV room, and sat down on the large couch. 'Maybe I ate something I shouldn't have eaten? Or maybe it's something I don't know of?'

Braedey then decided to make a phone call. "Mum. It's Braedey. I'm not feeling too well, and I might not be able to come up to the Watchtower. I need some help." Then, he/she began to explain what's wrong...


A/N: What could be causing Braedey to feel this sick? If it isn't pregnancy, what could it be? And what could Wonder Woman do to help him?

Find out next time...

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