Alone Without A Family

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'All of my life, I've always wondered where I came from, or who my actual parents are. You see, I have no memories from before I was five years old. After that, I remember ending up here on this Earth, and being a human being. The only things that I had on me were a silver tiara in my gold brown hair with a small red star in the middle, along with some kind of symbol. I was never sure what it's for, and it is etched into my left palm, and no matter what, I can't get it off.'

'To be brutally honest, I wondered where I had come from, and if my mother is still out there I really want to see her again, along with being around her forever...'

Sitting up in a large tree in a park, someone was now looking up at the sky, thinking of where he came from. He stands around a foot under 6ft 7.5in, with golden brown hair, but has a strand of black hair on the left side of his face, with his hair in a shaggy fashion, pale white skin tone, and blue eyes that seem to soothe and calm. He has a slim and slender body shape, almost like he has no muscle on his body, and has the slimmest set of legs for a male. He is wearing a white Versace collection half medusa classic crew neck t-shirt, a punk rock leather biker jacket, Hollister boot jeans, black Giuseppe Zanotti zipper-accented high-top sneakers, along with a black belt, and a dark blue watch.

How he's managed to get these is anyone's question, but he keeps himself to himself, since he's always been treated like an alien, and there's a reason why: he has unknown and also unexplained superhuman strength. He could pick up an entire 18-wheeler, with trailer included, without breaking a sweat, and can take a hard punch like it was a pinch. Also, whenever he hits the ground from a fall, he creates a crater, but he gets back up like it was nothing but a small trip.

His name was Braedey, but his last name is rather unexpected. The last name is Diana, but there is no direct link with anyone that has this last name, since there has NEVER been anyone with that name.

Braedey looked at a newspaper he's found at an empty newsagent, and looked at the front cover. It said 'JUSTICE LEAGUE SAVE THE DAY', and the front picture showed off a set of brightly colour suited men and women, who seemed to be far stronger and more powerful than anyone in the world. The look of the members of the Justice League seemed to spark something inside of the brunette.

'Could I be just like the Justice League?' He thought to himself, then looked at the sky. He thought about what he could do. 'Maybe I'm connected to one of them...' He wondered.

However, unbeknown to him, in a few days time, he's about to be introduced into a world he'll fit into...


NOTE: sorry for this intro being short, but later on in the story, it'll progress.

Any and all DC characters belong to the DC universe.

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