Meeting The Justice League

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(Metropolis - 9:35PM EST)

Braedey walked through one of the empty streets of the big city in Metropolis, seeing the clean and shiny streets. Despite the happy atmosphere that's around him, it didn't do anything to uplift his spirits. He had nobody to turn to, no-one to look after him, and the orphanage that once took care of him was now shut down and condemned, thus demolished to make way for new buildings.

Braedey turned around a bend, but was forced back around the bend in a flash, just as a tanker truck flew by, and exploded on impact. Braedey was shocked, but then saw someone about to be crushed by a falling car. He sprinted forward, then grabbed the person, and ducked down into an open pit made by the explosion, just as the car crashed just next to it.

Braedey looked down at the person, which was a woman. "Okay. Until the danger is gone, stay down." He told the woman, and she nodded almost instantly. Braedey climbed out of the pit, then saw some kind of creatures battling against a group of individuals in brightly coloured costumes, and it seemed the monsters were trying to destroy the city, while the individuals were trying to stop them.

The first one is a tall Caucasian man in mid-30's, with a muscular stature and combed black hair, brown eyes, and wore a red, blue and yellow ensemble, wth a red cape and on his chest was a red and yellow insignia of a capital 'S'. This was Superman, the Last Son of Krypton, defender of Metropolis, and known as the Man of Steel.

The second was another Caucasian male in mid-30's, with a well-built stature like Superman. He was in a grey but black suit, had a yellow utility belt, a black cape and cowl, with pointy bat-like ears. This was the Dark Knight, also known as Batman, the protector of Gotham City.

The third was a female of possible late 20's, slim but slender figure, hiding a powerful strength, long black hair and blue eyes. She was apparently dressed in a one-piece outfit with the colours of the American flag, with golden trim as a breastplate of sorts, shaped like an eagle, and a belt to boot with a gold lasso attached to it. On her wrists were silver bands. She had on red long boots that went up to her knees, and a tiara with a red star adorned on it. She was Princess Diana of Themyscira, a secret island nation of immortal amazons. She had been adorned with the title 'Wonder Woman' by the press, and accepted the title.

The fourth individual - and the third man - was an African American, possibly in mid-30's, medium build body, shaved head and a clean slim beard with a musts he, and green glowing eyes. He wore a black ensemble body suit, with green armbands, black gloves, boots, a neck collar wth a white and green insignia of a lantern insignia, as well as a green ring on his right hand. This was John Stewart, the 4th known Green Lantern, protector of Sector 2814, the sector location of Earth.

The fifth adult was a Caucasian male, in early 20's, a mixture of lean and medium build frame of his body. He wore an entire red ensemble with lightning bolts on the forearms and greaves, acting like trim on gloves, and yellow running boots. He wore a red cowl with lightning bolts sticking out of the sides, and had his moth revealed. This was The Flash, the fastest man alive, and protectors of Central City.

And finally, the sixth member was another male with the same build as John, Batman and Superman, but there were differences with him. For one thing, his brow was a bit more forward, had red eyes, thick lips, and his skin was green. His costume was primarily black, with red accents, and a large red belt and X-shaped straps across his chest. Like Superman, he too wore a cape, except his was blue, and it was fastened by gold clips. This was J'onn J'onzz, also known as the Martian Manhunter, the last Martian inhabitant of Mars.

The six of them were fighting against some kind of creatures that were large and menacing, and Braedey couldn't seem to put a finger on them. They certainly weren't dinosaurs, or like anything he's seen, but he soon got an answer, as something struck Wonder Woman, and got her stuck with some kind of white sticky web, far stickier than glue or any kind of substance.

The creature looked similar to that of a spider, but it was humungous!! It rose up 50ft tall, standing on eight humungous legs, with what might be black and red highlights around the legs and the thorax on its back, while the eight eyes were as black as the dead of night, or the darkest light in the corner of the galaxy. Also, the fangs were almost 20 times the size of elephant tusks, and hey began to drip gross acidic-like green venom.

'Mutant insects.' Braedey thought to himself, but his attention then turned to Wonder Woman, who was well and truly stuck to the web, and couldn't get out. 'I have to try and get her out of that webbing before that redback gets her.' He looked around, then saw a rather sharp and stiff piece of metal, and he got an idea. He gripped it like a sword, and charged to the webbing, at the same time the giant redback was stalking its prey.

Wonder Woman had struggled against the web, but she can't get free. But, her attention then turned to the giant mutant spider in front of her. She has a little fear of spiders, but seeing a humungous spider the size of a 6-storey building, it made her hold her breath in fear. The fangs then appeared from the mouth of the spider, and the venom dripped from the tips. But then, before the spider could even attack, a sudden stream of fire came out of nowhere, and the spider screeched loudly, then stepped back with its eight legs.

Wonder Woman was confused, then looked up to where the fire stream came from. She saw a young brunette armed with a flamethrower and a large piece of sharp metal behind his back, and he seemed to be protecting her. Before Wonder Woman could tell him to run, the boy turned to her, and she saw the blue eyes and the black strand of hair. She stopped, and gasped, as a memory from long ago came back to her.

In her memory, she could see a young little boy, maybe around five years old, with the same eyes and hair, along with her symbol on his left palm, and with a silver tiara with a red star in his hair, wearing only a large white rag over his body, and she seemed to be at the beach, with what might be a small basket to fit him in next to her. She saw herself place the little boy in the basket, and whispered to him 'Until we meet again, Hera will watch you until I find you'. Then, she closed the basket, and gently pushed it out to sea, which floated away from her home of Themyscira, which made her feel alone and sad.

Wonder Woman was then brought back to the present, as she watched the brunette throw away the flamethrower, and arm himself with the shard of metal on his back, and began to cut his way into the web. 'It can't it him?' She thought to herself, as she watched him. Then, she got the idea of what he's doing, as she pulled one more time against the webbing, and got herself free. She floated down to the ground, just as the brunette jumped down to the ground, then charged forward.

Braedey didn't have time for the black-hair woman to thank him. He had to help in any way he can. He then saw another tanker truck, undamaged, nearby a turned over van, and had an idea. He ran up to the truck, then grabbed it, and after pumping much adrenaline into his body, his inhuman strength kicked in, and he lifted the truck up and above his head. He grunted from the weight bearing down on him, but he ignored it almost instantly. He gnashed his teeth together, then threw the tanker at the spider.

As it flew at the redback, it struck the thorax, and the tanker exploded on impact, making the spider screech out in pain, until it felt something grab it's front left leg. It looked with its eight eyes, and it sees Wonder Woman trying to pick it up with her strength. Then, it felt it's right front leg being tugged, and saw Braedey there. The two looked at each other, acknowledging what they're gonna do, and began to push. The spider didn't have time to recognise what the two were doing, until it felt its two front legs be pulled off with a loud RIP.

Braedey looked at the hair spider leg he had in his hand, then at the spider. "Oh, you want this back?" He asked the redback, who screeched in anger. "Okay. HERE!!" He suddenly threw the leg like a giant spear at the spider, piercing it through its tough thorax, killing it, at the same time Wonder Woman stabbed the other leg she had from underneath. The spider then fell over, dead, as a dead mustang flying ant crashed on top of it, killing the two instantly.

Braedey sighed, and wiped his forehead of the sweat that had accumulated there. He looked at the mess of dead mustang insects, and guessed there's more to this than just this attack. He then turned to the black-hair woman, only to see she's looking at him with a smile that a loving mother would have. But, how would he know? He's never had a mother before in his life, and he can't remember who his mother was, since his memories are fuzzy. But, as he looked at the woman, there was something about her that made him think.

"Ma'am, I'm sorry if I had intervened during you and your associates' attempt to kill these monsters." Braedey apologised to Wonder Woman, just as Batman, Superman, J'onn, and The Flash came up.

"Wonder Woman, are you okay?" Superman asked, then saw the dead redback under the dead flying ant. "Did you do that?" He asked the Amazon warrior.

"I didn't do it alone." Wonder Woman pointed to Braedey, who sat down on the ground, feeling exhausted. "He saved my life from the redback, then helped me kill it."

"He did that all on his own?" The Flash asked in surprise. Sure, he's seen some crazy things in his life, but this could take the cake.

Batman however, noticed something about the boy that seemed to make something click in his head. He can see the black strand of hair in the gold brown shaggy hair, and he saw it matched Wonder Woman's, along with his eyes matching hers, and they seem to almost have the same skin complexion and body stature, albeit the boy being about a head shorter or so than her.

Then, he remembered something Wonder Woman had told him and J'onn about a long time ago, saying she couldn't forgive herself for what she had done back in Themyscira, and she regretted doing it, but she knew it was for the best of his safety and his future.

Braedey slowly got to his knees, then looked to the five current heroes standing before him. "So, what are you gonna do now? Should I go and leave you all?" He asked.

"No." Wonder Woman suddenly walked up to him, and knelt down to him. He could see that her eyes showed pain and regret, but from what exactly? "Can...can I see your hand?" She asked, much to Braedey's confusion. He showed his left hand, revealing the symbol on his palm. Wonder Woman looked at it, then traced her fingers gently across it, making Braedey smile a little, whilst trying not to laugh too much. She looked up to his face, and she saw the smile. She got her answer. "It's you."

"What's she talking about?" The Flash asked, confused of what it going on.

"After all this time, you've grown..." She placed her right hand on the left side of Braedey's face, then moved some of his hair, revealing the silver tiara. "You've kept it. The silver tiara after all this time."

Braedey then realised something about this woman: her blue eyes, her black hair, and her gentle smile...all the puzzle pieces began to fall into place, as he looks at her on pure shock and awe. "Mother?" He spoke out.

Wonder Woman's eyes soon well up in tears, then she hugged him gently, while he hugged her back. "My son." She smiled, while tears rolled down her cheeks after a very long time. "After all this time, I thought I'd never find you."

Batman and Superman now know what Wonder Woman is talking about. This boy, this unknown teenager who had helped one of their own, turns out to be the lost son of Princess Diana.

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